part 26

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Sanskaar was lieing on bed while closing his eyes but sleep far away  from his eyes. He was thinking about bade Papa how he misunderstood him but God grace finally they meet.

"Now I should try to show Ragini reality to Laksh, I don't know he will believe me or not but I have to try and in this swara also prove innocent "  He looked towards swara who was sleeping facing her back.

"Why she sleeping like this today?? She always find pillow in my chest but what happened today that she did not sleep on my chest?? " He questioned himself as he got used to her.

"Why I am not getting sleep?? I don't know why this useless Maheshwari just dancing on my head and heart" she made crying face.

"Shona you love your sleep so much but First time in your life you are not getting sleep and it  just because of this stone hearted person. I will break his head" she got angry and turn towards the Sanskaar who was looking towards her.

"Why are you looking at me??" She asked looking him angrily.

" My eyes, I will see who I want" sanskaar turn towards her who was sleeping on his back.

"But you can't look at me as I don't gave you permission " she twitched her nose angrily.

" I don't need your permission" he hold her waist and pulled towards him.

"Why you always pulled me towards you?" She slapped his shoulder while making face.

" What you feel about Laksh ?? I mean" Sanskaar asked hesitantly directly looking in her eyes. He observed her eyes which changed.

"He is my sister I mean ex sister husband and will always remain same what ever happen in future" she said removing his hand from her waist.  She turned and show her back to him.

"How can he think like this?? I am his wife and he asking about Laksh who is Ragini husband. He should possessive about me but he" she stopped her thoughts to process further.

"Why will he possessive about you?? He not considering you as his wife. He going to divorce you and you are thinking like this" tear slide down from her eyes, she immediately wiped it.

After sometime Sanskaar looked towards swara who was still struggling to sleep. He got up from the bed and wear his sandle. Swara looked towards him confusingly.

"Where are you going??" Asked Swara looking towards him.

"You want to come??" Asked Sanskaar taking his car key. He took his mobile and wear his watch. He took his wallet.

"But were??" Asked Swara sitting on bed.

"If you want  then came, I am waiting outside" he went out. Swara got up from the bed hurriedly and went outside runningly after taking duppta and wearing her sandle. She was wearing selves less kurta and pajama.

Sanskaar sitting in the car, he already started his car. Swara hurriedly came and sit beside seat.

"You are planning to leave without me" she closed the door and adjust her seat belt angrily. Sanskaar smile and drove the car.

"Where we are going??" Asked Swara after two minutes of silent.

"In this clothes where we will go?? Only we can go for lond drive" Sanskaar said without moving his eyes from the road.

" Ohh I did not thought" she smiled brightly listening they are going for long drive.

" If you have brain then you will think na?? " Sanskaar teased her to irritated her.

" I have brain but you only don't know that" she angrily pout looking outside. She opened the window of the car and looked outside enjoying the wind on her face with smile. Sanskaar looking at her time to time.

"Stopp " Swara shout suddenly making Sanskaar stop car with jerk.

"What happened swara??" Sanskaar asked worried listening her shout.

"I want that pucchka and Icecream" swara showed her finger towards stalls like a child while leeking her toung.

"You just shout because of that??" Asked Sanskaar in disbelief not believing on what she said reason but swara vigorously nod her head still looking there.

"You will not eat that road side food, if you want we can go in good hotels" Sanskaar said making her jerk.

" I don't want that your good hotel food, I just want that as there is no pleasure in that hotel which having this road side food. If you want you can come else I am going" Swara open the door and got down and literally run towards that stalls like a child.

"I don't know when she will grow up, don't even know this is night and other men standing there" he park the car and came towards her who was ordering puchkka (golguppa).

"Can't you see it's night and you came here alone" he angrily glare her while holding her hand.

"Mr Maheshwari you can scold me letter ,first let me enjoy my puchkka" she put one puchkka in mouth, she closed her eyes as she feeling all pleasure in that were Sanskaar seeing her childiness.

"Bhaiya one more" she demanded more, she eating one by one which got tears in her eyes due to spicy.

"Swara now stop it, you have enough" Sanskaar said with concerns seeing her state.

". No I want more" she shout angrily like a child while glaring him. She gulp one more.

" No you will not , see your condition" trying to hold her hand.

"See Bhiya my husband is no one businessman but he don't have money to make eat his wife puchkka" swara said looking towards puchkka men.

" Just stop your nonsense and now come with me" he gave money to that men.

