The Princess, The Priestess, The President

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3rd. Pov.

It's a new day and Y/N is currently walking by himself to school. He would usually walk with Saji, but he was in a hurry saying Sona wanted to get some things ready for the investigation. Saji seemed more pumped than usual which made Y/N smile. As he was walking, he heard a yell.

???: Ow!

He looks over and sees a girl fallen onto the ground. Feeling inclined to help, Y/N runs over.

Y/N: Are you alright.

Upon closer inspection the boy sees the girl entirely. She's a bit shorter than him, with long blonde hair and green eyes. She appears to be wearing a priestess dress and a veil on her head. She looks up and sees Y/N holding his hand out to her.

???: Yes. I'm alright. Thank you.

As Y/N helped her up a large gust of wind blew her veil off. Y/N was quick to act and caught it before it blew away. He handed it back to the girl as she smiled.

???: Thank you so much. *sigh* I'm such a klutz.

She goes to the ground and starts repacking her things.

Y/N: Here, let me help.

Y/N proceeds to fold and place her clothes back in her suitcase. After a while, they finished and closed up the suitcase. They stand up as the girl hold it in front of her.

???: Thank you once more for your help.

Y/N: I'm happy to help. My name's Y/N L/N.

???: It's nice to meet you. My name is Asia Argento.

Y/N: I don't think I've seen you before. 

Asia: I would think not. I just moved here. Actually, would you be kind enough to assist me with something?

Y/N: Sure. What do you need.

Asia: As I've said before, I just moved here. I was transferred to this place by order of the church and was informed that there was one here, but I don't know where it is. Do you happen to know where it could be?

Y/N thought for a while and remembered that there was an abandoned church on his route to school.

Y/N: I do. It's on my way to school. I can take you there if you'd like.

Asia: That would be very appreciated. God must have blessed me with meeting such a kind person.

Y/N: You think so? 

Asia: Oh, but of course. I asked many other people, but they weren't very kind. It must be a miracle that the first kind person I met here was you. Oh, but listen to me prattle on. Please, lead the way.

Y/N and Asia began walking together on his usual route. Y/N then started asking Asia about her life.

Y/N: So, Asia, where exactly are you from?

Asia: Oh, well I was abandoned by my mother at the church. I was raised there since birth.

Y/N: Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

Asia: It's fine. I've come to accept that a long time ago. Since I was raised in the church, I was a dedicated believer since I was a child.

Y/N: That must have been nice.

Asia: It was.

Suddenly, a crying sound can be heard up ahead. The two see a boy on the ground with a scrape on his knee. Asia runs ahead and kneels down to the boy.

Asia: Now, now. There's no need to cry child. Let me help you.

Y/Ns' eyes widened as a green light started to shine from Asias' hands and onto the boys' knee.

After a few seconds the scrape was gone, and the boy smiled and ran off. Y/N smiled at the boys' joy.

Y/N: That was incredible. How did you do that?

Asia: Oh, that? That was simply a blessing from God that I was born with in order to help people.

Y/N noticed that her smile was a bit sad.

Y/N: Well, it's one hell of a gift. You could be a saint or something.

Asia looked surprised by the statement and slightly blushed.

Asia: Me? N-no. There are many other people that could be better suited for such a title than me.

Y/N: I wouldn't be so sure. Not every saint was some grand figure. Some just did what they thought was right. Come on. We're almost to the church.

As Y/N walked ahead, Asia picked up her suitcase and followed behind looking down and whispering to herself.

Asia: Doing what you think is right.

Y/N: Asia, you coming?

Asia looked up and smiled.

Asia: Yes!

After a few more minutes the two finally made it to the church, but something was bother Y/N. Even though Asia was a member of the church, this church was a bit questionable. For starters, it looks like it hasn't been taken care of in years.

Asia: Is this it?

Y/N: As off putting as it is, yeah.

Asia: I must thank you again for guiding me to my destination.

