Chapter 15: The First Attempt

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Hi guys! I am so sorry for not updating on Friday like I do normally. 

I do have valid reasons. 1st I was dead tired on Friday, I could barely keep my eyes open till 10.

 2nd there were guests at my place on Saturday because of a festival we call Rakshabandhan, my brothers, my mom's brothers, my grandmom's brothers all were at my place so I hope that fills in for my reasons.

Anyways I am here with another chapter of your favorite story ( I hope it is by now). Well just kidding.

Ariana and Reyan's outfits for the chapter are above.

Happy reading! Enjoy!


Chapter 15: The First Attempt

I woke up with a slight back ache, I opened my eyes a bit to see that the dawn was about to break. I moved a little and realized that I wasn't on my bed and this wasn't my room. It was the living room's couch I was sleeping on. Gaining full consciousness I realized that there was a burden on my shoulders, I turned my head to find Reyan's head on my shoulder and he was sleeping peacefully with a smile on his face. I slowly realized that my other hand was kept loosely on his chest and his hand was on my shoulder.

I quickly but softly removed my hand from his chest blushing on the fact that we were practically cuddling on the couch. I slowly removed his hand from my shoulders and shifted away from him. Reyan's hand was now on his lap and his head rested on the couch. He looked like a little child while sleeping, his mouth was slightly open and his peaceful face was now disturbed with a small frown on his forehead. My eyes fell on his chest which was visible as the top two buttons of his shirt were undone. I could get a peep of his well-built chest. Even though his chest was worth touching it was his hair that I liked the most, they looked so soft and shiny in the light sun rays that I wanted to run my hands through them. I was about to touch them when I realized what I was doing and pulled my hand back.

I stood up pushing away the thoughts and ran into my room as fast as I could. My heart was beating erratically; I put my hand above my heart to calm it a bit. What happened to me? How could I lose control over myself like this?

I looked at the time and saw it was still 6 in the morning which gave me an hour to sleep more. I anyways took my stuff and went inside the bathroom as sleep was non-existent now, I stripped off and turned on the shower and tried to remember how I ended up sleeping besides Reyan on the couch.

~~ Flashback~~

Reyan and Nikhil had dinner with us, Nikhil asked his cook to make us some pizza, Riya was feeling better but Nikhil insisted he would stay at night. I agreed because Riya and Nikhil were being childish and making puppy faces at me, sometimes I think I am the older one. After dinner Nikhil insisted that he would sleep in Riya's room to which I obviously refused, there was no ways I would let them stay together at night because as childish as they are they won't let the whole house sleep with their continuous banter.

I dragged Nikhil and made him sleep in the guest room with Reyan even though my best friend begged I refused, I love my sleep and Nikhil plus Riya means they would talk and shout and do pillow fights the whole night. The guest room was beside Riya's room so I knew Nikhil would sneak there, at least they won't make much noise to disturb me.

I woke up again at 1 because of that dream, the savior was constant but the dreams still scared me. I lied on my bed for half an hour but the sleep was nowhere near, so I left my room and went to the balcony. The nights were quite cool here and today a pleasant breeze was blowing. I stood there leaning on the railing for what looked like hours when I heard my name, I turned and saw Reyan standing behind me, his hands in his pajama pockets and his hair were messy, he was still wearing his shirt from before, I wonder why? Looking at him like this made my heart do flips.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me.

"Looking for David Beckham" I rolled my eyes at him "What do you think?" I said turning my head again towards the glorious night sky.

"You had a nightmare again" He said and from his tone it didn't appear as a question. He came and stood beside me leaning against the railing of the balcony just like me.

"Yes" I replied softly. I don't know why it felt natural to talk to him about my nightmares.

"What do you usually see?" He asked me curiously.

I faced him; trying to figure out what should I tell him? I didn't want him to look with pity like everyone else does, but I don't want to lie to him either. So I told him, the wolves, the monster, the blood, the wall and the savior.

