part 29

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Sanskaar and Swara sitting outside the ward were doctor treating inside that girl. Sanskaar looked towards Swara who was thinking something deeply, he took long breath and wrapp his arms around her were she look him.

" Nothing will be change" he said were Swara looked towards him what he was saying. She was about to ask but doctor came outside.

" Don't worry Mr Maheshwari, it's minor injury on head and she got unconscious due to stress but she is fine now. You can meet her" Doctor said in professional tone.

"Thank you Doctor" said Sanskaar shaking his hand with him. Doctor left from there.

" Come" Sanskaar turn towards Swara who was lost somewhere. Sanskaar again called her and ask her to come inside.

" What I will do inside?? You go and meet her" Swara gave him fake smile.

"I am getting very scare to go inside" Sanskaar said rolling his eyes were Swara looked towards him like what.

" He is behaving like nothing happen, there is no sign on his face nor happiness nor sadness. Stone face" Swara murmured under his breath.

" Bad joke. You go na, I will not come " Swara said but Sanskaar did not move little bit. Swara glare him angrily but he stand there only.

" I am coming" swara shout on his face while stumping her foot angrily like kid were Sanskaar smile on his victory.

The girl sitting on bed were tears rolling down from her eyes thinking about her life. She was not getting what to do, her life took roller coaster ride just a second. She just wished she never came infront of car else things was different.

" Kavita " Sanskaar called her were she got shock seeing him infront of eyes, tears rolled down from her eyes. She doesn't wanted to face him now.

He was happy that she is alivea He was always blamed himself as he thoughts it's because of him. Many questions running inside his mind. How can she alive when her mother said she was dead but he have believe in his heart that she had not played with his feeling. She was with him when he have nothing but what is the reason behind it.

Before he can asked something one men came inside and hug her making him shock. He start shouting on her but concern clearly visible on his voice and she silently listening him.

" I am 100 % sure now, he have stone heart don't even try to depart them nor having any sign on face what type of love is this??" Swara made face but she feeling happy inside.

" How careless you are Kavita?? What if something happens to you?? You know how much I was scare." He break the hug.

" I am ok Sahil" Kavita said in slow voice.

" You are ok?? See you got bandage on head. It's paining??" He slowly touched bandage.

" No" she said gulping her tears.

" If mom will get to know this she will kill me rather than scolding you. Mom will say " you are good for nothing, my daughter in Law 1000 time better than you, you can't even take care of her.. bla bla" he made different types of faces.

" Ohh so she is married" swara jumped happily were Sanskaar gave what was that?? but swara shook her head saying nothing.

" Thanks gentlemen saving my Wife and my life also and by the way I am Sahil Sen Gupta" Sahil forward his hand to shake.

" Pleasure mine, Sanskaar Maheshwari" Sanskaar Shake his hand with him. Sahil look toward swara.

" She is my wife Swara Maheshwari" Sanskaar said looking Swara who was looking towards him as he did some crime were Kavita got shock.

" How can he stay cool like this?? and introduced me also as wife. May be he got shock." Swara thought in mind still looking at him and gave smile to Sahil.

"Actually I need help, I came for business deal from London and I want to go Maheshwari Mansion as my mother friends Sujata Maheshwari staying there and she invited us there, if I don't go  both will kill us" Sahil made face.

" That is my house and I am son of Sujata. You both came with me" Sanskaar said casually.

" Sahil we will go another day" Kavita said quickly not wanting to face Sanskaar.

" What will I say to my mother India?? " Sahil asked rolling his eyes.

Finally they decided to went in MM. Sahil does discharge procedure. Sanskaar and swara sitting in car waiting for Kavita and sahil were swara was all busy making different faces while thinking something.

" I can't understand what he want?? Is he still loving her?? He called them home as nothing happen between them. He don't even ask me. But why you are feeling bad ?? He is no one to you but why my heart paining?? I think I will get heart attack. I should consult doctor. I don't want to die in young age" she made crying face.

" What are you thinking Mrs Maheshwari? Don't stress your little brain this much " Sanskaar bend towards her said near her ear which made her flinched.

" Don't do like this, my heart already paining and I think soon I will suffer from heart attack. " she glare Sanskaar while placing hand on her heart and took long breath which made Sanskaar smile.

" Can I know why your heart is paining??" Sanskaar asked pointing towards her heart, he still leaning close towards her.

" You will not understand" Swara made pout.

