Chapter 1

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Note *Italics are flashbacks  and  normal is present time*

Let's Start!







Hanami announces, "That was an epic battle!! The world champion is Valt Aoi!!!" The two thirteen-year-olds collapse on the floor, exhausted after 18 intense battles. "Looks like both of them are extremely exhausted! This match finally came to an end," says Hanami. 

Tears roll down Shui's cheeks. She has lost after years of hard work. She had failed, despite sacrificing her friends and identity to become stronger. Shui is now remembered as the Red Eye, an emotionless, cold, rude, beyblade crusher blader who has the most Beyblade blood on her hands. No one remembers her as the great passionate blader, Shui Kurenai. She is now called the great wonder boy's best friend who betrayed and left him.

On the other side, Valt shines brighter than ever. The crowd cheers for him. He gets up and runs to where Shui is still lying disappointed and filled with anger. Valt reaches his hand out to help Shui up. Shui tries to open her eyes but fails due to the intense light falling on her face. Her chest aches badly. She mistakes the pain for disappointment. She eventually manages to open her eyes and sees Valt's hand reaching out to her.

At that moment, Shui feels intense anger building up and refuses his offer by hitting his hand to the side. She gets up on her own and takes Spryzen in her hands. She walks out of the stadium with a cold look.

Valt has an extremely concerned look while watching her vanish into thin air. He takes Valtriek in his hands and leaves the stadium through the door behind him.

"Now then! The award ceremony will take place after 30 minutes! Make sure to come!!!" announces Hanami.

As Shui walks out of the stadium, Valt comes running after her, begging her to listen to him. "Shui, please listen to me!", he pleads. However, Shui gives him a disinterested look and walks past him. Valt screams after her, "Shui!! Please listen to me. I don't know whether this is an act or you really have changed but please just talk to me once!"

Shui stops walking and looks at him with her dull crimson eyes, which used to shine once. She replies, "Say what you want to, you only have five minutes to spit it out so you better start speaking now! And if you think this is an act, then you are mistaken." A sudden rush of emotions fills Shui and she remembers the promise she made.

"I'm sorry, Shui. Please come back. Leave this Snake Pit and return it to us. Remember how much fun we had when we were beyblading? We were a great team - you, me, Wakiya, Daigo, Rantaro, and Ken. We're best friends, and we wouldn't be where we are now without each other. Please come back."

But Valt was interrupted by Shui's angry outburst. "Stop saying 'each other'! I could have done it without you. I'm not as worthless and pathetic as you. You needed my help, but I didn't need yours. Who would want to be friends with someone like you without any other intentions? Ask your so-called friends if they're your friends or if they're just using you to become popular. Why else would a rich, spoiled brat like Wakiya be friends with you? "Everyone has their own intentions, unlike you." You're extremely easy to use, and everyone does the same. Everything is an illusion. It's there one moment and gone the next. Do you still believe I am your best friend? It's obvious that I merely used you."

Valt was standing there with a stunned expression on his face, and there was a minute of silence. Shui walked past Valt when he suddenly shouted, "Shui! I know you're lying. This isn't true. You're not the Shui I know. You're not the Shui I grew up with. I know your past self is still there - the kind, sweet, and cheerful Shui. Please, you have a chance to improve these situations. We can forget the past and focus on the future. Let's leave these things here and move forward into the bright future that awaits us. I promise we can have a fresh start! Let's go back together and-" He was interrupted by Shui's slap.












Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well. I apologize for the delay in updating you, but I have some good news: my exams are over and I will be able to update regularly from now on. However, once school starts on April 4th, I may need to take a break and updates may take longer. I promise to keep you informed, though. Also, please note that there is a lot more to this book than what you have read so far. Just wait a little longer and you will understand what is happening. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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