A New Arrangement And New Discovery

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This chapter is brought to you by, The Velvet Room

3rd. Pov.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the ceiling for a few seconds until he looked at his phone. He noticed that it was still early, so I tried to go back to sleep, but before he could, his phone started ringing. He groaned as he picked it up.

Y/N: Hello?

Sona: Good morning, Y/N. I hope you a doing alright.

Y/N: It's five in the morning. I'm still tired.

Sona: I do apologize for this, but something has come up, and I could use your input on the matter.

Y/N: Is something wrong?

Sona: Not necessarily, but it does involve Asia, and I could use your help on the matter.

Y/N: *sigh* Alright. Where should we meet up?

Sona: Just come to school. We'll meet in the Student Council office.

Y/N: Ok. See you then.

Y/N hung up as he slowly and begrudgingly got out of bed. After he got ready, he grabbed his bag and headed out. Y/N was expecting to run into Saji on the way, but he never showed up. Y/N assumed that Saji was already with Sona. After some walking, Y/N made it to the school where Tsubaki was standing outside, seemingly waiting for him.

Y/N: Hey Tsubaki. Is everyone already here?

Tsubaki: Yes. Please, follow me.

Y/N followed Tsubaki to the student council office where the rest of them including Asia were waiting. When they got there, Y/N saw Asia in a kuoh school uniform sitting on the couch.

Y/N: Asia!

Asia: Y/N!

The two had a brief hug as everyone smiled.

Y/N: Are you alright?

Asia: I'm fine. Sona and Tsubaki were kind enough to let me stay with them. When I woke up, they gave me these clothes and told me about the school here.

Sona: Which brings us to one of the reasons why I wanted to speak with you. Given what happened last night, I thought it would be best if Asia was enrolled in the school as a first year.

Y/N: Ok, but why?

Sona: That leads to me second reason. Since she was able to summon a Persona, I thought it would be better for us to keep an eye on her in case she as to pass out like you did.

Y/N: That makes sense. If she were still at your home, you wouldn't be able to help her.

Sona: Precisely. Last but not least, I wanted to ask a favor of you.

Y/N: Depends on what it is.

Sona pulled Y/N away from the others as she spoke quietly to him.

Sona: I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm starting to not trust Rias recently.

Y/N: What makes you say that?

Sona: When I arrived at the church it was because I got permission from Azazel to be there. Even though you, Saji, and Momo were there without permission, I still managed to keep you out of trouble, but Rias entered unannounced. She had no reason to be there except for one reason.

Y/N: What's that?

Sona: She was expecting Asia to die so she could be reincarnated into her peerage.

Y/Ns' eyes went wide as he looked back at Asia who was talking with the others.

Y/N: But, why?

Sona: I have an idea as to why, but it's not my place to say. If I'm right, it's a very personal matter. I'll check into it later.

Y/N: So, what does this all have to do with a favor?

Sona: Right. Would you be willing to allow Asia to live with you?

Y/N: ...Huh!?

Everyone looked at Y/N, surprised at his outburst.

Sona: I know it's asking a lot, but with Asia being the second person to have a Persona, it makes sense that she would learn more about her newfound power from someone with actual experience, and with how Rias has been acting, I'm worried that she might go after her if she was with me.

Y/N: And you believe she won't come to my place?

Sona: Not unless there were more people were present. Since we do investigation on the Reflection after school, not only would it help give Asia experience on how to use her Persona, but it would also keep Rias or her peerage from trying to reincarnate either you or Asia. If Asia stays with you, you can better protect her since Rias would draw too much attention to herself.

Y/N: Why would that stop her? Aren't you two in control of this place?

Sona: Not necessarily. We were given permission to be here. Rias' personal problem involves her being back in the underworld. If she draws too much attention to herself then it would be a sign of irresponsibility and force her back to the underworld.

Y/N: Right. So, if she came to my home, it would seem like she came after both of us.

Sona: Precisely. So, what do you say.

