Chapter 25: The Night of Wonders

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Hi guys!

Ariana's dress for the chapter is above.

I hope you like the chapter, I am really new to this stuff

Anyways, Enjoy!!


Chapter 25: The Night of Wonders

1 year and 6 months later

My childhood friend was finally married to the love of his life and was completing a month of his marriage. Riya and Nikhil were to be married in 2 months, even Ronit proposed to Mehr a month ago and she accepted. Rishabh and Anika broke up last month due to long distance issues but I don't think so they could be away from each other much longer.

As for Reyan and I, we were still strong and completed 3 and half years of our relationship this month. Although I was disappointed when Reyan did not propose for marriage when he gave me a surprise trip to Goa on our 3 year anniversary, Nikhil said he was sure he would on the trip but he didn't.

The only surprise I got was the tattoo on Reyan's back; I was surprised he never told me about it. He kept quiet when I traced the huge phoenix that covered his back. He told me he got it when he was 15, one of his rebel time decisions, I found it really attractive. He did prove that he wasn't fat as I called him when he appeared on the poolside only in his swimming shorts. My eyes went out of their sockets when I saw his perfect abs and delicious muscles. Obviously he smirked at my reaction but said nothing.

I got ready for the party Abhimanyu was throwing on the completion of a month to his marriage to Aditi. It was a casual party for only few of his friends because we insisted a party that did not include the parents and relatives.

"Anna" Reyan called from outside. Riya and Nikhil were in Delhi for the wedding preparations so I had the house for myself and Reyan stayed with me until they were back.

"I'm done" I called back and picked my purse. As I opened the door of my room, I saw him leaning on the door startling me and I shrieked and moved back and he laughed.

"Are you out of your mind, you scared me" I said crossing my hands against my chest.

"That was the aim, it was pretty hilarious though" Reyan smirked at me.

"You are such a child" I said hitting him lightly on his arm which did him no harm and wondered when he gets the time to work out.

"Only for you" He said and I blushed. He kissed my cheek making me blush even more.

"We should leave" I said clearing my throat.

"Of course we should, but before that let me tell you how beautiful you look" Reyan said in a husky voice making me look up at him as tingles arose in my body.

I was wearing a red chiffon dress which was quite revealing as my lower back was practically bare. Riya gifted it to me on my last birthday with matching lingerie, she thought it was hilarious but all I could do was blush like a tomato when I opened her present. I decided to wear it today but only adding few of my touches like adding the matching summer jacket I own.

Reyan took my hand and twirled me around hugging from behind making million butterflies flutter in my stomach. His hands roamed over my bare back under my jacket as he kissed the nape of my neck.

"You look breathtaking" He said in between the feather kisses he left on my neck to my shoulder and I just moaned in response.

He turned me again now facing him, I gasped as his eyes had an emotion I've never seen before; lust. Reyan trailed kisses on my shoulder to my neck and I moaned in pleasure. As he reached and kissed my jaw I lost it. I pulled away and grabbing his collar I smashed my lips on his kissing him hungrily. He kissed me back instantly. Reyan pulled me closer and cupped my face deepening the kiss and my hands shifted from the collar of his shirt and wrapped it around his neck.

Our tongues danced together and when we pulled back for air I knew I had the same expression as him. We did make out, usually it was always sweet, but this was a mixture of lust and passion.

"Rey" I whispered and he kissed me again as his hands roamed on my back making the butterflies turn into monsters and erupting something I've never felt before. We pulled back as his forehead rested on mine.

"We should go before we do something that shouldn't happen" Reyan says in the same husky voice and I looked in his eyes if he regretted all that but all he did was give me his breathtaking smile and I grinned with him.

"Yeah" I said softly slowly breaking apart from each other. Reyan picked up my clutch which I dropped and handed it over to me.

As we sat in his car Reyan held my hand kissing it "I love you Anna" He said as kept my hand on his lap.

"I love you too Rey" I said as shifted to kiss him on his cheek and he grinned a boyish grin and started the car.

We were inseparable throughout the party. Reyan would intertwine my hand with his or he would hold me by my waist. We congratulated the newly married couple who looked so happy that they could fly with happiness. There weren't much people in the club so we had almost everything to ourselves.

"So Ariana, how is your job?" Abhimanyu asked me.

"Wonderful, it's an amazing experience working with Ruth, I learn so much everyday" I told him with a smile.

"And how's your internship Reyan?" He asked Reyan.

"It's fine, they asked me to join them as I graduate and I think I'm going to do exactly that, they even offered me a decent amount so I think I'm going to join them in 5 months" He told everyone and Abhimanyu nodded.

"Oh come on guys, don't be so boring, let's do something wild!" One of Aditi's friends said who was tipsy now.

"Shut up Priya, you're drunk" Aditi laughed.

