Chapter 75 : Triplet Day

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Raven's P.O.V.

"Offline classes are way better than Online classes" I muttered as I again tapped twice on the left side of the screen.

I am watching YouTube video that my faculty told us to watch for online students. But, I can't concentrate. It's like I just want to scroll Instagram. But I know I have to. Ughhhh. So frustrating.

I flinched suddenly when I heard two giants barged through my door.

"What ?" I asked still focusing on video.

"Go get ready" Ryan stated.

My head perked up.

"Huh ?"

"Go get ready" Ryder repeated.

"What ?"

"Oh God, He said Go get Read-"

"Ryder, I heard it in first time but I am asking why ?" I looked at him so done.

"Ohh well we are going out" Ryan replied.

"Where ?"

"Amusement Park"

My eyes lit up.

"Really ?"

They nodded with a smirk.

I immediately stood up and ran to my closet.

"Heyy you guys are not pranking me, right ?" I asked them raising my eyebrow.

"Get ready in 15 minutes otherwise one more minute, we will leave without you. Your time starts now" Ryder said looking at his watch.

Ryan nodded.

I huffed and immediately ran towards bathroom.

I changed my clothes in a jeans and top and left my hair open.

"I am ready" I came out from the bathroom only to see both of them busy in their phones sitting on my bed.

"Who is coming with us ?" I asked them. Their heads snapped towards me.

"Only we three are going"

I frowned "why ?"

"Alex went to the bank as his Dad called for some work, Mom and Dad are with Rowan as he has a parents meeting and our lovebirds went on a date" Ryan ended with a chuckle.

I nodded remembering how Pari was so happy for this date.

"So that leave us, that's why we only three are going" Ryder said walking towards door, followed by us.

"Wow let's go" I squealed.

They chuckled.

"Wowww I came here after such a long time" I giggled.

"So where ?" Ryan asked coming beside me.

"Let's eat something first" Ryder said coming on my other side.

I looked at him.

"Seriously Ryder ?" Ryan exclaimed in disbelief.

He shrugged.

Author's P.O.V.

"Let's go to Ferris wheel" Raven said clapping her hand in process.

Ryder and Ryan looked amused.

"Ok then let's goo" Ryan said.

Raven hold both of their hands and pulled them with her towards Ferris Wheel. They let her pulled them.

Ryder gave money to the man and they all sat there. Soon enough wheel started spinning.

"It was so fun" Raven laughed heartily.

"Yeah I know right. I loved it" Ryan agreed.

"I feel bad about Aunty" Raven sighed.

"Why tho ?" Ryan asked her.

"She was screaming so loudly due to fear" Raven said.

"Yeah, but overall it was fun" Ryan said with smile.

"I agreed" Raven giggled.

"Now where should we go ?" Raven asked.

"Umm let's go there" Ryan said pointing towards another ride. Raven nodded her head excitedly and hold his hand and they ran towards the another ride.

Meanwhile Ryder looked at his siblings shocked.

"How could they like such things ? Oh my God, my head is still spinning, I felt like everything is spinning around me. Oh no, why the hell I agreed to come to the amusement park" He said and looked at his over-excited siblings running towards the another ride. He sighed and followed them.

Like this, They enjoyed many rides.

"It's Enough. Let's go and eat something now, I can't bear it now. My body really needs food right now. If you don't wanna go, then you can continue your journey from here without me, I am going to eat, if you want, you can join me" Ryder announced.

Ryan and Raven looked at each other and laughed.

"Why why are you laughing ?"

Ryder glared at them.

"You are so cute, Ryder, let's go and eat something, I am hungry too" Raven said pinching his cheeks. He grinned. And they went to a food stall.

"Excuse me" Ryan called a Waiter.

"Yes Sir, How can I help you ?" Waiter asked politely.

"I want one beef pepperoni pizza small size and hamburger, with a coke" Ryder ordered.

"And I want French fries and one cheese veg crunch burger with Sprite. What about you, Rav ?" Ryan asked.

"I want Regular cheese Grilled sandwich and Bournville Chocolate Shake" Raven ordered.

"Ok Mam" Waiter said noting everything.

