Welcome to Kuoh

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3rd. Pov.

On a train are lots of people either waiting or talking with each other. In one seat is a boy with short grey hair.

He's currently looking out the window of his seat as he thinks of things that occurred before.


The boy is seen standing at a classroom at a school in Osaka as the voice of his teacher is heard in the back of his head.

Teacher: As of tomorrow, Y/N L/N will be moving to a new town. Today is his last day here so give him an appropriate farewell.

Student: Isn't he "that" kid?

Student: Yeah. It's a good thing he's leaving. After all, his family is notorious for what they did.

Student: I guess this is something to celebrate about.


The boy puts on his headphones and begins to listen to music as the train speeds towards his destination, Kuoh. After a while the train began to slow down.

Announcer: Now arriving at Kuoh Train Station. Please prepare for departure.

The boy notices that people are starting to get ready to leave. He looks to his side and sees his bags all piled together next to him. The train slows down until it finally comes to a stop. He puts his bags over his shoulder and stands up. The doors open and he walks out along with the other passengers. He steps out and loos around. People are walking to and from the train as the boy simple walks ahead. Once he gets to the entrance, he looks at his phone and sees an address. 

As he looks at it, someone walks up to him.

???: Excuse me, but are you Y/N L/N?

Y/N looks p from his phone and sees a woman standing in front of him.

???: It's nice to meet you. My name is Akemi Yatsukashi, I was told to pick you up from the train station.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you.

Akemi: Hm. I was told that you'll be stay here for the remainder of the school year. I own the apartment complex that you will be staying at. Follow me. I took my car.

Y/N nodded and started to follow Akemi to her car and put you bags in the back seat and got in the passenger seat. As she was driving, she started to tell you about Kuoh.

Akemi: Kuoh has been a small town for a while now, but we've been getting more and more people every year. The school here is one of the reasons. It's quite prestigious, but its reputation is a bit questionable.

Y/N: How so?

Akemi: Well, it used to be an all-girls school, but it changed to co-educational a couple of years ago. Most, if not all of the boys that go there are only attending for the girls. That's right, almost all of the boys that are attending are a bunch of perverts. Aside from that, there are a few good places to check out. Some dinners, an arcade, even an internet cafe.

After a few more minutes of driving, they made it to the complex. Y/N got out and grabbed his bags before looking at the building.

Akemi: It's not much, but I can assure you that it has everything that you'll need. Heat, air conditioning, electricity, running water, and Wi-Fi. You'll be living in the top left room. I live in the bottom right one. Here's you key. I'll let you get unpacked. I'll stop by later to check up on you. You know where to find me if you need something.

Akemi than walked to her apartment and walked in. Y/N looked at the key then walked up the stairs. He unlocks the door and walks in. When he enters, he sees that it is filled with some furniture. A table, a couch, even a desk. he puts his bags down and starts to unpack. After a few minutes, Y/N hears a knock at the door. He opens it to see Akemi.

Akemi: Hi. Just checking up on you like I said. I almost forgot to tell you that we need to get you registered for school.

Y/N: I wasn't transferred?

Akemi: Apparently not. I asked about it and was told that your transcript got lost, but that's ok. The school is only a few blocks away.

The two of them walked in silence as Y/N looked around. After some time, they made it to the school.

Akemi notices a man walking out of the school building.

Akemi: Satoru.

The man looks up and sees Akemi waving at him.

Satoru: Akemi, this is a surprise. I wasn't expecting to see you here.

Akemi: Well, I have a special guest at the complex who needs to enroll here. Y/N, this is Satoru. He's an officer who works here in Kuoh. Satoru, this is Y/N. He just moved in.

Satoru: It's nice to meet you. I hope Akemi has been treating you well. She can sometime come off as a little endearing.

Akemi: Hey!

Y/N: She's been treating me just fine.

Satoru: That's good to hear.

Akemi: What about you? Why are you here?

Satoru lost his smile and looked down.

Satoru: Another one's popped up.

Akemi: Oh. It's been so long since the last one.

Y/N: Another one?

Akemi: it's nothing you need to worry about.

Satoru: No, he needs to know.

Y/N: What's going on?

Satoru: A long time ago, three people went missing on a camping trip. A couple days later they were found, dead. We thought it was a serial killer since they all died the same way, but on different days. It's been nine years since this happened. We found another victim. I'm telling you this because I want you to be careful. I've been hunting after this guy for years and never once have gotten close to catching them. While you're here, try and be careful.

Akemi: Good job scaring the poor boy Satoru.

Satoru: Hey, I'm only looking out for him. Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you around you two. Stay safe.

Akemi: You as well.

Satoru walked off as Akemi waved goodbye.

Akemi: Sorry about him. He's a good person, but he really doesn't know how to sugarcoat what he says. He's often blunt. Come on. Let's go inside.

