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" Kavita are you ok?" Asked Sahil seeing Kavita dull face. He took near by chair and placed beside her and sit.

" what are you doing?" Kavita Asked him nervously here and thereto know anyone looking at them or not and as per her guess everyone looking at them.

And why they will not see them as one of hire of this company sitting beside simple employee.

" I don't care about them, I care about you so stop looking towards them " Sahil took her hand in his hand were she was nervous feeling everyone gaze on them.

" please Sahil don't make me difficult for me " lone tear fell down from her eyes.

" If you tie to go far away from me then more I will come close to you" Sahil said. Anger was present in his voice.

" Now let's go to the doctor, you are not fine" Sahil said sternly.

" I am fine don't worry. If I need then I will visit doctor. Now please leave my hand" Kavita free her hand and got up from the chair and went from there avoiding everyone gaze.


" swara plz bring pen from the desk " Sanskaar said while reading file. Swara gave look and brought pen and hand over to Sanskaar.

" Give me that glass of water " said Sanskaar keeping pen aside and looked towards swara.

Swara angrily rolled her eyes and angrily pick up glass while cursing and gave to him. Sanskaar took glass and drink little water.

" who will keep this glass back?" He immediately said seeing swara about to go.

" I did not sigh this job to do this your useless work" swara angrily stump her foot while making pout.

" so you sigh this job to sleep in office?" Sanskaar smrink and got up from the chair, he come near her and stand infornt of her while putting hand in pocket.

" I did not slept, I am just resting" She fumble in words were Sanskaar smile listening her lie.

" Don't laugh on me, You always call me in your cabin to make me irrited" she slapped on his chest lighting while making pout. There movement broken when someone knock the door.


" Why did you come home early ?" Asked shomi coming near to Kavita who was removing her sandle.

" Maa I just not feeling well" Said kavita feeling tiered. She sit on the sofa. It's been while see feeling not good.

" It's been so many day I am asking about your health. I am telling you to visit doctor but you are not listening to me but now I will not listen to you. We will visit doctor today only and I will not listen to you " shomi scold kavita while getting concern about her health.

" ok maa you don't take tension " Kavita hug her from side while placing kiss on her cheeks to calm her anger.

" My both daughter know how to butter me" Shomi said rolling her eyes.

" I am feeling so lucky to have you as my mother that I don't even miss my parents " Kavita smile proudly feeling warmness of her mother.

" because you are my daughter" shomi smile and kissed her forehead.

" Now get up and get fresh we will visit doctor " shomi said were Kavita smiled and got up from the place.

" when swara born I got another daughter. Kavita is my mature girl and swara is naughty " Shomi looked towards kavita and smiled thinking about past.


After swara born, shomi got discharge after seven days. Dida and shomi coming from the hospital were they saw one five year girl sitting on chair while crying. Police trying to calm her down but she keeps going crying, fear clearly visible on her face.

Shomi gave swara to the dida and come towards little girl. Shomi asked Police reason of crying. They infront them that her parents died in accident and she have no one to look after them. Shomi felt bad seeing her.

She sat beside that girl and moved her hand lovingly on her head. That small girl look towards her with teary eyes.

" what happen bacha? Why this tear coming out from this beautiful eyes?" Shomi wiped her tears lovingly and took her in side hug.

" Mamma dada" she said sobbing.

" Your Mumma dada went to God to bring you gift ok. If they see you like this they will also cry. You want to see your Mumma dada cry?" Shomi asked her softy were she immidetly shook her head.

Shomi took plate of food from the police who was trying to feed her.

" Buy the way what is cutie name?" Asked Shomi forwarding bit of food today her.

" Kavita " she took bit of food in her mouth. Shomi made her finish all food. Shomi got up from the place to go but kavita hold her sari in her small fist.

" Don't go" she sobbed again, shomi felt bad seeing her. Shomi took her home with permission of police. She gave her number to police. No one come in search of kavita. After some years shomi legally adopted her.


Kavita and Shomi reached in clinic. Kavita went for check up. Doctor made sit kavita and shomi infront of her. Shomi held kavita hand tightly seeing doctor serious face.

" your daughter is pregnant "

Shomi grip on kavita hand get loosen were tear rolled down kavita eyes. She was shocked, first she did that she looked towards Shomi who have no reaction.

" Maa " Kavita called her.

"Let's go" shomi got up from the chair but she stumbled. Kavita hold her but she removed hand and walked out from the cabin. Kavita walked behind her and sit beside shomi who was waiting her in the taxi.

" I am sorry maa" Kavita tried to talk her but shomi ignore her. Past memories flowing inside her brain and she wanted to calm that storm before talking to kavita.

They come out from the taxi and walked towards home. Shomi walked in the room and close room before Kavita enter.

"Maa please open the door " Kavita begged the door to pelding her to open.

" I am sorry maa" Kavita cried. Dida come towards kavita and asked her what happened? Kavita did not said anything but just hug her and cried.

" You go to your room I will talk to shomi " Dida did not asked her reason understanding situation as shomi never behave like this with kavita.

" Shomi open door " dida knock the door. Shomi immediately open the door. Dida come inside and sat on the bed asking about reason.

"Kavita is pregnant " Shomi tear fell down which she held long time. Dida got shock listening the news but she immediately wiped her tears.

" Maa what is my mistake that my daughters are suffering" she let her pain release as her one daughter is already suffering who was leaving with unknown men who she don't even know. she was always pray for swara and now kavita.

" I have faced many things maa , I always pray for my daughters that they should not suffer like me"
Somi sbobbed. During her pregnancy she suffer lot. Her one mistake of trusting men that she lost her pride, reputation dignity.

She always told both of her daughter that don't do mistake like her but now again kavita made that wound fresh.

"How we will face society maa" shomi cried thinking about her past. Listening this kavita left from there who was standing near window.

" I understand your fear shomi. I know you don't want tha kavita face same situation like you face but atleast first we have to talk to her. May be who ever she is in relationship may he loves her genuinely. She is also crying shomi. She need us" Dida said making shomi understand.

" I know maa, she need me. It's just I wanted to talk to you first to calm my storm inside me so I can talk to her calmly. It's just my past flashed infront of my eyes " Shomi gaining herself.

How much mother broken from inside but for her children, she always collect her broken pices and stand stong for her children.

Shomi and dida come out from the room and walked towards kavita room. They called out kavita room but they didn't get response. Shomi got worried. She opened near by window and shocked.

" Kavitaaaaa" she shout.

To be continued.....


Sorry for less swasan scene.

I am sorry for late as I am busy in my work.

Big thank you who still wait for my story, vote and comments 🙏

Thank you for your support 🙏

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