Grandma's Moths

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Why can't I just die in peace?

Okay, so I was tagged by Unigirl_is_a_Spider , who is AWESOME (go check them out) and showed me these rules above!

Now, because I don't like the attitude of that person who wrote it, I'm not gonna do shit. And I'm not gonna feel bad or embarrassed about it because I feel sassy today and empowered. So ya, I'm gonna do my own shit.

Let's get into it!

Ten (because I'm petty) Random Facts About Me:

1) I have four cats and a dog.

2) Said dog has major anxiety and is scared of the outside world (it's hard to get her to go to the bathroom outside).

3) I wear glasses!

4) I'm surprisingly social despite the amount of anxiety I have and despite the time I spend on WattPad.

5) I like fashion (which may or may not be surprising).

6) I might have already said this, but I can sew.

7) I'm 5'3" (or maybe 5'4"??? I'm not sure.)

8) I have a sister (I know, shocking. It's not like I idolize every action she does and boast about her whenever someone mentions family on WattPad which may or may not be super annoying).

9) You guys have probably already stopped reading this a long time ago.

10) I'm really hungry rn.

And that's it! I'm done! The rules said to name the tag something weird so I did, but that's pretty much all I'm doing.

I'm not gonna tag anyone cuz I'm lazy and if you wanna hate me, go right on ahead, I won't mind, nor will I possibly care.

Well, see you guys later!

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