The Reflection

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3rd. Pov

Y/N sat across a man who announced himself as Igor. Everything was so blue. Y/N was still slightly shocked, by what was happening and tried to calm himself.

Igor: I can understand how you are confused by all of this, but let me assure you, you are in no danger in here. I am simply here to guide you on your journey while in this town. You are a very mysterious person with so much potential. I simply wish to see you unleash that potential. Standing next to you is an attendant of the room, my assistant, Abigail.

Y/N looked to his right and saw a girl like the mystery girl at the school. This girl, however, was wearing a blue dress with a sleeveless coat over it and black gloves. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with a butterfly hair clip Sh was holding some kind of tablet under her arm. She looked to her side and smiled at Y/N.

Abigail: It's a pleasure to meet you. My master was kind enough to allow me to assist you in your journey. I hope I am of good use to you.

She walked forward and stood next to Igor. 

Igor: Now, on to business. I am tasked with taking care of the ones who visit this plane of reality in any way I can. If you would be so kind as to sign you r name here. This will allow my services to reach you even when you are still awake.

He slides a contract over to Y/N who briefly looks over it. Not seeing anything shady, Y/N takes a pen that was on the paper and signs his name on it.

Abigail smiles and takes the paper and puts it in a binder that she pulls of nowhere. Igor then pulls out a deck of cards that looked different than the usual deck.

Igor: With these Arcana, allow me to read your fortune.

He shuffles the cards and spreads them face down on the table. He flips up the one on the left.

Igor: The Fool card. A new journey is about to begin one that is yet to be written.

He flips over the next card.

Igor: The Strength card. This will be an experience that will challenge you, but you mustn't give up.

He flips over the next card.

Igor: The Devil card. You will encounter individuals that would wish to take advantage of the power that you possess. They will even go as far as manipulating your life to get it.

He flips over the next card.

Igor: The Hunger card. One person will possess the power to counter yours, but they will use it for nefarious purposes.

He flips over the last card.

Igor: Now this is interesting. The Hope card. In the midst of despair, a miracle may occur, but that would depend on you and the bonds that you make. This is an interesting tale. Although, it is not guaranteed. As I have stated before, it is up to you. Your actions will define the ending of your story. Now, return to the land of the waking. I know we will meet each other again in the future. I simply cannot wait to see how your adventure will unfold.

Y/N slowly began to lose consciousness and closed his eyes.

Y/N woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He slowly blinked as her turned and hit the alarm. he saw that he had woken up before school started. He sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Y/N: Could that have been just a weird dream?

Y/N got up and decided to take a quick shower. Once he was done, he changed into his uniform.

He looked at himself in the mirror before heading the kitchen to make himself some food.


Y/N is currently walking to school since it's a straight path from his apartment. After a few minutes he made it to Kuoh Academy once again.

He saw a lot of students passing him by, making comments on him.

Girl: Who's that boy?

Girl: I don't know, but he's kind of cute.

Boy: Damnit. That pretty boy's getting the attention of all the girls.

Boy: Damn him.

Y/N was confused by the mixed signals he was getting, but he didn't think much on it and kept walking. Once he was inside, he saw a familiar face waving him over.

Saji: Yo! Y/N!

Saji ran up to Y/N.

Saji: Great to see you made it early.

Y/N: I don't live that far.

Saji: I know that. Anyway, how about I give you the tour.

Y/N: I'd appreciate that.

Saji lead Y/N through the school as he pointed out everything along the way. Where the nurse's office was, how to get the student council office. Even if there was someone in another classroom.

Saji: I almost forgot; the cafeteria is all the way at the end of the hall. Just keep walking until you get to the double doors. it's impossible to miss.

Saji then stopped and handed Y/N a piece of paper.

Saji: Here's your schedule. It has everything you need. I'm a couple rooms behind us, but if you need something, Sona is actually in your class. You already met her.

Y/N: Short hair and glasses right.

Saji: Yep.


Saji: There's the bell. See you later.

Saji ran for his classroom as Y/N was standing in the hallway with everyone walking past him.

