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Hi :)

''I... I overslept.'' Jungkook said, stuttering a bit while he still stood in the doorway.

''Alright.'' Jimin sighed. ''Sit down, and I wanna talk to you after class.'' He sternly said before turning towards the whole class. The younger nodded and walked towards his desk.

''Oh come on Mr. Park, he's just five minutes late!'' A girl said with her arms crossed.

''I'm sorry? What's your name?'' The teacher said with a raised eyebrow.

''Amber, Amber Liu.'' The girl said still with her arms crossed.

''Well, Amber. I don't remember asking for your opinion so please keep your mouth shut. Unless you wanna stay after class too.'' Jimin said to her. Amber opened her mouth to say something but shut it right after. ''That's what I thought,'' Jimin said, nodding satisfied. 

''Anyway, today we're starting-'' He started but someone knocked on the door. ''Damn it, can't I just teach in peace.'' He mumbled under his breath before opening the door where a tall young man stood with a bag.

''Good morning Mr. Park I'm sorry to interrupt your lesson but one of my friends  forgot this.'' He said while holding up the bag.

''It's fine.'' The teacher sighed. ''Who's your friend by the way?'' He then asked.

''Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook.'' The man replied.

''Hmm right. If you may want to give me the bag and leave?'' The teacher asked the young man who looked confused but nodded and gave him the bag and left.

''Can I get my bag?'' A voice asked in the back of the class.

''You can get after class,'' Jimin replied shortly. ''Anyway, let's get finally started.'' He said and walked over to his desk. 

(Small note: they're in Korea, so their first language isn't English.)

''I want you guys to write a poem in English. It must have ten lines, more is always welcome. I prefer rhyme, especially vowel rhyme would be amazing so you can show your skills. I want it to be in perfect English and good sentences. No basics allowed or you have to write it again. Any questions?'' The young asked his students. ''Yes, Hoseok?'' He asked the boy who's hand was raised.

''Is full rhyme allowed?'' He asked.

''Of course, full rhyme and vowel rhyme are both allowed. Half rhyme isn't though. Any more questions?'' The teacher asked again. 

''Does it have to be about a special subject?'' A boy asked somewhere in the class.

''No, but be original of course. Any more questions? No, then let's get started. One more thing, I want it handwritten, so no laptops allowed. You better have neat handwriting, if I can't read it you will have to write it again.'' He said sternly, he grinned when he students groaning and then sat down. 


''That man is so damn annoying.'' Jungkook groaned.

''Tell me what, I thought he was nice. But a poem, in English, ten lines, handwritten and with rhyme? Damn that's quite the opposite of nice.'' Hoseok said groaning too.

''Can I borrow a pencil by the way. That man still has my bag with everything in it.'' Jungkook asked Hoseok. 

''Sure, anyway good luck already after class.'' The elder grinned while handing the younger a pencil.

''Double thanks and even though he is an ass. He does have a nice ass.'' Jungkook smirked. 

''Jungkook! He's a teacher and by the way since when are you a perv?'' Hoseok said, slightly scolding him.

''You know I'm right, and I'm not a perv!'' The younger argued back. 

''Yeah~ if it helps you sleep tonight.'' The elder replied, rolling his eyes.

''Guys, how far are you with your poem?'' A voice suddenly said next to their desk.

''Well, actually.'' Hoseok started and looked with an angled eye on his paper.

''You better start working on it.'' The teacher frowned.

''Does it have to be done today?!" Jungook asked him, almost freaking out.

''No don't worry.'' The elder chuckled. ''But as long as you're here I will be able to help you, so it's only for your own benefit.'' He said before walking away.

''You know what I hate about him?'' Jungkook asked as soon as the teacher sat down again.

''Probably a lot, but go ahead,'' Hoseok said, shrugging his shoulders.

''He seems always right.'' The younger said while looking at the teacher as if he wanted to kill him.

''Wow, seriously.'' The elder looked at him with an unbelievable look before shaking his head and turning his attention towards the paper.

''How the hell am I gonna write this poem thingy when I ain't good at this at all and on top of that my English sucks.'' Jungkook silently groaned before putting his head in his hands with a deep sigh. Not knowing his teacher is looking at him with a deep frown. 


''Alright class!'' The teacher began and walked towards the front. ''Class is over for today. I'll see you guys tomorrow, don't forget to bring your poem with you. And you, Jeon Jungkook, don't forget to stay.'' He said and right after the bell rung.

''You got some timing teach.'' Amber grinned and walked out. 

''I know.'' The teacher chuckled and watched everyone going out and then looked at the young boy. ''Come over here and close the door.'' He started to which the younger sighed but stood up anyway to close the door and then sat in front of his teacher's desk. 

''Look, I just overslept this once. It won't happen again.'' The young boy sighed while looking at his teacher.

''Even though Hoseok said you would be late 'again'. That wasn't what I wanted to talk about, any idea what it may can be?'' He asked the boy in front of him with crossed arms.

''My grades?'' He replied, almost whispering and now looking down. 

''Indeed.'' The teacher nodded. ''You can look up though I'm not that scary. I'm glad you know your grades aren't the best too. Do you have a reason for it?'' The teacher asked him.

The younger looked up to look at the elder's face, looking if he just wanted to be nice or if he really cared. It seems to be the last one...

''I have no idea, I just suck at English. I struggle with it ever since middle school, I kinda gave up on learning it. It'll be better if I just concentrate on the other subjects, right?'' He said towards the older with an attitude. 

''Look Jungkook.'' The teacher sighed and leaned forward, his arms resting on his desk. ''You're a smart kid, you're great at the other language subjects. Korean, Japanese, Chinese you got at least an A on all of them if it isn't an A+. It means your language skills are pretty good, then why not English?'' He asked the boy in front of him.

''English doesn't have characters.'' The boy shrugged. 

''You don't need to put on an attitude Jungkook. And are you really planning on giving up on English, you won't be proud of yourself once you finished school you know.'' The teacher explained to him.

''I was thinking I may could do some things with you.'' The younger said looking down and biting his lips.

''Look Jungkook-'' The teacher began, but when he looked at the boy he finally got what he really meant. ''No Jungkook, no, no, no we are not gonna do that!'' Jimin said and leaned back in his chair.

''But, please? I really want my grade to be higher!" The youngest begged.

''You just said you kinda gave up on English. That doesn't sound like you really want it you know.'' The English teacher said, raising an eyebrow.

''Just... please?'' The bunny boy said with pleading eyes. But the elder didn't insist.

''No Jungkook, just no. You're dismissed, you may go.'' The teacher said, sighing and turned a bit so he was now looking out of the window.

''Can I have a paper with why I'm late?'' The boy said as he stood up to which the teacher nodded and grabbed a paper and pencil to write down the reason why the boy was late.

''Make sure to close the door,'' Jimin said before looking out the window again and letting out a deep sigh.

Jungkook nodded and walked towards his next class, music. Also a new teacher...


Thanks for reading!💜

Feedback is appreciated❤️

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