part 30

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Sanskaar open her eyes lazily and looked towards his side, he got suprised not seeing Swara his side as Swara never got up early before him. He looked towards watch and it's only showing 6. 30am. He looked towards washroom but it was closed.

" Where Swara went early in the morning??" Sanskaar thought in mind and got up from the bed, wear his chaple and went outside.

Sanskaar standing upstairs watching his wife who was walking behind her mother in law with half closed eyes taking flower plate in hand which made Sanskaar smile little.

" Swara you go and sleep, I will do it" Sujata said while taking flower plate.

" No mom, good wifes got up early and do works " Swara said while yawing, Sujata smile seeing her were Sanskaar also smiled.

" You don't have to do it, now go and sleep" Sujata said but Swara shake her head side by side saying no.

Sujata sat infront of God and start preparing for Arti were Swara just sitting beside Sujata, Kavita also came and wished them, Sujata wished her back were Swara still in sleepy mode.

" Why you got up early?? You should take rest" Sujata said Puting oils in diya.

" No aunty I am ok and Actually I have habit to got up early" Kavita said helping Sujata.

" I am only one girl who don't get up early??" Swara murmured still closing her eyes.

" This drama only for one day" Sanskaar smiled and went for to get ready for jogging.

Swara sitting on stool while placing both hand on cheeks while resting elbow on kitchen counter, looking like a alien who was first time came in the kitchen. It's not like she never came in kitchen but she never saw them how they work, she only busy in talking.

" Mom, badi maa can I try??" Asked swara.

" You just sit there, we will do" Anpurna said smilingly.

" Plz badi maa" she made her most innocent face which made Anpurna agreed..

Swara got up from the stool and went towards gas happily. Anpurna already cut ingredient what she want. She put vessel on gas and start instructing swara what to put in vessel to make dish. Swara was doing happily but mistakly her hand touched hot vessel which made swara scream.

Sanskaar just came from jogging, listening swara scream he runs towards kitchen were he saw swara crying in pain were badi maa and mom puting ice cube on her hand.

" Swara what happened??" Sanskaar asked taking her hand in his hand were she still crying. Sujata said what happened.

Sanskaar angrily took her in room. He made her sit on bed were she still sobbing looking at him were he giving her angry glare. He took out oilment from first aid kit. 

" Who said to cook you if you can't take care yourself??" Sanskaar got angry on her blowing air on hand while putting oilment.

"I am trying to good wife sacrificing my beautiful sleep, because of this I can get dark circles but still I took risk but instead of pampering me you are scolding me, such a heartless person you are" swara made angry pout which made Sanskaar anger flew away seeing her cuteness.

" You don't need to become good wife you just stay what you are" he just kiss her forehead were swara look toward him without blinking her eyes.

"  So tell me how can I do your pampering??" asked Sanskaar pulled her towards himself, holding her waist.

"I don't want your pampering" swara said breathing heavily feeling his closeness, trying to free herself.

" Just now you wanted pampering, now what happened??" Sanskaar made her hair stand behind ear which was comming her face.

"Nothing happened" she pushed him and stand, she about to go but Sanskaar pulled her which made her sit on his lap. He wrapped hand around her belly which made swara widden her eyes.

" Should I kiss you to pamper you??" Sanskaar asked her in noughty smile.

" Are you hit your head somewhere or some ghost attract on you?? Why your stone heart suddenly become so shameless?? " Swara move head towards Sanskaar fearly. 

" If husband want to kiss his wife then he have to hit his head somewhere?? I think you never kissed someone" Sanskaar said in disappointment.

" I kissed" she said remembering her dream where she kissed Sanskaar.

" Ohhh really who is that unlucky men??" Sanskaar asked her suppressing his laugh remembering their kiss.

"You" swara angrily shout.

" I know I am handsome and you can't able to control yourself but that doesnt mean you will take my advantage in night. I never thought you will do like this" Sanskaar made sad face.

" I doesn't said you. I was going to say that you can't say him unlucky men and that lucky guy kissed by most beautiful girl" Swara stammered.

"Really??" He placed soft kiss in her nape making swara Shiver.

"Plz leave me" swara pushed Sanskaar and leave from there.

In office
Laksh sitting in office trying to make presentation on laptop while writing notes on paper but not getting satisfie with notes, he every paper tore and throwing away making ball.

Kavya entered in cabin, one paper ball land on head. She closed eyes and opened angrily, she looked towards Laksh who was sitting on chair, crossing legs like Indian style.

His coat lying on couch, his sleeves folded till elbow were his shirt two button open. His hair was messy as like he pulled them frustratingly. Paper balls lying around him. He was so busy that he did not notice Kavya who was all red due to mess.

" Who left this idiot here" Kavya took bucket and collect paper balls. Soon Laksh eyes catch her, yesterday incident revolve around eyes which made him angrily. Kavya stand infront of him angrily taking paper filled bucket, both looking each other angrily.

" What the" Laksh got up from the chair angrily as Kavya empty bucket on his head making him more angry.

" If you can think, this cabin is your dustbin then I also can think your head is dustbin" Kavya said angrily.

She about to go but Laksh pulled  back and hold her arm tightly, she tried to free from his grip but he was so strong, tears come out from her eyes which made Laksh eyes soft. He leave arm immediately. Kavya immediately run from there. Laksh move hand on hair frustratingly.

In conference room all are sitting, Sanskaar, Laksh, Sahil, Kavita and others. Kavita start giving presentation were Sahil playing games in mobile happily were Laksh yawing time to time as he not used to it.

" Sahil can you play online games with me?? I am getting so bore" Laksh whisper to Sahil who was just sitting next to him.

"Let's play" Sahil Said excitedly, Both start playing.

" Concentrate on game Laksh, don't look at Bhai" Laksh said himself as Sanskaar glaring him. Kavita finished her presentation and told Sahil to continued further.

" Wait me dude, I am just coming" Sahil said.

" But you did not listening anything na" Laksh asked him confusingly.

" Who told you?? While playing I am listening also. You don't need to sit like gentlemen to become businessman. " Sahil got up from chair and gave his presentation. Sanskaar got impressed with them. After doing some peperwork, Sanskaar sign contract with Sahil.

To be continued...

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