Random Stuff on my Phone

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Exactly what the title says. Mostly found from Pinterest.

A conversation definitely about Robin, involving Lucinda or Sammy, maybe even both.

Most of the second gen when they start moving out of the tower

Miguel's first part time job and Pandora called his pizza joint before calling up Will, who also worked at another pizza joint.

Evelyn would be a smart-ass and talk in Japanese, breaking the teacher.

Kat is our tomboy chick, Conner is Brutus and excited about being the fake... Well...

A conversation Dawn would be having with Avocet with Adria in the background dying since she knows the gang.

Dawn and Kane. Don't even try to deny.

If Andrew had darker hair, this would be him. Also, he does have that sweater.

Jamie is Mira's dorky boyfriend. ≧∇≦

Adria, Avocet and Kito. That is all that needs to be said.

Charlie works at the cafe Evelyn frequents to read and this happens when he begins to grow feelings for her. Coworker is the school flirt, so Charlie would knock him out.

Non-chalant: Jamie, Pandora, Miguel, Charlie, Adria (if she didn't build it)
Worried: Allisen, ANDREW (majorly so), Evelyn
"MY SANDCASTLE": Dawn, Kat, Conner, Adria (if she built it)

Something I wanna use for angst, perhaps? 0w0

Kat and Scarlett, the first month together.

Charlie and Evelyn. That is all that needs to be said.

In order, we have: Dawn, Andrew, Jamie, Lucinda, Kat, the whole team, Kat, the whole team, Kat, Andrew, Dawn, Adria and Miguel.

And that's all I got for now. Still looking through.

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