"How much time it will take ?" Ryder asked.

"Sir, 15 to 20 minutes" He replied.

"Ok" Waiter bowed and left.

They started chit-chatting. Soon enough, their order arrived and they started munching on their food.

"I am full" Ryder burped rubbing his hand on his stomach.

"That's not fair, you eat so much you still don't get fat" Raven pouted.

Ryder chuckled "That's called Charms, sister" Ryder winked at her, by ruffling her hair. She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Ok now what ?" She asked them.

"Let's play some games" Ryder suggested.

"Why ? Scared of rides huh ?" Ryan teased. Raven giggled at that.

"Who ? Me ? Nah Never. I was not scared, I was just worried about you two" Ryder smiled at them.

"Worried about us ? Why ?" Raven raised her eyebrows.

Ryder smiled at her before pulling her in his embrace "Because you both are my little siblings" He fakely cooed at them. Ryan scoffed.

"We are not little" Raven whinned.

"Yeah Yeah" Ryder smirked.

"You are so annoying" Raven pushed him. He just laughed heartily in response.

Suddenly, Raven flinched when she felt a smack on her butt. She turned around in a speed of light, taking a step back.

Ryder and Ryan looked at her confused before copying her actions.

There stood 4 boys smirking at Raven.

"Nice ass huh ?" One of them said, biting his lips. Raven gulped.

"What the fuck ? WHO ARE YOU ?" Ryan asked standing infront of Raven.

"Uh-huh nothing just complimenting a beauty here" Another boy smirked peeking at a Raven behind Ryan.

"Mind your tongue bastard" Ryder clenched his fist standing infront of that another guy.

"Ooo two boyfriends ? One girl ? Hmm... Is she that good-" Before he could complete his sentence, Ryder pulled him with his collar and started punching him on his jaw "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TO SAY THAT TO MY SISTER"

His friends widened their eyes. One of his friend took a step towards Ryder to hit him. But before he could do anything, Ryan kicked him hard on his stomach, making him groan in pain.

Soon enough, fight started. Two boys against four. Raven's eyes widened.

She don't want to see her brothers injured. It just brings bad memories. She couldn't comprehend anything. Her mind started showing how first time she saw David beating her brothers, how Brian first time slapped her. Everything. Her hands started trembling. Without knowing, she started panicking when she saw that one of the guy is going to hit Ryan from back with thick wood.

Her eyes widened in panic. She wanted to shout at Ryan to look at his back but voice just struck in her throat.

She looked here and there and find a stick on the ground.

Without wasting a second, she hit that boy's back and without giving him chance to recover, she started beating him with that stick.

"Oww- Ow-Owww" He screamed in pain.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU TO HURT MY BROTHER. I WILL KILL YOU" She yelled continue beating that boy.

Crowd forms a circle and immediately security comes there. They stopped Ryder and Ryan who is still glaring at the boys with their dark raged eyes.

"Sir please stop that madam" one guard told them. Their head snapped towards Raven who is still beating that guy with stick.

"I WILL FUCKING CUT YOUR DICK AND FEED IT TO TORTOISE. I WILL KILL YO-" Before she could complete, a hand snaked through her waist. She immediately relaxed in a familiar hold.

"Calm down Rav, Cops are here" Ryder said soothingly. Ryan came and throw the stick from her hand.

Ryan go near the cops and started explaining him.

While Ryder made her turned around and hugged her securely. He kept her head on his chest and tightened his hold around her. Raven could feel his heart beating too fast. She tightened her hold on him too.

"It's okk ssshh" She was still trembling. He caressed her hair and kissed her head multiple times.

"You are safe. They are gone, don't worry calm down" He started calming her down, scared that she will slipped into her little space.

Ryan joined them too. He hugged her from back.

She felt warm in their embrace and sighed in content.

To Be Continued...

Hope you like this Triplet Day...

Next chapter will also be on Triplets...

Apart from the story, tell me Do you guys loves Rides ? Which type of rides you prefer ?

And please don't forget to Vote and Comment 🌼.

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 2nd June 2k23.

Total Words : 1526 words 😁.

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