Y/N: He didn't show me where my classroom is.

Y/N looked down at his paper and only saw what the classes were. He looked around and decided to keep walking. After some walking he bumped into another familiar face.

???: Well, hello again.

Y/N: You're the woman from yesterday.

???: That's right. I never formally introduced myself to you. I'm Aina Miyabi. You can call me Dr. Miyabi instead. I'm the school nurse here.

Y/N: It's nice to officially meet you.

Dr. Miyabi: What are you doing here? Classes are starting.

Y/N: I got lost.

Dr. Miyabi: Mind showing me your schedule.

Y/N handed her the paper. She looked at it for moment before handing it back.

Dr. Miyabi: I know where you need to be. It's hard to tell, but if you look at the top corner of the paper it says the room number. You're with the first-year college students. Follow me.

Y/N was led further through the halls. The kind doctor stopped in front of a door and knocked on it before it opened.

Teacher: Dr. Miyabi? Do you need something.

Dr. Miyabi: Just dropping off the new student. he got lost on the way.

Teacher: Is that so. Well, they should consider themselves lucky. I was almost done with attendance.

Dr. Miyabi: Do take it easy on him. He wasn't given a tour of the school.

Dr. Miyabi turned and faced Y/N.

Dr. Miyabi: This is where we part ways. Good luck. You're gonna need it here.

The doctor walked away as the teacher looked at him.

Teacher: Alright, get in here.

Y/N walked in and stood at the front of the class.

Teacher: Alright everyone, listen up. We have a new student here so pay show some respect. Tell us your name kid.

Y/N: My name is Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you all. I hope we can get along.

Y/N did a slight bow as the students whispered to each other.

Girl: He's kind of cute.

Girl: Yeah, and he's so nice.

Boy: Dammit, another pretty boy.

Boy: He already has the girls in our class admiring him.

Teacher: Now, you can ask a few questions, but nothing too personal.

A girl in the middle of the class raised her hand.

Girl: Um, do you have a girlfriend?

Y/N: No, I've never had one.

Another boy spoke up from the back corner.

Boy: Where are you originally from?

Y/N: I came from Osaka.

One last student raised their hand. She was in the middle of the class, but she was different than the rest. She had bright red hair and sparkling blue eyes.

???: I have a question.

Y/N: Yes.

???: How are you liking it here in Kuoh?

Y/N: This is only my second day here.

???: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know.

Y/N: It's ok, but to answer your question, it seems like a nice place.

???: That's good to hear.

Teacher: Alright, that's enough. Your seat is behind miss Gremory the girl, who was just talking.

Y/N looked at Rias, who simply smiled at him. Y/N took his seat as class officially started.

Teacher: Now that everyone is here let's get on with the Lesson. Today we will be discussing Norse Mythology.

As Class went on many of the students weren't even paying attention. Y/N was starting to dose off from the excessive details from the lesson, but he shook it off and focused up. After some time, bell rang signifying that it was time for lunch. Y/N got up and left the room, going in the direction of the cafeteria. Once he left a girl with long black hair tied in a ponytail walked up to her followed by Sona.

???: You weren't kidding when you said he had a strange power.

Rias: It was close to the power of Yokai. Could he be a half breed?

Sona: Maybe. He's from Osaka and there aren't a lot of Yokai there.

Rias: He just gets more and more mysterious.

???: Are you going to reincarnate him?

Rias: Perhaps. I do wish to know more about him Sona.

Sona: Sadly, I can't give it to you.

Rias: Oh, come on Sona. Please.

Sona: Let me finish. I can't give it to you, because there's nothing to give.

???: What do you mean?

Sona: His transcript never came in. I know nothing of his life in Osaka, and don't even think about asking me to dig up his life.

Rias: What do you mean? What happened before he came here.

Sona: I'm only telling you this because you're my friend, but when I asked him if he had a criminal record, he froze. It was like he was remembering something he didn't want to remember. he said he didn't get arrested, but that could have been a lie.

???: I wonder what it could've been.

Rias: I'm not sure. I'll have someone observe him.

???: Why not me?

