1~ Marriage Alliance

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Riddhima POV

"Riddhi...! Get up how long you'll sleep. Oh, my God, how she'll manage after marriage...?" Amma is ranting to wake me up from my beauty sleep.

"Ahaa, getting up Amma. Please stop bringing that stupid marriage concept on every topic..." I said in a grumpy tone by pulling myself up from my 'love' that is my bed.

I rubbed my eyes to wake up by keeping my legs on the land and prayed Mother Earth to give me strength and not get angry if I stomp on her.

I got up from bed with a smile playing on lips and started walking towards the washroom. But suddenly a stool struck my feet and I fall down.

"Amma..." I screamed with pain, as I suddenly fall down and my left elbow hit the ground.

"Riddhi...! What is happened Bujji(nick name -  small baby)...?" Amma shouting from the hall and ran to me. I can sense through her voice that again she got tense with my scream.

"Stupid Riddhi, can't you close your mouth when you fall down without giving pain to Amma" I mentally shouted at myself. Amma came and I can hear her gasp.

"Ayyo, how did you fall down Bujji...?" Amma asked with scary tone by raising me up by holding my shoulders. I smiled and...

"Nothing Amma, this stool stuck to my feet..." I said by rubbing my elbows. I can sense that Amma is worried about me and checking my elbows that I got hurt or not.

"While sweeping, I moved this stool hear and forgot to place in its place. I'm soo sorry Bujji. Did you got hurt...?" Amma is saying with worry and soothingly caressing with her angelic palm.

"Abba... Amma please don't say sorry and I'm fine but for now give me the way to the washroom, it's urgent..." I said hurriedly and moved her aside and rushed to the washroom to divert her.

"Riddhi... Be careful Bangaram(gold)..." Amma said sweetly and with her worried tone.

"Don't worry about me and do your work go..." I said loudly from the washroom and started my work. I heard Amma sighing heavily and left the place. I should be careful, every time, I make Amma worry about me.

I'm damn hungry so I completed my morning chore and rushed to eat something. The sambar smell is pulling me like anything. Sambar became the dedicated dish on Saturday from childhood. I just love the sambar made by Amma.

<Sambar - it's a South Indian dish which is a form of liquid mixed with rice to eat>

"Amma...! I'm hungry, fast..." I said loudly with hungry by sitting on the dining table.

"Coming..." Amma said with disappointment tone from the kitchen.

I chuckled at her reaction and desperately waiting to eat sambar rice by looking at the kitchen. Amma immediately arranged the table and now I'm having the delicious sambar rice without observing Amma.

"Riddhi...! Last night at what time you slept...?" Amma asked angrily while I stopped licking my finger.

"Ahaa, I think 11 Amma..." I said slowly, as I know what she gonna rant.

"Do you know, at what time you woke up...?" Amma asked angrily while gulped my saliva hardly.

"Umm, 11 I think..." I whispered by licking my little finger.

"No, you woke up at 11:30 am. How can you sleep for 12 and half hours Riddhi...?" Amma said angrily and the last line of disappointment tone. I just pouted and...

"Amma...! Today is holiday. So what's the problem with it...?" I said slowly as I don't have guts to say loudly. I heard Amma's heavy sigh.

"I don't know all these things Riddhi. You need to change your sleeping habit. After marriage, it'll become difficult for you..." Amma said strictly where I raised my head to show my anger.

"When the marriage happens, I'll see..." I said by gritting my teeth.

"Haa, I forgot to tell you. Evening around 4, Nanda is coming to see you. So, don't sleep like a pig..." Amma said hurriedly while my mind blocked.

"What...?" I screamed while Amma closed her ear with her hand, as I can hear her bangles sound.

"Why are you shouting like a donkey...?" Amma said in her grumpy tone while I was looking at her angrily.

"Amma...! Who's this Nanda and why are you doing this to me again...?" I asked angrily while Amma pulled her chair near to me and circled her left hand on my shoulder.