Y/N: It wasn't any trouble. I was happy to help.

Asia: Would you like to join me inside for a cup of tea?

Y/N: Ah. I'd love to, but I have to get to school.

Asia: I see. How silly of me, of course. The uniform should have made it obvious.

Y/N noticed that Asia was looking a little sad. He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

Y/N: I'm sure I'll see you again. Besides, I want to talk more about that saintly power of yours. So, cheer up.

Asia: Right. I'll make sure that I'll have some fresh tea ready when you stop by. Have a nice day Y/N L/N

Y/N: You take care of yourself Asia Argento.

Y/N walked away as Asia waved him goodbye. Y/N glanced over at the church however, still getting an eerie feeling from it.


School ended with normal note and Y/N was packing his bags. Sona walked over to his desk and tapped his shoulder, grabbing his attention.

Sona: Y/N I just wanted to remind you about the project we have after school.

Y/N: Oh yeah! Don't worry about that. I'll stop by the student council office once I finish up here.

Sona: Good. Oh, and one more thing. We're going to have some guests in the room so don't get too surprised when you see them.

Y/N: Sure thing.

Sona smiled and then left. After a few minutes, Y/N got up and walked over to the student council. He knocked on the door and a voiced welcomed him inside.

Y/N: Am I late?

Tsubaki: No, we were just discussing something. Please, take a seat.

Y/N did so and noticed that Rias was seated in a chair to his side and Akeno was standing next to her.

Y/N: Rias, Akeno, what are you two doing here?

Sona: Since you've arrived, we can now begin. Y/N, remember when you told me the mirror disappeared. Well, as it turns out, Rias here was the one who had it.

Y/N: What?

Sona: Turns out, she had Akeno following you since your first day here.

Y/N: You were stalking me?

Rias: It's not like that! I just wanted Akeno to look after over you and help you if you were ever attacked by a supernatural being.

Akeno: Ara~ Ara~ Y/N-kun. Would you not want to wake up to me in the morning?

Y/N: You know I haven't really thought about it, but now that you mention it, no.

Akeno: So direct.

Y/N: Akeno, I don't think you understand how messed up that really is. You followed me, everywhere, and report to someone else about what I do. This- *gag* this is all kinds of messed up.

Akeno: A-aren't you being a bit too cruel?

Y/N: No, because you were stalking me.

Sona: To make matters worse, Rias and Akeno, both apparently knew you were in the other world.

Y/N: Oh, come on!

Rias: Well, I figured that if you went in through the mirror, you'd come out of it.

Y/N: Did you?

Rias: Eventually.

Y/N: You know what, that's fine.

Rias: Really?

Y/N: Yeah. I mean, you almost trapped me and Saji in there forever but hey, no big deal.

Sona/Rias: What!?

Sona: Saji! Why didn't you tell me this!?

Saji: I didn't think it was a big deal since we still got out.

Rias: Wait, what did you mean trapped?

Y/N: When you moved the mirror, it disappeared in the Reflection. We had no idea where it was.

Sona: *sigh* Anyways, Rias, Akeno, isn't there something you want to say to Y/N?

The two lowered they heads, slightly ashamed of themselves.

Rias/Akeno: We're very sorry for the trouble we caused.

Y/N looked at them and noticed that they weren't proud of themselves. Rias, who was usually cheerful and optimistic was now wallowing in shame, while Akeno, who was usually flirtatious was now embarrassed and slightly hurt. Y/N crossed his arms and looked at them like a disappointed father.

Y/N: I'm only going to say this once, so listen up.

Everyone looked at Y/N with anticipation.

Y/N: I still don't fully understand how this supernatural stuff works, but what I do know is that even if you had good intentions, your actions are inexcusable. By sending Akeno to "follow" me, you could have easily had made me a target to whatever threats there are.