Rias: Akeno, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you tend to be a bit too straight forward with people. We don't want to put him on edge.

Akeno: Oh please. That happened once. It'll be fine. I may even get some info on him while I'm at it or are you just worried that I'll end up with the new boy before you get the chance.

Rias: It's not like that. I just want to know what I'm getting myself into. We know almost nothing about him. I want to be careful about this.

Akeno: I never took you for the cautious type when it came to those you wanted to reincarnate.

Rias: I never said I wanted to reincarnate him.

Sona: Oh please, you have it written all over your face.

Rias: Wha-

Akeno: It's true Rias. You never were subtle.

Rias: Knock it off. This isn't about me, this is about Y/N.

Akeno/Sona: Exactly.

Meanwhile, back with Y/N, he managed to get some food before the lunch rush kicked in. He was walking away from the cafeteria when he bumped into Saji again.

Saji: Hey dude. Want to eat together?

Y/N: Sure. Know a place that isn't so crowded.

Saji: The roof usually is unoccupied during lunch. Follow me.

Saji then led Y/N to the roof. When they got there it was as he said. There wasn't anybody there. The sat down against the fence and started talking.

Saji: So, how's your first day going?

Y/N: It's going all right.

Saji: Good. Usually, students on the first day tend to freak out and embarrass themselves. It's good to know that you're not having that problem. 

Y/N and Saji suddenly heard a scream form outside. They looked down at the courtyard and saw three boys running from girls holding practice sword.

Y/N: What's going on down there.

Saji: Don't worry about it. That's the perverted tri. Kuoh Academys' biggest perverts. They probably got caught peeping on the Kendo club while they were training. Word of advice; don't get involved with them. They are the most hated guys here. They always try to peek on the girls and do a whole bunch of perverted things.

Y/N: Who has that much free time and uses it for that?

Saji: They do, apparently. It's best not to get involved with them if you can.

Saji went quiet and looked to the side. Y/N noticed this and looked as well. He saw some students practicing baseball together.

Y/N: Do you play?

Saji: Huh?

Y/N: Baseball. Do you play?

Saji: I used to. Not anymore.

Y/N: Can I ask why?

Saji: Sona asked me to join the student council. I would have said no, but I owed her. She didn't pressure me into it if that's what you're thinking. I just can't really live with myself if I don't return a favor. I used to be a bit of a troublemaker last year. Then I met Sona, and she helped make me a better person. When I told them the news, they seemed happy, but knew it wasn't true. I knew deep down that it made them upset. Like I let them down.

Y/N wanted to saw something to cheer Saji up, but he didn't know what to say.

Saji: Sorry about that. This is your first day and here I am acting all glum. It's in the past. I need to move on.

Y/N spent the rest of the time with Saji eating and discussing other things, but you couldn't help but worry about what he had said. Back with the baseball team, one of the batters was cleaning up some of his things. He picked up his metal bat and began to clean it. He suddenly started to stare at his reflection as his eyes flashed yellow. His grip tightened as he kept staring. A hand then grabbed his shoulder.

Catcher: Hey, you good? We've been calling you.

???: Huh? Y-yeah. Sorry, I must be getting tired.

Catcher: Need to go to the nurse?

???: Nah, I'm good. I'll be out in a minute.

Catcher: Alright. Don't take too long.

The catcher went back out to the field while the batter stayed behind. he looks back at the reflection. For a split second a strange black figure was behind him with an eerie smile.

Back with Y/N, he and Saji left when lunch ended and went back to their respected classes. It was rather normal the rest of the day. Once school ended, everyone started to go home. On the way, Y/N bumped into Saji again.

Saji: Hey, Y/N. You take this path too?

Y/N: Yeah. I live in an apartment a few blokes away, but I want to do some shopping before I head home.

Saji: Nice. I take this path too. Mind if I join you?

Y/N: Sure thing.

The two walked and chatted together. Y/N passed his apartment to head to a nearby convenience store. The two walked in since Saji wanted to get something for himself. Once they finished, they both exited the store together. Y/N however, noticed how eerily quiet it was. He then noticed that there wasn't anyone around except for a single woman walking down the street.

