Endgame Reader

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-Name: (Y/N) Rogers

-Age: 18 years

-Date of Birth: August 4th

-Height: 5ft, 7in

-Species: Modified Human(has all the genetics of the Avengers and their allies and old enemies)

-Likes: doing chores, his friends, reading, meeting new friends, making peace between sides, science, being a counselor, negotiator of other factions, being a leader, fighting for peace, saving people, cooking, cleaning, break dancing, McDonald's Happy Meals, inventing, his harem.

-Dislike: disturbing the peace, people who hurt his friends, cheating, people saying he can't fight, people saying he's weak, being a show-off, people saying he beat them with luck rather than skill, pineapple pizza, broccoli pizza, pineapple and broccoli pizza, perverts, some villains, and people pouring milk before pouring the cereal.

Normal Look: 


Weapons and powers:

-Hulk's Powers:

>Physical abilities and body heat from Anger


>Can turn into a ball and has momentum based strength

>WorldBreaker stage

>Can grow from 9 feet to 15 feet based on anger

>Has multiple consciouses

-Thor's Powers:

>Asgardian Physicality

>Controls the weather


>Mjölnir and Stormbreaker

*Both hammers control lightning

*Stormbreaker use the Bifröst

*Flight by throwing them and holding on to them

*Only those that are deemed worthy can wield the power of Thor

>The Destroyer Armor

-Ant-Man's powers

>Pym Particles: change your size or the size of anything

>Time Travel via Quantum Realm

>Throwable discs for the Pym Particles

-Capt. Marvel's Powers

>The ability to absorb any form of energy

>Photon and light blasts

>7th Sense

>Binary Form

*Power of a White Hole

*increases physical abilities

*Survive in space

-Capt. America's powers

>Enhanced Human Physic

>Martial Arts

>Cap's Shield

*Vibranium/Proto-Adamantium make up


*Damageable on a molecular level

>Proficient on multiple forms of weaponry

-Spider-Man's powers


>Talons on hands and feet


>Mark of Kaine

>Venom Blast


>Iron Arms

>Holo Decoy

>Spider techniques: Quad Damage, Electric Punch, Web blossom, Unrelenting Fury, Blitz, Equalizer, Spirit Fire, Negative Shockwave, Quips

>Gadgets: Web Shooters, Spider-Drone, Web Bomb, Suspension Matrix, Concussive Blast, Trip Mine, Electric Web, Spider Bro, Blur Projector,

-Black Panther's Powers

>Antarctic Vibranium Claws

>Energy Daggers

>Enhanced physical abilities

>Cat-Like reflexes

-Hawkeye's powers


>Various Trick Arrows

-Iron Man's and War Machine's powers


>Buster Armors


*Galactus Buster

*Plastic Ghost

*Thor Buster

*Phoenix Killer

*Anti-Transformer Armor

>Iron Legion Protocal

>A.I. campanion: E.D.I.T.H.

-Rocket's Weapons

>Laser Cannon


-Nebula's Weapons

>ElectroShock Batons

-Falcon's Equipment


*Jet Powered Flight

*Shoot Projectiles

*RedWing drone

-Quicksilver's and Scarlet Witch's powers

>Enhanced Speed and metabolism

>Psionic powers

>Mental and Emotional Manipulation

>Generate Force Fields

-Black Widow's weapons and skills

>Master Spy


*Widow's Bite

*Widow Line

*Widow's kiss

*Radio Transmitter

*Tear Gas

>Mastery of weapons

-Okoye's equipment

>Vibranium Tetela Spear

>Kimoyo Beads

-Other powers

>Genius Intellect


>Martial Arts

-Other Weapons

>Nano Gauntlet

>Holo Projecter drones

*Creates holograms that you can manipulate with you mind


*Normal wear

*E.D.I.T.H.'s way of communication with you

*It's your phone

> Other weapons from villains that the Avengers and their allies have fought in the past

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