Rias: But I-

Y/N: Even if what you say is true, your actions say otherwise. Whether you tell me the real reason or not, I don't care.

Rias lowered her head while Sona and her peerage were fixated on how Y/N was talking to Rias.

Y/N: Akeno.

Akeno: Yes?

Y/N: I wouldn't want to wake up to you in my bed, because that would imply that you broke in, and that's an invasion of my privacy. You would also break my trust. So, if you truly care about me, never do something like this again, unless you tell me first.

Akeno: I understand.

Y/N: Rias.

Rias: Yes.

Y/N: This probably the stupidest thing you could've done to handle the situation. You not only went behind my back, but you also put me in danger. If you thought carefully on what to do, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I wouldn't be scolding you, and you wouldn't be feeling ashamed and, or, embarrassed in you decision making skills.

Rias: I'm really sorry.

Y/N: I don't want you to be sorry. I want you to be better.

Rias looked up and saw the look in Y/Ns' eye. It was calm and focused.

Y/N: Everyone makes mistakes, but whether you own up to them is entirely up to you. Learn from them and make better choices.

Rias: Thank you Y/N.

Y/N: For what? I didn't forgive you.

Rias: Huh? But I thought you-

Y/N: I said make better choices. I never once said I forgave you. You want my forgiveness? Earn it like anyone else.

Rias: How do I earn your trust back?

Y/N: Easy. Help out when you can and be honest with me. I don't want us to have any secrets between us.

Rias: That's all?

Y/N: Yep.

Rias slightly smiled.

Rias: I think I can do that.

Y/N: Good. Then can start by giving Sona custody of the mirror.

Rias: What? Why?

Y/N: Because I know that Sona won't move it without telling me first. Plus, we kind of need it, and you have no need for it.

Rias: I guess that's true. I'll have it brought up as soon as possible Sona.

Sona: Right. Thank you.

Akeno: My~ my~ Look at you. Taking charge of this situation. You continue to surprise me Y/N-kun.

Y/N: I'm just doing what's logical. It's nothing impressive.

Sona: Well, I'd say this meeting has been enlightening to say the least. Y/N, are you prepared to go back in the mirror world?

Y/N: Yeah, though I don't really have any supplies.

The girl with white hair stepped forward with a bag in her hands.

???: No need to worry. We have plenty of things that could help. Medicine, first-aid, and some other stuff.

Y/N: Thanks, uh-

???: Momo. Momo Hanakai.

Y/N: Right. Thanks Momo.

She smiled and stepped back with the others.

Sona: Given the situation, I would like to accompany you for the first investigation.

Y/N: Are you sure Sona? I don't know if that's a good idea to come alone.

Saji: That's what we said, but she insisted that it was for research purposes, and if anything were to happen, we would step up.

Sona: If we all went in and Y/N got hurt who would help us from the outside. If only one of us went in, then the rest can enter as reinforcements.

Tsubaki: No matter how you phrase it, we can't let you do this alone.

Saji: Wait a minute. You're only doing this because you're excited about something supernatural that you don't know!

Rias: That does sound like Sona. Always eager in her quest for knowledge.

Sona blushed as she looked at Rias.

Sona: For your information, the information to this world is unknown to even the supernatural, I'm doing this because I'm the most observant.

Sonas' Peerage: Liar.

Sona: You too!?

Y/N: It's ok Sona. We all have our own interests.

Sona: Enough! We've wasted enough time. Let's just get this investigation over with!

Rias: Alright. Let's go to the O.R.C.

Everyone was following Rias to her club building. While they were walking, Rias and Sona were talking with Y/N.

Sona: I noticed that you were a bit late to school Y/N. Is there a reason why?

Y/N: I was helping a nun to the church.

Rias: You what!? Y/N, do you have any idea how dangerous that was!?

Y/N: What are you talking about?

Sona: Allow me to explain. The church is considered a sub-faction to heaven since they carry out the orders of angels. So, in a sense, the church is our natural enemy. Since this girl you spoke of is a nun, she is our enemy.