Y/N: Isn't it a little too quiet right now?

Saji: Now that you mention it, it isn't as busy as usual. I wonder what's going on.

Y/N: I don't know, but I'm getting a bad feeling.

Y/N glanced over to the woman and noticed that there was a large black hand coming from the alleyway she was about to pass. Time seemed to slow down, because in an instant, the hand grabbed the woman's ankle and pulled her into the alley. As she screamed, Y/n recollected himself and ran over to her with Saji following in tow. Once Y/N got there, he saw the woman being slowly dragged.

Woman: H-help Me!!! Please!!!

Y/N grabbed her hand and started to pull, but whatever had her was stronger than him, because he was hardly slowing it down. Saji showed up and ran over to help, but even with it, it hardly made a difference. Y/N saw a pipe on the ground and looked over to Saji.

Y/N: Keep pulling!

Y/N got up and ran over and picked up the pipe.

It was fairly large and had a decent amount of weight to it. He quickly ran over to the hand that was dragging the woman and slammed the pipe on its arm. Whatever it was, wasn't happy about it, but it slowed down. Y/N kept hitting the arm while Saji was pulling the woman. One last good hit made the arm let go and retreat back to wherever it came from. Saji got the woman out of the alley and Y/N followed him out.

Saji: What the hell was that!?

Y/N: I don't know, but whatever it was ran off. Come on. Let's get out of here.

Little did Y/N know, the massive arm from before was back with more. Saji saw this and before the arms could grab him, he pushed Y/N out of the way. Sajin was now being dragged much faster than the woman. Y/N scurried to his feet and ran after Saji into the alley again. Saji was kicking and screaming trying to break free from the tight grip of the shadow hands, but to no avail. Y/N was running with his arm stretched out trying to reach for Sajis' arm only to trip and fall.

Y/N: Saji!

Saji: Y/N!!!

Saji was then dragged into something that was covered in a drape.

Y/N: Saji?

Y/N slowly got up and walked to where Saji was dragged. Once he got to the object, he pulled the cloth off revealing a full body mirror.

There was nothing special about it. It was just an old mirror. Y/N observed it trying to see if there was anything behind it, but there was nothing. Y/N fell to his knees. The first friend he made was gone, and there was nothing he could do to get him back. He was frustrated. He was mad at himself. He thought that if was quicker or if he didn't trip this wouldn't have happened. He blamed himself, so he slammed his fist to the ground.



Y/Ns' eyes widened. He definitely heard a noise when he hit the ground, so he did it again.



It kind of sounded like when pudding drops onto the plate. He looked around to find the source of the sound. He decided to hit the ground, but this time, with the pipe.



Y/N looked around until his eyes landed on the mirror.

Y/N: What?

He lightly tapped the mirror with the pipe and saw ripples form on the reflective surface. Y/N couldn't believe what he was seeing. He slowly reached for the mirror expecting to feel a semi-solid object, but instead his hand went into the mirror. Y/N quickly retracted it and looked in even more shock. He was reluctant to, but he walked closer to the mirror. He then slowly placed his hand back into the mirror. He leaned in more and was slowly submerging himself, until he felt something tug on his sleeve. he tried to pull away, but he could shake it loose. He was then suddenly pulled all the way through. From the roof of one of the buildings, Akeno was standing over the alley with a look of shock. By the time she had arrived, Y/N was dragged into the mirror. She jumped down and landed gracefully. She walked over to the mirror and placed her hand on it but was stunned to find it completely solid. She tried tapping the side of the mirror, but nothing happened. She pulled out her phone and called someone.

Akeno: Rias? We may have a problem.