"I think she is right, we should celebrate" One of Abhimanyu's friend said and we nodded.

After a while almost 2 dozen vodka shot glasses were kept in front of us with lime and salt and I looked Abhimanyu in confusion, it was only 8 of us, who was going to drink all that?

"We are going to play a game, whoever is going to drink all the 4 glasses the fastest is going to win" Abhimanyu's friend explained and my eyes widened in horror. I looked at Reyan who was smirking at those glasses and I knew he was going to participate.

"Who all are in?" Abhimanyu asked.

"I am" Reyan said.

"So am I" Abhimanyu's friend said.

Three others agreed including Abhimanyu. Aditi, I and Aditi's friend who was already tipsy with the champagne were left out.

"We are 1 person short or the glasses won't be equally divided" Abhimanyu said and looked at me.

"No, no, no" I said looking at him even when I had a tolerance of alcohol.

"But why?" Abhimanyu whined.

"Because one of us has to be sober enough to go home" I said pointing at Reyan and me.

"Oh come on, I'll send my driver with you, Aditi won't drink so she can drive us home and nothing will happen in 4 shots" Abhimanyu offered and I looked at Reyan, who shrugged.

"If you want to then you should, let yourself loose for once" He said and smiled.

"Okay" I said and everyone cheered.

I dipped my lime with salt and held it in my other hand. Aditi was going to be the judge of the competition.

As soon as she shouted "Go!" Everyone started gulping down their shots. I gulped down my first shot and sucked in the lime and then second and third and at last the fourth one and rose up my hand sucking in the lime and salt, my throat burned and the world started moving slowly around me.

"Ariana wins!" Aditi shouted and clapped her hands, and held my hand up to declare me the winner.

"Wow, you're fast" Abhimanyu complemented and I nodded, not understanding what to say.

"Are you fine Anna?" Reyan asked in concern and I nodded.

"I just have to go to the washroom" I said and started to stand up, stumbling a bit.

"I'll help you" Aditi offered and I looked at her gratefully.

As we entered the washroom I could see how much of a mess I am. My face was flushed, my hair were slightly puffy and my head was spinning.

"Are you fine?" Aditi asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, it was just too fast and got to my head" I told her or slurred and she nodded.

I splashed my face with cold water feeling a bit better.

"I think we should all leave, it's getting late" Aditi pointed out and I nodded fixing my jacket.

As we reached our seat I saw that it was only Abhimanyu, Reyan and Priya who were left and Priya was already asleep.

"You fine baby?" Reyan asked with a slur and I nodded "We should leave then" He said and we wished Aditi and Abhimanyu once again and left. As promised, Abhimanyu sent his driver with us who safely drove us to my place.

As we stumbled into my place which was dark I clutched Reyan in fear and whimpered.

"Don't worry baby, I'll just switch on the lights" He said fumbling with the switch.

As he switched on the lights I sighed with relief, as I left Reyan I slipped and almost fell when two strong arms held me just above the ground.

I looked at Reyan who was looking straight into my eyes. He lifted me up to him and bent his head to kiss me. I stood up on my toes to reach him and as his lips found me, I lost myself. His smell engulfed me and all I could think was how passionate the kiss was. We pulled away and his forehead rested against mine as we panted for air. He smelt like alcohol and mint but I liked it.

"I love you so much Anna" Reyan said and kissed my forehead "I love how smart you are" He said, he kissed my eyes one by one. "I love your emerald eyes and the way they look at me, with so much love" He kissed my cheeks "I love how cute you are" Then he kissed my nose "I love your small button nose" Then my jaw "I love your talks and whenever you say you love me" He said and finally pecking my lips.

"I love you Rey, I can't even express how much I love you" I told him and hugged him tightly and he hugged my back.

"Let's go inside" Reyan said and I pulled away realizing that we were still on the door and I giggled and followed Reyan to my room.

When we reached I took off my jacket and jumped on my bed and fell on my stomach, slipping the heels off my feet "Finally!" I giggled. I was giggling too much but I couldn't help it. It was the alcohol in my system.

"Your giggling is such a turn on, Anna" Reyan groan.

I giggled again and I felt the bed dip and knew it was Reyan. He used his fingers and gently drew circles on my back making my breath hitch. His fingers traveled up, under the straps of my dress to my neck and I leaned towards his touch.

"You like it?" Reyan asked in a husky voice making me shiver and I nodded.

I turned and looked at Reyan who was looking at me with equal lust, my eyes travelled from his chest which was clad in the shirt to his lips, Reyan caught my gaze and smirked, he caught my arm and pulled me towards him, my back pressed against his chest. He kissed my earlobe biting it gently and I released a moan of pleasure, his soft lips grazed down towards my neck to my shoulder kissing every inch of the exposed skin. He turned me and adjusted my legs around him as he kissed my neck and I bent my neck to give him more allowance to do so. His lips went down kissing the exposed skin. Lowering the straps of my dress he kissed me slowly, making the hair on my skin stand and I shivered. When I could take no more I cupped his face towards me and kissed him furiously, with all the passion I had entangling my hands in his silky hair.

