Tag #7

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Beth_Haddock tagged me again! Yahoo! Thanks!

So, let's get this over with...

1. What is your philosophy on life?
Thanking God for everything (it's one of my ways of praying)

2. What is one thing you'd like to change about yourself?
Idk...maybe talking to people more easily (like cashiers) I am extremely shy.

3. Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?
*Looks up what these words mean* Introvert

4. Which parent are you closer to, and why?
I'm more closer to my mom. My dad's always In his office most the time, while my mom is out with me and my brother in the living room.

5. What makes you feel accomplished?
Cleaning, finish writing a book, and finish my schoolwork

6. What is your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you?
Mmm, tuff one. My favorite movie is obviously httyd (which one?! Ahhh!!!!). And I can't think of why it spoke to me.............

7. Who is the one person you can talk to about everything?
My brother...we share the same stuff.

8. Have you ever lost anyone close to you?
No, but I did lose my cousin a few years ago, but I hardly knew her.

9. If you're in a bad mood, do you prefer to be alone or have someone to cheer you up?
My sister always cheers me up when I'm in a bad mood if I want her to or not, so idk...

10. Do you judge a book by its cover?
Yeah, and movies. I first judged httyd! Ugh, seriously? Its the best movies ever!

11. Did you ever write in a journal?

12. What are you thankful for?
My family, my friends here on Wattpad, the miracles God blessed me and my family with, and I can't think of anymore.

13. What is one thing that people misunderstand about you?
Uh..........I have no idea

I grew up in a tall family; I happen to be the shortest. So when I want to put things on shelves myself, (actually most likely on the highest shelves) I'm sometimes am a bit short for it. I get embarrassed by asking a sibling. But I might be taller than most girls, I guess. Or maybe I'm just average. Idk. But I grew in a tall family. So...I'm just different than my family.

14. What is one thing on your bucket list for this year?
Cleaning my room...

15. What's your biggest regrets in life?
Not going to the event to see the Solar Eclipse in Dallas (Even though from where I live, you could only see half of it). I thought it was something like a blood moon. Not that big of an event! *Slaps my hand on forehead* STUPID!!

Tag some people who don't have to do this if they did it before:







I'm not much of a tagger... Yep, there y'all go! Enjoy!

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