Y/N: Really? She didn't seem evil.

Rias: I bet that's what she wanted you to think.

Y/N: Not really. She seemed really nice. She even used magic to heal this kid when he scraped his knee.

Sona: It could have been, or maybe it was a sacred gear.

Y/N: Saji said that before. What is a sacred gear?

Rias: A sacred gear is a unique power that is exclusive to humans. Think of it as a special power or a magic artifact that you can use or summon to give yourself an extra edge to defend against supernatural threats. My knight, Kiba, has one call Sword Birth. It allows him to summon any kind of sword from his imagination.

Y/N: That's so cool! Do you think I can get one?

Sona: Unfortunately, no. Sacred Gears aren't earned, you're born with it. Much like being born with magic. It's all based on chance. Not everyone has one.

Y/N looked down disappointed by the fact.

Rias: Well, I don't think you need one.

Y/N: Yeah? And why's that?

Rias: Well, think about it. You can enter a world only a select few with a unique power possess.

Saji: She's right, dude. We've never heard of a persona before. That means you have something we don't. To be honest, I'm a little jealous. Even with my sacred gear, I didn't stand a chance against those shadows, but your persona cut through them like they were nothing.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess you're right.

Rias: Anyways, you might not be a devil, but you still associate with us. You should at least be careful around her.

Saji: Is she cute?

Tsubaki: Saji!

Saji: What? I'm simply asking a question based on personal perspective. And don't act like some of you aren't curious.

Y/N: How do I put this. She's sweeter than honey and has a smile that could give you diabetes.

Saji: Thank you.

Saji glanced over and noticed that some of the girls seemed irritated. So, he did the most rational thing, and called them out for it.

Saji: Oh, I'm sorry. Are you jealous that Y/N talked with a cute girl.

Girls: Absolutely not.

Saji: You aren't fooling anyone.

Y/N: What confuses me is the church itself. Why does it look abandoned?

Rias: Well, you see... Um...

Sona: We don't actually run Kuoh. Rias and I are overseeing it with the permission of the Yokai. Since devils are overseeing this town as territory, the church found it as an act of aggression and withdrew all church representatives. Now, it's used for fallen angels and stray exorcists.

Y/N: Is that bad?

Akeno: Very. Fallen angels are just angels who indulge in their selfish desires. Stray exorcists are much worse, however. They act on their own accord even so much as killing innocent people for associating with any other faction and call it divine judgement.

Y/N: But Asia didn't seem like that.

Sona: Not all stray exorcists are bad, but most of them are.

Y/N: I hope Asia is going to be ok.

Sona: So long as she stays out of trouble, she should be fine.

After a few more minutes of walking, the group made it to an abandoned building.

Y/N: What a dump. Is the club building behind this thing or something?

Rias looked away while puffing her cheeks and blushing.

Rias: Let's go inside, shall we.

Rias quickly walked over to the building while Y/N looked confused.

Y/N: Did I say something?

Sona: *chuckle* No Y/N. Not at all.

Everyone soon followed and went inside the building. Upon entering the building, Y/N noticed that there was a small girl with white hair sitting on the couch, eating candy.

She looked up and glanced at everyone before going back to her snacks, not saying anything.

Y/N: The atmosphere in here sucks. Open a curtain or something.

Rias: Do you hate me? Did I do anything else to you?

Y/N: Of course, not Rias. I hate this place, it's so... What's the word? Depressing? Gloomy? Dead? I don't know, but it's one of those. I mean at least add some light to the room, or maybe even a color that isn't so plain.

A metaphorical arrow pierced Rias through the heart multiple times. In an instant she curled up into a ball and sat against the wall.

Rias: Is it really that bad?

Y/N: Why are you upset?

Rias: Because I designed this place!

Y/N looked around the room before his eyes went back to Rias.

