Chapter 44: The Goodbye

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Hi guys! I know I left you at a cliffhanger in the last chapter so I am going to be nice and let you read the chapter



Chapter 44: The Goodbye

"Mr. Valdez has been in an accident. He's hurt" Angela's words struck me like lightening.

"What?" I choked out, not knowing how to behave anymore, the exhaustion wiped out from my mind.

"Miss Esme received a call, she was almost running out of the house, crying with her parents and Mr. Valdez's mom when she saw me and told me to tell you," She told me.

"Where did they go?" I asked her hurriedly.

"To the hospital nearby..." She was saying but I went back to my room and opened the closet and picked up my purse.

"I am going to the hospital, you take care of everyone," I told her and she nodded wordlessly.

Luckily, there was a car in the driveway, I saw the keys were on the dining table and grabbed them and ran towards the car, forgetting that my foot was sprained.

I knew which hospital they were talking about, it was the only hospital in the whole area. I parked in the car park and ran to the reception.

"Excuse me?" I asked panting to the receptionist.

"Si?" She asked me.

"Reya...Adreyan Valdez" I corrected myself.

"Si, si, accidente ...3a planta, numero de habitacion 301," She told me the he was on 3rd floor, room number 301, "Usted esta?" She asked me who I was and I didn't know what madness took over me.

"Wife, I'm his...esposa" I told her and getting a look of understanding from her and she nodded and I ran towards the lift. Maybe she didn't realize that I was talking about the resort king, Adreyan Valdez or she would have caught my lie easily.

I was breathless when I reached outside his room. Esme was outside the room with her parents, Reyan's mom nowhere in sight.

"Esme," I said quietly, grasping for air.

"Ariana, I am so glad you came" She cried and hugged me. Her parents looked at me with worry but I motioned for them that I got her.

I pulled away and took Esme aside from them. "Hush, he's going to be fine. Don't worry" I calmed her. "Now stop crying and tell me what happened," I asked her softly.

She wiped her tears and looked at me and sniffled, "I am sorry Ariana, I didn't know" She sobbed lightly.

"Why are you saying sorry Esme? What didn't you know?" I asked her in confusion.

"I...I heard you talking to Aide's mom. I didn't know what to do, I...was pacing in the corridor when...Aide asked me what happened and...I blurted everything. He was so angry, but I stopped him...from going to his mom. So he ran outside, grabbed the keys to his car and drove himself into that god dammed tree" She told me and my eyes widened in horror.

"What did you exactly tell him, Esme?" I asked her worriedly.

"Everything. I was coming to your room, but I saw Natasha talking to you loudly, so I hid and heard what you were saying, about you loving Aide and his mom hating you. You even called him by the name he mentioned that the girl of his dreams called him. I heard her telling you to back off so that he could marry me. Ariana, I was so nervous that I told him everything and he was so angry. I never saw him so angry, there was a maddened look on his face...I am so sorry" She started sobbing again and I had to pull her in an embrace to shush her.

"Hush, Esme. It's okay, the accident is not your fault. It's okay" I calmed her down.

"I...I received a call from the hospital, they said Aide's car crashed into a tree and he injured himself. When we came here, they said that his head hit pretty hard, what if something happens to him?" She started sobbing again and I felt like crying too after hearing her.

"Esme, quiet now, you don't want Aide to see you like this do you?" I asked her suppressing a sob and Esme looked at me.

"Aide...all this is happening because of me...I shouldn't have told him..." Esme started blabbering while she cried.

"Esme, Esme, come on don't start crying okay, happy thoughts," I told her and she nodded. "Take deep breaths," I told her and she obeyed.

"Thanks," She smiled a bit.

"That's more like it. Now think positive, Aide will be fine" I said, I don't know who was I consoling, her or myself.

I made her sit on the bench which was next to us as she kept her head on my shoulder and I soothed her hair subconsciously.

I prayed to God to keep Reyan healthy, even if he never remembers me, even if he forgets that we ever met. I prayed that he would wake up, well and healthy.

"What are you doing here?" Natasha De la Cruz's voice broke my thoughts and Esme sat up straight as we both looked at her blood-shot eyes which were full of hatred for me.