After walking inside Y/N noticed that it was significantly fancier than the outside.

Y/N: This is a school. It looks like a mansion in here.

Akemi: (giggle) Well this is a rich kid school.

Akemi Looks and sees a woman walking near the front desk.

Akemi: Excuse me.

???: Hm?

Akemi: Hi. I'm sorry to bother you, but could you help us. He needs to get enrolled since his transcript got lost for transfer.

???: Oh, he's the one. We were informed of his transfer a while ago. Just follow me.

The two followed her and walked up some stairs. After a minute of walking, they made it to a double door as the woman knocked on it. When it opened, a girl with long hair and glasses answered.

???: Dr. Miyabi?

Dr. Miyabi: Please deary, call me Aina. Is Sona in?

???: Yes. Do you need something from her.

Aina: This boys' transcript was lost. He's the transfer.

???: Oh, I see. Please come in and we'll get you all set up.

Aina then turned around and patted Akemis' shoulder.

Aina: She's all yours.

Akemi: Thank you again.

Akemi and Y/N walked into the room where lots of students were working. Some were sorting files while others were filling out paperwork. One girl with short hair and glasses was sitting behind a big desk signing papers She looks up from her work and looks at Y/N for a second before looking at Akemi.

???: Can I help you two?

Akemi: Y/N here is your transfer student for this year.

???: I see. Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sona Shitori, I'm the student council president. The one beside me is Tsubaki Shinra.

Tsubaki: Greetings.

Y/N: It's nice to meet you, but why am I meeting you and not the principal?

Sona: While it is true that the principal is in charge of the school, we have a unique system that allows a smoother process of event such as Student Transitions and school events and such. This includes handling new students and those who transfer here to Kuoh Academy. Now, since we don't have your transcript, yet I'll need to get information on you. Some of these questions may be a bit personal. Are you ok with that?

Akemi: I can wait outside for this. I technically shouldn't be here for this.

Sona: If you don't mind, could you please wait at the front desk?

Akemi: Sure thing. I'll be back at the entrance when you're done.

Y/N: Ok. I won't take too long.

Akemi left, leaving everyone else.

Y/N: Is it ok for everyone else to be here?

Sona: The student council is not allowed to disclose any private information about students unless the authorities or a secondary party have the appropriate documentation and permission to collect such information. Nothing you say will be repeated. If anyone here were to do such a thing, they will be expelled and immediately arrested for disclosing private student information.

Y/N: Oh. Alright then.

Sona: Like I said. The system may be different, but it still works. Let us begin. What is your full name?

Y/N: Y/N L/N.

Sona: Place of birth?

Y/N: Osaka.

Sona: Allergies?

Y/N: Not that I know of.

Sona: Are you prescribed any medication?

Y/N: I used to, but not anymore.

Sona: Age?

Y/N: I'm 17.

Sona Place of residencey?

Y/N: I live in an apartment a couple blocks from here. (Make up a fake street name)

Sona: Looks like we cleared the basic questions.

Y/N: Is there more?

Sona: Just one more question. A simple yes or no will suffice.

Y/N: Ok.

Sona: have you been involved in any criminal activity?

Y/N: .... What?

Sona: Have you been involved in any criminal activity?

Y/N froze up as images flashed in his head. His ears started to ring as he looked down trying to think clearly. Sona repeated the question again, but Y/N didn't respond. Everyone else in the room glanced at him. Y/N looked at his wrist and griped it tightly as his hearing finally started to come back.

Sona: Y/N L/N!

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N looked up as Sona starred at him with slight worry.

Sona: If you cannot answer the question.

Y/N: N-no, it's fine. I'm not technically in the system, but I was involved with something in the past.

Sona: I see. I won't push for further details.

Sona finishes writing up the paperwork and closes the folder.

Sona: That should do it. One last thing. Do you have any known relatives that we could contact in case of an emergency?

Y/N: No.

Sona: I see. Well, that should do it. Would you please stand up so we can get your measurements.

Y/N: Stood up as a girl with white hair with measuring tape wrote down the measurements for Y/N. When she was done, she walked over to Sona and handed the paper to her.

Sona: Well, Mr. L/N That just about does it. We'll send someone over to drop off your uniform later today. I'll have someone give you your schedule when you come in tomorrow. Y/N L/N, I welcome you to Kuoh Academy.

Y/N stood up and shook her hand.

Y/N: Thank you for having me.

Y/N left, and Sona sat back down looking at the paperwork she filled out.

Tsubaki: So, he was involved in a crime, but he wasn't prosecuted.

Sona: It would appear so. Perhaps he was a victim, but that's not all. You must have felt it too, didn't you Tsubaki?

Tsubaki: I did, though it seemed like he couldn't sense us. Why do you think that is?

