Chapter 19 : When the Past Collides

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Hi guys!

I am so happy today, my dear friend Shagun_ has finally resumed her story ' Memories eh? too overrated and its awesomer than before. 

Go check it out, the blurb is so intriguing and the story is very unique. She is one of my inspirations and I love her writing style very much. 

Now back to our story, here's the new chapter, I hope you guys like it.



Chapter 19: When the Past Collides

Around 11 the next day mom told me to go shopping and get myself a dress. Apparently Dad and Mom were here because their company has decided to partnership with Dad's long term friend Prithvi Singh Chauhan. There is a party next Saturday so that they could announce it officially and I being their daughter had to attend. I've met Prithvi uncle a few times but not much, I don't like parties but I promised mom and dad that I would go as Riya too agreed.

"So who is going with me?" I asked everyone while we sat in the living room watching creepy stuff on Discovery Channel.

"I have a project due tomorrow" Riya said, her eyes not leaving the television screen.

"I have a business plan to make" Dad said looking in his phone; he was mailing someone I think.

"Same here sweetie, I have to help your Dad" Mom said with a sorry smile.

"Means no one would go with me? How can I go dress shopping alone?" I said with a frown and then it struck me"Riya you have a few dresses right, lend me one" I told her.

She took her eyes of the show on the T.V and looked at me with her thinking face. "No" She said finally and looked towards the T.V again.

"But why?" I asked her "You have thousands of dresses, you can give me at least one" I countered.

"Sorry sis, the theme is pink and blue and I have only one pink dress which I am wearing, all other are black, red and beige. Blue doesn't suit me" She said pointing towards herself and went back into watching her show.

"What? There is a theme too, why?" I whined and crossed my arms against my chest.

"Stop acting like a child Ariana, parties like these always have a theme. Now go get a dress, take any of your friends with you" Mom said looking at the T.V.

I sighed and texted Mehr if she would go dress shopping with me. A few minutes later I got her message saying she, Rishabh, Anika and Ronit are going on lunch with their families and I face palmed.

"What happened now?" Dad asked seeing my reaction.

"Mehr, Rishabh, Anika and Ronit are with their families in a get together, no one is free" I told them with a sad face.

"Hey! Ask Nikhil" Riya suggested "He goes with me all the time, he has learnt everything about shopping now" She giggled.

"Good idea" I exclaimed and called Nikhil immediately.

"Hi Ariana" Nikhil said picking after the fourth ring.

"Hi Nikhil, are you free?" I asked him.

"Depends what you mean by free" Nikhil said and then I heard voices.

"I have to go dress shopping and no one is free, can you come?" I asked him.

"Oh Aru, I am not home right now I am at my Dad's office, I need some stuff for my project so I am studying the stats and all. It's due the day after, you want me to come, I can but it will take time to wind it all up" Nikhil said in a hurry and I got it that he was busy. Nikhil was very hard working when it came to work, be it projects or any assignment his Dad gave him.

"No no it's not a problem, I can go myself I just needed a second opinion, which I can live without" I told him with disappointment.

"Hey, take Reyan with you then, the lazy ass... oops guy was playing video games when I left him, I am sure he's doing the same now or watching the show he likes... I don't remember the name, but yeah ask him and get him out of the house" Nikhil said and I knew he was smiling.

"Okay, will do. Thanks Nik" I said and hung up.

I sighed and shook my head calling Reyan who answered after the second ring.

"Anna, what's up" He said and I heard a loud noise like something crashed.

"I need a favor" I said crossing my fingers, if he refused then I would have to go alone.

"Yep" He said totally engrossed in whatever game he was playing.

"Can you ..." I started to say but he cut me off.

"Wait a second Anna, just hold on" He said then I heard a whooshing sound and then a crash and then heard Reyan shouting.

"Hello?" I called into the phone.

"Yeah, sorry I just won the game I was playing since morning, you are so lucky for me Anna" Reyan said and I could imagine a big smile on his face.

"So what's my reward for being your lucky charm?" I asked getting the idea to make him agree on coming with me.

"Anything you want" He said nonchalantly.

"Anything?" I asked smirking a bit.

"Yep" He said.

"Come dress shopping with me" I said quickly.

"What? No" He refused.

"You said anything, now meet me in front of your house in 20, I'll be there" I said with authority.

"That's not fair" He whined.

"Life's not fair Rey, get ready" I said flatly.

"Did you just..." He started to say "You stay ready I'll be there in 10" He said and hung up.

I looked at the phone in amazement and then looked up and saw my parents and Riya were looking at me knowing smiles on their faces.

