Secret Talents of The Next Gen

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Not only is she able to sing, she is actually able to rap, and is hoping to rap as Eminem.


Jamie has definitely taken after his father and loves cooking, but he has a secret adoration for baking. He tries to lie about it though and will say he ordered whatever he baked from a cake store or Andrew made them.


Not really surprising, but due to being so atheltic, she has mastered most combat styles quite swiftly for her age.


Surprisingly, Charlie enjoys drawing just as much as computers, so he has combined the two and now works on digital art, along with animation.


It's no lie that Evelyn usually thinks with her head, then used logic but one that she does involving creativity is photography, along with digital editing. She loves the line "A picture can say a thousand words" and will do everything she can to make sure her photos live up to this line.


This sweet little bean is actually incredible with science, especially biology and chemistry . He always gets top marks in school for his science classes and it's one of the best conversations he can have with his siblings.


Miguel is one of the most surprising. He is able to knit, sew and crochet! He had secretly made teddy bears for Dawn and Conner, and after hearing Adria is pregnant, he started working on a large project...

Conner's Teddy

Dawn's Teddy

Teddy for Adria's child/children


Adria kinda brags about what she is good at, unless it's something most people don't approve of. One thing she is partially embarrassed about though is how damn good with kids and animals she is. She gets really humble but she adores the innocence of children, and has a fascination with animals.

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