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" swara how are you? Is they treat you well? " Asked Kavita to swara. They were sitting in the canteen.

" How I will feel Di? I Don't even know them. I mostly try to avoid them" Swara said taking bite of food.

" If they say anything then say to us ok. Don't hide" Kavita felt sad seeing her sister like this.

" offo Dii Don't take tension when your sister is so strong " swara show her non muscle arm were Kavita laugh.

" Buy the way when you brought this dress, it's look really nice on you" Kavita compliment her.

"It's not my choice but Sanskaar brought for me" swara made face.

" I heard he never gift for someone " Kavita raised eyebrows looking towards Swara and looked towards her teasingly.

" This is not possible" Swara made face.


"Ahhhh" Kavita shout feeling sudden pull. Someone pulled her and pinned to the wall putting hand on her mouth. She widden eyes but seeing person she got relax.

" stop avoiding me, I am trying to talk to you but you are not ready to listen " said person looking in her eyes, clear frustration visible in his eyes.

Kavita removed hand from her mouth and looked towards him painfully.

" It's better we should not talk to each other " Kavita removed his hand from her mouth.

" What I did wrong that you are giving me punishment? What is my mistake kavita?" He asked her. His eyes was filled with tears.

" Its not your mistake but I am saving both of us getting more hurt " Kavita said with teary eyes. She getting hurt to see him like this but she is helpless infront of their situation.

" I will convince my family, just trust me kavita " He cupped her face lovingly. He was feeling helplessly infront of his feelings.

" your Dadi will not except me , you saw na how she treat swara? How she insult my family? You still think you will convince your family?" Asked Kavita knowing his family were he bow his head helplessly.

" After swara divorce our relationship of family will remain same? And I can't go against my family. They did soo much to me that I can't even think to hurt them " Kavita cried putting head on his chest.

" I know Kavita it's not easy to convince my family but without trying how can you say that?" He said rubbing her back to calm her down.

" please Sahil It's better to break up " Kavita run from there leaving him heartbroken.


"Where are you going?" Asked swara who was taking his key from the desk.

" Why you need to know? Just change your clothes first and sleep" He said without looking at her.

" I will not stay here alone " swara made pout and got up from the bed who was watching tv without changing office clothes.

" I am going in Maheshwari mansion " said Sanskaar adjusting his shoes laces.

"But I am scared to live alone in night " swara said fearly in the thought of that she have live alone.

" You don't want to live in Maheshwari mansion nor you want to live here. What should I to you?" Sanskaar got frustrated listening her as he brought her here so she don't have to face his family .

" It's your responsibility to take care of me till six month " swara said with frown.

"Why should I take your responsibility and we are not in real marriage if you remember?" Sanskaar made her remember.

" you really don't know how to treat girl's, thank god our marriage is only for six month " Swara stamp her foot angrily and walked out from the room making Sanskaar rolled his eyes.

" Now where are you going? " Asked Sanskaar going behind her.

" with you" swara walked without turning towards Sanskaar.

" This girl is unbelievable " Sanskaar huffed in anger still waking behind her.

They sat in the car and drove the car.


We sat in in the car arranging our sit belt. I looked towards her she was still wearing morning dress. " Unbelievable ".

I don't know why I am taking this girl with me? But "wait" how dare she come with me without asking? Without my permission No other girl have dare to come with me.

" Am I getting soften towards her" My inner thought gave me signal but I stuggle it off. This girl getting in my nervous. I massage my temple to calm myself.

" By the way why we are going in Maheshwari mansion?" She asked me breaking my thoughts.

"Ohh you remember too early to ask me?" I taunt her as she sat in the car without even bother to ask me why I am going in Maheshwari mansion "great "

" You did not told me earlier that is why I am asking you now" She rolled her hazel eyes in dramatically making me looking towards her.

"Ok don't tell me" She huffed struggling with her shoulder as she is angry and looked outside.

" today is Dadi birthday "

" What?" She shout shifting her gaze from outside to me and I expected that reaction.

" and you are telling me now?"

" As you asked?" I leave long breath to calm my temper.

I looked towards her who was looking outside, her hair floating with air. I am sure she is not liking the idea of going to dadi birthday party.

" what you are giving to her as gift?" She asked me breaking my thoughts.

" I will give my credit card for her, she will buy whatever she want" I replied to her were she looked towards as I said something wrong.

"What?" I asked her.

" I am not wrong about you. You don't even know how to make people feel good. who gave credit card as a gift? If we buy something with our efforts, it's make that person feel special but how you will know?" She made face.

" she will buy what ever she want" I ignore her thoughts were she looked towards me and shook her head.

" What she likes?"

" I don't know?"

" you love your Dadi but don't know what she likes?" She looked towards me shockingly.

To be honest I really don't know what my family like or dislike. I was busy or trying to stay away from my family. I goes MM but occasionally, I don't involve much in the function.

" Stop the car near mall" she did not lift her head as she is reading something in the mobile.