I rolled my eyes and got up and went in my room. As I got ready I prepared myself to tell Reyan everything. I was avoiding calling him from the start as I knew if I met him I would have to tell him about my past as I promised mom. I feared his reaction.

"You have to man up Anna" I told myself and then groaned loudly. Even I call myself Anna, I was so down in love and it was clear.

Reyan called me exactly 10 minutes later and asked me to come outside the society gate and I agreed. Dad gave me his credit card saying I could spend as much as I like. I squealed and kissed on his cheeks and went down running.

When I reached the gate I saw Reyan leaning on the car. He straightened as he saw me approaching and opened the passenger door for me. I smiled as I sat in the car and Reyan closed the door with a smile. He entered the car and switched on the engine without a word though his smile was visible.

"You are smiling" I pointed out.

"That's because I am happy" He said, the smile not even moving an inch from his face.

"Care to share the reason?" I asked him curiously.

"Because..." Reyan said while continuing looking at the road ahead.

"That's not an answer" I said flatly.

"That's what you'll get" He said copying my tone.

"But that's not fair" I whined.

"Life's not fair, mi amor" Reyan repeated my words.

"You know Spanish?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you know it too?" He asked raising his brow.

"A bit, I used to read some books in which these Spanish words appeared, so I searched them, and while translating, I learnt some sentences too" I told him. "You Spanish accent sound so original, I can never talk like that" I complemented him. I saw Reyan's smile fade a bit and another expression took its place, like guilt but then he regained his smile and looked at me.

"I am multi-lingual, I can speak Spanish, Catalan, French, German, Hindi, and Punjabi with equal accent, and I can even speak a bit of Tamil and Bengali and yeah Russian too" He told me with a cocky grin.

"The hell... you are so talented, I can't even pretend the American accent" I said with a sigh.

"No hay problemo, Mon Cher. I'll teach you" He said mixing Spanish, French and American accents together.

"Let's focus on shopping for now" I tried saying in a fake American accent but it failed and Reyan laughed at my effort.


We had already looked in 3 stores and there was no dress Reyan approved of. He said no dress I tried was perfect for me. I blushed at that. But to think of that, Reyan knew pretty much about shopping for girls and I let him do whatever he wanted. He picked up the dresses for me to try, stood outside the trial room when I tried them on and rejected each and every one of them, it seemed as if I came shopping with Riya or my Mom.

As we entered the 4th store I was in awe, the store was full of beautiful dresses; it was a big store unlike the other ones. Reyan straight away started to look where the long dresses were and I decided to roam around if I could find anything nice myself.

I shuffled through racks when I saw a midnight blue dress hanging, it was off-shoulder with a pleated look with a black ribbon which looked like a belt but wasn't actually. I took it off the rack and went to find Reyan. When I found him, I saw him talking to the salesgirl who was standing too close to Reyan for my liking. Suddenly there was an unfamiliar burning sensation in my chest and I knew this was jealously. No one flirts with my Reyan, I confidently called him.

"Reyan" I called him and he turned towards me with a smile and I walked up to him confidently standing right next to him, he shifted towards me leaving the sales girl which made her scowl and I smirked.

"What about this one?" I asked him.

"Try it" Reyan said and I smiled taking the dress with me and Reyan followed me. I looked behind me before entering in the changing room to see the salesgirl glaring me and I simply smirked at her.

"Is everything alright Anna?" Reyan asked from outside as I completed zipping the dress.6

"Yeah, wait a second" I called out looking myself in the mirror, the dress was a bit off shoulder but not much, the neckline was broad giving a full view of my neck and collar bones, it wasn't much deep which I liked. The dress came a bit down to the floor, meaning I have to wear heels with it.

I came out and saw Reyan sitting on the chair outside looking at his phone. I cleared my throat and he looked at me, his expression changing from bored to awe and his mouth fell open. I snickered at his reaction.

"I like this dress, what do you think?" I asked twirling a bit.

"It's perfect. You look perfect" Reyan said looking at me.

"Thanks" I hid my face from my hair and quickly went inside to hide my blush.

I billed the dress with dad's credit card, although Reyan insisted that he should pay as I was with him. I shushed him by saying that Dad would not like him paying and he kept quite after that. I laughed internally at how scared he was of my father.

We decided to grab a snack as I didn't need accessories for the dress; I already had matching shoes and jewelry. We sat in KFC which was nearly empty.

We ordered a bucket of crispy chicken and coke, I insisted that I should pay too but Reyan never listened. We bickered but in the end Reyan won but I told him that ice-cream would be my treat and he agreed.