Y/N: Alright. I guess when you put it like that it makes more sense to agree, but let's just make sure. Hey Asia.

Asia: Yes?

Y/N: How would you feel living with me?

Asia: Is it alright with your family?

Y/N: No family. It's just me in an apartment.

Asia: So, then it would just be the two of us?

Y/N: Uh, yeah.

Asia turned away and started to blush. Tsubaki saw this and grinned as Asia covered her face with her hands.

Asia: I-if it's alright with you, then I suppose I would like that.

Y/N: Great. Do you still have any luggage.

Asia then turned and faced everyone.

Asia: Oh, I forgot! It's all still at the church.

Y/N: We can go get it after school then. It'll help with knowing the route back to my place. So, what do we do now. I doubt Rias will just leave us alone after everything.

Sona: If she plans on talking with either of you alone, make sure you let one of us know before you go to with them.

Asia: You want us to go?

Sona: While Rias may be reckless, but she can be easily reminded of the consequences of her actions. Look for any of the student council.

Sona then went to her desk and pulled out an armband with an interesting symbol on it.

Sona: Any of us will have an armband with this symbol on it.

Y/N: I don't recognize it. What does it mean?

Sona: It's the symbol of my family. Since every member of the student council is a devil and member of my peerage, I figured it was a good way to let other devils know who they are affiliated with. 

Asia: That's a nice idea. I'll keep an eye out.

Y/N: So, what do we do now? It's not exactly close to opening.

Sona: I do apologize for waking you so early. You are free to spend some time here if you like. You can rest on the couch.

Y/N: I think I'll do just that. Asia, you should take a look around the school with one of them. Get a good grasp on the layout.

Asia: Alright. Would one of you be kind enough to give me a tour.

Tsubaki: I can. I don't technically need to work until school starts.

Y/N: And I'll be here resting here. My shoulder still hurts from yesterday.

Sona: If it gets worse let me know and I'll apply magic to it.

Y/N: Thanks Sona.

Y/N layed down on the couch as Asia and Tsubaki left the room as Sona sat at her desk going through papers. Time seemed to fly while Y/N was asleep. He didn't get a visit from Igor or "Odin" while asleep, so he slept soundly on the couch. After an hour or so, He felt himself waking up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Asia smiling down at him.

Asia: Good morning, Y/N.

Y/N: Asia? What time is it?

Asia: It's almost time for school. When I finished my tour, Tsubaki said I could wait here with you and Sona. Speaking of Sona, she had to make a private call and stepped out, but she told me that I should wake you up before school starts.

Y/N: I see. Thanks for doing that.

Y/N sat up and rubbed his eyes as he yawned. He grabbed his bag and motioned Asia to follow him.

Y/N: So, do you know the layout of the school?

Asia: Some of the classrooms are a bit confusing, but for the most part, I know where to go for what.

Y/N: That's good. Don't forget what Sona told you. If you need help or feel uncomfortable look for any of the student council.

Asia: I will.

Asia went to class and Y/N walked to his. Upon opening the door, the first thing he noticed was Rias looking down. Not sure what was wrong, he walked over to check on her.

Y/N: Hey Rias. Are you ok?

Rias: Y/N! Sorry. I'm fine. Just thinking about some things.

Y/N: Is there any way I can help?

Rias paused for a moment, and looked like she thought of something, but she shook her head and smiled.

Rias: No, not at the moment. Thank you though.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Rias: Yes.

Y/N: Ok then.

Y/N knew that he was supposed to avoid Rias, but a part of him was still concerned for the girl. He went to his seat and waited for class to start. While he was waiting, Y/N couldn't help but think of what Sona said.

Y/N: 'Why would Rias want to reincarnate Asia and I? Asia I can understand since she has a Sacred Gear, but me? All I have is a Persona, and I can only manifest it in the real world with a special field. I don't think anyone from the O.R.C. can even do that.