"Sshhh... Don't shout. What I'm doing...? I want to see my Bangaram happily living with her husband and children..." Amma said affectionately by dreaming about my future. I bobbed my head in disappointment by heaving a heavy sigh.

"You're thinking that marriage is not meant for you but I'm scared that if I suddenly d..." Amma started her emotional speech but I cut her off by placing my left hand on her mouth.

"Amma...! Stop, please. What you want that I should get ready for this marriage alliance right. Okay...! Done, but please don't talk all this rubbish..." I said angrily by taking my hand off from her mouth while looking at her eyes. I know she's crying as I can sense it.

"Aww, my Bujji is really Bangaram..." Amma said happily by wiping her tears with her shoulders and placed a soft kiss on my right cheek. A small smile danced on my lips.

"Okay...! Eat now, I'll not disturb you..." she said happily by leaving me. But I lost my appetite.

"I don't want to eat..." I said in disappointment tone. Amma chuckled and...

" Okay...! I'll make you eat..." Amma said placing the morsel near my lips where I can't deny and started eating with my lovely mother hands.

"When Amma feed me, I eat more and the food becomes more delicious. Her lap is the best place rather than my lovely bed. How can I leave her and go...? And this marriage alliance, offfff, they are so headache. As people come start their sympathy session which I really hate it" I was thinking and Amma suddenly cut me off from my thinking session.

"They're not like others. Nanda is a good man who became successful in his early and doesn't have any bad qualities, not even a single girlfriend. He started the textile business and now he's the top in that field. He's a very hard working guy like you Bujji..." Amma started ranting about this Nanda who impressed my innocent mother.

"Amma...! Seems like this Nanda is a big shot. So, they will do all the bad things secretly but outside play a good boy image..." I said in a matter-of-fact tone by eating.

"No, he's not like others. He's Savitri Aunt's son..." Amma said in I-know-everything tone while I heaved a sigh for my poor mother innocence.

"Who's this Savitri Aunt...?" I questioned her as I don't know who is she...?

"Ahaa, she's my temple-mate, I said you long back. Don't you remember...?" Amma asked and I immediately...

"Oh, maybe I'm sleeping..." I said immediately and bite my tongue, as I spelled it out.

"You won't change. But now, you're going to marry Nanda. So, you better change your stupid sleeping habit..." Amma said harshly.

"Oh, you're fixed this Nanda...?" I asked immediately as if she's telling like tomorrow itself is my marriage.

"He's perfect for you Riddhi..." Amma said happily while I closed my eyes to control my anger.

"No more discussion on this and start getting ready from 3 pm onwards..." Amma ordered me and bobbed my head in all directions where Amma laughed for my antics.


"It was already 4 pm and where is this Nanda...?"

At 4:18 pm I heard the bell ringing. I was in my room. The hall is few steps away. So, I can hear everything. Amma opened the door and started greeting Savitri Aunt with her happy tone. I can smell one lady perfume and 2 gents perfume.

"Ahaa, in television ads, they show that females fall on these men who used those perfumes. But frankly speaking, male perfumes are so creepy. If we stand near them, it becomes tough to inhale oxygen as they spray more to grab the girls attraction. But in reality, I just want to run away from those creepy smell"

They all greeted each other and Amma is serving them water, I think.

"Where is Riddhima...? Bring her Shanti..." Aunt asked Amma.

"Hmm, give me few seconds. I'll bring her..." Amma saying hurried and came to me.

"Bujji...! Please be happy in front..." Amma said hurriedly by adjusting my hair and looking at me that I'm perfect or not.

Till now she said many times the same dialogue. I placed my famous smile and went to the hall by looking at the mother land. I placed on the single sofa where I can sense that Aunt and a male is sitting on one sofa and to my opposite sofa another male sat.

"You're looking soo beautiful Riddhima..." Aunt said by placing her hand on me where I faked a blush.