We took our food and sat on the bar stools near the window. I liked those more than the seats and so did Reyan. After eating, Reyan excused himself for going to the washroom while I sipped in my coke waiting for him to come so we can leave when I heard the voice I never thought I would hear ever again.

"Ariana?" I heard him and stiffened. My doubt about seeing him before was true, he really was here.

"Ariana?" He called again and I breathed in a long breath and sighed gathering all my courage to face him.

"It's you" He said with happiness visible in his voice.

"Shashank" Was all I could say. He looked the same as he did; fair, standing tall at a height of 6 and a lean figure. It looked like he started gyming as his body looked more muscular but lean. His same dull brown eyes that always captivated me were looking at me with happiness but I couldn't help but feel nothing when I saw in them.

"I tried to find you Ariana, I tried to contact you" He told me. I knew he did, I was in the hospital when my brother told me that.

"Why are you here?" I blurted out.

"My cousins live nearby, I was just picking up lunch for them" He told me. "Ariana please listen to me" He pleaded.

"What's left to listen?" I asked with a lump in my throat, all the memories came rushing back to me making me nauseous.

"I am sorry for everything" He said in a pleading tone.

"Go away Shashank, you are asking for forgiveness and I forgive you, I think I did a while ago" I told him boldly.

"Ariana I am so sorry, I never meant anything bad to happen" He came closer and held my hand making me flinch.

"Shashank, I forgave you, it was hard but I moved on. Don't make it difficult for me, you have no idea what happened to me" I told him raising my voice a bit more taking away my hand from his grasp.

"I know everything. Why didn't you take my name? I was a culprit too" He asked me.

"I...I thought...It wasn't fair" I said as a tear escaped from my eyes. Shashank tried to hold my hand again but I pushed him away.

"What's happening here?" Reyan asked appearing from behind. He walked up to me and kept his hand on my shoulders protectively "Are you okay Anna?" He asked.

"Anna" Shashank repeated looking hurt. Why was he hurt, it was him who hurt me, so why was he hurt?

"I am fine Reyan, let's go" I told him and he nodded.

"Ariana listen to me once" Shashank held my arm. I tried to shake it off but his grasp was tight.

"Let go of me Shashank, I told you to go away, can't you see I am happy" I shouted and he flinched and removed his hand away.

"I can see that. I am sorry Ariana, I really am" He said, tears appearing in his eyes.

"Look dude, the girl doesn't want to talk to you. Let it pass okay?" Reyan said coming between us.

"You have no idea of what you are saying. She's mine, she has to listen to me" Shashank said angrily.

"She is not anyone's property. If she wants to listen to you and if you are worth listening to, she will" Reyan snapped and Shashank realized what he was doing.

"You want to talk to him?" Reyan asked me softly. I nodded slowly and Reyan shifted aside letting me talk to him. I smiled at him gratefully and he just nodded. I could see he was worried as he started to walk away. I held his hand stopping him from going away, I needed him; he was my strength, my support, my love. I intertwined our hands and smiled at Reyan who returned the smile.

"Last time Shashank, say what you have to" I told him. I saw him eyeing our intertwined hands and sigh.

"I liked you Ariana, I liked you very much, I still do and I am sorry. But it's too late. I wish for your happiness" Shashank said as a tear left his eye.

"Thank you. I hope the same for you" I said and I knew it's a closure for both of us.

As I stepped out of the restaurant I knew I had moved on, if not before then after today I know I did.

We sat in the car without a word exchanged. I know Reyan was going to ask me about what happened, I know I have to answer him, but what I don't know is what his reaction would be when he gets to know the truth. I don't want to lose him but I can't lie to him too. We've not been friends for too long but I can't imagine my life without him. I told him I wouldn't ever leave, but what if he left.

"Anna?" Reyan called my name pulling me out of my thoughts and my heart started beating like a drum.

"Yeah?" I asked, not having the courage to look at him.

"Do you trust me?" Reyan asked me surprising me making me look at him.

"I do" I told him without missing a beat and I saw his lips quirking up in a small smile.

"Good because I trust you too" Reyan said looking at me.

"Can we stop for an ice-cream? My treat" I asked him after a moment of thinking and he nodded.

We drove towards the park near my house where our favorite ice-cream vendor was. We showed Reyan the place while we 4 went out on a movie and he had a craving for ice-cream.

I got my favorite Belgian chocolate for myself and a Chocolate Chip for Reyan while he sat on our favorite spot under the lines of trees near the walking path. When we settled down enjoying our ice creams I knew this was the time of truth.

"What do you want to know?" I asked him.

"Whatever you want to tell" Reyan said simply eating his ice-cream. He looked unfazed by the situation.