While he was thinking to himself Sona glanced behind her noticed Y/N was thinking to himself. She pondered for a moment as to what it could be but stopped when the teacher walked into the room.


Classes are over and it's time for lunch. Sona walked over to Y/N, which caught everyone's attention.

Sona: Y/N, would care to accompany me for lunch?

Y/N: Sure, I wanted to talk to you anyway.

The two walked out together as Rias watched them leave.

After some walking the two of them made it to the Student Council Office and saw everyone including Asia eating in the room.

Sona: Hello everyone.

Y/N: Hey guys.

Saji: Sup dude.

Asia: Hello.

Y/N sat with Asia and Saji while Sona went to her desk.

Sona: So, Y/N, what did you wish to talk about.

Y/N: Well, when you said the Rias might try and reincarnate Asia and I, it got me thinking. Why me? I mean, aside from my Persona, what do I have that she wants? I was only able to manifest Askr thanks to barrier field Momo made.

Sona: It may just be that.

Asia: What do you mean?

Sona: Rias might not have known that the barrier field was created by Momo. She must have assumed that it was a standard one. Meaning she doesn't know if there are certain requirements for your Persona to manifest in the human world.

Y/N: But what would drive her to do such a thing?

Sona looked at Tsubaki who simply shook her head.

Sona: I can't go into details, but I can say this. Devils are often not only seen as important figure heads, but also to make contracts.

Asia: Like a business deal?

Sona: Not exactly. Heirs and heiresses are often forced into a marriage contract with another family for business propositions or to improve the social status of the family. It's a normal thing for devils, so we often go along with it.

Y/N: And I'm guessing that Rias is in a marriage contract with another devil.

Sona: That would be the case.

Y/N: Thanks for the intel. I won't poke at the subject anymore.

Asia: Let's change the subject. I don't want everyone to be feeling down after everything that happened yesterday.

Saji: Good call. To start, I'm going with you into the reflection today.

Y/N: You are?

Saji: Yep. According to Sona, my Sacred Gear can affect the Shadows in the reflection.

Y/N: How does that work?

Sona: From what I was able to gather from before, these Shadows are evil and malice itself. Naturally, demonic energy from devils would either be ineffective against them, or just make them stronger, but Sajis' Sacred Gear uses draconic energy.

Asia: Oh, I get it. Since the energy isn't evil, it can harm Shadows.

Saji: Not quite. See, since I'm a devil I can't hurt them, but I can't make them stronger either. The best I can do is hold them still or toss them around. Think of me as the ultimate support.

Sona: Also, Asia, I was wondering if you would be alright with going with them today.

Asia: Me?

Sona: You don't have to. It's just that, since you also have a Persona now, our investigations within the Reflection could go a lot smoother knowing that there is someone who can tend to our wounds in there. Not only does your Sacred Gear have those capabilities, but I noticed that your Persona can heal us as well.

Asia: Are you sure you want me to go with?

Y/N: I can't think of a better persona. What about you Saji.

Saji: The Main DPS always needs a healer to help out when they can.

Asia looked and smiled.

Asia: Alright. I'll go. I'll be in your care.

Y/N: And we'll be in yours.

After that, they all just hung out until the end of lunch. Everyone went back to their classes, but on the way to his, Y/N talked more with Sona.

Y/N: Hey Sona can I ask for a favor?

Sona: That depends on the favor.

Y/N: I was wondering if Rias could come with us into the Reflection this time.

Sona: What!?

Y/N: Look, I know what you told me before, but hear me out. With what's going on with her, I can kind of understand why she would do what she's doing. I know it's wrong, but isn't this just her panicking? Trying to find a way out of it? I thought that if we brought her with us then she can see what I'm trying to do, and with Asia there, she can see what else we can do. She could see that we're more than just pieces on a board for her to claim.

Sona: You want her to see the things you do through your eyes through experience.

Y/N: In a way, yeah. Plus, with Saji there, he can keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't try anything.

Sona: I don't know Y/N. This is risky. 