Y/N: ...Really?

Rias began sobbing slightly as she hugged her knees. Y/N felt slightly guilty, so he tried to make her feel better.

Y/N: Look, we all have something we're bad at Rias. Yours is clearly interior design, but there's no reason to cry about it. Sometimes a second opinion helps open our eyes. When people come here what do you want them to see?

Rias: How great the O.R.C. and my peerage are.

Y/N: And do you think they'll see that when they arrive?

Rias: Yes?

Y/N: I hate to say it, but no. They won't.

Rias: *sobbing*

Y/N: So, do you know what that means?

Rias: No.

Y/N: It means try again.

Rias: Huh?

Y/N: You know, try something new. Maybe a lamp over here or a dash of blue over there. You want to make it look presentable, so people feel happy being here. Make them feel welcomed, as if they want to be here.

Rias: You're a strange person, Y/N. You talk rudely, but you mean well.

Y/N: It's called honesty Rias. No one likes the truth, that's why they lie. Now get up and show us the mirror. We've got work to do.

Rias got up and wiped her tears. She walked over to a large closet and opened it. There it was. The same mirror that Y/N walked through.

Y/N: Yep, this is it.

Sona: Is everything in order?

Rias: Not yet, we have one more thing to give you.

Y/N: There's more?

As if on cue, the front door opened. In walked a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

???: Sorry I'm late. I had trouble losing my "admirers.

Rias: That's alright. Y/N, meet Kiba Yuuto, a knight of my peerage.

Kiba: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Kiba gave a slight bow which Y/N returned.

Kiba: Buchou wanted me to give you something before your little expedition. I wasn't given any details about it, but she said it would be useful to you. 

Kiba held out his hands and a sword was slowly forming. In a matter of seconds, it was there. It was a black blade with a red edge and had a handle wrapped in a cloth.

Kiba: I don't know if you have a swordsman training, but I figured this would work for you. Rias said that you can use spiritual energy, so I made it to reflect yours. The more spiritual energy you focus into it, the stronger it can become. You can even fire an arc of spiritual energy with enough practice.

Y/N took it in hand, and immediately, the sword began to glow red. Everyone, even Kiba was surprised.

Y/N: Wow. Is this supposed to happen?

Kiba: Not really.

Sona: I've never met someone with so much spiritual energy before.

Y/N: Neat. Hey, I just realized something. How is Sona going to enter the Reflection?

Saji: Oh yeah! She can't, can she.

Sona: What do you mean?

Y/N: As far as we know, there are only two ways to enter the Reflection. You either have a Persona, or a shadow drags you in.

Sona: That's just ridiculous.

Rias: But it's true. I tried entering before, but nothing worked.

Y/N walked up to the mirror and placed his hand on the surface. Just like before there were ripples, but as soon as Sona placed her hand on the mirror, the ripples vanished.

Sona: How am I supposed to conduct my research!?

Y/N was pondering at the mirror. He leaned his hand back and both at the mirrors' surface, watching the ripples appear and disappear.

Y/N: Hmm. Maybe.

Y/N the grabbed Sonas' hand which made her jump as a blush appeared on her face.

Sona: W-what are you-

Before she could finish, Y/N noticed that the ripples appeared once more, and when he placed his and Sonas' hand on it, they sunk in.

Y/N: So long as you're in physical contact with me, you should be able to enter the mirror.

Sona noticed that her hand was in the mirror. She lost her blush as she was mesmerized by the discovery. She grew a smile and leaned closer to the mirror.

Sona: Incredible.

Y/N: This should do. Do we have everything we need?

Sona: Y-yes. Everything is ready.

Sona Pulled out a video recorder with a laptop and placed them in a satchel.

Y/N: Alright. Wish us luck.

Saji: Stay safe you two. Don't do anything stupid.

Sona and Y/N nodded at him. Y/N held out his hand for Sona to grab.

Y/N: Ready?

