Two Guys and One Girl

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‘Bloody hope, he’s good’ I thought in fear. I heard the whispers as I walked to the gym; it was my least favorite class of the day usually. However, it is nothing compared to the creepiness from Mr. Valmor. ‘Oh, So I am creepy now,’ he purred in my thoughts as I felt a warm hand on my hip slide up my waist. In fear, I jumped and immediately pulled away from the hand, and the bright green eyes and lustful smirk that made me shudder was standing in front of me. “Hello Miss Carolina. You’re running late for gym, aren’t you?” I nodded slowly turning around to continue my way to the gym, and he followed darkly with suit case in hand. Mr. Valmor caught up with me as I increased speed, and his hand grabbed my hand. It spun me around and pinned me to the wall. “How was it darling?”
 “Get away from me jerk!” I repeatedly squirmed as the janitor made his way around the dark hallway to the gym. He was an elderly man with white shaggy hair in his face. He was nearly blind, but it did not stop him from his job. Mr. Valmor was frightened by him and immediately pulled away; in a rush to get away, the janitor thought he was a senior skipping class. “Young man! You should be in class learning ‘cause back in my day, we couldn’t skip class. Or that meant we wanted to be some low life! Now I, Mr. Scarge, am telling you now that you are a terrible student for this and I’ll alert your parents, shorty boy.”, Mr. Scarge said with a booming voice as I giggled. Mr. Valmor groaned in agony. ‘That’s what you get.’ I thought in my laughter running to class. ‘Shut up my love’ appeared in my brain, and I was in agony of this perverted man in my mind. I entered the gym still giggling, and the coach appeared angrily. “YOU’RE LATE COLLIE! 5 LAPS ON THE 3” “YES MA’AM COACH BRASS!” I ran quickly into the locker room to change. I started changing when I saw a dark figure close the door. “Hey!” The figure reappeared with a warm smile approached me. In shock, it was Rolvam. “Hey… Carolina, right?” “Yes, Why are you in the girl's locker room?” “Lost of course. Sorry…” He looked down and immediately looked up in embarrassed seeing a half naked girl for the first time. Rolvam turned away as I slid into my gym shirt. “Rolvam, you can look now. See, I'm not scared of you looking. Not like guys haven't before. Long story short, you will never see me in a bathing suit or at the beach.” He giggled some and went around the corner to change quickly. It was hilarious as he rushed back around the corner; sliding in his socks, he hit the trash can nearby. His balance was thrown off and pinned me to the lockers. The closeness of him was unbearable because of his strong yet pleasing cologne. He grinned darkly and then, he walked away laughing. “Hilarious how helpless yet adorable your blush was on your face.” He walked out the locker room, and I was greeted with another person. “2 MORE LAPS FOR BEING LATE, COLLIE! YOU MAY HAVE MONEY, BUT YOU AIN'T GETTING PRIVILEGED, RODENT! GET OUT THERE YOU PIECE OF TRASH” “YES MA'AM BASS!” I rushed out giggling as she hollered, “WHAT WAS THAT YOU, ANIMAL?” I started running my laps giggling. Her husband worked at the fish house where Mrs. Cobwebbler would get her fish. She also ate 3 piece of fried fish for breakfast and baked fish for lunch, so she reaked with the scent of fish, bass to be specific. It was hilarious when she tripped over herself trying to catch up with the other runners. Coach Brass was not in the best shape to run; however, she made her way to catch up. Even after eating in her unhealthy ways, she manage to not vomit on the floor, unlike the 9th graders who take her 4th and 5th period. As I thought about the next big art field trip, I ran slam into Rolvam, and he tripped, caught his footing, turned around, and gave me a bear hug to maintain balance. I blushed quite darkly. His cologne was driving me crazy, and his hands hung low to my bottom as he sat in the embrace. ‘I never would never let go if I was in a more private place.’

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