Hello, People With The Ability To Read

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Hello. This is my book. So yeah.

(What? XD)

Here if you comment some ships I will make a chapter with that ship and my crappy opinion! Exciting, right?


In my fandom-filled DREAMS!!

Not even there, because most things are sort of true.

Litten: Will I be shipped?

Admin (or Skyla? What do you prefer?): Uh, if people comment a ship with Litten in it.

Litten: NNOOOOOOOO!!!!!! *runs away*

Admin (Skyla): Three, t-t-twoooooooo, onee —

Litten: *bounces off air* oof!

Admin (Skyla): And there is the barrier. There is no escape.

Anyway, comment please!

I want to do something lol

I am bored.

Umbreon: HEHE

Admin (Skyla): Umbreon! Don't be a creep!

So yeah.

(Umbreon X Litten or something? I am bored.)


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