part 19

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I was going to write more but I Stop myself as I don't getting comments and vote so there is no use of writing long but still I wrote almost 2000 word.

Swara was standing alone while sipping juice. She  looking towards Sanskaar angrily who was busy taking with some businessman. She was getting bored as no one there to talk with her.

" Black stone don't even care that his wife standing alone, I know he does not consider me as his wife no I am considering him my husband but still" she drank last sip of juice angry.

"Yukk This juice is so tasteless but because of that Mr Maheshwari I drank unknowingly" she made bad face, feeling taste in mouth.

Sanskaar moved his head and  look towards swara who is busy cursing something, he shook his head but soon his eyes turned red seeing someone staring his wife in wrong way.

"Hey Mrs where is your husband??" Man  Asked, he looked Swara up to down.

"He have some work that why did not come" she rub her eyes and then blinked eyes several times to get her vision clear.

"If yo don't mind I can give you company" he smrink and put hand on her waist which made swara shock, she immediately Jerk his hand.

"Stay away from me, if my husband see you he will fire you with his angry eyes" she said angrily while jerking his hand. Before he says anything Sanskaar reach towards Sanskaar as he already witness that Scean.

"How dare you touch her??" Sanskaar angrily said.

"Mr black stone" she smiled brightly and hug him from side, he placed his hand on her waist and pulled towards him protectively. He felt something weird in her behaviour but he ignored.

"Ohh Mr Maheshwari leave her, I saw her first and I need her" Sanskaar hold his coller in one hand and pulled towards him without leaving swara.

"I don't want to create any scene here so better you leave from here or I will call police" Sanskaar angrily push him making him stumbled.

"You will regret mr Maheshwari" he does his coller proper and went from there angrily.

"Just click their photos and you have to display in your TV channel. Headlines should be " Mr Maheshwari having affair with married women" you will get your money" that men said to reporter and went from there.

"Mr Maheshwari very good" swara clap her hand but Sanskaar immediately hold her hand

"What wrong with you??" Sanskaar looking towards her questioningly to observe her behaviour.

"What wrong?? Nothing wrong with me, see I can walk" she stumbled as she try to show him that she can walk, Sanskaar again hold her from waist.

"This my idiot leg got insulated me infront of him, can't you stand straight" she stamp her foot cryingly.

"Are you drunk??" Sanskaar asked her shocking, getting smell from her mouth.

"First you are calling me brainless girl and now drunken" she started crying loudly, before getting attention Sanskaar immediately put hand on her mouth, signal her to keep quiet through eyes and drag outside.

"Leave me" she throws his hand were Sanskaar staring her angrily.

"See you are showing me your big red bull eyes, I will not talk to you, you are bad" she crossed her hand near the chest while making Angry pout.

"Why did you drunk??" He hold her elbow trying to control his anger.

" Awww I don't drink, I am good girl ok" she said innocently while pokeing index finger on his nose and smiled brightly.

"Angry bird" she laughed loudly were Sanskaar hold her finger which she going to poke again.

"Just sit in the car"he glare her and took long breath.

" which one ?? There are so many car?? Let me count first 1, 2 3" she made small eyes and start counting pointing each car which was seeing her double.

"Mr Maheshwari let me count car, you can't do this to me. Let me count car" she shout as Sanskaar hold hand start draging near the car. He made her sit on passager sit and he sit behind the wheel and drove the car.

" Why are you staring me ??" As swara looking towards him continuesly, blinking her eyes while showing her white teath which made Sanskaar irritated.

"I am thinking how can god create villen this much handsome as per me you don't deserve to be handsome" she is still thinking about him.

"Just stop your nonsense" he glared her.

"As per my knowledge god made you handsome as god already know that you are going to marry beautiful girl and that girl is me" she tap her forehead with finger.

"Yaa this is the reason so you should thank me" she clap her hand getting the reason.

"Shut up, if you speak one more word I will leave you here only then tell ghost that I am beautiful girl don't take you with her" Sanskaar did not look towards her.

"No you can't leave me here" she wrapped her both hand around his hand, holding him tightly making him leave his left hand which he was holding wheel.

"Swara let me drive" he jerked his car while stopping.

"No, I will not leave your hand what if ghost took me with them?? They are so scary like you.  If they see your red bull eyes they will not come to me" she hugged his hand tightly like a baby which made Sanskaar angry.

"Why the hell I told her about a ghost who is not less then gost?? I can't say her anything, if I say her she will do another drama" He hit his hand on wheel and cursed himself badly.