Y/N: I know it is, but something just wants me to try and help her. I don't know if that's my Persona or my conscious, but I just want to help her in some way.

Sona: *sigh* I'll think about it.

Y/N: Thanks Sona.

The two went back to class together, now with a new question in mind. Should Rias join them on an expedition?

After a long and boring lesson, the day finally ended. Everyone was packing up and getting ready to go home. Y/N went on to the Student Council Office and met up with everyone else.

Tsubaki: Welcome Y/N.

Y/N: Hey. Is Asia here yet?

Tsubaki: Not yet. Is Sona with you?

Y/N: No, she stayed behind for some reason. I think she was going to talk to Rias.

Tsubaki: Any reason why?

Y/N: I may have asked for Rias to join us on today's investigation.

Peerage: WHAT!

Y/N: Look, I know you all said it was a bad idea, but I thought it would help her realize that we can take care of ourselves, plus, Saji will be with us.

Saji: What!? 

Y/N: Remember what the crow said. Shadows are pure evil. What if that applies to your devil powers as well?

Tsubaki: What do you mean?

Y/N: Well, devils produce evil energy, right?

Tsubaki: In a way.

Y/N: Well, what if that applies to shadows as well? It would explain why Sona had so much trouble fending them off last night. Your demonic energy is the same as their evil energy.

Saji: I get it.

Asia: You do?

Saji: If Rias tries to reincarnate you two, she'll only make things more difficult because our demonic energy would either have no effect on shadows or make them stronger.

Asia: Meaning, she would have to follow a strict set of rules when with us.

Y/N: Lowering her chances to try and make us join her peerage.

Tsubaki: You seem to have put a lot of thought into this.

Y/N: Rias seemed upset these past few days, and while Sona did say to keep my distance, I can't help but worry for her. Even if it's not my business, I want to help make happier in some way. Bringing her with us into the reflection just seemed like a good learning experience for her. I want her to realize that hard work can pay off. If Asia and I can get this strong, so can she.

Tsubaki: I see what you are going for.

Just then, the door opened revealing Sona and Rias. Everyone looked at the two, unsure of what was going to happen.

Sona: Y/N, I took you words under careful consideration, and have decided that Rias will be joining you for this expedition.

Rias: Thank you for having me.

Sona: I have also told her about what I am to expect from her. If anything happens to any of you, she will be held accountable.

Y/N: I see. Thanks Sona.

Sona: Let's get everything prepared for the expedition.

Everyone was gathering materials for the trip. Saji was hyping himself up and Some of the student council members brought out some laptops and what looked like surveillance devices.

Asia: Um, Y/N?

Y/N: Is something wrong Asia?

Asia: No, it's just... Can I talk with you outside for a moment.

Y/N: Sure.

The two walked out of the room. Sona noticed this and slightly smiled.

Y/N: So, what's up?

Asia: I just want you to know that you can rely on me.

Y/N: Huh?

Asia: This whole time, I've been relying on you and everyone else since before my Persona. I want you to know that from now on I'll be someone you can rely on. I don't want to be a burden, so I'll be working hard to be as strong as you. That way more people can rely on me in the future.

Y/N: Asia.

Asia: I just want you to know that I won't hold you back.

Y/N: You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Asia: Huh?

Y/N: Before, you were so unsure of yourself. Now look at you, gaining self-confidence and striving for improvement. You really are incredible.

Asia slightly blushed, but soon smiled at Y/N.

Asia: Just you wait. I'll be even more incredible in the future.

Y/N: I'm looking forward to when that happens.

Just like before, time seemed to stop as a voice rang out that only Y/N could hear.

I am thou... And thou art I...

Thoust has established a new bond...

It shall guide thee to...

Thou shalt be blessed when creating Personas of the Priestess Arcana...

Asia Argento Social Link: 1

Time continues as the two walked back into the student council office. Everything seemed to be ready. Tsubaki had a satchel that held some supplies, such as a first aid kit, a pair of binoculars, and some energy drinks. Rias was talking with Sona, and Saji was stretching. Sona noticed that Y/N and Asia were back in the room.

