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Third person

Scott quickly ran home from the forest. He was nearly two hours passed his curfew. His phone was ringing and vibrating with angry calls and texts from his mother. She was always more strict when it came to things like curfew.

The brunette opened the front door to his home quietly, only to be greeted by a boney hand, slapping his face. It took him a moment to realize that it was his mother's hand, bony fingers and painted nails. It all happened so fast that he had to take a moment to process what had just occurred.

"Where on Earth have you been?!" She screamed, cutting right to the chase and not waisting any time for chatter.

Scott didn't know what to say. His mind was going totally blank. His mother had been cruel, but never this irate with him. She was smoking with anger and the redness in her cheeks reflected her furiousness. She almost resembled a  ripe tomato.

"Answer me right now!" She yelled, slapping him again.

Scott was in shock. His face stung with a burning sensation from the amount of force that his mother had hit him with. And getting hit in face certainly didn't help him clear his mind of the fog that formed.

"I-I um... I was... There was... T-There was an accident! Fritz and two other boys! They got attacked by a bear in the woods!" He lied, his mind twisting pieces of the truth with an animal that was actually believable.

His mother now looked confused. Surely if there were an attack it would be in the news, wouldn't it? If three boys were hurt and or killed, surely someone other than Scott would know.

"What are you talking about Scott? There was no attack..." She said, looking her son up and down before seeing the blood on his clothes.

"They were outside the woods! I was coming home from the library and heard them scream! I swear it Mother! They're dead now! They were ripped to pieces by a bear and I couldn't help them!" The brunette continued, sliding down the wall, tugging at his hair, and faking a good convincing cry for dramatic affect.

The woman before him went completely silent. Some part of her wanted to think this was just something Scott made up to avoid getting in trouble, but the rest of her wanted to cradle her stressed son for having to witness such an event.

She sighed and sat down next to the brunette, pulling him close and petting his hair. No matter how cruel his mother could seem, she always had a weak spot for her only child.

"It's okay honey... It's over now..." She soothed him.

His mother was ready to give the brunette a severe punishment, but now she couldn't bring herself to, not after hearing the lies he told her. The loving side of her wouldn't let her punish him at the moment. Right now she just wanted to focus on calming her only son.

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