Chapter 2 : Cameron University

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Raven's P.O.V.

“Don't and I repeat Don't talk with boys" Alex said pointing his finger on me. He continue “Eat your medicines on time. Take care of your health. Don't trust anyone blindly. We are always with you. You know that, right ?"

I hugged him tightly burying my face in his chest. He hugged me back, sniffling my hair and relaxed. I can sense that they don't like it that I am going far from them. I pulled Ivan in hug too and without complaining, he hugged both of us.

These both are not the big fan of hug, but if it's from me, they never complained it.

I smiled and my eyes glistened with tears, but I blinked it.

“I will miss you guys" I whispered tightening my hold on both of them.

“We too" They mumbled. I can't help but few tears made its way.

“Heyy Heyy don't cry" Alex told me pulling away from hug , wiping my tears.

Ivan cupped my cheeks and said “You know you can call us anytime, anywhere, hmm ?"

I nodded still tears in my eyes.

“So now enough, don't cry, hmm ?" Ivan added, pecking my forehead. I nodded smiling.

“Ok now listen to me, Focus on studies-" Ivan said but cuts off by great Alex.

“Oh Shut up Ivan. Don't give bullshits" Alex said rolling his eyes. I giggled at Ivan's angry face, but it didn't effect on Alex.

Alex continued “Listen to me Rav, You remembered what I taught you, right ? If you find anyone who deserve those, just give them that, at that time only. And if anyone gives you hard time, I am only one call far away from you, hmm ?" He asked me.

I nodded smiling at him.

“Ok , now the main and important thing." He said becoming serious.

I looked at him confused.

“Let's revise last time , ok ? Tell me what I taught you" He asked seriously.

“I remembered everything. Umm Fuck, Asshole, Dickh-"

“Heyy Heyy Enough now. It's enough Rav. You Alex , Did you seriously taught her this ?" Ivan said looking at Alex in disbelief.

Alex shrugged in response.

“She should have know this" Alex said non chalantly.

Ivan shook his head and looked towards me “Listen to me Rav, Take care of your health and focus on studies too. If you find any difficulty in anything, you know you can call us anytime, hmm ?"

I smiled softly and nodded.

Before this situation turns into an emotional one, I should change the topic.

“Ok ok Enough now you little fuckers an-" Before I could complete my sentence, I felt smack on back of my head and flick on my forehead.

“Ouchh ! It hurts" I told them rubbing my back head with one hand and forehead with another.

“It was meant to be" Ivan said.

“You just can't curse on us" Alex said deeply offended.

“And who told you that ?" I asked them, folding my hands on my chest.

“I can do whatever I want" I added.

“Then I can do whatever I want" Ivan said and within a fraction of second, he picked me up on his shoulder.

“Let's go home now. You are not going to study here" He said and started going towards car, with a smirking Alex following.

My eyes widened.

“No No No , you can't do that" I screeched hitting his muscular back.

“I can do whatever I want" Ivan shrugged.

“No, No Sorry sorry. Put me down, pleaseee" I told him.

“Will you ever curse on us ?" Ivan asked me.

“Never" I told him sincerely.

“Ok then" He sighed and put me down again on my feet.

“You both little DIPSHITS" I said and ran away from them to my University gate, as we are little away from gate.

“You- wait" They told and chased me.

Before I could enter in the gate, they both caught my wrist.

“What did I told you ?" Ivan asked me.

“Not to curse on you" I told him innocently.

“Then why did you curse on us ?" He again asked me.

“I didn't curse on you. Did I take your name in my whole sentence ?" I asked him innocently.

He raised his eyebrows.

I stare at him innocently with a pout.

He sighed and shooked his head.

I giggled at his defeated face.

A small smile broke into his lips.

“Oh hello, I am still angry" Alex huffed voice heard.

I looked at Alex and smirked a little thinking something.

“Alex, if I will find any beautiful girl in my class, I will give your number to her" I whispered.

His eyes sparkle and he smiled widely.

“You can curse me whenever and wherever you want. I will never mind" He said showing his teeth.

“What a hoe" I heard Ivan muttered, to which Alex glared at him, in response Ivan just smirked at him.

I giggled.

“Ok guys enough. I have to go now. Byeee"

I said and wave at them and saw them waving at me, chuckling with my childish behaviour.

