Chapter 6: That's Embarrassing!

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Hey to everyone. 

It's been a long day and here I am again to post the new chapter.

Please do tell me how you find this story I would love to hear on in this case read whatever you guys feel. Don't hesitate telling me this story or a particular chapter sucks, believe me I don't bite.....much. Just kidding. All comments are welcome.

So presenting the new chapter ...... Enjoy


 Chapter 6: That's Embarrassing!

There is darkness surrounding where I am standing, I am terrified as it seems like those similar dreams. A spotlight falls over me startling me. It feels like I am performing. It is a stage where I am standing but there isn't anyone with me. Another spot falls in a distance from mine, I can see someone walking towards me, the spotlight following. He is coming closer; there is something in his hand, it's a flower, an orchid? Yes... an orchid, a blue orchid. He is much closer now but I still can't see his face. He is right in front of me. I squint because of the brightness and his face his blurred but very close. "Who are you?" I ask him.

The light dims and I can see him smiling.

"I'm the one who will erase all the darkness around you." He says moving back and disappearing as I extend my hand to catch him...


"Oh God! What the hell!" I woke up immediately and sit up as I look at the time. It was almost 8.

I slapped my head hard "Oh no I'm late!" I threw my covers aside and went to my walk in closet to decide what to wear.

"I see miss sleepyhead is awake. You know I tried to wake you up but you were in deep sleep so I set up the alarm again and let it do its job." Riya said leaning against my bedroom door. She was already dressed up.

"Shit!" I cursed, hurrying up now.

"Go get dressed fast, I'll make breakfast." Riya shouted after me.

I smiled gratefully and nodded. I took out my clothes and rushed into the bathroom. I stripped quickly from my nightclothes and stepped inside the warm shower I calmed a bit wanting to stay there more but I hurried and accidentally let my hair get wet.

"Shit! Now how will I dry them so fast" I said to myself drying myself and tying my bathrobe around me walking out of the bathroom.

When I came out I saw the blue jeans and red cotton button up shirt replaced them. Riya never used to interfere with my clothing. God knows what prank is this. I wrapped my bathrobe more tightly and went out of my towards the kitchen shouting.

"Riya! Riya! You replaced..." My words got caught in my throat as I saw Reyan, Nikhil and Riya in the living room.

My hair were hanging loose all wet, water dripping from them, my purple bathrobe was just above my knees and the trio looking at me with their mouths open.

Riya and Nikhil were trying to control their laughter seeing me like this and as I looked at Reyan, I could see he was checking me out and his mouth slightly open.

"Uh-oh" I muttered and rushed back to my room closing the door as fast as I could. That was too embarrassing!

I changed into the clothes Riya picked up while I could hear laughing from the hall. She replaced my original choice with black skinny jeans and the blue halter top with sequins on its neckline and hemline. I paired it up with my black net shrug as I felt it was too much of skin show. I wore my black ankle boots and combed my long brown straight and now slightly dried hair into a high ponytail. I applied some eyeliner and lip gloss and went to the hall.

As soon as I entered the living room Nikhil jumped in front of me and startled me almost giving me a heart attack.

"Give the money here babe, I won" Nikhil shouted and stuck out his tongue at Riya.

"No, you didn't she took more than 15 minutes" Riya said pouting at him.

"What's going on?" I asked

"They had a bet whether you get ready in 15 minutes or not" Reyan suppressed his smile as he saw me.

"Yeah and she took 17 minutes" Riya said with a competitive tone.

"No 14, you are bluffing, look at the clock" Nikhil said folding his arms, huffing in fake anger.





"GUYS! Shut up" I shouted at the top of my voice.

Both of them stopped shouting and looked at me. Reyan too got up from the sofa in surprise.

"We are late, whatever money you bet on me I'll give you a treat from it, but please let's go, I don't like getting late." I said in a slightly raised voice.

"Fine by me" Nikhil shrugged and Riya slapped him playfully on his hand.

Riya and Reyan went out fighting for the passenger seat for themselves as I locked the house Nikhil stood beside me, but I knew Nikhil asked them, he obviously wanted to talk to me alone. 

"Reyan told me what happened yesterday. Why didn't you tell me? " Nikhil said as I turned towards the stairs after locking the door while walking with me.

"You guys were so happy how could I tell you something like this which brings bad memories to all of us" I pointed out.

Nikhil sighed and put his arm around my shoulders "I am really sorry Ariana you had to go through it all again, I can only imagine how much pain it caused you. I don't know what I can do to make you feel better" He said looking down.

"Nikhil its fine, I've become stronger than before and you know that, more than Riya. It was you who gave me that strength when I cried. I found a brother and a best friend in you. I am perfectly fine right now. See." I said smiling at him. My wrist was wrapped in a bandage but it was paining less.

Nikhil was a brother to me. He was worried about me just like Hridhaan.

"You are sure you are fine? Because we can still go to the jail and I can beat the shit out of those guys" Nikhil asked looking down at my arm.

"Yes I am sure I am fine and I harmed them pretty bad already.... Niks, when I have you guys then how can I not be fine" I said the latter softly with a bright smile which he returned and I squeezed his hand on my shoulder.

"It seemed very bad the way Reyan described, it looked like he wanted to kill those guys then and there when he told me what happened. I too was angry, but boy the guy was mad" Nikhil said.

"Really?" I asked him. Was Reyan so angry? If he was then why didn't he show?

Of course he did you fool, didn't you see how protective he was after the incident? Or did you forget the way he beat the shit out of those men? Or did you forget how hard he hugged you?

The thought of Reyan hugging me made me blush and I prayed Nikhil didn't see it.

"Yeah he does seem very calm and composed but once you get him angry he is the Hulk or Godfather whatever you want to call him" Nikhil chuckled.

I never thought Reyan had temper, he didn't seem as one. If he was so furious while he was with Nikhil then how was he so calm with me?

I kept my questions to myself as we reached the car I knew I could ask Nikhil anything and he won't over react like Riya but I stopped. When we reached we saw Reyan and Riya literally fighting over who be going to sit in front in the passenger seat beside Nikhil. How immature. I shook my head chuckling and Nikhil copied me.

Nikhil settled the dispute as he asked Reyan to sit at the back and Riya jumped and hugged Nikhil. Maybe this was their plan to get the hug as I saw Reyan smirking at Nikhil as he took his seat beside me. What love makes us do I thought as I shook my head internal and chuckled a bit at the situation.

Mehr was constantly texting me since she reached college to meet her as soon as possible so the first thing to do when I reach college was to meet my other best friend.Thank heavens nobody spoke of the incident, that was hell embarrassing. I could only imagine how my day was going to be. 


Gosh that was embarrassing!!! 

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