The Police

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Third person

For the time being with the situation at hand, Scott's parents refused to let him leave the house. This made him worry because Vincent was still hurt and he needed to care for him. But alas, the protective parents wouldn't let him out of the house.

The police had been contacted by the brunette's mother earlier in the morning. Scott had barely slept at all because of the stress he was under. He felt like he was suffocating, like the weight of the whole town was on top of him. After all, he was the one who "found" the bodies and told the police what happened to them.

The first place they would look would be the edge of the forest. They wouldn't find the bodies there because they were deeper, in the clearing by Vincent's cave. Scott didn't know Jeremy had relocated the corpses to a less open, more tangled mess of woods.

The worried brunette paced back and forth in his room. The stress was eating away at his insides, almost like a zombie was tearing him apart. He couldn't keep his mind off Vincent, no matter how hard he tried. The Naga was the one thing he loved and he didn't want to lose him.

The authorities were already searching the edge of the forest. They wanted to get it over with as soon as possible. Even they didn't like the woods. The few searched part of the inner forest, only to discover the three mangled boys, tangled up in vines, surrounded in grass, and covered with blood.

They called the coroner to get the mess cleaned up and started looking for traces of the bear that attacked them. There were several bear sightings in the past year, so Scott's story did make some sense. They could have been attacked because they provoked it, they were stupid teenage boys after all.

The search party had been at it for a good three hours now with no sign of a bear. They didn't want to go too far into the woods because even they believed the stories. They decided to call it a day and head back to the station.

They couldn't find any sign of a bear, so they only had one lead: Scott. He was the one who told his mom about the bear attack and she was the one who called the police. The brunette was the only witness to the tragic event and would be the only one worth questioning. The police station called the home telephone that his mother answered.

"Hello Mrs. Cawthon, this is the police station. We were wondering if you could bring your son in so we could ask him a few questions about the attacks on Fritz Smith, Chet Wilde, and Brad Snyder? He was the only witness and we would like to know exactly what he saw." The officer explained, hoping to get closer to solving the case.

"My son will not be coming in any time soon. He is traumatized and will not want to talk about this situation at all. I will not let him become any more upset than he already is. Good day." She snapped, hanging up the phone and putting back on the wall.

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