Previous OC's Pokemon (pt. 2)

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See? Told you that would be out real quick! Anyways, this part is actually the part I was more interested in making because I've never posted it. This is basically the forms for each one of Tara's Pokémon! I gave them all my unique backstories (albeit slightly cliche ones XD) as well their personalities, movesets, and other things! So here it is!

Tara's Pokémon!

1. Gogoat
Gender: Male
Personality: Gentle, wise, courageous, sweet, sometimes shy.
Backstory: He was born on the Skiddo Ranch. However, he was neglected by his mom because he was born a runt, only half the size of his siblings. He would've just been released to the wild had it not been for young 9 year old Tara. She was just visiting when she saw the tiny Skiddo, and immediately fell in love. Not deterred by the fact that he was weak, she graciously took the little guy home. She raised and trained him in the hope that he'd grow bigger and stronger. Her hard work paid off, and he ended up growing even bigger than anyone would've expected!
Moveset: Horn Leech; Earthquake; Rock Slide; Wild Charge
Extra: He was the runt of litter, but is now bigger than most normal Gogoats. He is also rideable.

Gender: Male
Personality: Rash, daring, prideful, arrogant, stubborn
Backstory: He was born at the Professor's lab, and from the moment he was born, he knew he was special. The professor, dumbfounded at the fact that the Charmander was golden instead of orange, was intent of studying the nature of this miscolored Pokémon. And because Charmander was the primary subject of his tests, he was quite pampered. He soon realized how special he was, but that knowledge went right to his head. He became quite prideful, and his ego only grew once he was given to Tara and started battling.
Moveset: Flamethrower; Fly; Thunder Punch; Brick Break
Extra: He's a shiny! ⭐️ Also he can fly people around.

3. Espeon
Gender: Female
Personality: Serious, friendly, competitive, intelligent, resourceful.
Backstory: She was owned by a different trainer, but abandoned after refusing to evolve into a Jolteon. Shortly after being left in the woods to fend for herself, she was rescued by Tara. At first, she didn't trust her, and was very shy around the other Pokémon. However, Tara was able to gain Eevee's trust through her love. She evolved into an Espeon not long afterwards.
Moveset: Psychic; Shadow Ball; Dazzling Gleam; Signal Beam
Extra: She usually prefers hiding her emotions, so she looks super serious most of the time.

4. Nidoking
Gender: Male
Personality: Temperamental, brave, stubborn, tough, more brawns than brains.
Backstory: He was just a normal wild Pokémon. Well, except for the fact that he attacked any Pokémon or human that looked at him. Tara didn't even know why he was so aggressive, but she was able to tame him enough to where he won't usually attack someone unless he feels threatened or Tara is threatened.
Moveset: Sludge Bomb; Iron Tail; Earth Power; Megahorn
Extra: He attacks with more power when he's enraged for any reason.

5. Zoroark 
Gender: Female
Personality: Tricky, clever, sly, disobedient, playful
Backstory: She belonged to a Punk, but was frequently abused because she didn't like to listen to her trainer. Fortunately, her trainer got arrested for being a criminal (and an all-around jerk). Zorua was put in confinement, but was quickly released and taken in by none other than Tara. Despite being a trickster and liking to use her illusions a lot, Tara was very fond of her Zorua, and eventually Zoroark.
Moveset: Night Slash; Flamethrower; Extrasensory; U-Turn
Extra: She has a habit of bursting out of her poke ball, as well as trick people and Pokémon with illusions.

6. Lapras
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, considerate, shy, wary around most other humans.
Backstory: She lived peacefully in the middle of the sea alone before she was attacked by Pokémon poachers. She escaped them, but was injured so badly that she ended up washing ashore, desperate to find anyone that would help her. She was found by Tara, who nursed her back to health and then caught her, after unsuccessfully trying to release her back into the wild.
Moveset: Ice Beam; Surf; Confuse Ray; Zen Headbutt
Extra: She can transport people across the water.

(Oh btw the roleplay is "Pokémon X, Y, and Z (A Group Roleplay)" by Transformation-S. You should check out his account! He's got a lot of cool stories and roleplays!)

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