"I called her," Esme said suddenly and Ms. De la Cruz's eyes snapped to Esme, taking in her state, which was similar to hers.

"You shouldn't have called her Esme, she..." Ms. De la Cruz was saying but Esme stopped her.

"I know Natasha, I heard your conversation earlier. It's my fault Aide is in there, I told him and he wanted to talk to you, but I stopped him and he got so mad, he pushed me and ran out of the house and drove to heaven knows where but he ran into the tree...I am so sorry..." She started sobbing again. The poor girl must love Reyan very much.

"Esme, hush. No one is blaming you okay. Come on, stop crying now. Aide won't like you crying like this" I told her as she hid her face on my shoulder and cried even harder. I gave Natasha a helpless look and she sighed and sat next to Esme.

"Esme, niño, it's not your fault, Aide will be fine. Stop crying, the doctors would be out any moment" She comforted her and I couldn't help but wonder if this was the situation four years earlier, then would she even acknowledge my presence, much less comfort me.

Esme pulled herself away from me and I looked at the poor girl. She looked absolutely devastated.

"Come on, let's take you to the washroom and wash your face," I told her getting up and she nodded wordlessly and got up. Natasha smiled at Esme before urging her to go. I could see, she too was controlling her tears and I wanted to comfort her but it was better if I don't talk to her, at all.

After reaching the washroom, Esme went inside to freshen up and I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked awful. My hair were a mess, I never tied them up after Reyan left my room, neither did I bother to change from my work clothes, my shirt was tucked out from places, I remembered Reyan doing that and my pale face looked flushed after running so much. I quickly tucked in my shirt and made a presentable looking bun and washed my face.

Esme came out and washed her face, I looked at her and my heart went out to the poor girl. I felt guilty for even thinking of taking her Aide away from her.

"Esme, I am so sorry you had to learn everything this way. I know you love Adreyan and I promise you, I'll be gone from your lives as soon as I can" I told her as she wiped her wet face.

"What are you saying, Ariana? Didn't Aide tell you?" She asked me and I gave her a bewildered look. "What the hell was this man up to?" She groaned and I was even more confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her, not getting a word she was saying.

"Ariana, Aide and I are not in love," She said and I looked at her with disbelief. "We were getting married because I begged him to pretend it," She said and I opened my mouth to say something but she cut me off. "You see, my dad is in debt, we are waist deep in debt and the only way to help him was this partnership. My parents wanted me to charm Aide and marry him so he agrees to help" She revealed.

"Oh my god..." I whispered, stunned at the truth.

"I met Aide three years ago at a charity event, we hit off well. He was the only person in that party I could tolerate and as he told me, I was his only friend. I introduced him to my group of friends but except for Theo, he didn't talk to anyone. A few months ago, my father asked me to make Aide fall for me and marry him. I refused, I couldn't do that. But I had to do it for my father's sake, so I did the next best thing, I begged Aide and he agreed. He said, 'I can spend a few million Euros for a fake wedding, so why not!' The stupid guy agreed to help my dad, he said the partnership was a good idea even when there were very less chances of having any profit and promised me he won't back out which he didn't. He broke your heart, he broke his own heart just because he promised me. I wish I could love him more than a friend at this moment" She sighed and I looked at her with my mouth open but I regained my composure.

"Wait a minute. Were you going to call off the wedding? Reyan...I mean Adreyan said he wasn't going to" I asked her, my mind was going to burst with all the additional knowledge I've been getting today.

"No, the wedding wasn't getting called-off. I was going to run away. But, the wedding is off since there is no chance I would let Aide stand up at that altar now" She said looking determined. So that's what he meant when he asked me to wait? I thought he wanted to divorce Esme and then come to me. He repeatedly said I wasn't the other woman and I never even got it. Of course they were not in love, Esme had no idea about his likes or dislikes, and neither did he know much about her.

"You were going to run away?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile on her lips. "With wh..." I wanted to ask but I think I already knew the answer to my question. "Theo," I said and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah. We were going to run away. You know my parents, they didn't approve of Theo, they even said what type of name that is, can you believe it? Anyways, I and Theo were in the same university. We met at a frat party and hooked up. Never separated since. It was our 6th year anniversary day before, that's why I went to Valencia" She said and I smiled at her.