Sona: Alright everyone, gather around.

Everyone went over to Sonas' desk.

Sona: This is going to be a bit of a step up from last time. From what I was able to gather, the school building in the Reflection was distorted and disproportionate from the real building. The entrance however was the same.

Y/N: Except for the swirling vortex inside.

Sona: True, but now that we have Asia with us. I feel confident that we can try and get inside now.

Asia: Are we sure it's safe?

Saji: It might not be. When I first entered the Reflection, there were shadows coming out of buildings. There could be some inside.

Sona: That may be true, but we now know that demonic energy will only cause positive effect on them, but with Sajis' sacred gear, he can restrict their movement. Now then, your mission, is to enter the school and record anything you find inside. We don't know if there'll be new dangers inside, so be careful.

Rias: Then what's this camera for?

Rias holds up a camera that Sona gave her.

Sona: This camera was built from the underworld. It's used to scan for energy frequencies and such alike. If we can get a live feed on these shadows, we could look for weak points on their bodies. This'll make eliminating them easier. Right now, we just need to collect data.

Y/N: So, it's just another investigation. We can do that.

Sona: Remember though, this is in a place we know nothing about, so be careful.

Asia: I'll make sure of that.

Saji: And don't worry about me. Y/N can take point, so I'll keep my distance.

Sona: Good.

Tsubaki brought the mirror out from a closet.

Sona: Good luck and stay safe.

Everyone nodded and walked over to the mirror. Y/N and Saji walked in, followed by Asia and Rias.

Tsubaki: Sona, are you sure it was a good idea to let Rias go along.

Sona: Y/N had a good point. when he pitched the idea. Desperate times make people do desperate things. This may help Rias realize that she can't always get her way. Whether she comes to see that is up to whatever happens during this expedition.

Meanwhile, Y/N and the others found themselves back in the middle of the courtyard.

Y/N: That's weird.

Asia: What?

Y/N: Every time we enter the Reflection, we end up in the same place we were just at, but this time, the mirror sent us to the front of the school.

Saji: Maybe it's because the inside of the school is different?

Y/N: Could be.

Asia: Um, is anyone else curious as to why there aren't any shadows?

Looking around, the group found that what Asia said was true.

Y/N: That is weird.

Rias: Maybe they ran away?

Y/N: But, why?

Saji: Could've been when you beat that huge shadow yesterday.

Y/N: You think it was the leader?

Saji: Not quiet. Remember, a bunch of smaller shadows merged together to make it. That one shadow could have been the rest of them.

Asia: That would explain it.

Y/N: Let's talk about it with the other later. Right now, we have a job to do.

Y/N led everyone to the entrance of the school, and just like before, the door was open and a red vortex was inside.

Y/N: Here we are.

Rias: What is that?

Saji: Yeah, I'm still at a loss for word on thing.

Y/N: When I saved Asia, the shadows were dragging me to this place. My guess is that this is the actual entrance.

Rias: Is it safe?

Y/N: I don't know. I never got in.

Asia: Let's be extra careful. Who know, maybe the inside of the school is different like the outside.

Y/N slowly walked up to the entrance. He looked behind and saw the others keeping their distance.

Y/N: Really?

Saji: I can't fight shadows.

Rias: I'm just collecting data.

Asia: I'm actually scared.

Y/N: Well, at least Asia has a realistic reason.

Y/N looked back at the vortex. He reached out towards it. His hand went through with little resistance. He eventually walked through. It was weird for Y/N. He felt like he was in some kind of void. Although his feet were touching the ground it seemed like he wasn't moving. He kept walking forward until he saw a bright light. He covered his eyes until the light died down. Y/N soon uncovered his eyes and saw that he was in what appeared to be the school, but it looked different. Meanwhile, back with the others, they all stood at the entrance, nervously waiting for Y/N.

Asia: Do you think he's ok?

