part 7

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Swara pov
I opened my eyes feeling Sun Ray on my beautiful eyes.

"Why sun wake up early?? Sun is jealous from my sleep " I made face while looking towards clock as it was just 8° clock I  got up while yawning and scanned room.

"He went for Jogging" I made faces.

Thank god I did not have to look his black face in the morning. I took out my clothes happily for bath as I am going home today. I will talk to my maa today, hope she will forgive me, I got sad thinking about her.

Door got opened and Mr Psycho entered, he did not looked towards me and directly went towards cupboard as I am not present in the room.

"How can he ignored beautiful girl??" I said myself as I know how much I beautiful.

He taken his towel and moved toward the bathroom, before he can enter I reached before him and stand infront of him.

"What??" He asked me.

"I will bath first" I said clearly, ignoring his glares.

"I am getting late so don't taste my passions" he got angry, he looked towards me with red bull eyes.

" I don't know which angry ghost sat on his head, always getting angry" I made faces while shaking my head.

"So what can I do?? I also getting late" I said without looking into his eyes as his red eyes too scary but I did not show him.

"Swara I said just moved my side and this is my bathroom" he came closed towards me angrily, I gulped my Saliva and one step back.

" This is also my bathroom , you became day by day Gajani Mr Maheshwari " I shake my head being disappointed.

" Gajani what is that??" He asked me confusingly.

" You don't know Gajani??" I widened my eyes listening his questions.

"How can this men don't know about Gajani?? Useless fellow" I murmured cursing.

" You did not watch Gajani movie?? "
" I don't watched useless movies" he said

" That movie not useless, you are useless. You did not watch movies that's why your heart become black heart " I got angry, I released my breath.

" how can he say my movies useless?? idiot" I thought in my mind but soon reality hit me, I looked towards him, I showed my white teath but it not work as he was huffing in anger.

" Run swara run or volcano will brust on you and you will become black" my  mind alert me, I immediately opened bathroom and closed door on his face, breathing heavily.

" Swara" he shout from outside but I don't care.

I only took 1 hour to shower, I came out were my long hair still wet before I think something,  he pinned me to walk making me widened my eyes. I looked towards eyes were his eyes burning in fire as someone put kerosene in his eyes and lit fire, I gulp my Saliva.

" What you think yourself ?? Getting marry me you will do what you want?" He angrily shout while tightening his grip on my hand were not word comming out from my mouth as I really got scared.

"I am asking something to you" he shout again, I tightly closed my eyes were tears rolled out from my eyes.

" If you try to interfere in my thinks then just careful" he warned me but I don't open my eyes were pain feeling in my arm as he holding my arm tightly.

After some time I opened my eyes not feeling his presence, I got relieved as he not present. I rubbed my arm as it still paining were his finger printed there.

"I will not talk to him" I sniffed.

I got ready before he came as I don't want to see his red bull face. I walked out from room for going my home , it rituals and I know he was not going to come with me. I took heavy sigh.

"You are going alone??" I come out from my thoughts listening voice.

"Haa uncle" I gave him small smile.

"Uncle??" He raised his eyebrows. I know I should call him dad but before my marriage I was calling him uncle so it's came in my mouth.

"Call me dad" he smiled and touching my head , I don't know what I feel, automatically Tears rolled down from my eyes.

"I am so sorry,  if you don't want to call me dad then it's ok but don't cry" he apologized to me, may be he thought wrong about me.

"No dad, I just felt to cry" I wiped my tears, now a I became so emotional because of that animal.

"I am so sorry swara because of my son you are suffering, I really don't know he was going to do this, plz forgive me" he fold his hand infront of me.

"One side saying to call you dad  then folding hand infront of me , I think I should change my mind to calling you dad" I act as a thinking.

"Ok, I will not say sorry" he smile.

"Better" I smiled.

"You wait down, I will send Sanskaar don't go alone" he about to go but I hold him.

"No dad I will go alone" I said hesitatly as recent movement flash in my mind and I don't want to see bull face.

" I know he said something to you but don't worry he will listen to me" he said, I just nod and went downstairs.

Swara pov end.

Sanskaar pov
I came out after bath, I scan the room, she was not present." Better" I muttered. I wear my clothes, after taking my necessary things I came out from the room were I dashed with dad.

"Go with swara, it's not feel good to send her home for first time " he said angrily.

"I am sorry dad what ever I do but it's not all my fault, she also have fault" I asked forgiveness from dad as he is really upset from me.

"I don't want to listen anything, you just going with her that's it" he left from there without letting me talk which hurt me. He stopped taking to me when I married with swara.

In  breakfast we were eating silently, I don't know why I was taking glare of that brainless girl were she did not even look at me. After having breakfast she silently walk behind me.

"I am not comming with you" which made me turned, I closed my eyes angrily as she standing just each behind me.

"Can't you just stay away from me " I run my fingers on head.

"It's you who always come near me, I know I am beautiful that why you can't able to stay away from me but listen Mr Maheshwari I am not interested in you who have black stone heart" she rolled her eyes showing her index finger were I just seeing her unbelievably.

"You and beautiful ?? I never seen girl like you. And I can't stay away from you seriously?? I just searching chance that I will get ride from you. If you will be last person in this earth then also I will not interested in you" I gave her uninterested look.

"I know you have jelosy from my beauty and haa I also never see person like you who have black stone heart, who wear cloth like black crow, who eyes always got angry like red bull, psycho idiot" she huffed in angered but soon her eyes got widened seeing my eyes were fear engulfed in her eyes.

"See your eyes, sorry"  she immediately put both hand on her mouth and closed her eyes.

"Sit in the car" I rolled my eyes controlling my anger as it waste of time to argue with her and don't want to shout on her.

"I know you will live me in jungle" she said almost cried voice looking towards me fearful eyes, I don't know were she got this type of thoughts.

"Who told this??'"

"I saw in TV that villen left heroin in jungle" she said thinking something deep.

"If you did not sit in car, I surely going to left in jungle" I got irritated with her taking were anger boiling inside me. She immediately run towards the car and sit silently.

"I can't understand this girl if she really have mental problem or not' I shook my head and sit in the car and drives. 

In car

She took magazine from car and start reading while cursing something under his breath. She was looking towards me sometimes.

"You meet with this SM " she looked towards me suspicious as I did something crime.  I ignored  her question and concentrate on road.

'I am asking something, plz tell or I will irritated you" she made pout.

"No" I gave her blankly reply

"Did you see his photo"

"No" I said

"But I meat him" she smiled looking at me, I got shock as I got catch,. Now she was surely going to do blunder.

"Actually listen" I was about to say further but she continues giving me relief.

"You know he is so handsome, he have six peck abs. He is so cute. You know all girls behind him not like you who don't even want to see your ok ok handsome face. You don't have body, I know I did not see your body but I can surely tell you  can't  get compare with him. He is top businessman and you little businessman . If I did not loved Laksh then I surely going to marry him but my bad luck, this journalist spreading negativity about him" she was telling me making different faces as she telling me truth. Now I got to know why she asking me you know SM or not.

"Seeing your antics he surely never marry you" I don't know why I smile in  Mind after a year but I don't let smile reach on lips.

"You don't talk without knowing anything, you know he proposed me but that time I already going to marry Laksh. I rejected SM can you believe this?!" I got cough listening her lie thinking about when I proposed her.

To be continued...

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