"Okay, let's begin from the start; you know everything about my school days right?" I asked him.

"Everything except the part that happened in KFC today" He said flatly.

"Why are you being moody, I'm trying to tell you something which is not easy for me to say" I questioned him with frustration.

"Okay, okay I won't say a word now" He said and continued eating his ice-cream.

"That's what I fear" I said to myself but started my story anyways, "I was shy and an introvert, I kept to myself. It would be wrong if I say I never had friends. I went to many birthday parties when I was little and that was because they were all of Hridhaan's friends. They didn't mind me much; everybody knew Hridhaan took me everywhere that was suitable for me. But as I grew up, I refused to go anywhere with him because I saw Hridhaan getting a bit uncomfortable when his friends talked something about girls and guy stuff. He didn't want me to hear it although I know he dated regularly. My brother was a charmer or I should say is a charmer" I smiled at the thought.

"It was class 9th when all this started; Hridhaan was friends with everyone in the school, from teachers to kindergarteners. Shashank was two year older than me and a year younger to my brother, he was one of his best friends, he was always with him, be it our home or Hridhaan was at his or they both were at another friend's. I remember that night when all Hridhaan's friends decided to sleep over as it was the Football World Cup going on and Hridhaan had a pretty big television than any of his friends. I was reading my Princess Diaries novel, I don't remember which part it was, it doesn't matter anyways" I chuckled nervously but Reyan's expression didn't change so I continued.

"It was late night and I was thirsty so I went in the kitchen to get something. While I was trying to find something to drink I heard something fall on the floor. I turned and saw someone just behind me. I shouted and he put his hand on my mouth to prevent my scream. He didn't let go of me and switched the lights, as the light switched on I saw it was Shashank.

Shashank was my crush since class 7th, once he had to pick me up from my abacus class as Hridhaan had football practice and Shashank had a minor injured and couldn't play so he agreed to pick me up. This was our 1st encounter alone after that day. I couldn't tell him that I liked him as I was a total klutz, I had braces, glasses and everything that could make me look like a walking joke" I told him and Reyan's expression softened on my words.

"I couldn't speak one word in front of him; he was the most charming guy I'd ever seen. He talked to me so normally like he wasn't repelled by me and his words weren't taunting like everyone else's. He then asked me if I could tell him where popcorn was and I gave it to him, he asked how the abacus classes were and how I was doing. I left the kitchen after he left and from that day he started talking to me regularly when we met.

After 3-4 months of that encounter I found a true friend in Shashank, he was kind to me; he wasn't afraid to talk to me or wasn't disgusted by me. We talked whenever we met, at our house, at school, even Hridhaan knew and he didn't mind. I was so happy that my 1st crush gave me so much importance. After I came to class 10th and he was in 12th and my brother passed out of school Shashank asked me to be his girlfriend. He said he had feelings for me and wanted us to be more than friends" I stopped; a lump appeared in my throat. I finished my now melted ice cream and continued without waiting for Reyan's reaction.

"I agreed, I liked him too although I never experienced any butterflies, I didn't know about them. Well I never told Hridhaan about our relationship, Shashank agreed, he would freak out and without thinking separate us. I wasn't able to tell my parents too as they were too busy with some company problems. They wouldn't come home for days although they called every day. I didn't mind, I had Shashank. One day after our boards ended he invited me for a party. I refused, I didn't like parties. He insisted, he said he had something special for me and I agreed. I told Hridhaan that I was going to my classmate's place and he believed me, I lied for the first time to him that day and I regret it..." I was going to continue but Reyan cut me off.

"Don't tell me any further if you don't want to" He said and for after a long time I looked at him, he looked like he was guilty for asking my story at that time and I was sure I had to tell him, the whole story. He didn't deserve lies.

"Shashank picked me from the place we used to meet; he never initially tried anything on me except holding my hand or kissing my hands. He asked me after 6 months if I was okay if he kissed my cheek and I said yes. I liked him, what should I have said.

He asked me to keep some party clothes; I had none except for the dress Riya gave me on my last birthday. He took me to a club, disco to be specific. The crowd wasn't good, everyone was drinking and dancing and sweating. I didn't like it there; he said if I went he would be upset, it was his celebration and I didn't want him to be upset so I stayed. I changed into the dress which was quite short compared to last year when Riya got it for me, I didn't feel very comfortable but Shashank said I looked beautiful and I accepted. He asked me to drink as a party without drinking is useless. Hridhaan never let me go to clubs or discos so I didn't know what to do. I refused a lot and he agreed, but said I should get myself something to drink for which I agreed. He brought me a fruit punch and I drank it to make him happy" I stopped for a while.