Saji: I don't know.

Rias: Maybe we should inform Sona.

Suddenly, Y/N pops his head out from the vortex.

Y/N: Hey!

Asia/Saji/Rias: Aaaahhhhhh!!!

Y/N: What are you all standing out here for? Come on. You need to see this.

Y/N then went back inside as the others stood there.

Saji: Well, if he's safe I guess that means we can follow him.

Asia: I guess I'll go first.

Asia was slowly approaching the vortex. She stuck her hand in it, and just like Y/N, she felt little resistance. She was about to take a breath when she felt something grab her. She tried pulling away, but whatever it was, was more powerful than her. Rias and Saji saw this and rushed to her. They grabbed ahold of her and tried to pull her back, but instead they were all pulled through. In a matter of seconds they all fell to the floor. They opened their eyes and saw Y/N looking at something. Saji got up and walked over to him.

Saji: So what was it that we needed to-

Saji was at a loss for words right in front of him was not the inside of the school, but instead what could only be described as a red light district.

Y/N: What the hell is this?

Saji: It's uh-

Asia and Rias walked next to the boys as they looked around. The moment they looked they both began to blush.

Asia: This is the inside of the school?

Rias: What happened to it?

Y/N: I don't know. Let's all stay close together. Asia, I want you up with me.

Asia: Understood.

Y/N: Saji, cover the rear.

Saji: You got it bud.

Rias: What about me?

Y/N: Rias, I want you to stay in the middle. Try and get as much footage as possible. Even if we aren't fighting shadows. I have a feeling this place may cause some future problems.

Rias: Alright.

The group started to walk down the red lit street, trying not to feel embarrassed as they looked around. During the whole time, they didn't encounter a single shadow, which they thought was strange.

Rias: Is it always this quiet?

Y/N: Hardly ever.

Saji: Seriously, what is with this place?

Asia: I'm not sure, but I'm getting a bad feeling from it.

Y/N: 'No shadows whatsoever. Something doesn't feel right. This is going too smoothly.'

Suddenly an alarm went off from a speaking on the wall. As the alarm went off, all of the building doors opened. Everyone looked behind them and saw a horde of shadows walk out of the buildings. They all turned to the group and began to walk in their direction.

Y/N: Run.

Saji: What?


They all began to run away as more doors started to open.

Rias: There's no end to this!

Saji: What the hell are we going to do!?

Y/N looked back and saw that the front doors were opening faster than them. He looked ahead to think of a plan, but as luck would have it, he saw a building that looked relatively normal ahead of them.

Y/N: There's another building ahead! Let's pick up the pace!

Everyone was running as fast as they could. They were almost at the door, when a shadow grabbed hold of Rias' leg, making her trip and fall.

Rias: Ahhhhh!!!

Asia: Rias!

Y/N saw this and stopped to run back.

Y/N: You two keep going!

As Y/N ran back, he pulled the chain on his arm.

Y/N: Askr, Mabufu!

Askr appeared, and as his eyes flashed, a wave of ice froze the shadows holding Rias, but the ones behind were breaking the ice apart to get to her. Rias looked back and saw the shadows getting closer she started to release her demonic energy, breaking free from the frozen shadows, just as the new ones were about to grab her. Rias panicked and began to charge up an attack, but Y/N grabbed her wrist and her attention.

Y/N: Save that for the real world! We need to go!

Rias was about to go follow Y/N but turned to grab the camera first. Y/N was a bit ahead. Rias would've revealed her wings to catch up, but she was so shaken with fear, she didn't think that she would be able to even get off the ground correctly. The two looked ahead and saw Saji with the door open at the end of their path.

Saji: Hurry!!

Y/N and Rias were running as fast as they could, when all of the sudden, the ice wall broke, revealing a horde of shadows, rushing towards them. Y/N made it to the room first while Rias was soon to follow. Once Rias got in, Saji slammed the door shut. Everyone backed away from the door. From the other side, the shadows slammed against the door.