" No I want icecream " he jerk his hand and went towards icecream men and order two icecream.

" No gave her only one" he glare her angrily. 
" I want two, don't listen him" she glared her back.
" You will catch cold" he tried to make her understand.
" I want two mean I want two" she stepped her foot like a child while verge of crying.
" Ok give her two" he paid the bill and drag  towards the car. They both standing infront of the car.
" Why you always get angry on me??" She asked her leeking icecream .

" You ever listen me?? " Asked Sanskaar irritatedly.
" No , I love to irritated you" swara Said laughing seeing him irritated.

Sanskaar slide his hand around her waist and pulled her towards him suddenly which made, her widen her eyes. She looked towards her.

"What are you doing Mr Maheshwari?? Leave me" asked Swara stammeringly looking towards him.

" If you want eat ice cream then eat like this or throw and sit in the car" he greeted his teath.

"But you are distracting me " she complaint like a child and having her icecream. Sanskaar looked towards two men who was looking towards swara conginuesly which made him angry. Seeing his angry glare they turn their face but he did not leave her waist.

Swara finished her icecream, Sanskaar looked towards her lips which having icecream in her corner of lips. Sanskaar pulled towards her to face him were swara looked towards him thinking what he is doing.

"You don't even offer me icecream" Sanskaar said huskily looking in her eyes.

"You don't told first" she stammered feeling his closeness.

"But I will get how I want" saying this he place his lips on her side lips and suck that area were swara widen eyes as it come out anytime. Her breath stuck were heartbeat running like marathon. Sanskaar removed his lips tasting her icecream.,

"It's your punishment for not offering me icecream"he said shmrinking to make come back in sense who was still in that position.

Swara immediately lowered her gaze feeling his gaze on her. Her cheeks automatically become red like cherry. She was blushing like a anything.

"I really don't know my effect on you this much. You wait here I am coming" he went from there to buy water to clean her hand.

"You can't blush like this swara, he is not your Prince charming" she made crying face and holds her cheeks in both hand.

"Hey hottie" she looked toward him angrily.
"My husband doesn't find me hot, not even beautiful then how can I am foud you hot" she asked him angrily placing both hand on her hips.

"But you are looking so beautiful" said that men.

"Thank you but What will I do if you find me beautiful?? I want my Mr Khadoos compliment but he is so stone heart you know" she complaint like a kid.

"But I am saying you beautiful" men said.
"But I don't need your compliment" she made pout.

"What's going on??" Sanskaar shout angrily from men behind who was about to hold swara hand were swara got confused seeing him angry.

"Your wife was sad so came to gave her shoulder" men smrink seeing Sanskaar which made Sanskaar angry.

"Thank you But I don't want your shoulder" she made face were Sanskaar glare her angrily.

"But I am better then your husband" men said looking at swara.

"Ohh hello who said you that?? see my husband how he looking at you like he will make you burn in fire through his eyes and look at you, looking like if you got one slap you will fall in ground" swara laughed were Sanskaar and that men looked her angrily.

"Hey you just get out from here or you will face hell from me" Sanskaar hold his collar and pushed him which made that men angry.

He angrily looked towards Sanskaar, he removed knief from pocket and run to stab him but Sanskaar about to hold his hand but he hold his knife to save himself. Swara shout seeing this. Sanskaar beat him were other two there men come and hold that men and call police.

Swara run towards Sanskaar and hold his hand while crying. she removed her duppta and tied in his hand to stop bleeding, she conginuesly crying. He was angry on her but melt seeing her crying.

"Stop crying, it's small cut" he tried to make her calm but she hug him while holding his wounded hand in other hand.

"It's just because of me, if I did not talk to him then it doesn't happen, what if anything happens to you" she cried more hiding her face in his chest fearly.

"Shhh nothing happen to me" he rubbed her back to made her calm, he kissed her forehead but she still crying.

"If you cry this much then your eyes will look like ghost" he try to break the hug to make her stop crying.

"I don't care" she hug him more tight as she had still that fear.

"Swara please stop crying, see bleeding also stop" swara slowly removed her hand which she pressing duptta on his hand. She still hugging him.  She removed duppta and saw that bleeding was Stop. She broke the hug but still sobbing.

She went towards the car,  opened and  took first aid kit and come back again. She took his hand and start doing his dressing silently were tears still flowing from her eyes. She done his dressing.

"Swara look at me" Sanskaar hold her face in palm but swara nodes in no.

