Worst Exam Day Ever T^T

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Ok, short story time!


    Last night, I slept too early; I was suppose to do my revision for the world's most complicated subject (in my opinion) ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS.

    So, I didn't do my revision and I regret it, SO FREAKING MUCH!

    Then, in the morning, I was so glad that I woke up early or I would be in frustrating situation.

    So, I took a bath, get ready for school and set off.

    On my way, I was having a bad vibe about today isn't going to be a very good day.

   And I was right all along.

   Out of the blue, there is a dog.

   A. DOG. 🐕 👈 (yes that is the DOG)

   As you see at the emoji, it was a friendly dog. TOO FRIENDLY!

   I saw it chasing(happily) other people. Then, I just thought that it wanted to play with them.

   And I never thought that it wanted to play with EVERYONE IT SEES! INCLUDING ME!

   So, there I was. Staring at it calmly while cautiously walking to school; trying to avoid it from chasing me.

   But oh boy(and girl), I was wrong! It chased me (happily) as I ran away (terrified) from it.

   Good thing, I survived with a heartbeat rate of 155 per minute.

   And let's skip to the exam room.


    As I was doing my test, I got nothing in my brain; blank. I'm just calculating as I wish it could be either right or wrong.

   But I believe 80% of it, will be completely wrong.

   I got back home with a feeling of regrets and grateful. What a weird feelings.


So, that was it. I'm getting bored and that's all I can tell you so far. Bye!


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