Every time they hit the door, they also shook the wall. Y/N noticed this and looked at the door. He saw that the door was starting to break. Before the shadows could hit it again, Y/N ran to the door and pushed against it. The shadows hit the door one last time, forcing it open. Their arms began to slither into the room. Saji rushed to the door to help.

Y/N: Hurry! Barricade the door!

Rias: With what!?

Saji: Desks, Shelves! Use Anything in the room! And hurry!

Rias and Asia started to move a table together and pushed it against the door. They then saw a bookshelf against a wall. Asia pulled the chain around her arm and summoned her persona.

Asia: Völva!

Völva appeared and easily lifted the bookshelf and moved it over to the door. Rias even used her enhanced strength to move some tables and chairs to the door. After everything was moved, Y/N and Saji stepped away from the door.

Saji: That was close.

Y/N: Yeah. Thanks for the help.

Saji: Anytime.

Rias: Wait, listen.

Asia: I don't hear anything.

Rias: Exactly. I think they left.

Asia: Then where did they go?

Saji: Who cares. I'm not going back out there to check.

Y/N: Saji is right. With how many there were back there, we'll need to find a new way out.

Now that things seemed to settle down, Y/N got a better look at the building. It looked like the main lobby for the school. Everyone else noticed this too.

Saji: What the hell is this place!?

Y/N: Why does this place look like the school?

Suddenly a school announcement bell went off.


A young Mans' voice was heard over the P.A. system.

???: Greetings Students. I don't recognize any of you. Allow me to welcome you to our fine establishment.

Y/N: Hello!?

???: No need to yell. I can hear you loud and clear.

Asia: Um, where are we?

???: Why, you're in Kuoh Academy.

Rias: There's no way that's right.

???: Hmm?

Rias: First of all, our school isn't placed in a Red-Light district!

???: Whatever do you mean? It's always been here. Placed between debauchery, and perversion.

Saji: What?

???: The students follow through with such desires. It only makes sense.

Rias: That may be so, but that doesn't count for every student!

???: Are you sure?

Rias: What?

???: I mean, can you truly speak for every student, or are you only speaking for the ones you affiliate with?

Rias stepped back, as she suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

???: Anyways, you all need to get to the sports yard.

Saji: The sports yard?

???: We have an important game today, and I do hope that you attend it.

Y/N: How do we get there?

Everyone looks at Y/N, shocked to hear him cooperate with the mysterious voice.

???: Oh, I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Saji: Seriously dude!

Y/N: What?

Rias: We're not really going along with this, right?

Y/N: We don't really have a choice. We kind of barricaded ourselves in here, and with how many shadows are outside, we can't risk getting overpowered. At least this way we can find a potential way out of the school while we investigate this place.

Asia: We really don't have any other choice?

Y/N: Afraid not. The only thing we can do is keep moving forward.

Rias: I don't like this, but if it helps us get out of here, then I'm in. I'm pretty much powerless here, so I'll be counting on you.

Saji: As long as we don't linger here, I'm fine with whatever. I'll have your back.

Asia: I said I wanted to be more reliable, and I meant it!

Y/N: Alright then, let's go.

Y/N group walked up some stairs that were at the entrance. When they reached the top of the stairs, they say a long, dark, empty hallway.

Saji: Totally not creepy at all.

Y/N: Come on. Let's see if any of these rooms are unlocked. Maybe we can find something useful in them.

They went down the hall, checking every door that they passed by, but all of them were locked. It didn't help that the windows were all dark, so no one could see inside the rooms to check them. While they were walking down the hall, they suddenly hear a set of footsteps. They looked down the hall and saw a shadow.

Y/N: Now there's a shadow?

Saji: It's only one. We can take it.

Rias: Shouldn't we avoid as much conflict as possible?

Y/N: Normally yes, but we don't have a choice. The only way we can go is forward.

Y/N then looked at the shadow and ran up to it, swinging his katana at its head. What surprised him was how easily the shadow was decapitated.

