The Journey in Hell

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"Shut up." He said covering my mouth quickly and pinned me to a box. "I am a demon. You are a demon. I am your supposedly 'husband' from birth. The jasmuli determines our soulmates, and you are mine. I may be tall, but I am the same age as you, Lucinali. Yes, your demon name is Lu-seen-nah-lee, not lucina-lie. As demons, you come with two names, a demon and human name. For example, your life story explains why you need a human name, or regular work demons go into the human world need a human name. Now, must we continue our slow journey to your actual home?"

"What the literal fluffy cake? Did you just ask me to act normal indirectly after saying something that describes and involves my life and completely think it was okay for us both to ignore that like it never was said-"

"Yes." He smirked lustfully and held my waist softly. He smiled and pulled me closer until our lips met with a firm, warm kiss. It felt like Rolvam's, who is actually Mr. Valmor, kiss in the mix up game. His grip was tight and firm as it went on. He opened his eyes and dipped my limp body as I stared into his pupils with immense feelings. Those feelings were anger, yet I was feeling lust for more of him.

"Don't ever do that again! As your so-called-princess, I demand it."

"Can't help it. When two soulmates are near each other, it is usually the woman who is lustful for the man, but rare cases consist of the man being lustful such as myself. However, someone dies before they meet the other mate, which causes them to be lustful towards two, and etc. Look, we gotta keep moving. You are distracting me."

"Oh really? So doing this would distract you." I purred into his ear as kisses were trailing down his cheek to his lips. I held on to his shirt and right behind his ear as I pushed closer to him. Rolvam's eyes went wider than a football field as he yanked my hips up to his pelvic bone, and grinding his teeth was the only reaction I could get out of him. I slid out his grasp and touched his nose seductively.

"And let's go-" He pinned my body to the brick building; his hands roamed my body as he glared into my eyes. The dark look in his eyes brought only pleasure to my carressed breasts, hips, and bottom, and then, his left hand went down to the ruffles of my dress before sliding up between my bosom. His hand finally resting on my chin, which warmed my whole body as I squirmed.

"Don't tease the beast in me. I can take you anywhere I please and do anything I want to you because I am in control. You can't do nothing in this place without me." He was absolutely right, but his dominance urged me to push his buttons and any limits he had for me. I resisted as strong as I could until he released my arms from over my head. Determination linger in the silence, but that feeling soon was replaced with awkwardness as his eyes fell black and fangs grew. "RUN GIRL. RUN! DOWN THE PATH TO THE LEFT BUSH!" He ran towards something behind him. The defiance in my body made me grab the axe leaning on building and swing towards a now visible man.

His eye was scarred from his eyebrow to his lip. The evil grin on his face made the swing even more poweful before the result could process through my head. He was dead, and the half of his body was completely away from his head to his waist. The power inside my body raged as the next man stood taller and more destructive. The battle grew tense between the man whom had a desired me deseparate enough to fight me for me! The battle between Mr. Valmor and two other men was never ending as cuts and scratches were given to each other. Every step had an idea of the next one ahead of it. The two men eventually gave up after I defeated the man who fought me, and his body was left in horror, brutally cut and severed in half.

Mr. Valmor held my hand as he had a gash on his arm. I reached to ease the pain, but he growled in pain. He would not let me touch him other than holding his hand. I noticed he squeezed tightly as the gash started to heal. His face showed confidence and determination. He appeared in my head again. "As a princess, you can heal people. I can heal on my own, but your power doubles my healing ability. Just... hold my hand a little longer. Your hand is tiny anyways."

"Shut up! I should let you bleed!"

"Awww! Would you really do that to your mate?"

"Yes, pervert!"

"I thought you were falling for me. I know those kisses turned you on. The way I make you feel. You honestly cannot say you hate me." His grin grew as my face grew dark red. He soon let go of my hand and began to standing. He got up slowly as he looked for other enemies around, and when none were found, he pushed me in my back!

"Hey!-" I turned up my nose as he used hitting my back as an excuse to move down and grab my bottom. He looked at me with an evil look.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He chuckled as we ran into the woods nearby. I huffed and soon, I smiled before disappearing. I ran into a patch of pine straw as I saw him deseparately find me. He was really scared, and actually, it hurt me that he could not find me. 'Dang it, I'm behind you. Just stop being so pitiful."

Mentally, I could say that I was having a breakdown because I do not even like this guy, but we are soulmates. Now, I feel bad, and the feelings are actually growing. Mr.Valmor looked into my eyes before dashing at me. His eyes were dark red with sparkles of green as he was soon on top of me. Barely being able to move, I was pinned my a lustful Mr. Valmor. His eyes traced my body, hands slid over my breasts, and knees moved up to my core as I did not fight it. I lost control of myself as he groaned into my ear. I was rubbing the back of his neck as he left small bite marks down my neck. He rapidly started rubbing his knee into my lower region to get small moans out my mouth. He did not let me move as he slid his hand up my dress.

My underwear was slowly removed before he stood up and threw my underwear into a lake. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!"

"Cause I want to. Now, let's get back on track." He laughed as I got up and pinned him to a tree. I forced my brain to kiss my soulmate before lust could take over me again. His eyes were like hearts when I pulled away.

"Now, I am your princess, so I demand you either finish the act or do not start it."

"Y-yes M-m-ma'am-am." He stuttered from how much pleasure he got from the little we had did. However, his inner demon drove for more, but he held back so he could take me back to the castle, where I should have grown up at. He noticed a flower patch by the lake and smiled.

"Look at the flower patch. Does that ring any bells to you?" I glared around at the patch and sunk down into memory.

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