"Ariana stop, don't say it" Reyan pleaded. He never took my full name unless he was dead serious. 

"I have to get it out and you have to know, please let me tell you" I pleaded and he looked at me helplessly and sighed, I took this as a sign to continue "He introduced me with few of his friends. They weren't in school and I never saw them at home or anywhere with Hridhaan, he excused himself for a while and they all started flirting with me. I was getting uncomfortable and I felt a bit dizzy so I left and tried to look for Shashank, I found him hugging and dancing with another girl. I was shattered; they were too close to be friends. I went up to him and asked him what all this was. He told me he was bored of me, I asked him why, he said I won't let him go ahead and like a fool I was, I had no idea what he was talking about. I asked him what he wanted and he instead of telling kissed me on my lips. It wasn't a gentle first kiss, it was rough, I tasted the alcohol in his mouth and pushed him away and he shouted at me by saying that's what he meant. He left me there in the middle of strangers and perverts he called friends.

After he was gone out of my sight his friends tried to come close to me but I pushed them away, I was too weak to stop them all, they were 5 of them. I ran away from them as fast as I could but the dress and the heels didn't allow me much. They grabbed me near the bar and pinned me to the table. I tried to run but couldn't. I tried to fight but they pushed me off the table and I fell badly, I still tried to run, I sneaked out from the disco but they caught me. One of them pinned my arm behind me and it pained so bad. I kicked him and tried to run but I failed as I twisted my ankle as my heel broke and fell on a rock bumping my head. I felt blood on my forehead and I could see them approaching me. I thought I would die but he saved me, my brother" I told him and I heard Reyan releasing a breath.

"Hridhaan saved me. He beat them all up black and blue, after all he was a footballer and a boxing champion" I smiled.

"Anna... I thought you were shy, I never thought why. I just thought you were playing hard to get for Rishabh, I never thought you were so sacred. I thought your dreams were just your fears, I never imagined those fears were these, and I am so sorry Anna. I judged you" Reyan said running his hand through his hair.

"You did not judge me Reyan;you thought what I wanted you to think. I live that way, I was scared of people knowing the real me, I was scared of people seeing how vulnerable I am. I should be sorry I kept this from you" I told him.

"You are something Anna, how did Hridhaan even knew you were there?" Reyan asked me.

"I told him I was going to a friend's place, it turned out he was dating her, she told him I never came so he called my cell which I forgot at home and saw the messages I sent Shashank, he was furious and he immediately left home for the disco and reached just in time, a minute late and I can't guarantee what would have happened" I told him.

"Anna, will you stop saying that, you are making me feel why I wasn't there. I wish I knew you before so this wouldn't happen" Reyan said with a groan keeping his head in his hands and I started laughing.

When I stopped I saw Reyan looking at me with a smile, "What?" I asked him.

"I love your laugh" He said and my smile went wide and a blush appeared on my face.

"And your blush too" Reyan said with amusement and I hit him on the shoulder.

"Come on let's go home" I said standing up.

"Yeah, pull me up" Reyan said as he gave me his hand.

"God you are so heavy" I said trying to pull him up. He was doing it on purpose; he finally got up with a sigh.

"I am not fat you are fat" He said with fake anger.

"How dare you call me fat, I am not fat, you are" I argued with him returning his fake anger.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night Anna, I have the greatest body you will ever see" He said with pride and I laughed.

"I think Reyan by greatest you mean the worst" I said laughing and he crossed his arms against his chest.

"Aaww you cute little thing" I said tip toeing and pinching his cheek.

"Be happy you are a girl or you would have been so dead Anna" Reyan said giving me a deadly look but I just laughed.

We bickered the whole way home. While we were just around the corner in reaching home Reyan turned quiet for a while and asked me "What all damage did you have?"

"Apart from those dreams, bruised ribs, sprain in the ankle, fractured arm, a minor head injury and some bruises here and there, nothing much" I told him with a shrug.

Reyan's eyes widened at my confession but he didn't say anything, he dropped me at my apartments and left. As I saw him going all I could think was how light and right it felt after sharing my past with Reyan, like he took all my fears and insecurities with him. I felt our bond strengthen. I know now that he won't leave me. The past is in the past, no bumping again.


Finally you know about Ariana's past. 

I can't count how many girls must have suffered from molestation and rape and our society just looks down at them and not at the criminals.

I like how strong and positive Ariana is, she suffered from low self esteem and under confidence but never showed it. She was shy but never let anyone know she was afraid. I like her spirit. What about you?


Until next time...

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