Chapter 7-

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Percy POV

I woke up with all my limbs chained to a wall.  I was slumped against a freezing cold wall. Good morning to me, right?

It took me a few seconds to remember how I got there.  Then it all came back to me.  

Gun.  Avengers.  Fury.

I groaned as I felt my shoulder throbbing in sync to my heart.  I glanced at the wound to see it wrapped in bandages, and slowly leaking blood.  Parallel to me was Natasha, in the same position as me.  She was wide awake, and staring at me.  Like she was trying to solve a complicated math equation.  

"Hey." I greeted.  She just continued to stare.  "Am I really that good looking?" The redhead's gaze snapped from me, and turned to the wall.

"Took you a while to wake up." She stated.  I shrugged.

"Old habits die hard."

"Your shoulder is still bleeding.  They took the bullet out, but that's pretty much it."

"Wow, nice to know they care.  Now they can run their psychotic tests in peace." I sighed, and looked to the wall.  "Why are you here, anyway?  You're an avenger, right?"

"Fury." She stated simply, glaring at the wall.  "That bastard."  Then she turned her green gaze on me, and narrows her eyes.  "All that stuff you told me... was that true?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I sighed again.  "My life sucks." Natasha nods sympathetically, and opens her mouth.  But she's quickly cut off by Fury entering.  Behind him are Tony, Clint, Bruce, and Steve, with guns pointed at their heads.  I smirk.  "Good morning." I pause.  "Or afternoon.  Sorry if I don't know what time it is.  I was busy being shot and captured by some government maniacs."

Fury ignored my comment.  He motioned for two guards. They were both wearing masks that hid their faces. They placed their guns in holsters at their hips.  One came to me, and the other one to Natasha.  The guard coming towards me was unnaturally 

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Fury arguing with the three avengers with him. The tall man started to unlock my bonds.  Then he knelt down to my ear level.  

"Brother!" He whispered.  I felt a smile come upon my face, but quickly hid it.  

"Tyson." I mumbled quietly, making sure not to let anyone but him hear.  "How are you here?"

"Annabeth used mist, and we heard about your superhero uncle-" I cut him off. 

"Is Annabeth here?" I asked.  Tyson nodded.

"She is over there.  Getting the red haired lady get out."

"Help her get free too.  She helped me." I said.  Tyson nodded happily.   "She helped Percy!  She's my friend now too!"

"Sh.." I whispered.  My brother finished unlocking my bonds, and put cuffs around my hand.  

"Don't worry, they are not locked." He draged me to the door, when the other guard, Annabeth, I guess drags Natasha, who's fighting against her bonds.  They must've not told her who they were yet. Tyson reaches in my pocket, and takes out riptide.  He hands it to me behind my back.  Suddenly Fury turns around.  

"Bring them here." He commanded.  Tyson pushes me forwards, and Annabeth does the same with Natasha.  He moved closer to the daughter of Athena, and I smiled.

"Hey, wise girl." I said. Her face didn't change.  Well, I assumed it didn't.  Masks don't show facial features well.  For some high tech government agency, they have really cruddy technology.  

"Percy." She greeted back.  "Long time no see." The black widow looked very confused behind us.  

"You two know each other?" She asked, eyebrows furrowing.  

"Evidently, yes." Annabeth sighed.  "That kelp head is my boyfriend."

"Admit it, you missed me." I said jokingly.  She opened her mouth, but Fury turned around.  

"Bring them inside."

"Now!" Annabeth yelled.  I pulled my arms out of the cuffs, and uncapped riptide.  Annabeth yanked off her mask, and Tyson did the same.   

She pulled her drakon bone sword out of her boot, and Tyson took out a hammer.  Natasha watched us in wonderment.  

"Annabeth!  Key!" She nodded, and in a second Natasha is free.  Fury pulled out a gun, and so did the real guards around him.  The avengers were staring in amazement, before crowding around Natasha.  Tony has a mad grin on his face, and Steve nodded in approval.  Bruce and Clint just stood there with terrified looks written on their faces. Thor stared Fury dead in the eyes, and hefted his hammer.  

"So... looks like your plan is screwed." I said casually, moving riptide from hand to hand.

"I wouldn't say that, Perseus Jackson." He warned, his one visible eye filled with rage.  

"Well, I would." I smiled and Fury growled.  I ducked as a bang echoes through the halls.  A bullet embedded itself in the wall behind me.  I held riptide up, wincing at the sharp pain in my shoulder that came along with it.  

The agents started shooting bullets as well.  I deflected them with my sword, and dodged each one.  I spared a glance beside me, and saw Annabeth doing the same thing.  We couldn't go on like this forever.  

An idea formed in my mind, and I nearly got hit by a bullet.  I cursed under my breath.  I'm so stupid.  Why didn't I think of this before?

A few weeks after the giant war, when I was, er, 'shunned', I discovered a new ability.  So, apparently, using the water particles in the air I was able to teleport.  It was sort of like Nico's shadow travel thing, but in my opinion, cooler.  I liked to call it Vapor Traveling. 

It took a lot of concentration to do, though.  I didn't know if I would be able to focus on both things at once.  I grit my teeth, and focused on Fury.  He froze up.  I had manipulated his blood stream.  I grabbed Annabeth's arm, and she did the same to the rest of our colleagues.  Fear was in her eyes, but was washed away as I relinquished my control, and we all turned to mist.


I'm about to eat lasagna.  I'm actually incredibly excited.  

CUZ WHO DOESN'T LIKE LASAGNA?  (Like, except the people who don't)

Stay cool demigods,


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