He tried to start the car but fail, he again try but fail.

"What the hell??" He go frustrated. He was about to get down from car but swara hold his hand.

"Where are you going??'" swara tighten her grip.

"You just sit here, I am just checking car" he control his anger as he don't want to brust on her.

"No no, I can't trust you" she shake her head side to side.

"Then come" he rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Atleast leave my hand" as she was not ready to leave his hand.

"No" Sanskaar took long breath she got down with Sanskaar without living his hand as she also got down from driver side.

He opened the car front bonate to see the reason behind not starting car, some smoke come out from there. He closed the car and rest both hand on car, keeping some distance from car to control his anger.

Swara leave his hand, she bend and slide down, she came between his both hand, keeping a small distance were Sanskaar stare her. She put both forefinger on his  side lips and stretch.

"You don't have any problem to smile then Why you always become angry bull" she looked towards him inocentaly and again consentrat to stretch his lips.

"Here car is broke and you want me to smile??" he greeted his teath and hold her both hand.

"Who said you to smile now?? I am just checking You but you don't have brain and calling me brainless girl" she said annoying.

Sanskaar about to shout on her but stop controlling his anger. He turn and took out mobile from his pocket to call but network not available. He was about to throw his mobile but stop.
"I can't even throw this useless mobile"  he greeted his teath.

"Now what are you doing??" Swara was twirling around her. She stop listening his voice.

"My head is spinning that why I am also twirling, I don't want to my head break" she twitched her nose and again start twirling.

"I am going, if you want you can come or stay here" he turn to go but stoped by hold.

Swara removed her duppta and tie on her bangle were Sanskaar looking at her questioningly, she took his hand and tie another side to his hand.

"What are doing??" Sanskaar asked her, he about to untie but swara hold his hand.

"Wo I don't want you to run away from me" she said sadly, he looked towards her and start walking but again stop and turn.

"This road is so bad, when ever I try to move my leg it start shaking which making me stumbled" she looked towards road then Sanskaar and made angry pout. Sanskaar walk towards her,  hold waist and start walking.

"Ohhhh road stopped shaking, road also fear from you" she winced like a child while trying to matching his step.

"She was saying many thing to me which making me angry but still I don't know why I don't want to shout on her. She is behaving like a kid which making her cute" Sanskaar thought in his mind.

"You know if Mr SM present here instead of you, he will hold my hand romantically  and then kiss on"

She widden her eyes feeling lips on her soft lips, he was kissing her angrily thinking how can anyone kiss his wife. He pinch her waist to enter in her mouth, she gasped, getting chance he enter his toung in her mouth and explore it. Swara try to kiss him but Sanskaar don't let her to do.

She was feeling out of breath, she beat his chest with her tiny hand which made Sanskaar came into sense. He immediately broke kiss. Swara touch her lips which was swollen due to kiss.

"No one have to right to kiss you, I am your husband not that SM" he pulled her more close but she was busy in her own thoughts.

"How can you kiss me like this Mr Maheshwari, you swollen my beautiful lips and also stole my first kiss" she start crying like a child.

"I am sorry swara" he came back in his sense what he did in his anger, he cup her face feeling guilty seeing her crying.

"No you will get punishment" she stamp her foot one by one as like a child who want something.

"Ok I will accept your punishment but stop crying" he wiped her tear.

She went more close to him and place her swollen lips on his lips who made Sanskaar shock. She was kissing or biting his lips she know herself only. She live his lips.

"Now open your mouth,  I know if I pinch your waist as you did, it will not affect your stone body" she took long breath to kiss him back.

He was too shock seeing his wife stunt. He opened his mouth to stop her but she immediately enter her toung in his mouth, she was kissing less and bitting more. Finally she broke kiss.

"I don't have energy like you , I have this much energy" she took long breath placing hand on her left side chest which was beating so fast were Sanskaar was thinking what he should tell this girl.

"Can I aske you one question" she looked in Sanskaar eyes, he just node his head.

"Why my heart running so fast when I come close to you" she took his hand and place near her heart. Sanskaar feels her heart which was running so fast as like her.

" You know my heart never ran like this when I was with Laksh, it's only happens when I am with you" she made pout.

She placer her hand on his chest, she smiled feeling his heart.she looked towards Sanskaar and gave him bright smile.

"Stone heart also beat like this" she laughed.

To be continued....

I posted some edits in my edit book, give them try and tell me

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