Reyan listened to me as if my dream was a story from a book, when I finished he looked dazed, I asked him what the matter was.

"Is there any specific reason you have these dreams?" He asked me.

This was what I feared. This was something I didn't want him to know. My past was buried, deep inside me; I didn't want to unravel it now, when I was unaware of the fact that if I moved on or not.

"Why? Are you a dream catcher?" I asked him playfully diverting the topic.

"I would glad to be one, just for you" Reyan said shifting a bit closer to me.

"Reyan, are you flirting with me?" I asked him batting my eyelids.

"Well of course Anna I am" He smiled a full toothed smile. And just like that something in my stomach flipped.

"Then...who stopped you" I said honestly and then laughed loudly to make it seem I was kidding , Reyan who stood expressionless on my words for a second too laughed with me and when our laughs subsided we stood there gazing the stars.

"You are still wearing your shirt" I said without looking at him.

"Yeah, Nikhil stole my t-shirt" He said casually a small smirk appearing on his face.

"Why are you awake?" I asked him after a moment later.

"Because you are" He offered and I rolled my eyes at him "I just woke up and couldn't sleep, that's it, I came out for some air, saw you thought of giving you some company" He shrugged.

"I hope you don't have nightmares" I said shivering at the last word as the chilled breeze hit me.

"We should get inside, it's getting cold, and we don't want you to catch cold too" He said motioning his hand to go inside.

I nodded and followed him inside; he sat down on the two-seater couch and patted the place beside him for me to sit.

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked him, trying to avoid sitting beside him, my feelings were going out of control as it is seeing him like this and sitting beside him would make it worse.

"Nah, let's just sit here" He said shifting and giving me space to sit.

I sighed lightly and sat beside him pulling my legs up, no running from him now. As I sat I saw his smile widening and I smiled back.

"So..." He started and I looked at him "You were saying something?" He asked me.

"I was?" I asked him and then I remembered "Oh yes... I was asking if you too had a nightmare or something too" I told him.

I saw his smile fading for a moment and it came back as if nothing happened, he was good at masking expressions I could tell "It wasn't a nightmare this time" He told me.

"This time? Means you too have nightmares?" I asked curiously.

"I have nightmares but they are not regular, and not as scary as yours" He grinned.

"Okay" I nodded "Want to tell me what you saw that didn't let you sleep?" I teased him bumping my shoulder with his realizing it wasn't a very good idea as the simple touch made electricity travel through my whole body.

"It's nothing" He said as a blush crept up his face.

"Ohmigosh! Reyan Shergill is blushing!!" I squealed softly and sat crossing my legs, not wanting to disturb Nikhil or Riya.

"Shut up, I'm not blushing" He said looking anywhere but me.

"Then why are you're cheeks red" I pointed out poking his cheek.

"They get red because of cold, I am not blushing and I did not dream of anyone" He said crossing his hands against his chest and looking away from me and I laughed at him.

"Who said anything about having a dream about someone?" I said with a smirk "So come on tell me who was it?" I asked him.

"Uhh...No one Anna" He said and I rolled my eyes smirking at him, he sighed and finally said "Remember I told you I like someone" He said and my smirk dropped and a burning sensation entered my body.

"Oh" Was all that I said trying to smile.

"You want the details?" He asked with a grin.

"Uh..sure" I said when my mind was screaming to say no. What the hell is wrong with me?

"Okay so I was sitting on the couch at my place, I guess, I was watching Friends, my favorite show and Rachel and Phoebe were talking in the coffee shop they love, Central Perk, and from nowhere someone closes my eyes from their hands, I remove the hands seeing it's..." He stops for a while making my heart beat stop; I knew this was the part when 'she' appears. I urged him to go on; even if it hurts I should be happy for my friend and encourage him.

He nodded and sighed with longing "I saw it's... Jennifer Aniston!! Can you believe it? The love of my life was standing behind me. She smiled at me and bent down to kiss me and BAM I got up" He finished shaking his head in disappointment.

