Chapter 20: Your Fault

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Chloe's POV:

"Your father, he was involved in a fatal accident" I heard the voice from the other end of the line say before I froze dropping my phone on the ground with a crack sound.

"What's wrong Chloe?" Alec asked from beside me and immediately tears started spilling from my eyes.

"My..... It's my dad..... he was.....he...he was in an accident..... just now" I and Alec's expression immediately changes to worry and concern.

"Accident?, how, where is he now?" He asked standing up from the couch and fishing out his car keys from his pocket.

"Central Hospital" I replied  barely audible but loud enough for him to hear me. He sighed and muttered something under his breathe before pulling me from the couch and out of the house to get to his car.

"Would he die?" I asked Alec as soon as we entered the car
"No he won't, he can't" Alec replied but that didn't help at all as I still cried my eyes out all the way to the Central Hospital.

"Kris Morganne" Alec announced to the lady in front of the counter, to be honest I didn't  hear or understand a thing the lady and Alec were saying all I could hear were "Your father, he was involved in a fatal accident", those were the words that kept ringing in my ears. What if he becomes crippled?, what if he's badly injures, what if he breaks a bone?, or worst, what if he's... dead?, no he can't be, I should stop thinking, positive thoughts only. O Lord please help my dad, he's a really good man, take me instead, I'm the bad person not him.....

"Let's go Chloe" Alec called me out of my train of thoughts before pulling me into the elevator.

"What did she say?, what room is he in?" I asked sniffling loudly from crying so much earlier

"Room two hundred and thirteen, she said they had already called your mum too, she should be here with Zoe any minute" he answered, his voice void of emotions. A few more minutes and the elevator stopped, we got out of it and walked to the door that had '213'  placed on it on a golden plate and of course we were told to wait outside, gives me more time to cry, right?

"It's OK Chloe, everything would be fine" Alec said giving me a hug, hopefully to make me feel better.

"I'm really scared Alec, I don't know what to do because all of this is my fault, you guys were only trying to help me with a surprise birthday celebration but this is what happened instead, I'm cursed, no wonder mum never celebrated any of my birthdays, she was avoiding things like this" I say crying into his shoulders, I mean chest, excuse me if I'm not tall enough to reach his shoulders.      

"Stop talking rubbish, you're not cursed, you're a blessing, things happen sometimes that we can't control but that doesn't mean we should blame ourselves for them" he answered raking his hands through my hair. Wow, he is really good at this advice stuff, at least he's way better than I am.

"Where is he?, where is my husband?" I heard mum's voice call from behind me causing me to drift away from Alec

"He's still in the room, the doctor said we should all wait here" Alec answered, mum gave us a death glare before walking to sit on the chairs in the waiting area

We waited for another thirty minutes of mum repeatedly trying to call Zoe, Zoe not picking or returning any of her calls, me crying terribly, mum scolding me for crying, Alec trying to console me, the doctor finally came up to us to give us news about dad.

"Which one of you here is a relative of Mr. Morganne?" He asked his voice and face were void of emotion making me more nervous than I already was

"Me, I'm his wife" mum quickly answered and then walked closer to the bald doctor

"Well, em... We did everything we could but I'm sorry, we lost him" he said quickly, too quick for me to grasp what he just said, it honestly sounded like 'we lost him'

"I'm sorry I didn't get that" I said trying to listen closely to understand what he was saying

"I'm sorry, we lost your him" he said again but I didn't still understand what he was saying, why do I keep hearing 'we lost him', I really need to get my ears checked

"Could you please talk louder?" I requested making him look at me with......pity?, what is he pitying me for?

It wasn't until he walked away sadly, mum started crying and Alec held me tight in a hug whispering consoling words that I understood what was going on, my mother's husband, the man who gave birth to me, the first man I ever loved, the first person who ever understood me, my mentor, my pancake partner, my stream of happiness, my father, is...... Gone?

I tried to cry but I couldn't, I just didn't have it in me, I couldn't even move, I just stood there in Alec's arms confused and sad when I felt someone pull me from the back and dragged me aww from him.

"You, I know he was coming to see you because popped  balloons and wrapped gifts were found in his car where he had the accident, admit it, he came to see you right?, now he's dead, you curse witch, my husband is dead and it's all your fault", she screamed hitting me with her hands and Alec pulls me away from her as the security were already gathering us for causing a scene.

"My husband died because you just had to celebrate your stupid birthday and now you are here with your stupid boyfriend, you slut, my husband is dead and it's all your fault, you cheap piece of........" I couldn't hear the rest of the statement as the security guards had carried her away.

I didn't know what to say, she was partially right, it's all my fault that dad is dead, I'm a terrible person.

"I don't think you should go home tonight, I'm not staying at my parents' tonight, you can come stay with me....just for the night", Alec suggests and I give a quick nod. I can't go back home tonight, I don't know what mum would do to me if I do so.

Author's note:

Hey guys,
So I got the chance and I finally updated, yay.

But still this was a sad chapter for me, what did you guys think of it?

Pls don't forget to vote and drop some comments.

Also, stay home and stay safe


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