" But why?" Again I concentrate on the road.

"Please Just do what I say " She made pout looking towards me.

" She has cute face to convince anyone. " I shook my thought . I don't know why I am listening to her. I put mask and whore hoody so no one can recognize me.

She opened door and walked towards mall without waiting for me.

"am I looking bodygaurd to her that she think I will rom behind her"

Yes I am walking behind her
Past half and hour to select sari for Dadi. She found dadis taste of sari from the Laksh.

" Sanskaar Maheshwari waking behind girl holding bags that to unwanted wife. Fuck this is not Sanskaar Maheshwari " My inner self laugh on me getting changes in myself.

" Give to this sari to your Dadi and don't tell I select for her else her mood definitely going to ruin. I will ruin her day in some other day but not today " She made face and walked towards the car making me amused.


Finally they entered in the Maheshwari mansion, hall was decorated with the flower were only family member present there. Seeing Swara Dadi gave her uninterested look making swara feel bad.

" just for six month swara, then you will be free " swara leave a breath.

" ohh husband wife come together?" Laksh come and stand beside swara.

" ohh lucky just shut up" Swara made face where lucky laugh on her.

Ragini enter with flowers, Dadi smiled looking at her . She took blessing from the Dadi and hug her.

" Swara my brother is hot, good looking, intelligent but yes he don't know how to treat girl like flower but you can teach him. Give a try and I will not get better sister in law like you" Laksh put his hand around swara shoulder and look towards Ragini making face.

" your brother and Nagin looking good together " swara said angrily following laksh gaze.

" That Nagin too much sweet and you know too much sweetness cause diabetes. I know my brother is little arrogant but he is good. I don't want that Nagin come in our house " Sahil stand beside swara while looking towards Ragini uninterestingly.

" Your brother not little arrogant but too much arrogant " Swara said twitching her nose angrily looking towards Sanskaar who was standing beside Ragini.

" yaa yaa we know " lucky give Spanish smile.

" but save our brother from that Nagin " Sahil said giving big smile.

" I am not interested in your brother " Swara gave them big fake smile while looking towards them were their face fell down.

" I am dam sure they are talking something nonsense " Sanskaar murmured looking towards trio who was talking from long time.

" It's time to cut the cake " Ram shout while coming from the kitchen were all smile seeing towards him.

All gather towards Dadi leaving Swara. She was looking towards sanskaar who was just standing between them doing nothing like he is not intrested were Ragini not leaving chance to get close to him.

" Why even he looking towards me?" Swara murmured and about to go but stop

"Feeling alone " Asked sujata.

" hmm yes, because this is not my family. I am just like guest here, I think not even guest" Swara passed sweet smile.

" I can understand your feeling, it's not easy for you as it's not normal marriage. I am sure you had many dream about your marriage" Sujata carries her head.

" hmm I thought no one understand me in this house " Swara looked towards her with teary eyes.

" How we will understand as we never got opportunity to talk to each other" sujata carries her cheeks with smile were swara nod with smile.

" Bye the way I can be good mother in law atleast for six month. If you feel alone you can talk to me" Sujata showed attitude dramatically and laugh.

" okk mother in law" Swara laughed seeing sujata. She felt happy finally someone talk to her normally.

" Bye the way mother in law why you are not joining them" Asked swara looking to everyone who was busy to cut the cake.

" I thought to give you company " sujata cover her sadness in smile.

Everyone give gift to dadi were she smile. Sanskaar forward gift to dadi, she smiled.

" let me open my gift as Sanskaar brought me this gift " she said excitedly. He smiled seeing her excitement as he never saw her happy for gift.

" ohhh sari ?? Its so beautiful and my favorite color too" her eyes filled with tears and joy . She brought many expensive things from his card but he never saw her happy.

Sanskaar looked towards swara who was already looking towards him with rising eyebrows. She showed him rising imaginary collar were he smiled looking at her.

Ragini saw their eyes signal to eachother and Sanskaar's smile made her more angry.

" It's time to click photos " Laksh shout.

Everyone gather together, Dadi in middle, Durga Prasad and Anpoorna on her left, Ram and sujata on her right side. Sahil stand beside Anpoorna. Sanskaar stand beside sujata, Ragini about to stand beside Sanskaar but Laksh immidetly pull Swara and pushed between sujata and Sanskaar making her shock were Sanskaar glared to Laksh, he gave him Spanish smile were Sahil smiled looking towards Laksh. He stand beside Sanskaar leaving Ragini behind. She looked towards them angrily but make herself calm.

Laksh pushed Sanskaar little making him stumbled, he placed his hand on swara arm to balance himself and looked towards her were swara looked towards him. They had eyelock.


All looking towards camera and Sanskaar and swara looking each other.

To be continued...

Sorry for late🙏

I know no one will miss this story as I know it's boring story and no one will comment


Still I will Ask how is today's part?

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Thank you for reading 📚
God bless you all

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