Sona was slightly blushing while looking at Y/N but did her best to stay composed as she grabbed his hand.

Sona: Yes. Let us be off.

Y/N placed his hand on the mirror as his hand sunk in. He took a deep breath and walked through with Sona following, looking slightly unsure.

Saji: Now what do we do.

Tsubaki: We wait and hope for the best.

Rias: Would you all like some tea in the meantime? Akeno is quite good.

Tsubaki: That sounds nice.

Reflection Pov.

Y/N and Sona stepped through, Y/N was standing this time, as he kept his balance. Sona on the other hand, was slightly disoriented. Once she got her bearings, she looked up and saw that she was still in the O.R.C.

Sona: What? Did it not work?

Y/N: No, this is it.

Sona: Where is everyone?

Y/N: Back in the real world.

Sona: But everything looks the same. 

Y/N: Follow me outside.

Y/N then led Sona outside where she saw the world, but just like before, the entire world was devoid of color. Sona looked up and noticed that the sky was grey, but there wasn't any overcast.

Y/N: Come on. There's more to show you.

Sona silently nodded and followed close behind. The two eventually left the woods and made their way back to the school building, and just like before, it looked like rearranged in a way that defied physics.

Sona: Fascinating. This truly is a strange reality.

Sona slowly walked forward as she pulled out a camera. She took many photographs of the area, from the sky to the building. The whole time she was smiling with glee. It was as if she was a kid being amazed by something for the first time. Little did she realize that a figure was seen walking around. Y/N noticed it and pulled Sona back. She was about to speak up, but Y/N covered her mouth and pointed in the direction of the figure. She saw why he took her away from the area.

Six shadows soon swarmed the area. Sona was so distracted by their appearance; she didn't even seem to care. Y/N pulled her further away which caught her attention.

Sona: What are you doing?

Y/N: Look, I never fought that many shadows before. If we're going to investigate this place, we should avoid conflict if possible.

Sona: Ah. I apologize. I was so lost in my research that I forgot that this is only your second time here. You're right. I'll follow your lead from now on. I would like to ask you some questions while we're here though.

Y/N: I can do that. For now, let's walk around the school. It's pretty big. We might get some valuable data.

The two went behind the tree line and started to walk around the school. As they were walking, Sona was writing down notes on what shew saw. She would even draw pictures of the shadows in the area. The two eventually made it to the front of the school. Sonas' eyes widened as she saw the disproportioned building.

Sona: What happened?

Y/N: This is just the way the school looks here.

Sona: Are there any other buildings like this?

Y/N: Now that you mention it, no. That's weird. I wonder if this is the only place like this.


Y/N and Sona looked behind them and saw two shadows walking towards them.

Sona: Looks like trouble.

Y/N: Leave it to me. Can you fly to safety?

Sona revealed her wings and lifted off the ground.

Sona: Indeed. Show me what you can do.

Sone flew up to safety as Y/N held his sword in front of him. He lifted his arm and called his persona.

Y/N: Askr!

Just like before, Y/N grabbed the chain and broke it off of the shackle, and the same being from before appeared behind him. Y/N looked at the one to the left and pointed at it with his sword.

Y/N: Bufu!

Askr lifted his hand as it glowed blue. A large chunk of ice formed on the shadow and soon shattered, breaking off a piece of its body. Y/N then rushed the second one and tried to slash it, but it raised its baton and blocked him and pushed him back. Since Y/N didn't have much experience with a sword so he was thrown a little off balance. The shadow saw this and rushed Y/N, but Askr blocked the attack as Y/N saw the opening and stabbed the shadow through the chest, making it turn into black smoke and dispersing. Once the shadows were gone Sona flew back down and landed not too far from him.

Sona: I must say, that was rather impressive. This "Persona" you have is quite incredible. While you can summon it and give it orders like a familiar, but at the same time it can act independently.

