Chapter 83 : Suspicious

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Author's P.O.V.


Alex screamed at the guards fuming in anger. Ivan is talking continuously on phone, screaming at the other end. Ryan is nowhere to be seen, while Ryder is in Raven's room. Xander is talking with Marcus, while Ruby is trying her phone, continuously.

The moment, they came to know that Raven is not in her room. They literally searched everywhere. Deep down they knows, Where would she be but no one wants to accept. They are scared to accept that Raven's life is in danger too.

"I think, She has gone to the kidnappers." Officer Marcus sighed.

"Did you track her phone ?" Xander asked him worriedly.

"yeah, we will know-"

"Sir, Miss Raven's phone's last location is showing in X-34 street, beside of green alleyway. After that, her phone is switched off" One officer interrupted Marcus. Everyone's head snapped towards that officer.

"Good. Get out the jeep. We are going there now." He ordered his officers who nod their head, running out of the house. Marcus turned towards family.

"We will update you with everything. If you people get a call from the kidnapper, then inform me immediately." Xander nodded and Marcus ran out from the house towards his jeep.

"Oh God where are my kids ?" Ruby sobbed. Xander hugged her, kissing her head.

"Everything will be fine honey, don't worry" He whispered with tears in his eyes.

"First Pari, now Raven, What do the kidnappers want from my c-children, Xander ? I will give them as much money as they want, but I just want my children back safely. Please bring my k-kids back, Xander, please" Ruby cried.

"Don't cry Honey, The officer Marcus has gone, he will surely bring our children back safely, Ruby." Xander rubbed her back, with tears streaming down her cheeks.


"Dad, they kidnapped Pari and told Rav to come at X-34 street, alone otherwise they will kill Pari and I know She has gone to the kidnapper to save her." Alex massaged his temples.

"Ok Dad, thanks" He declined the phone.

His attention went to his wallpaper.

This was the pic when they were only 8 years old.

Ruby clicked their photo and the day Alex got his phone, he put this photo on his wallpaper.

He sadly smiled and sighed.

"I won't let anything happen to you guys. I will bring my two friends home safely and that's for sure" He gritted his teeth, immediately calling someone.


Somewhere in the house, Ivan is shouting on the phone.


"Fuck it" He opened the drawer and took out a packet of cigarettes. He took out a cigarette from the packet and started looking for a lighter in the drawer. He rummaged through the drawer.

But he could not find a lighter.

He mentally cursed, throwing cigarettes in frustration.

"WHY THE HELL YOU WENT THERE RAV ?" He brushed his hair with his hands, tiredly.

"How will I find you both now ?"

He closed his eyes in frustration.

"I love you both. Please come back to me. I can't live without any of you."

His eyes watered thinking about both of them.

"No, I can't sit here like an idle. I have to do something" He abruptly stood up and took out his phone.

Pressing on particular name, he pressed on 'Call' and kept it near his ear.

On second ring, that particular person picked up his phone.

"We need to talk, Alex"


The worst condition was of Ryder and Ryan.

The first birthday of their life where they celebrated with their sister and family instead of being locked in a basement. They enjoyed their birthday for the first time. But it's like, the universe did not approve of this. It's like, the universe can't see them happy.

Everything was going well but suddenly someone kidnapped their friend and now their sister is also missing.

Worse part is, that, they can't even do anything to protect them, to save them.

Except blaming themselves.

Ryder blankly stared at large photo frame in Raven's room.

His phone rang. He picked up his phone without seeing caller ID.

"Ryder, meet me at X-34 street, right now. Fast"

Ryder straightened his back.

"What ?"

"No questions. Come here fast" Saying this, Ryan declined the call.

Ryder nodded before sprinting down towards hall. But a voice made him stop in his tracks.

"M-Mom, I will never call Raven loser and I will never bother Pari too. P-Please tell them to come home, Mom" Rowan sniffled.

Ruby hugged him.

"Don't worry baby, our girls are very strong. They will come back soon, don't cry" Ruby said rubbing Rowan's back in comforting manner, ignoring her own tears.

Ryder's eyes moistened. He blinked away the tears, running towards his car.

He sat in the car and started the engine. He drove and in just 12 minutes, he reached X-34 street.

He came out from the car looking here and there.

Spotting Ryan at a distance, he immediately ran towards him. He made him turn towards him.

"Ryan what happened ? Why did you call me here ?" Ryder asked confused.

"Look" Ryan showed him a phone.

Ryder gasped.

"Raven's phone ?"


"That means they took her from here"

"Exactly. But you know what is suspicious ?" Ryan asked.

Ryder shook his head in 'No'.

"This phone was not switched off"

Ryder frowned.

"It is also possible that the kidnappers forgot to switch off the phone and threw it away.

"May be yes or maybe no"

"What are you trying to say ? Say it clearly Ryan" Ryder said, annoyed.

"If her phone is not switched off then why did the police tell us that her phone is switched off after coming here" Ryan reasoned with him.

A confusion latched on Ryder's face, which suddenly turns into Realisation and then anger.

"Wow, My sons are very intelligent"

Their head snapped towards the voice as their eyes widened seeing the unexpected person there.

"Missed me, Sons ?"

"David ?"

To Be Continued...

Yeah David is back ☠️.

Raven and Pari are still nowhere to be found.

Ryder and Ryan are in danger.

No one knows where are Alex and Ivan.

So, tell me what do you think what's gonna happen ? Feel free to point any mistakes ☺️.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 20 June 2023.

Total Words : 1122 words 😁.

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