I released the breath I didn't even realize I was holding; did he just say Jennifer Aniston? He liked Jennifer Aniston? And I was freaking like hell that he liked a girl and all that time it was Jennifer Aniston!!! And like any sane person would do, I started laughing; I laughed and laughed till my eyes started watering badly. Shit! He liked an actress. Damn it!

I looked at Reyan who looked at me as if I grew up 2 heads. I sobered up and sat straight pulling up my legs against my chest.

"Are you done?" He asked me with a flat face.

"Oh my Gods Reyan, I thought you really liked someone" I said with a chuckle.

"I do. Jennifer Aniston is my ultimate love" He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"She's 20 years older than you, which is more than your own age" I pointed out.

"So? Love knows no bounds and I love her" He said with finality in his voice and I laughed again.

"Okay I surrender, you can marry her when you grow up" I ruffled his hair playfully.

"Hey! No touching the hair, they are precious" He said with fake anger "And I will marry the girl I love when I grow up" He said eyeing me, his look made me blush.

"Good to know that" I mumbled looking away, but there was a relief that Reyan did not like anyone.

We chatted for half an hour; we were sitting beside each other our shoulders brushing with every small movement and looked at each other most of the time. I was telling Reyan how I got Paris when I heard a very soft snore I turned my head to see that Reyan was already asleep. I smiled at how cute and peaceful he looked as he slept. I sighed and turned my head. How did I change so much since I met Reyan? I stopped noticing boys; I didn't talk to them except Nikhil and Rishabh but only when he irritated me. Reyan was different from the start. It has been just 2 weeks and it feels I know him since forever.

It was clear now that I like Reyan, but the only thing I was not sure of was that if it was just a minor crush or something major. I didn't have any ways I could find out, I couldn't even tell Nikhil or Riya, they would flip and tease me forever for this. I couldn't even tell Reyan how I feel, he would think of me as a clingy girl, after all I met him just 2 weeks back. Maybe I could talk to Mehr; no she too would tease me.

The thoughts of Reyan occupied so much that I didn't even realize when Reyan's head fell on my shoulder, not even when sleep came over me and I slept there my head on Reyan's head, his arm protectively draped around me and my hand possessively kept on his chest.

~~ End of Flashback~~

I stepped out of the bathroom in my bathrobe tightly wrapped around me, I was sure no one was awake yet it was still 6:30, so I decided to change in my room. As I shut the bathroom door behind me I was startled to see Reyan sitting on my bed. He was looking downwards so I don't think so he realized I came out, I cleared my throat so maybe he realizes and goes out but he kept looking down.

"Reyan can you please leave the room?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"Reyan?" I called his name again.

He didn't respond just sat there and looked at me with a blank expression. I tilted my head trying to figure out what he wanted when he suddenly stood up and started moving towards me. Just like an instinct I stepped back, he took two steps forward and I took two steps back. I kept moving back until my back touched the wall beside the bathroom. Reyan came closer, so close that our faces were just inches apart. I immediately closed my eyes holding my breath and clutched my bathrobe like it was my life. What is he up to? I opened my eyes slowly and Reyan swiftly slid into the bathroom making no sound. What was that?

I remembered the last time when he saw me in my bathrobe, even the smallest memory of that still made my cheeks turn red. I quickly went inside my closet that if Reyan decided to come out then I should not be standing here like this. I picked up my dark blue skinny jeans, I had plenty of those all thanks to my mom and Riya. I paired it with a white top with black mosaic like design; it had a keyhole near the neckline. I decide to pair it with my plain peach pumps later. I had too much time to get ready.

I stepped outside my walk in closet only to find Reyan sitting and sleeping on my bed. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder but he didn't even budge. I tapped his shoulder again but he still looked half asleep, I looked at the time, it was already 7 and if Reyan doesn't wake up we all will be late. I went to the washroom and took out my toothpaste and toothbrush from the glass and filled it with cold water. I came back in the room and Reyan still was drooping.