Meanwhile, Y/N is seen laying on the floor. His eyes start to open as he slowly starts to push himself up from the ground. He rubs his eyes and looks around to find himself in the same alley. He looks behind himself to find the mirror gone. He gets up and walks out of the alley, but when he does, he stops. He looks around and notices that the whole area has been drained of color. All that remains is black, white, and a shade of grey. There are no people to be seen. The whole town seemed to be "dead". There was this mist covering the ground like a blanket, but the most uncomfortable thing that Y/N noticed, was that there was no moonlight. Only streetlights and signs lit up the area. He looked up and in place of the moon was a giant gear in the sky, slowly turning. Y/N was beyond uncomfortable. He found the same pipe he had behind him and picked it up. He walked out of the alley and towards the apartment complex. Once he got there, he went up to his room and opened the door. When he looked inside, nothing was there. None of his belongings were in his apartment. It was simply an empty room. Y/N confused at his discovery, he rushed downstairs and went over to his landlady, Akemis' room and knocked on the door.

Y/N: Akemi! Are you awake? It's me, Y/N.

Y/N got no response. He kept calling out to her while knocking on the door, but there was nothing. Upstairs however, one of the neighboring doors slowly opened. The door creaked open, loud enough for Y/N to notice. Y/N looked up and heard the sound of someone stumbling about. Y/N slowly walked over to the stairs and kept trying to peek at who was walking. At the corner of his eye, he saw a figure with a blood-stained bag on its head and a red stick lick object in its hand. Y/N then held his breathe and ran away. After a few minutes of running, Y/N felt he was safe for the time being. He took a moment to catch his breath. Once he did, he looked up and realized that he was now in front of Kuoh Academy.

???: Who the heck are you.

Y/N froze from the sound of a voice. He slowly turned his head to the side, but he didn't see anyone.

???: Um, hello? I'm talking to you.

Y/N: Who's there?

???: Over here.

Y/N turned his head around, but once again he didn't see anyone there.

???: Oh, for the love of. Up here moron!

Y/N looked up at a tree and saw a single crow perched on a branch looking right at him.

???: Now that I have your attention, you want to tell me who you are now.

Y/N: Ta- talking bird.

???: Really? Talking bird? That's all you've gotten from this experience.

Y/N: S-sorry. I've never met a talking animal before.

???: Whatever. What are doing here kid?

Y/N: My friend got dragged into a mirror, so I followed after him.

???: Wait, wait, wait. You managed to enter the reflection without a persona?

Y/N: A what?


Saji: Come on! You want some more!?

Y/N: Saji!

Y/N ran towards the school while the mysterious crow just stared at him.

???: Could he be-

Back with Y/N, when he went through the front gate, the entire school looked different it was like a labyrinth. Everything was rearranged. Walls were where they weren't supposed to be, parts of the building were sticking out, even doors were where some windows were. Y/N called out for Saji once more, but he didn't get a response. He decided to listen closely for Saji, but he couldn't hear anything again. The crow from earlier flew above him and started talking.

Crow: Kid, if your friend is here then he might not be safe for long. I saw a bunch of shadows in the field at the side of this building. It might be your friend. Get a move sunshine.

Y/N ran towards the field with the crow flying above him.

Crow: Hey, I see someone. Is he fighting off the shadows!?

Y/N comes to a stop when he sees Saji fighting off some strange looking monsters with bags on their heads and a strange looking rod in their hands

Saji on the other hand had some strange purple like creatures on his limbs as a wire like object coming out of one of them. He then used the wire to tie up one of the monsters and swung it around to hit the others, but it didn't look like it did a lot of damage.

Y/N: Saji!

Y/N ran towards him as Saji just tossed another monster away.

Saji: Y/N? Stay back! These things are a lot tougher than they look.

Y/N then ran up and struck one of them with the pipe he had knocking it back a bit.

Y/N: Then it's a good thing I'm here. What are these?

Saji: I'm not sure, but when I came to, these things were dragging me somewhere.

The crow was then hovering above the tow of them.

Crow: They're called shadows.

Saji: Whoa! A talking bird!

Crow: These things are pure evil. All of your attacks aren't gonna do anything to these guys. You need to use your Personas.

Y/N: Our what?

Saji: The hell is a Persona?

Crow: What? Then how did you get here?

