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OK, so just a general summary of what will be covered ahead: how to write character deaths and fakeout deaths convincingly and how to write female characters in a realistic way.

OK, so something I learned from being a DM way before I was considering being a writer. DO NOT KILL A CHARACTER WITH A FAKEOUT DEATH. And if you do, do it ONCE, and only that one time. Why? Because if a reader thinks that a character dies, but is repeatedly brought back to life, they will stop taking the story seriously because all of the emotional weight of any character dying ever would be removed, which gets rid of the reason for a fakeout death in the first place. So DO NOT DO IT. Oh, and if a character dies and it isn't a fakeout death, the reader will be primed to asusme that they will come back anyway.

Onto the female characters. So, in my opinion, you should probably base a female character off of someone you know, because if you don't then someone will probably say it is unrealistic, and that is because of stereotypes. In my opinion, you can see stereotypes outside of just media. They are imprinted into your head based on your knowledge of what different cultures, genders, etc. are like. This is why you often see unrealistic females, whether it is because of personality being replaced by what males are usually like or because of... appearance. Also, am I the only one who found Rey in The Force Awakens to be a GOOD character? I mean, sure the Force is probably a little too strong with her, but I like her curiousity to be realistic. Like in the scenes where she is just fucking around with her powers, I think that the filmmakers based that curiousity on someone they knew, since she has probably grown up hearing what Jedi can do and what the Force can do, and know she is seeing what SHE can do.

I know it has been a while since I updated anything. A new chapter of ANITKU is coming out soon. I promise.

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