" Just tell me may I understand" he peck on her pout and making her shock. He wink at her,  She immediately wiped her lips angrily and glare him. She about to say something but got quite seeing Kavita and Sahil comming.

They both settled in car, Kavita all silent were Sahil telling about Landon and asking about Kolkata. Swara looking towards Sanskaar to know he is looking at Kavita or not but every time she got caught to looking at him.

" Why he looking at me ?? He will think I am staring him, idiot" Swara murmured under her breath.

They reach in MM, all got shock to see Kavita as they saw her in photo but also question raised in their heart how can she alive?? DP about to ask her but stopped by Sanskaar as he want to first confront Kavita.

Sujata said them to stay them MM only as she already talked to her friend. They showed them guest room. Sahil asked Kavita something bothering her as he founded her lost somewhere but she denied. Sahil went to hotel to bring their luggage.

Sanskaar came in guest room were Kavita sitting on bed resting her head on backboard while closing her eyes. Listening door sound she opened her eyes and looked towards him and immediately move her gaze.

" That day I opened my eyes but I forgot my name also, my mother said my name is Kavita and she is my mother. After a month I got recovered from injury but I don't even remember anything. My mother said my alliances fixed before my accident so she wants to get marry me. I asked her if my alliances fixed already then why he don't come to meet me but she said because of my health she denied him and I trust her as she is my mother. She took me to meet Sahil and after a week we got married in a resistration office, his parents did not come as his father not well and we shift in London were his parents stayed. They happily welcome us. After five six months of marriage I came to know that my mother sale me because of money, actually she was going to sale me for other men but she mistakly meat Sahil but being good person he did not told her that he is not the one. He married me as he don't wanted to spoil my life and he already informed to his parents. His parents really love me and Sahil also. Today when my head got injury I remembered everything" Kavita said crying.

" I am sorry for betraying you and I don't know what to do??" Kavita added.

" It's ok Kavita, it's not your mistake and I am glad that you found Sahil who loves you and I genuinely happy for you" Sanskaar smile little, there is no sadness present in his voice as he really happy for her.

" I don't want to know Sahil about us, I can't see him hurt. I just worried about him as he is very sensitive. He will do anything for my happiness"  she said smilingly with relief.

" Don't worry I will not tell him but you should tell him as it will hurt him if he got to know from others" Sanskaar smile

"  I will try and I think you should talked to your wife also. She is behaving like a kid" Kavita said smilingly as she observing her.

" She is totally crack single peace which god only made for me" Sanskaar smiled and went from there.

" I was thinking about Sahil what if he will think about me if he got to know about my past. Will he believes me she still loving him. I got shock when Sanskaar entered inside before I can say anything to him Sahil entered. I got worried what if he tell him now but he kept quiet. When he introduced swara as his wife I felt happy he moved on. Seeing swara I felt like she is spaying on him. I laughed little in mind seeing her childish nature. Now talking with Sanskaar my all worries went" Kavita felt relief.

Sanskaar entered in the room, he looked towards Swara who was removing clothes from cupboard. As usual balbaring something. Naughty idea pop in his mind, he went towards her who was just turned. She looked towards him and about to go but Sanskaar caged her between his hand placing hand either side.

" Removed clothes also for me, I want to fresh up"
"You have both hand, you remove your clothes who I am to you??" swara said trying to move from his cage but as usual fail.

" Why you made this body?? I can't even move little bit" she slapped his hand one by one.

" You know Good wife always make ready clothes for their dear husband" he hold her hand and pinned her both hand either side on cupboard, clothes fall from her hand.

" You are not king or price charming who love his wife" Swara said throwing angry drager on him.

" You will come know soon who I am to you Mrs Maheshwari but now I want to save water having hot shower with you" Swara widen her eyes as much she can.

" You shameless creature leave me, I don't want either hot nor cold shower with you" she start wiggling were Sanskaar smile seeing her state.

He kissed her both check and lift her in arm. She got shock, she start throwing her legs in air. He made her stand under shower.

" I am leaving you now but soon you will join me in this shower" he said huskily, he turn shower and moved aside and went from there making Swara blush.

" I am sure his head hit somewhere as he behaving weirdly, he wanted to shower with me like romantic husband idiot. Don't even love me and want to shower with me" she murmured angrily.

To be continued...

I am so sorry making you all wait
I posted OS in my one shot book " Humsafar"

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