Chapter 9- Wow.

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Tony POV

Annabeth says some weird words about letting us into the camp, and we step over the border. My mouth drops open. There were dozens of kids running around. Some were tossing a ball around a volleyball court.

There was a huge rock wall with lava pouring down the sides, and a giant garden of strawberries off to the side. About twenty cabins were arranged in a U shape, each one a different size or design. 

Some heads turned our way with questioning gazes. 

Seemingly reading my mind, Annabeth said, "They're not used to seeing many adults here."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Most demigods don't make it into adulthood." She explained, then cleared her throat, changing the topic. "We're going to the Big House." I opened my mouth, but shut it tightly as I saw a guy with goat legs and a goatee clop up to us. 

"Hey! Annabeth! Tyson!" He exclaimed happily, a huge smile on his face. He then turned to the rest of us, his smile lowering slightly. "Who are they?"

"This is Percy's uncle, and his friends. Otherwise known as the avengers." Annabeth introduced. "Avengers, this is Grover Underwood, he's a satyr."

"And Lord of the wild, and Leader of the Council of Cloven Elders." Grover cut in. Annabeth rolled her eyes. The satyr's eyes harden, and voice lowers. "But... you probably shouldn't tell the rest of the camp who these people are. They might be accused as spies. It wouldn't be safe." Annabeth hesitates.

"We'll tell them they're some adult demigods from Camp Jupiter who came to visit." She decided. Grover nodded.

"Seems believable enough. You going to the big house?" He inquired, folding his arms. 

"Yeah. Going to ask Chiron if they can stay here for a while until we can handle Fu-"

"Wait." I butt in, holding my hands up. "You just expect us to sit around here all day, doing nothing, while the rest of you go off and fight crime? If you haven't noticed, we did also save the world. The chitauri. Sound familiar? Oh, and don't forget that insane power-hungry god. So I assure you, kid, I've had my share of weird monsters and gods." Annabeth sighed, and started to walk. Grover moved alongside her. 

"Listen Stark. We'll ask if we need any help. But until then, lay low. Train with the other demigods here. Improve your fighting skills. I have to find Percy." She said. 

"I will go find Ella." Tyson said. "Maybe she can fly around to find Percy!"

"Good idea Tyson." Annabeth praised. Tyson beamed at her, and skipped off to the woods.

"Who's Ella?" Bruce asked.

"Tyson's girlfriend. She's a harpy." The demigod explained. Hulk raised his eyebrows, but didn't probe. We soon approached a large, wooden house. "Also, Thor, can you flash into something a little more.... mortal?" Thor nodded, and quickly changed into a shirt and jeans.

Well I see where they get the name big house from. Super creative camp.

Annabeth gave the door a few raps, and I heard the clopping of hooves coming to the door. Why were they keeping a horse inside the house? Isn't that illegal? They should at least be able to roam free. My tower would have provided a much better space.

The door creaked open, and a man stood in front of us. Well, half man at least. Where his legs would normally be, were four fur-covered ones covered in fur. Each one had a hoof where a foot would stand, and he had a long tail in the back.

"Hello Annabeth." The horse-man greeted. He raised an eyebrow at us. "You have brought guests, I see. May I ask who they are?" Annabeth didn't blink, and answered without hesitation.

"Adults demigods visiting from Camp Jupiter. Wanted to see the greek world, and bring back stories to their families." The horse dude looks slightly suspicious, but nodded nonetheless.

"Well then. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood. I am Chiron. May I ask about your ancestry?" Chiron asked. I dimly remembered a story about some old horse named Chiron, but decided not to bring that up. Annabeth jumped in, and answered for us again.

"Anthony here is a son of Hephaestus." She said, gesturing towards me. I glared at her, but she ignored me. "This is Buck, he's a son of Apollo." She pointed towards Bruce. "Chris. Also a son of Apollo." Clint looked around, before realizing she was talking about him, and nodded. "Stewart. His dad is Hermes." Steve must've gotten the gist of it, and waved at Chiron. "Tom. Son of Ares." Thor smiled. "And Natalie. Daughter of Ares."  Natasha said a quick hello. 

"Nice to meet all of you. Annabeth will show you to your respective cabins, where you will stay during your time here." Annabeth nodded, and quickly hurried us out like sheep. As soon as we were out, she let out a huge sigh of relief. 

"Why didn't you use our real names?" I questioned. 

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Chiron knows what the avengers names are. But he doesn't know what you look like. It's not like he watched TV or anything."

"But he would've known about the Norse gods, wouldn't he?" Clint asked skeptically. 

"No. I only know, because of my cousin Magnus." Thor's eyes widened. 

"M-Magnus?" He stuttered. Annabeth nodded, and moved towards the cabin area. 

"You guys have to watch out for your 'siblings'." She said. "You're just lucky it's not summer. Most kids during this time of year are year-rounders, and don't spend much time in the mortal world." We approached a long cabin made of brick. There was a large, circular vault door for an entrance. The metal gleamed in the sunlight, and the chimney above puffed up wisps of smoke, as if the cabin was a machine itself. As the door opened, the sound of gears and metals were heard. There were only about five kids inside, and they all stared at me as we entered. 

"Guys, this is Anthony. He's your brother, visiting from Camp Jupiter." Some scrawny guy with wild curly brown hair came up to me, and outstretched his hand in my direction. 

"Leo flaming Valdez." He said with a wide smile. "Brilliant inventor and McShizzle Supreme." Annabeth didn't seem amused. 

"Anthony, this is Leo. he's the cabin 9 counselor. He'll show you around the place." She spared me one more glance, before leaving me alone with the scrawny teen.


I'm really ticked off.

I cannot believe that Trump is the 45th president.

50 years from now, I'll be sitting in front of my grand kids, telling them the story of the downfall of America. 

I really wanted to go to the women's march today, because there is one here, but we didn't have time to go :( (There's a bigger turn out there than the inauguration)

But I am getting a nasty woman shirt >:) 

Stay cool demigods, 


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