Chapter 81 : Where is Pari ?

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Author's P.O.V.

Music stopped as a loud voice gained everyone's attention.


They all looked at Ryder and followed his gaze to the door where none other than Nancy is standing.

Nancy, Miss Nancy, Warden of Girls dorm.

"Uh- Raven ?" She called scanning the room. Raven came forward hearing her name. She frowned.

Nancy's eyes widened as she came near Raven.

"R-Raven Happy Birthday" She wished her. Raven frowned at that.

It's weird.

The woman none other than her bullies mom and also her warden came to wish her ?

This is the same woman who was giving justifications of her daughter's wrong deeds.

"Thank you" Raven nodded.

"But how did you know that today is my birthday ?" Raven asked confused.

She never told anyone her birthday in her college except Pari. Then how is it even possible ?

Nancy's eyes widened.

"Uh- School records" She replied.

"And why did you go to check her school records ?" Ryan raised his eyebrow.

Nancy bits her lower lips.

"Because I wanna apologize" She said.

"For what ?" Alex frowned.

"For doing everything to Raven. For defending her bullies" She replied looking down.

It doesn't make sense at all. Raven thought.

"I am sorry Raven" She looked at Raven.

Raven sighed.

"Can we talk all this later. I don't want to spoil my birthday" Raven replied turning other side.

"Please Raven, I am sorry. I also bring my daughter and her friends too. They are also here to apologise, Raven, wait- GIRLS COME INSIDE" She called.

Raven looked at her in disbelief.

Ella, Grace and Alice came inside.

Pari's eyes hardened.

While Alex and Ivan looked angry.

Ryder and Ryan are openly glaring at their souls.

Raven is staring at them blankly.

While, others are plain confused.

"Girls come here, apologize" She instructed. Three of them looked at each other and entered in the house.

"Ella say sorry" Nancy scolded her daughter.

"S-Sorry Raven" she looked down.

"Yes, we are sorry" Grace and Alice said together.

"Listen, can we please talk about all this later, after party I guess, my guests are here and I don't want to spoil anyone's mood" Raven told them politely.

"P-Please Rav, forgive us" Alice said.

"It's Raven for you all" Pari glared at them.

"S-Sorry, Raven" Alice muttered.

"I am sorry but I can't forgive you all just like that. You guys were the first people I met in University and you guys just- " Raven sighed controlling herself.

"Please just leave" She said turning back.

Yes, she is forgiving person but it's only with family not for others. Yes, she definitely saves their friendship but she never forgave them for what they did in past. She will never forget how they kept bullying her in room, how they keep throwing insects in her food and water, how they keep commenting on her body, how they always helped Brian, how they locked her up in dark room, nothing. She will never forget what they did to her And she is not going to forgive them that easily.

"Just stop overreacting girl, we were just having fun" Grace said, annoyed.

Raven sighed already knowing this. They still didn't realise their mistake and are hoping for her to forgive them. Impossible.

"OH Madam, mind your attitude." Ivan glared at the girl.

"And leave before I lost my mind" Ryan gritted his teeth.

They sighed and left from there.

Pari and Ruby immediately came towards Raven.

"Are you ok ?" Ruby asked her. Raven nodded with smile.

"Let's not spoil our mood" Alex told her.

"Yeah, let's Dance together. MUSIC" Ivan cheered and music started.

People started hiting on Dance floor. Couples, friends, children all started dancing enjoying their evening.

Ruby and Xander were dancing together, Ryder, Ryan, Alex, Ivan and Jay were all enjoying themselves. Rowan was dancing with his friends, While Raven, Scarlett and Pari were entertaining themselves.

But, suddenly, Pari's phone rang, grabbing her attention. She hanged the call. But it rang again. She frowned looking at the unknown call.

She looked at the others as they all were busy. Excusing herself from the crowd, she came in corner.

She picked up the call.


No response.

"Hellooo" She kept her two fingers on her one ear and put phone on another because of loud noise.

Still she got no response.

She shrugged hanging the call.

She turned around to go back to the dance floor suddenly someone caught her eye. She frowned thinking she is just seeing things.

But immediately her eyes widened when she realised she is not hallucinating.

"You ?"


Raven's P.O.V.

"Where is Pari, Rav ?" Ivan asked me.

"She is attending her call" I replied.

He nodded.

"Aww you are missing someone, hmm" I smirked teasing him.

He rolled his eyes at me, with a slight smile on his face. I laughed at his face.

"Shut up, let's dance together" He said smiling. I squealed nodding my head.

"Pari's taste in boys is bad huh ?" Ivan asked me raising his eyebrow.

I nervously chuckled remembering previous incident.

"N-No, I was kidding"

He chuckled shaking his head. I grinned knowing he is not going to take revenge from me now.

"Heyy Rav, come here babes" Alex pulled me towards him. I giggled.

He made me turn around holding my right hand.

"Are you ok ?" He asked me, continuing dance. I nodded, smiling.

"Heyy enough Man, let me dance with my sister" Ryder snatched me from Alex.

What are these people thinking of me ? A ball or what ?

"Happy Birthday Little Sister" Ryder smiled at me.

"We are triplets" I looked at him in disbelief. He chuckled.

The Audacity-

"I know"

"Then don't call me little"

"But you are"

"I am not"

"You are"

"Prove me" I challenged him. He smirked.

"Look at your height"

"No comments on height"

"Sure sure" He mocked rolling his eyes.

"Still, you are younger than us" Ryan smirked pulling me away from Ryder.

"Heyyy stop passing me around, I am not your ball" I told him offended.

He smirked.

"And even though, you came out from the womb first, it still didn't prove that you are elder than me" I huffed.

"I am not saying we are elder than you. I am saying you are younger than us" He told me.

"Same thing" I rolled my eyes at him.


Everyone started hooting and shouting and with this song started. People started dancing again. Couple of minutes later, everyone started leaving, wishing us Happy Birthday again one last time.

"Thank God, All ends well" Mom smiled closing the main door. We all smiled, nodding our heads.

Ryder and Alex sat on couch tiredly.

While Rowan sat on chair yawning, with sleep in his eyes.

Ivan is looking at his phone sitting beside Ryder.

While, Ryan and Dad are helping Mom to clean the house.

Wait, someone is missing-

I looked at the room widening my eyes.

"Where is Pari ?" I asked everyone as their heads snapped towards me.

Ivan immediately stood up from his place.

"I am trying her phone, but it all went to a voice mails. She is not even replying messages" He said frantically.

My heart dropped at this.

"She must be in washroom" Mom said calmly.

"No Mom, she isn't. I just came from the washroom" Ryan replied worriedly.

"Kids calm down, Rav, go and check in your room. Ryder, Alex go check in backyard, Ivan go check in garden, Ryan in garage, Ruby look in all the bathrooms. I will check in kitchen. Hurry up, quick" Dad said rushing towards Kitchen.

My feet automatically took me to my room.

I ran as fast as I could. But today, it felts like it's all going in slow motion. My heart is constantly beating faster with each second pass. I barged in my room, looking frantically everywhere.


I checked everywhere, from balcony to bathroom.

But Pari is nowhere to be found.

My heart is beating crazily.

I immediately came out from my room, going downstairs but my eyes caught something behind the stairs.

My eyes widened.

I picked the phone instantly from the floor.

"Pari's Phone ?"

My heart aches as my eyes watered thinking all negative things.

I glanced at the broken phone in my hand.

Where are you, Pari ?

To Be Continued...

I hope you guys like this chapter.

Nothing much to say today 😅.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 14 June 2023

Total Words : 1448 words 😁.

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