Sona: I'm not sure. Even though we can mask our power, it still can be sensed by those who are familiar with magic, but his was different.

Tsubaki: How so?

Sona: I could be wrong, but it reminded me of the Yokai.

Tsubaki: Should we approach him

Sona: No. From what I can gather, he may have gone through a traumatic experience. It could be the reason why he's here. Let's just see how he does here tomorrow.

Back with Y/N he was walking down the hallway to get back to Akemi at the entrance. While he was walking, he caught a glimpse of something at the corner of his eye. He looked and saw a girl staring out a window in a classroom. For some reason he was drawn to her. He walked over to her. She didn't look in his direction, but she did speak to him.

???: Beautiful, isn't it?

She then turned around and faced him. She was a young woman with white hair and yellow eyes. She wore a black cloak around over her body. Underneath it was a short torn white dress. In her hands was a small red egg-shaped object.

???: I wish a view like that could last forever. Such a gentle glow, and yet, such a powerful feeling.

Y/N: Who are you?

???: Someone you don't need to concern yourself with. Not yet at least. I would like to ask you a simple question. Do you mind?

Y/N stared at the girl in confusion. He wanted to know who she was, but she had avoided his attempt. he made a mental note to ask about her when he attends school.

???: This place is in danger. If it isn't protected the world could end. Would you be willing to save it?

Y/N: 'Why is she asking me this? This town is in danger?'

???: I see that you are conflicted. Perhaps the burden would be too much for you alone. Would you protect this place if you had assistance from others?

Y/N: Yes.

The girl smiled gently as she pulled her hood down and held the object close to her chest.

???: I see. That makes me glad. You remind me of someone I once knew. It's nice to remember them.

She looks out the window again.

???: I love this world. I hope you can save it.

As soon as Y/N blinked she disappeared. Y/N looked around trying to figure out where she went, but no matter where he looked, he couldn't find her. Y/N decided to ask around the next day. he then headed to the entrance. Once he did, he saw Akemi standing at the entrance of the school.

Akemi: Hey there. Are you alright? You were in there for a while.

Y/N: I'm fine. I just checked out one of the classrooms before I left.

Akemi: Oh! Well, that's nice. Come on. Tonight, I'll treat you to dinner, but you'll have to get your own food.

Akemi then took Y/N to a diner as. They ate the burgers which Y/N really enjoyed. Once they were done, they made it back to the complex.

Akemi: Oh! I almost forgot. Here.

Akemi then handed some money to Y/N.

Y/N: What? I can't take this. You've already done more than enough for me.

Akemi: I know, but you still need to get groceries for the future. This should be enough for you to by a decent amount of food. I make plenty of money for the complex and then some. Please, I insist.

Y/N: You're really not going to take no for an answer, are you?

Akemi: I know about you situation.

Y/N: Froze as he stared at Akemi in shock.

Akemi: I know that back in Osaka you weren't treated right when whatever happened, happened, but people here aren't like that. This can be a new start for you. I want you to understand that. This money is for you to use for your new life. The rest is up to you. It's late, why don't you get some sleep. See you around Y/N.

Akemi went to her place as Y/N just stood there looking at the money in his hand. When he snapped out of it, he put the money in his wallet and went to his apartment.


Y/N finished unpacking everything and just finished his shower. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Y/N walked over and opened the door. Standing in front of him was a boy around his age.

???: Hey! Are you Y/N?

Y/N: Yes. Who are you?

???: I'm Saji Genshirou. I was in the room when Sona was interviewing you.

Y/N: Oh. Then I take it you're here to drop off my uniform?

Saji: Yep. Here you go. Measured accordingly.

Y/N: That was fast.

Saji: We have uniforms of all sizes. We just match the pants with the shirt.

Y/N: Sound convenient.

Saji: It is. I'll also be the one to show you around the school tomorrow.

Y/N: Alright then. Thanks.

Saji: No problem. See you tomorrow.

Y/N: Saji walked away as Y/N noticed that it was getting late and decided to go to bed. Y/N liked the first impression Kuoh gave him, but he still had a lot of questions. Like whom the mystery girl was. he stopped thinking about it and went to sleep.

Dream Pov.

Y/N opened his eyes and noticed that he was in a dark space. He was still in his pajamas, but nothing else was noticeable. He looked around and saw a glowing blue butterfly floating in front of him.

The butterfly glowed brightly, forcing Y/N to cover his eyes. When the light died down, he lowered his arm and opened his eyes. He found himself in a strange room. It was all blue and seemed to be made of some kind of high-quality material.

Sitting at the desk before him was a man with a long nose.

???: Greetings. Do not be alarmed. I mean no harm to you. This is simply a place between consciousness and unconsciousness. My name is Igor, and I welcome you to the velvet room.

A/N: Tell me what you think.

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