Y/N: There's still some stuff that I'm figuring out about it, but I think I'm getting used to the basics.

Sona: That's good to hear. I think it's time we take a look inside the school.

???: I'd highly advise against that.

Sona: Why not?

Y/N: I didn't say anything.

???: We are not going through this a second time kid.

Y/N looked behind him and saw the crow perched on a branch.

Y/N: It's you again.

Crow: I'm surprised that you came back or did four eyes here fall in like the last one.

Sona: Excuse me, but who are you?

Crow: Don't know. Any who, what are you doing here?

Y/N: Well, Sona here found out about my persona powers, and wanted to investigate the Reflection.

Crow: That's the stupidest idea I have ever heard. You do know the dangers here, right four eyes.

Sona: I have a name, and there's no need to worry. I'm more than capable of keeping myself safe.

Crow: Sure you do.

Y/N: Any clues on your identity?

Crow: Not really. I don't think there's any evidence out here.

Sona: Clues on his identity?

Y/N: This crow has no idea on who he is.

Sona: Is that so?

Crow: We're not here to talk about me. What are you going to do now?

Sona: I was proposing that we take a look inside the school.

Crow: I wouldn't do that.

Y/N: Why not?

Crow: The shadows in there a lot tougher than the ones out here, and you look like you haven't grown at all since the last time.

Sona: It's not like we're trying to fight them.

Crow: Doesn't matter. The shadows in the school are smart. Really smart. One false move and they can coordinate a plan to trap you.

Sona: And how would you know that?

Crow: Because I almost got trapped in there before. It was horrible. There were coming from everywhere. The halls, other rooms, even the air ducts. Trust me, it's not worth it.

Y/N: Well, is there anywhere else we could investigate?

Crow: Not that I know of. Unless you've got more persona users or some way for four eyes to help you, there's no way you'll get far.

Sona: What if I were to obtain a persona.

Crow: Not like you could get one, but it would depend on how powerful it is. As of right now, there's no way you could attain one.

Sona pouted at this information. She was always fond of a challenge, but this crow was speaking as if he knew what was and wasn't possible.

Y/N: How would I be able to know who a persona user would be.

Crow: It's not something you would notice, it's something you feel. Like a gut feeling or something.

Y/N: I guess there's no point in going into the school just yet.

Sona: *sigh* I suppose. How about we go around the whole school and then head back to the O.R.C.

Y/N: Sounds like a plan. What about you Crow?

Crow: I'm goona go and lay low for a while. I've been flying for some time. Going to go give the old wings a rest. Stay safe kid and take care of four eyes.

Sona: My name is Sona!

Crow: I don't care.

The crow then flew away leaving Sona in a huff as Y/N tried to calm her down. The two took their time walking around the school, trying to notice if there were any other changes made. Once they made their lap, the snuck passed any other shadows and made it back to the O.R.C. Just like before, Sona held onto Y/N as they walked through the mirror. Back on the other side, Sonas' peerage was sitting on the couch. Y/N and Sona walked out of the mirror and her peerage rushed over.

Tsubaki: Sona, are you alright?

Sona: I'm fine Tsubaki.

Saji: Y/N, you good?

Y/N: Yep. I met the crow again.

Sona: A foul mouthed fowl is more like it. He wouldn't even say my name.

Saji: So, find out anything new?

Y/N: Not really. It's the same as before. Only new bit of info we got was not to go in the school without more persona users.

Saji: Could I be one?

Sona: Not likely. Apparently, it's something you feel.

Momo: Why is she so upset?

Y/N: To put it simply, a bird dissed her and left.

Saji: *Snort* Seriously?

Sona glared at Saji who looked away.

Saji: I mean, damn bird.

Sona: Normally I would call this a failure, but this was the first visit. Any new information is good information. Where's Rias?

Tsubaki: She said she had to take care of something, but she hoped for a safe return.

Sona: I see. Let us return to the student council office. Saji, grab the mirror.