"I said look at me swara" Sanskaar said little angrily, she sobbed and looked towards him with teary eyes.

"I am fine, I don't want to see this tear in your eyes, it's doesn't suit your face and nothing happen because of you so just gave me smile" Sanskaar kissed her both  eyes and then forehead which made her little smile.

"Now let's go" they sit in car and drove. Swara was silent all the time.

Both come inside the mention, both eyes fell on Ragini who was going in kitchen taking jug. It was dark but due little moonlight from window they saw Ragini.

"I want to do something, you will not tell anyone na" Swara asked Sanskaar slowly were he looked towards her suspiciously thinking what she going to do. She gave him innocent smile.

"No" he agreed seeing her innocent smile.

She went towards the window, took out white curtain and took out torch from the drower. She went behind Ragini were Sanskaar followed her not wanted to let her alone.

She put curtain on Ragini head and pulled her hair harshly. She slapped her head and again pulled her hair again. Ragini start shouting loudly.

Ragini removed curtain from head and saw someone standing infront of her. That person on the torch and then off. That person made different face were hair falling on face which made Ragini fear. She was already in fear that she failed to notice that was swara.

"Ghost ghost" Ragini shout fearly were Swara run from there were Sanskaar came into sense seeing Swara stunt, he run behind her and stand beside her who was standing on stares giggling.

"What was that??" Sanskaar asked were she gave him innocent smile.

Listening Ragini sound all start comming down. Seeing them Swara run to switch on the light. She run towards Ragini like she was shock seeing her.

"What happened Ragini??" Swara asked showing her fake consent.

" What happen Ragini?? Why you become ghost??" Sujata yawned seeing Ragini, her hair became massy which made look like a ghost.

"Chachi ji ghost beat me" Ragini cried loudly.

" What nonsense you are talking Ragini??" Laksh asked coming near her.

Durga Prasad about to say something but Sanskaar signed him, it was swara which made him laugh silently, Anpoorna saw him wiredly then he told her it was swara which made Anpoorna giggle. He told Ram and Sujata.

" I am saying truth Laksh ji, I saw that ghost and see my hair" Ragini cried more.

"Then where that ghost went?? What if that ghost went in you and you tried to kill us. No no I have to removed it" Sujata said shockingly were all giggled seeing her acting except Laksh. Swara did not know that all got to know that it was her but she enjoying seeing her state.

"No no Chachi I am perfectly fine" Ragini said fearly..

"No no, I can't believe, I have to check you. So stand straight" before Ragini understand Sujata gave her tight slap which made her stumbled but Laksh hold her being good person. Ragini hold her cheeks with both hand.

"What are you doing Chachi ??" Laksh asked her shockingly.

"I just confirming that ghost is there in body or not but now I confirmed as if she had ghost in body, she tried to attack me back but see, she did not do like that" she gave him tooth past smile were other shook their heads.

"I think you have stressed Ragini that why you saw like that and about hair may b because of wind. Laksh take her in Room" DP said.

"Ji Papa" Laksh took Ragini in room were she was thinking about all that no one show her concern about her.

To be continued..

Hoping I will get good comments and vote

Feeling sad for Sushant Singh Rajput, how can he do like that yaar I was so shock to listening about him . He got his success on his own not like other star kid . Many wants to become actors but that doesn't mean all get success but you got that. You thought you left out from this nepotism industry but what your familys heart dear how they will remove you from their heart.

You died you got free from this world, you freed from your pain but what about your family yaar they dieing every second and will. Your memories don't let them live in peace.

He may have strong reason but this is not fair yaar.

We are blaming Karan Johar for nepotism but who made him success ??. We only na ?? We are watching that stuppied students of the year who don't have any head and legs leaving meaningful movie. We want only masala , stupid romance, action films. Why Karan Johar not making movies like Ayushmann Khurana doing. He knows if he made movies like that any star kid don't able to act like that. They only can attract people with that light, charm, romance, action mussala, that so called struggle.

"Why Rajkumar Rao, Irfan Khan , many other actors not touching 100cr after having strong story.

Annaya even deserve any award?? Like seriously?? She don't even know A of acting.

People say anything to Kangna Ranaut but she have that guts to stood against wrong.  That's why people call her mad as truth is always bitter and no one wants to listen.

We have to support good actors yaar, it's only us who can make them star.

Plz don't do this suicide yaar, that person killing himself/ herself to get peace from pain but taking family peace. Just share your problem to other yaar,if you don't want to share with family atleast with friends but sucide is not option.

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