Saji: Well, that was easy.

Suddenly, the shadow burst into what appeared to be a black vortex. Y/N backed away as the vortex died down revealing a light-blue skinned woman in a white dancer outfit.

Everyone: Huuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!!!!??????

Rias: Is that a shadows' true form?

Saji: You mean to tell me that I've been fighting hot babes this whole time!?

Asia: She's so pretty!

The woman then started to dance in the air began to condense and swirl in front of her. It even started to look light green.

Y/N: Magic?

The woman then twirled, and the condensed air was thrown at the group. They jumped back as the floor was destroyed.

Y/N: Even if this is the real form of a shadow, it's still an enemy.

 Asia: Y/N's right. Let's do this.

Y/N and Asia summoned their personas as Saji and Rias stepped back. Askr dashed towards the woman and swung his sword, only for the woman to twirl out of the way. Völva then blew her horn as a ball of light was thrown at the woman, but just like before, she danced in the air and dodged the attack.

Asia: So fast!

Y/N: We can't even touch her. Even for a shadow, she's pretty amazing.

The woman smiled at this. She danced in the air and dashed towards Y/N, getting right in his face.

???: Oh? Do you think so?

Y/N: Huh?

???: You said I was amazing. Did you mean that?

Y/N: Uh, yeah.

???: *giggle* Well aren't you an interesting one.

Asia: You can talk?

???: Of course I can.

Asia: You're very pretty.

???: Why thank you.

Rias: What is happening?

Saji: I'm not sure, but let's see how this plays out.

???: Now, why did you attack me?

Y/N: Aren't you a shadow?

???: Hmph. I'd never fall so low as to be a shadow. I was trapped in that thing for so long. It was a nightmare, but then you come along and attack me out of nowhere.

Asia: So, people like you a stuck inside of shadows?

???: That, or we become those monsters.

Y/N: Are you ok now?

???: That depends on you.

Y/N: What do you mean?

???: What do you think of my dancing.

Asia: It was very nice, even when you attacked us.

Y/N: Asia is right. It was almost majestic.

???: Oh, well aren't you a charmer. Alright then, I suppose it's decided.

Y/N: What is?

???: My name is Apsaras. I'll be in your care from now on.

The woman now known as Apsaras bursted into blue flames until a tarrot card with a woman and a crescent moon.

The card then lowered itself and looked to enter Y/Ns' body. Just like before with the other two personas, information on Apsaras entered Y/Ns' mind. Y/N looked ahead and pulled the chain on his wrist.

Y/N: Apsaras!

The flames around him appeared, revealing Apsaras dancing around Y/N.

Asia: Wow! It's her!

Rias: That's incredible. It's like having more than one familiar.

Saji: So cool.

Y/N looked at Apsaras as she smiled down at him.

Y/N: Welcome to the team

Apsaras: I hope you treat me well.

Apsaras winked at Y/N as she soon disappeared. Rias and Saji walked back to the group.

Saji: What just happened!?

Rias: Yeah, what was that?

Y/N: I have the capability to have more than one persona, and according to Apsaras, a persona can either be trapped within a shadow, or become one.

Saji: That's neat trick.

Asia: Do you think I can get more than one persona?

Y/N: I think it's something only I can do. Apsaras was a persona similar to Völva, but Völva is stronger than Apsaras.

Asia: Oh. Then I just need to keep getting stronger with my persona, right?

Y/N: Exactly.

Asia: I'm a bit upset that I don't have that talent, but I'll keep doing my best.

Rias: At least now you don't have to fight every enemy we find.

Y/N: Rias is right. If I can attain more personas, it'll save us time and energy. For now, let's keep going. I have a feeling that if we make it to the sports field, we'll also find a way out.

The group kept walking down the hallway. Unbeknownst to them, a security camera was looking at them the whole time. On the other side was the silhouette of a mysterious figure smiling at the screen.

???: Looks like things are going better than I thought.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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