"Wow, Reyan really didn't change" I mused looking down.

"What was he like?" Esme asked and I looked up at her. "What was he like before losing his memory? How did you meet?" She asked me.

"I met him when we were 18, he was few months older so he was 19. We were in the same course, same classes, same electives, and same clubs. He was an amazing friend. You call him, he was there. He had these crazy ideas of doing things. He proposed me in our college auditorium, you know" I told her and Esme laughed. "He was the most hardworking person I know. I sure did teach him for exams, but all the field work he did, he excelled. I was the anti-social bookworm whom he transformed into a confident, independent person. He was so loud at times, but very smooth when it came to talking his way into something. He would shout at me, get angry with me, make me feel absolute shit at one time and then he would do something so special that made me feel like I am some queen" I told her as a smile danced on my lips.

"He sounds pretty amazing" Esme smiled.

"He is pretty amazing. No wonder I fell for him, he understood me like no one else could. He was there for me in a way no one was. He was just the magic I needed" I told her with a sigh.

"He is still yours, Ariana. He told me he knows you the first time we Skyped. He was like, I know her and I told him that of course he does, you were one of the most famous wedding planners in the world. He was confused you know, he was always so calm, I never saw him angry in 3 years and since you came, he turned into a hyper teenager with mood swings. I remember you had an argument on the first day you came. He was so disturbed, he was literally pacing in his office and then your friend came. That scared the shit out of him" She laughed, "You should have seen him freaking out, it was so damn funny." She laughed and I joined her.

"I really want to know but it's no use, Esme," I said sobering up and Esme's nose scrunched up in confusion. "He thinks he loves me because he feels we have a connection, but he doesn't really remember me, I don't know when he will and god forbids he fell in love with someone else in front of me, then what would I do?" I asked her and she nodded understandingly.

We went out of the washroom towards Reyan's room to see that the doctor was finally out, we ran towards them to hear what he has to say.

"He's not in danger, there are minor head injuries, mostly external and a fracture of his left forearm, other than that it's just the bruises. He doesn't have any concussions or side effects, no injury is internal but everything will be checked once he is conscious again. Don't worry, nothing serious" He informed us.

"When will he be awake?" I asked anxiously but regretted when Natasha glared me.

"In half an hour or so the effect of the medicines will wear off, then you can meet him one at a time," He said and I nodded. I sighed with relief and thanked God for keeping him alive and well.

After a while, Esme's parents decided to go and visit the cafeteria and get everyone some coffee. I could see that Esme's mom didn't like the idea but followed her husband anyway.

"I'll just come in a moment," Esme said before walking away towards the other direction and looking into her phone, maybe to talk to Theo.

After Esme was out of sight Reyan's mom spoke. "It is all because of you," She said and I looked at her.

"Excuse me?" I asked her defensively.

"Yes, if it was not for you, my son would have been fine," She said calmly.

"What do you mean?" I asked her, feeling hurt at her words.

"He almost died the last time he was in an accident like now and it was because he wanted to give you are the surprise and ask you for marriage and this time because Esme heard you, she told Aide everything and he, not knowing what to do, got into an accident all because of you. I am so sure if he regains his memory, Aide would hate you for doing this to him" She said in such a way that it made me question myself.

"No, this can't be," I said to myself but loudly.

"Yes, it is. Whenever you are around him something bad happens, first those goons, then your ex-boyfriend, his refusal to his uncle, then his accident four years ago and now this" She counted and I could very well see her point.

I was the reason why he sat in that car with Abhimanyu and Aditi, it was me because of whom Reyan did everything, I was the reason he fought those dangerous men, I was the reason he almost got into a fight with Shashank and it was me he didn't want to leave me, so he refused his uncle. It was me because of whom he got so angry that he drove into that tree. Maybe he was angry at me and didn't want to see me. Maybe he remembered everything and blamed me too for his accident just like mother did. Maybe, he too got her point and saw that I was pulling him down.

"I did this to him" I whispered so quietly that I wasn't even sure I heard my voice.

"Yes, you did. He would hate you Ariana, hate you for doing this to him. Hate you for making him lose his memory. You friend lost the sensation in his legs and his wife went into coma. All because of you. You were the reason why your family and friends were unhappy. Your cousin had to shift because you made her so unhappy. It was all because of you, Ariana" She said convincingly and I realized that she was saying the truth.