Before they could answer more shadows showed up. Y/N and Saji were now surrounded. The stayed back-to-back and kept fighting off the monsters until one managed to get a clean hit on Sajis' ribcage. Saji fell to the ground as another one slammed the rod onto his back, forcing him to the ground. Once he fell Y/N noticed that blood was pouring from his head.

Y/N: Saji!


While Y/N was distracted another one hit him across the face. Y/N dropped the pipe and fell to the ground. Y/N stumbled to pick it up and started swinging it around to keep the Shadows away. While he was doing this, he crawled back to Saji. Y/N kept swinging until it stopped. Y/N kept trying to swing it, but to no avail. He turned around and froze. Standing before him was another Shadow, but it was different. Instead of a rob like object in its hand, both of its arms were massive with large claws and a strange blade-like object wrapped around its body.

It squeezed down on the pipe, snapping it in half. It then grabbed Y/N by the throat and lifted him up in the air. Y/N was kicking as he was starting to black out.

Crow: Kid!

The crow dove down and started pecking at the arm that was holding Y/N. Eventually the shadow let go and grabbed the crow, slowly crushing it. Y/N was coughing as he held his throat. He looked up to see Saji still unconscious and the Crow being squeezed in the shadows' grip.

Crow: Kid. Run! Save yourself!

Y/N began to panic as he was soon surrounded by shadows. Two shadows grabbed his arms and kept him from moving. Y/N struggled to break free, but he wasn't strong enough to. Another shadow walked up to him and raised its club in the air. Time seemed to slow down for Y/N as it swung down. Y/N shut his eyes, waiting for the end only to feel nothing. When he opened his eyes his was being held by chains in some kind of void. He looked around until an image of Saji and the crow appeared in front of him. Suddenly, a voice echoed in the dark.

???: What will you do.

Y/N: W-who's there!?

???: In the moment of despair, you a presented with a choice. With the power to defeat the enemy, you along with these two will perish. So why? Why do stay and fight when you know you'll die? Why make the futile attempt when it is all for nothing? Why throw away your life for someone you just met?

Y/N: I-

???: You don't possess the strength to protect them, so why fight at all?

Y/N started to remember parts of his past. In his head, a young woman is seen caressing the side of his face as she smiled.

Y/N: You can say what you want, but it's my life to live. My choice to make. 

Y/N started to pull the chains as hard as he could.

Y/N: If I can muster even the smallest amount of strength, you can bet you ass I'll use it to protect my friends.

The chains holding his right arm broke, and the shackle disappeared.

Y/N: Even if I die, at least I'll die on my terms! So, screw you. I'll keep fighting, and fighting, and fighting!

Y/N grabbed the other chain and pulled with all of him might until it broke from the void.

???: Very well. Then go. Go and forge your own path. Live a life that only you would live and let not fate decide the outcome.

Y/N was engulfed in a bright light. When he came to back in the real world, a large white aura enveloped him as it pushed all of the Shadows back. Y/N looked at his hands and noticed that a shackle was still on his left wrist with part of a chain attached to it. As if on instinct, Y/N held up his wrist and gabbed the chain.

Y/N: Per-

The shadows dashed at Y/N with their weapons raised.

Y/N: So-

The crow looked up with its eyes wide. Saji was waking up and looked at Y/N with a shocked look on his face.

Y/N: Na.

Y/N pulled and broke the chain. The light soon turned to fire as it moved around Y/N and erupted. A massive humanoid figure with grey hair emerged from the flames It was wearing a large white coat with a black and gold button down shirt and black pants. Up on its face were headphones over its ears and an orange visor on its face. It wielded a massive, serrated sword and held it over its shoulder It's attire almost looked like a uniform of some kind.

???: I am thou. Thou art I. From the sea of thine soul, I answer thee. I am he who came before. I am he who was born from the ash tree of Midgard. I am the father of humanity. I am Askr!

Askr: Given your situation, I doubt you'll be able to fight with the piece of scrap

Askr then pulled out a small one-handed blade from behind his coat and dropped it in front of Y/N. It looked like a miniature version of Askrs'. Y/Ns' hair was covering his eyes. He slowly looked up and glared at the shadows.

Y/N: Bring it on.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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