I sighed and poured all the contents of the glass on his head making him stand up instantly.

"AAAGGHHH, Ariana!!!" He screamed at me and I laughed loudly. "What the hell Ariana" He screamed at me.

"Hey, don't blame me, you were sitting on my bed looking like a zombie, I was just helping you" I offered still chuckling and he gave me a stink eye.

"What am I even doing here?" He asked me, confusion clear on his face.

"You don't know how you came here?" I asked him, relief rushed over me as I realized he was sleep walking when he came in my room. "Buddy, I think you sleep walk" I told him putting my elbow on his shoulder.

He swatted my hand away in anger "So what if I sleep walk, you could have woken me up like a normal human, not drenching me. What were you thinking?" He said angrily.

"You were not waking up okay, I tried waking you up, I tapped on your shoulder, called your name but nothing happened, you went inside the bathroom came out and sat on the bed and were drooping, I did what I thought could wake you because maybe I am not normal like you" I said with frustration. "Will you please go and have a bath so we can go?" I asked him.

"Well there is not much to do" I mumbled "Can you at least get my clothes?" He asked and I nodded. "Don't get them wet" He mocked and went inside the bathroom. He was really angry, I was just helping and it was a joke why is he so pissed off.

I went in the guest room to get Reyan's clothes, I saw no one there but a small overnight bag, I thought of handing him the whole bag, who knows what he wants.

I went back in my room and knocked the door of the bathroom; Reyan opened the door still in his wet clothes and held out his hand, I kept the bag in his hand which he accepted without a word. I guess he really is very angry, I should apologize to him, what if he never forgives me.

I shuddered at the thought of him not talking to me. I decided I should make breakfast for him to make him happy, something I could definitely make.

I went to the kitchen and searched for anything edible. There was nothing I could make, even my favorite cereal was finished, I went in Riya's room to ask for help but she was in the bathroom so I decided to do something myself.

I took out my mom's cookbook and flipped pages just to search for something. This being my first attempt, I decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches, they looked pretty easy. I took out cheese, butter and bread. I grated the cheese and kept it aside, I made it enough for 4 people. I applied butter on all the slices, both sides. I was applying butter when I felt someone's eyes on me; I looked up to see Nikhil who was eyeing me curiously.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"That is something I should ask you" He said walking towards me.

"What do you mean?" I asked putting the grated cheese on the bread.

"You Ariana, never cook, so what's up?" He raised his eyebrow, challenging me.

"First, I am making grilled cheese so it's technically not cooking and secondly my master chef sister is not available and I was hungry" I said with confidence, I did not want him to know that I was doing this for Reyan.

"Okay then...let me help you" He finally said with a smile.

"You will? Thanks dude" I grinned at him. Nikhil knew how to cook but I asked him to place the sandwiches in the grill and not burn them till I make some cold coffee, which I knew Reyan loved. Obviously Nikhil did not object he loves cold coffee too and so did Riya.

I made cold coffee and poured it in 3 glasses, I made some chocolate milkshake for myself and helped Nikhil set the table, by the time we finished setting the table  Riya came out of the room.

"Wow, something smells nice" Riya grinned entering the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's grilled cheese and cold coffee for breakfast" Nikhil told her giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Wow brother, you did this all by yourself?" Reyan asked Nikhil coming out of my room, he wore a yellow polo t-shirt and dark blue jeans, his hair were styled in his normal style, I missed the messy look but I can't obviously tell him that; I stood aside quietly shy to accept that it was me who made the breakfast today.

"You wish" Nikhil grinned and pulled out a chair for Riya who sat down quirking an eyebrow at him I frowned at Nikhil and shook my head at him not to tell them I made the breakfast . "She made it" Nikhil said casually, pointing his thumb towards me. That idiot, I mentally cursed him.

"WHAT?" Riya and Reyan shouted at the same time and I literally had to cover my ears.

