Sketches #1

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I drew this for a long time ago. Just thought if you could share your opinions with me :3

That's Shadow Kid Book #2 cover made by me. It isn't completely finished cuz I'm just sketching.

Go check it out at PJShady if you like to read action - thriller book.

The title is "First Sight ❤" as you can barely see there.

I redraw this one from the original one. But I couldn't find it tho ^^"

What do you think?
I improved a lot since then if I can say so myself.

Psst. That's my ex crush I just drew >///<

That one is photo of (starting from left) Nightstalk, Moonlight, Lina, Me and PJ.

I was kinda wanted to save it for later at the end of my random book. But guess you guys get to see them earlier than I thought ;P

And this is an incomplete scene for my future plan comic, Shadow Kid.

It was on hiatus cuz I don't really have the experience to draw buildings and all XP

Well, that's all for today sketches.

See ya in the next update!


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