As he deepened the kiss my drunken self fumbled with the buttons of his shirt trying to open them as fast as I could. Reyan understood and pulled away helping me with it but he too was drunk which made the process go slower than usual. As soon as he opened his shirt I bit my lip on how sculpted his body was. Reyan gave out a growl and I looked at him still biting my lip.

He released my lip from my teeth with his thumb and kissed me passionately, I pulled away kissing his jaw, then his neck, then his strong shoulders and kissing his abs one by one taking off Reyan's shirt with every kiss. Reyan moaned and cupped my face and kissed me as his hands roamed on my legs which were securely wrapped around him. He unzipped my dress from the side kissing each part of my skin. He looked in my eyes once again as if asking my permission to remove my dress. I don't know what happed but the next thing I knew was Reyan lowering the dress till my waist leaving the upper part bare and looked at me with amazement.

"You're beautiful" He said and I blushed, Reyan made a sound and the next thing I know that my dress was thrown away as he struggled with his pants. I helped him and soon we were both out of our clothes.

Everything that happened then was like a dream. Him kissing every part of me and there was pain but there was pleasure and soon I found myself surrounded by darkness. The only thing I heard before the darkness was Reyan's deep voice but I couldn't figure out what he said.


Lights filtered from the curtains in my room disturbing my sleep and I groaned. Reluctantly I opened my eyes to see Reyan who was sleeping with his mouth open. He looked adorable like that, I waved my hands through is hair, he stirred and suddenly I realized something. Reyan's hand was wrapped protectively around my waist and there was a blanket over us but beneath it I wasn't wearing anything. I looked around the room and I found my dress lying on the floor with Reyan's pants and panic swept over me. My head ached as last night's memories came over me and I gasped realizing what we did.

"Anna?" I heard Reyan's voice and sat up covering myself and faced him, he looked as confused as me.

"Rey did we...?"I asked with hesitation and he sat up.

"Anna...yes" He said and tears welled up in my eyes, how could I be so careless.

"Anna... come on, listen to me" Reyan said cupping my face in both of his hands. "We did nothing wrong okay, I love you, it wasn't a mistake" He said softly wiping the tears which dropped to my cheeks.

"Really?" I asked and he nodded and I hugged him tightly as wrapped his hands around me lovingly.

Reyan kissed my forehead and shifted to the other side of the bed and picked up his shirt and offered it to me and I took it carefully wearing it, without letting the blanket shift. After buttoning it I left the bed. His shirt was too loose for me, it covered my thighs and hips and the sleeves were bigger than my arms.

"You look better than me in my shirt" Reyan said and I blushed.

"I'll just the can change" I said rushing to my closet and grabbing whatever I could, I looked at Reyan once more and blushed and went inside the washroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my face was red, my hair looked like a tangled mess and most probably my breath stunk. I quickly brushed my teeth and did my morning routine, quickly took a bath and got out of the washroom wearing a skirt and white t-shirt.

"Rey, you can use the washroom if you want" I shouted when I didn't find him in the room.

Reyan came in the room with only his pants on, where was his shirt? Oh right with me! He looked like Greek god himself with the disheveled hair and a sculptured body.

"Like what you see?" Reyan asked with a smirk and I closed my mouth I never realized was open.

"Can you blame me?" I said pointing him and he smirked "The living room looks so untidy" I said stifling a laugh.

"What did you say?" Reyan said as his eyes gleamed with mischief.

"Just how untidy the living room looks like" I shrugged and the next thing I know was Reyan holding me and tickling me. "Stop" I laughed.

"First say I am a sex god, sexiest human ever alive and you'll worship me forever" He said as he tickled me.

"Okay okay, I'll say it" I said and he stopped tickling me. "I am a sex god, sexiest human ever alive and you will worship me forever" I said with a smirk and Reyan groaned.

"No, say I am the best" He said correcting me.

"Yes, I am the best" I smirked at him and he groaned.

"Sometimes I hate how smart you are" He said pulling me on his lap.

"Really? Because I remember clearly that you said last night that you love how smart I am" I smirked playing with his hair.

"I do" He said softly and I looked at him "I love everything about you, even your non-existent flaws" He said kissing my knuckles and I giggled "And I love how you giggle" He said tickling me again and making me giggle again.

It was really a night of wonders.


As I said before I am new to writing so much romance so please bear with me and if you don't like tell me so.


One more chapter for the past...Yes!!

Until Next time...

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