They sat in the car and left.

I turned around and saw my University.

I am at my dream University.

My dream is going to true.

Immediately a smile came on my face and I sequeled in happiness thinking about my new life.

Oh God, be with me always !

I silently prayed and entered in the university.

I looked around the university.

There are so manyyyyyyy students.

(University picture is on the top)

Ok Rav, let's get it.

I sighed and went towards principal's office.

On the way, I saw students every here and there. Of course this is not a new thing. But it increases my nervousness a little.

I knocked on the door and heard a faint ‘come in'.

I entered in the room and saw a man in suit , who look like he is in his early 40s, with a warm smile on his face.

“Good morning, sir" I greet him with my politeness.

“Good morning" he replied with a smile.

“Sir, I am Raven Wilson. I am here for my schedule" I told him politely.

He nodded and typed something in his PC and then looked up.

“Yes Miss Raven, You will be provided your schedule by your class teacher. I gave your contact number to him. He will contact you soon. Till then, you should keep your luggage and all in your dorm. And about dorm, I will call Miss Nancy here and she will took you to your room. Is it ok with you ?" He asked me.

“Yes Sir" I replied.

“That's good. Anything else you want to ask ?"

“No sir"

“ok then. Miss Nancy is here. You can go with her. And if you want to ask anything, you can come to me anytime child" He said with a smile.

“Thank you sir" I replied with a smile.

A lady came in.

“Miss Nancy, she is Raven and Raven she is our dorm incharge Nancy Brown" He introduced us.

“Good Morning Mam" I smiled and greeted het.

“Good morning child, come , I will show you your dorm and your roommates" she smiled and we took our leave.

We are going to my room and me being nervous started biting my nails.

One of the reason that I am feeling nervousness is that, I know I am the only new student of my class. Actually, my college starts 6 months ago but I was attending online classes these 6 months as we are out for my Dad's business.

I had online friends but we can't tell how they actually are before meeting them.

And joining class after ending of first semister, where everyone already had their group, I couldn't help but get a little nervous.

We reached my room. She unlocked it and we entered in the room.

I widened my eyes at the scene infront of me.

Three messy beds and one untouched bed.

A foul smell in whole room.

Not so clean floor.

I turned towards Miss Nancy.

“Madam, I heard that aunty came daily to clean these dorms" I asked her.

“Yes , she came daily but today she is not well so she can't come for next 2 days. Sorry my child" she apologized and left the room.

What the heck !!

I turned towards my bed and sighed.

Let's do it !

Time Skip ( After cleaning )

I came out of my room to explore my University as dorm is in the Campus, so it become easy to explore it anytime.

I am busy in exploring classes and halls and departments, suddenly, I heard a painful scream.

Male sound. But it is painful.

I looked around to find a source of this sound when my eyes landed on one boy who is beating another boy mercilessly.

What the fuck !

Before I could register anything, my feet dragged me there and without even thinking twice, I push that boy away from the injured boy, who is now unconscious.

“Heyy heyy w-wake up" I tapped on his cheeks, but he didn't respond.

I could feel the atmosphere around me grew silent.

“Someone help please" I screamed but no one took a step. I frowned.

Are these people lost their hearts with their minds ?

“He will d-die, please take him to c-clinic" I again said but no one respond.

“What is happening here ?" A female voice said.

I looked towards the voice only to see one teacher came with two peons.

“M-Mam, he is u-unconscious. P-Ple-ease take him to medical"

She nodded frantically and peon carried him.

On the way, 3 to 4 boys followed peon and teacher.

I guess they are his friends. If they are his friends then why the hell they didn't help him ??

Pathetic friends.

I looked towards the boy who was beating, only to see he is already glaring at my soul.

I gulped.

All my bravery goes in vain.

No Rav, be Brave.

I took a deep breath.

“Who the fuck do you think you are to beat anyone, this mercilessly ?" I raged at him.

I continued “What the hell do you think of yourself ?"

I asked him in disbelief “Are you out of your mind ? He could have died on the spot. Are you for real ?"


“Ryder Denmark"

To Be Continued...

Hope you like the chapter...

I will upload next chapter soon maybe, I don't know, but trust me I will never gonna discontinue this book.

Till then guess what will happen next and stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 1st March 2022.

Total Words : 1778 words 😁.

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