"You made the breakfast Aru?" Riya asked me, surprise clear in her voice.

"Eat fast people, we don't have time, I need to go to the library before the class starts and we have rehearsals too" I diverted the topic and sat down picking up a sandwich and taking a sip of my milkshake.

Riya nodded and Nikhil smiled innocently at me but nobody said a thing and picked up the sandwiches and sipped their cold coffees. All I heard through the breakfast was Reyan's moaning when he ate the sandwiches and that was what I wanted. I smiled secretly as my first attempt to make him happy was successful and finished eating soon. I placed the plates in the kitchen sink while Riya cleared the rest of the table with Nikhil and Reyan. I went in my room to get ready. I applied some eyeliner, lip gloss and perfume and kept them in my bag.

I was combing my hair when Reyan knocked, which wasn't necessary because the door was already open.

"I'll be there in a minute" I told him assuming everyone was ready to go.

He didn't say anything but just entered my room, it was awkward if I must say to have him in my room. My room wasn't really a very tidy place right now. Books were scattered on my study table, my towel was lying on my bed which wasn't made like usual, my slippers were upside down scattered on the floor near the closet and my dressing table was another story to tell.

Reyan came in slowly towards me as I could see from the mirror, his expression unreadable but it didn't stop me from making my hair. I was tying them up in my usual ponytail when Reyan held my hand and stopped me.

"Keep them loose, you look better that way" He said softly pulling away his hand. I turned and face him and realized how close we were, the proximity of our bodies made my hands and legs weak and instantly my hands fell loose beside me making my hair fall from the unmade ponytail.

Reyan came closer and removed the few strands of hair that came on in front of my eyes. His touch sent unwanted electricity in my body making butterflies flutter in my gut like never before.

"Actually no, you look beautiful with your hair down" He said in a slightly husky tone which made my legs turn into jelly. I was afraid that I would fall if he came any near.

"Uh...thanks" I said clearing my throat and turning towards the mirror again trying to hide that I was blushing profusely at his words.

I combed my straight waist length hair again, trying not to get affected from the effect Reyan's eyes on me made me feel. I clipped my hair to one side with two bobby pins and kept my hair tie in my bag.

"We should go" I said as I turned towards Reyan, who now was standing a bit away from me and he nodded and picked up his overnight bag. I tried to cross him but he beat it to me blocking my way to get out.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him keeping a straight face when it was hard to not touch him when he was so close.

"I am sorry" He said with a sigh.

"Sorry? For what?" I asked him with a confused expression, why was he saying sorry?

"For snapping at you in the morning, I was cranky and I shouldn't have done that, you were just trying to help" He said looking down with a guilty expression.

"Reyan" I called his name softly and he looked up "I should be the one who is sorry, I should have tried harder to wake you up and not pouring cold water on you, so please forgive me" I said holding my ears .

He removed my hands from my ears and shook his head "There is no need for that, you earned your apology from those grilled cheese and cold coffee" He grinned making me smile too.

"You liked it?" I asked him with excitement, this was my first attempt to cooking, of course Nikhil helped but I did most of it. I smiled internally at the fact that he knew I made the breakfast for him.

"I did, but how did you know I love grilled cheese?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"You do? I didn't know that I just made what I found the easiest in my mom's cookbook" I told him as he gave way for me to pass.

"Now you know, so can you make more for me sometime?" He asked and I laughed.

"Sure I will" I said with a nod.

"And cold coffee too" He demanded.

"Yes sir" I mock saluted him and we both burst out laughing.


How was the chapter? The chemistry is starting to build up between Ariana and Reyan.

Wasn't it sweet what Ariana did and Reyan understood she did it for him?

I wonder if you guys want to know what Ariana's past is? Any guesses?

Fun fact: Just like Ariana I too had my first attempt on cooking, that is another story that I can't officially cook, Ever.

Do tell me your views by VOTING and COMMENTING!!


Until next time...

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