Prologue : 2

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“This is mwine, this is ywours and this is ywours" little girl said to her twins by dividing a chocolate piece among themselves.

“You have bwigger pwiece, see" her one twin brother complained showing his chocolate and compared it.

“Noooo, it's same" girl said very protective of her chocolate piece.

“No, compware thwem, you will see" boy again said.

“Owkay" she said and bring her hand holding chocolate piece forward to compare.

They compared it.

“See, see I told you" boy said smiling and cheerfully “now, gwive me"

Little girl's eyes widened.

“Nooo, it's just a this big" she said making her finger gesture showing how big is her chocolate from her twin.

(A/n : something like this 🤏🏻)

“Stwill you have bwig" he argued.

“No- hweyy it's mwine"


Both of them shouted when their piece of chocolate was snatched from their hands by none other than their own twin.

“Now, it's all mwine" He said keeping both pieces in his mouth and stuck his tongue out at his siblings who are looking at him with widened eyes.

He laughed, bring them to reality.

“You twook my chocowolate" She said angrily and started beating him with her small hands, while he was busy in laughing.

“You swhouldn't do this" other boy pouted.

“Hello my cuties" a voice took their attention.

They looked at the door only to see their....



Triplets squealed in excitement and rushed to their favourite people in the world after their mom and dad, of course and tightly hugged their legs.

“Unclee I miss you sho much" that little girl said spreading her arms wider.

“Me too my princess" Their uncle said picking her up.

While their aunt picked both of the boys and kissed their cheeks.

“Alina" Ruby said smiling, and coming to hug her “How are you ? Is everything ok ?"

Alina put boys down and they both hugged each other.

“Come inside Roman , Alina" Ruby welcomed them in their house.

They all came and sit on couches.

“So, how are you both ? And how is my favourite person in the whole world doing ?" Ruby said tracing her hand on Alina's belly, who is smiling fondly.

“Ruby, we both are ok and your favourite person is ok, don't worry" Roman said smiling to excited Ruby.

“Btw, where is Xander ?"

“Roman, you know your friend more than I know him. He is with his first wife, leaving me alone here. Sometimes I feel like He should marry her instead of me and started his family with her." Ruby said rolling his eyes and sighed

Roman and Alina chuckled at this.

“Ruby, you know you can't make him separate from his work and Abby" Alina said with a chuckle.

[ Abby ]

Ruby sighed dramatically.

“Don't worry Ruby, I will scold him from your side. How dare he to leave my beautiful sister-in-law alone" Roman said faking anger expression.

“Exactly" Ruby said reflecting same expression, faking.

“Btw, we are here for a surprise, children" Roman said happily to triplets.

“What uncle ?" Three of them shouted excitedly.

“We have to go out for that" Alina said excitedly.

“Ok, first my beautiful sister-in-law and my princess will come then I will pick Ali and my lions" Roman said to everyone smiling.

“Okayyyy" triplets happily clapped.

“Let's go" Roman said and picked his keys.

Three of them left from there.

Time Skip [ At a garden ]

“Where ish uncle , Maa ?" She said to her mom getting tired of sitting on the bench in garden with her mom alone.

“Don't know baby, but don't worry, I am here, right ?" Ruby calmed her down but deep down she herself is scared.

It's almost a night time, and Roman left from there to pick Alina, and boys 3 hours ago but didn't return yet.

People left from garden, eventually and now they are both alone in a cold thunderous night, not knowing where to go.

Ruby tightly hugged her little scared daughter and rubbed her back to calm her down.

Ruby tried her best to call someone but but failed because of network issue.

A car suddenly stopped out of garden, which took her attention.

She saw someone coming towards them from the car.

“Ruby ?"

“Xander ?"

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly finally feeling relief.

Xander hugged her back.

She pulled out from hug and looked at his face which was blood shot red.

“What happened Xander ? Why are you crying ? See, we both are ok. Your little princess is really tired , so she slept but she is ok, so don't cry and-"

“Roman is in car accident"

Ruby's eyes widened. She is speechless. She don't know what to speak. But before she could say anything, Xander said.

“When he is coming to the Garden with Alina and ....... boys" Xander said with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Ruby's whole world stopped.

“WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE SAYING ?" Ruby screamed at him.

Knots are forming in her stomach. Her heart clenched. But the words came from Xander make her numb.

They are dead"

To Be Continued....

Next chapter will be of Characters and introductions.

Vote and comment 🤗.

I will meet you soon till then stay safe, Take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee ... Luv ya 😘.

Published :- 16 December 2021.

Total words :- 888 words 😁.

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