Part 2

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I opened my eyes feeling little pain in my back, I looked around and realised was sleeping on the terrace and thank to my unwanted wife. I cursed her in my mind  while sitting  I hissing as it was not little pain. I picked mobile and looked for time, I banged my hand in frustration as I woke up late first time.

"Damn this girl" she did not left any chance to me cursed her.

"Aman shift my clothes in Maheshwari mention in half an hour" I cut the call after telling my PA, I know he want to tell me how can he will manage in half an hour but I don't like if anyone say no to me.

I got up, come to the room and looked towards the couch, I roll my eyes seeing her still sleeping. Soon door got opened as servent came inside. He clean the bed and left from there.

Soon Aman enterd with two men in the room taking my clothes in suitcase. He looked towards swara and then me, I know he got shock" Sanskaar Maheshwari with girl" but he don't have dare to asked me as he knows my anger. I make annoyed face and move towards the wodroom. I instructed them how to place this as I want all things on that place only.

"Hello Mr Maheshwari what are you doing??" Most irritating voice came from behind.

"Are you blind?" I asked her getting annoyed were she stand beside me.

"I am not blind" she huffed in anger listening my question. Seeing her face I can clearly understood that she is cursing me .

"Where I will put my clothes if you take full place" she asked angrily looking towards me and again shift her graze on wodroom.

"Where means?? You place your clothes were you want but don't even think to touch my wodroom" I warned her but I don't think she is least interested to listen.

She turn towards the Aman where my face turned into questionable look thinking what she will going to ask.

"What is your Name??" She asked Aman,  now why she want his name.

"Why you want his name, he is my PA not your that you can ask him what you want" I asked her angrily.

"I am your wife so what you have I also have same right on them " she show her full teath, rising anger in my body.

"You are not my wife" I angrily greeted my teath listening "wife"  word from  her mouth were she give me uninterested look.

Before she ask again his name he said his name "Aman bhabhi ji" he said smiling but immediately hide his smile receiving my death glare.

"Are you married??" He said yes but receiving my again death glare he said No.

"Now tell me you both share wodroom or not?? Don't lie ok, if you lie then I will call your wife and tell her that you are saying all girls that you are unmarried and flatting with every office girl I know you said no seeing red bull eyes" she huffed in anger showing her index finger towards the Amen were he immediately nod his head listening her blackmaling. He immediately escaped from there.

I am feel little pity for him as because of me he have to listen but my anger raised when she called me red eyes bull.

I pulled her towards me angrily holding her waist making her bumped with my well built chest, she hold my t-shirt in her fist.

"How dare you to call me that??" I angrily asked her while looking into her eyes were she also looking into my eyes but fear clearly visible in her eyes which I like.

"You ever seen yourself in mirror when you get angry " She tried to free herself from my arm.

"Just shut up" she jump in fear as I shout loud.

"Pls leave me you are hurting me" one tear roll from her eyes but I don't care still I left her.

She angrily look towards me, she went toward her beg which was lieing on the floor. She bring them pulling, seeing beg looks like they are heavy were I just seeing her stunt. She flip her hair angrily back and again look towards me angrily were I just staring her "what this crazy girl going to do??"

Before I can react she push my clothes to side making herself place. She pushed her clothes on that place, I just forgot that I was going to shout on her seeing her clothes state. She placed her cloth in messy way, no folding at all, I just hate messy people. She gave me one more reason to hate her.

"Who place cloth like this??" I asked her pressing my forehead with finger to controll my anger.

"Me " she said smilingly cleaning her hand with sari as she almost throw her sandal on last part of wodroom. I made disgusting face seeing her sandle which was covered with mud.

"I can't stand here more"taking my clothes I went in the bathroom to refresh myself.

Sanskaar pov end
Swara pov
I opened my eyes listening noise, I yawningly got up from the couch and got to know that Mr Maheshwari arranging his wodroom, anger raised in my body as how can he place his all cloth without living me place. I twitched my nose and went towards him.

If I asked him that what he is doing that doesn't mean I am blind. Psychopath person, don't have commen sense, I curesed him making faces.I looked towards his wodroom were he gave me warning not to touch his wodroom but I am least interested to listen his warning.

I asked his PA name that also he have problems but I said to him I also have same right. I know he hate to listen when I am saying to him I am his wife but I enjoyed it to irritating him.

His PA said his name addressing me bhabhi which he received death glare, poor peoples how must be they working under him. I really felt pity for them.

I asked him was he married or not, first he said yes then no seeing Mr Maheshwari death glare but I threatened him but in anger I addressed Mr Maheshwari red bull which made him anger which I realised later.

He pulled me harshly towards him were his eyes became like red bull  that means I was not wrong but who will say him I was right. Listening my answer he became more furious and tighten his grip on my delicate waist which hurt me, lone tear rolled from my eyes but seems like he doesn't care but he leave my waist.

Anger rised in me how can he hurt my little delicate waist, I huffed in anger. I went towards my beg try to lift them but they was too heavy so pulled them were he was staring me what I am going to do, instead of staring he could help me but no.

I angrily pushed his half clothes side and place my beautiful clothes, he was going to shout on me but don't know why he stopped.

Psychopath asked me who place cloth like this, offcose me , he have problems with me everything. I place my beautiful sandle beside his shoes but he made disgusting look I don't know why??
To be continued...

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