"Where is this Parth...? Revanth call him and ask where he's...?" Aunt said with bit angry tone.

"Yes Mom..." a young voice said immediately.

"His voice is not at all nice. I don't like this guy. Rejected, Haha" I mentally laughed at my thought.

"I'm here..." I heard a manly voice near the door, I think. So I immediately raised my head towards that voice as if I can see that person. I sensed someone is intensely gazing me. So, I immediately lowered my head to the mother land.

His perfume smell is erotic, hmm it smells nice actually.

"Wait but where is this Nanda" I'm thinking and...

"Offfff... Where are you Parth...?" Aunt asked in a disappointment tone same like Amma.

A mother is always a mother. I mentally smiled at Aunt's reaction.

"Oops, sorry Aunt, traffic jam..." Parth said by heaving a sigh with exhausted tone by moving near to Aunt sofa.

"Hoo, so this Parth is not her son then why she's curious about his arrival...?" I was thinking and...

I heard a slap and immediately another slap and "Ahaa" from Revanth.

"Are these two boys fighting like kids" I was thinking and...

"Boys..." I heard an angry sharp voice near Aunt. Maybe, Uncle, I think. Amma and Aunty chuckled where a sigh from one of the young man.

"Come here and sit, Parth..." Aunt said by moving a little bit.

He's coming near to me and sat at Aunt place where she before sat. Off, his perfume smell is so toxic and erotic.

"Okay...! Parth, here is Riddhima and Riddhima this is Parth Nanda..." Aunt introduced us happily. I just smiled.

I felt his touch. He took my hand for the handshake. His hand is rough, cold with sweat, I think but the touch is not weird. It's just a formal handshake without any stupid man touch. He softly left my hand after a formal handshake and mumbled hi. Even I too mumbled hello.

"I think you both should talk alone..." Aunt said.

"Haa, ya, Riddhi take Nanda to your room..." Amma said with a tensed tone which is evident. I stood up and taking a step to go to my room but...

"Should I help you..." Parth said with concerned tone by getting up. I turned back to look at him but couldn't able to recognize his height.

"No thanks..." I said softly with a small smile and turned towards my room.

"Stupid sympathy. Why people show this much sympathy" I was thinking and...

"Carefully..." he said softly by coming to my left side, as I know that there my bedroom door.

He opened the door and went inside and gave me space to come inside. I can sense he's being careful but what does he think that I don't know how to walk in my home. I went inside.

"Hmm, can we go to the balcony..." he said softly. I gave a small smile and moved towards the balcony.

He's looking at me, as if I may fall down. But this is my home and I know every inch of it. But if anything placed in the wrong place then I'll fall down like morning. I went to the balcony and turn towards his side as his blazer, I think, making the sound when he's moving.

"Hi, this is Parth Nanda...! Before Aunt introduced us. So..." he said his name confidently with his manly voice and later awkwardly completed the sentence. His voice is sharp yet a time soft.

"Hello, this is Riddhima Anand..." I said confidently by giving my famous smile. But I can't register his height.

"Can you please tell me your height...?" I asked softly.

"6.1" he immediately said. So, I raised my eyelashes to look at his eyes.

"Hey..." he said excitedly, where I kept a question mark face.

"You look at my eyes correctly..." he said happily where I can sense his happiness. But I didn't understand why...?

"Well, it doesn't have the brightness to see exactly. But I like to see into people's eyes and talk..." I said in a matter-of-fact tone. I heard his chuckle.

"Hmm, maybe they don't have the brightness to see but your eyes twinkling like stars which makes you look more beautiful..." he said with admiration voice by coming to my right side but maintained minimum distance. I can sense his erotic perfume. I raised my right eyebrow for his compliment.

"Are you flirting with me...?" I asked in a serious tone. But frankly speaking, I can sense sincerity and adoration in his voice.

        [¬¬¬¬¬¬ CONTINUES ¬¬¬¬¬¬]

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Love 💕

April Melody 🎶

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