If it wasn't for me, Reyan, Abhimanyu, and Aditi won't be there in the accident and nothing like that would happen. I made Riya so unhappy that Nikhil had to take her away from me or it would have been bad for her and Samaira. My parents and brother were always worried about me while I pushed everyone away.

"You are right," I said, tears forming in my eyes.

"I know," She said keeping a hand on my shoulder and I looked at her.

"What should I do?" I asked her.

"Go away before you hurt the person you love the most, Ariana. Go away from Aide. Your team will handle the wedding when Aide gets better, you must leave before you harm him anymore" She warned.

"Will it solve everything?" I asked her feebly.

"Of course sweetheart," She said sweetly.

"Then I'll leave," I said finally, "Can I see him once? He's not awake. I'll just see him and come back" I pleaded.

"Of course Ariana, go on talk to him, take your time," She said lovingly and I stood up and went inside.

Reyan was lying on the hospital bed, tubes all over his body, I saw the plaster on his hand and several bruises on his face and exposed part of his arms. There was a bandage on his head while his ever so powerful-self looked so fragile and vulnerable. I felt tears trickle out of my eyes finally and I walked near him and sat on the chair besides his bed and took his limp hand.

"I am so sorry Rey, I shouldn't have come. Now look what I did to you, please forgive me for it, if you can" I cried quietly, making sure not to wake him up. "I am going Rey, I'll leave you here in your world so that you can live a peaceful life, a safe and happy life without me. Your Ma was right. I did this to you, if it wasn't for me, you would have been successfully carried out your plan of helping Esme run away. Yes, Esme told me. She knows everything now, don't scold the poor girl, she was just looking out for you" I added as the tears flowed from my eyes, making it hard for me to see. "I just wanted you to know that I loved you then, I love you now and I'll love you forever. Even though you don't remember me, but you were the best part of my life and will always be" I said kissing his hand and then leaning towards his face and kissing his forehead.

"I love you, Rey, goodbye" I whispered kissing his cheek and wiped my tears before coming out of his room where Natasha greeted me again.

"You are a brave woman, Ariana," She said with a smile and I nodded before rushing out of the hospital.

I cried when I was finally in the car, for 20 minutes I couldn't stop my tears from flowing before I hurriedly reversed the car out of the car park and went straight to the mansion.

Everything was a blur as if my mind was on autopilot. I asked Kai to book my tickets to return to Delhi, I couldn't go to Bangalore; it would be too much for now. I needed my parents.

Kai did what I told him without any questions, maybe because he thought I was crazy, I looked crazy. I had a frantic look on my face. My insides were screaming and crying for me to stay here until I saw Reyan moving on myself, but a part of me knew he won't until I was gone.

My flight was to leave in the next 4 hours, leaving me no time to go back to the hotel and get all the stuff I left there. I told Tina to take care of that. I didn't tell them the real reason why I was leaving. I couldn't, they would think of me as a coward and I couldn't do that. I was their idol.

So instead, I told them that my grandma was unwell, it was half a lie. My grandma was unwell, just not to the extent that she would want me there. I asked Kai to drive me to the airport. He didn't say anything, just brought Samarth with him, which was understandable as the ride back would have been boring without a company.

The wedding was put on a hold, it had to, it was all over the news. Although I knew there was no wedding that was going to happen, I still let my team stay there until we were officially sent away. The mansion was a bit far from the airport but nobody said a word. I was furiously typing into my phone, to god knows who, just to divert my mind from crying.

Once we reached the airport, I asked Kai to not see me off, they did what I said. While I sat and waited for the airplane to arrive, my thoughts went back to Reyan. I wished that he was fine and his injuries would heal soon. I prayed for him to find happiness soon and I prayed for Esme to marry the guy she wants to.

Soon the plane arrived and as I sat on the plane before it took off, I dialed my father. He picked up on the third ring.

"Aru?" He asked worriedly.

"Daddy, I am coming home"


Don't kill me alright! 

There are 4-5 more chapters left including the epilogue, finally the story is going to complete!



Until next time...

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