Saji: Wha- me!?

Sona: Consider that your punishment for that little remark you made.

Saji: Yes ma'am.

Everyone walked back to the office with questions, from what it looked like, to the dangers to expect. Y/N tried to explain it the best he could. Before he knew it, they made it back to the office. Saji placed the mirror in the corner of the room and put a towel over it. Sona went over to her desk and picked up a small envelope.

Sona: This is for you.

Y/N: What is it?

Sona: I did say you would be compensated.

Y/N looked in and saw a large stack of bills.

Y/N: I can't take this.

Sona: You willingly endangered your life for the sake of understanding a new discovery within the supernatural, and you're willing to help us again. Trust me, you've earned at least this much.

Sona pushed the envelope back to Y/N as he held it close.

Y/N: Thank you. Truly.

Saji: Well, I'd say this was a successful day, but it's starting to get late.

Tsubaki: Agreed. We should all call it a day.

Sona: Very well. Y/N, it was wonderful to work with you. I have learned much.

Y/N: Thank you for the opportunity. I'll be heading home now. You coming Saji?

Saji: Not today. I've still got some work to do, but I'll see you tomorrow.

Y/N nodded and left the room. As he was walking out of the building, he thought about all that had happened today. On his way home however, he noticed the blue butterfly from his dream. He stopped and looked at where it was flying. His eyes widened when he saw it, a glowing blue door.

Y/N slowly walked towards it. He noticed that everyone else that was around didn't seem to notice it. He then remembered the key that Igor gave him.

He placed the key in the lock and turned it. As soon as he heard the click the key disappeared.

The door soon opened, and a bright light enveloped Y/N. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was once again in the velvet room.

Igor: Welcome back my dear guest. I see you've made use of the key that I gave you.

Y/N: Igor? Abigail?

Igor: When I told you that we would meet again soon, I meant it.

Y/N: But how? I thought I was still awake.

Igor: But you are. Thanks to the key you had, you unlocked the Velvet Door, which can give access to this room while you are awake. However, while time flows differently while here, it flows slowly back in the real world.

Y/N: The key vanished as soon as I unlocked the door.

Abigail: The key has a one-time use, but no need to worry. It was intended for that sole purpose.

Igor: Many before had different doors in different locations, and by having the key, you discovered the location to enter version of the velvet room exclusive to you.

Y/N: I see.

Abigail: It would also appear that you have formed a social link.

Igor: Indeed, he has. Now we can teach you how create personas.

Abigail: Ooo. Can I teach him sir?

Igor: *chuckle* Very well.

Abigail: When you want to create a persona, some requirements are going to be needed.

Y/N: Requirements?

Abigail: For instance, since you have a social link with the Councilor arcana, you can only make personas from that specific arcana.

Abigail shows the tablet in her hands to Y/N. The screen shows a list with one name on it.

Abigail: The greater the social link the more personas you can create from that arcana. Right now, there's only one so let's summon that.

Y/N clicks on the name as Abigail takes the tablet and types away at it. Suddenly, pixels begin to form in the shape of a magic circle. As the circle glowed a floating droplet-like creature appeared.

Kusi Mitama

Abigail: It appears to have been a success. This is a persona that is available to be used for combat.

Y/N: How do I summon it?

Abigail: Simply think of it and call upon it as you would with your original persona.

Igor: Very good. I have a feeling that this will be useful to you in the future. There is still much to go over, but I feel like we've taken more than enough of your time. Remember, if you every have the need for a new persona, look for the velvet door.

Abigail: Fair well Y/N. I hope the future is fortuitous for you.

Y/N was enveloped in the light again. When he opened his eyes, he saw that he was back in the real world. He looked around and saw that only a minute had passed. He was about to head back home, but he was stopped by a small tug from the back of his uniform.

???: Y/N?

Y/N looked behind him and saw Asia looking up at him.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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