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Who would've known that feelings were so complicated? Not me, that's who.

See, I'm the 'good girl' type that doesn't focus on feelings or boys or clothes because I'm too focused on grades and extracurriculars. I know, it's such a stereotype. But that's really how I am. Or, was.

I had met my now, obviously, ex during my eighth grade year. He's always liked me, but I never really payed attention to him. He had always dropped me some not so subtle hints. Why, he's even straight up told me to my face that he likes me.

Anyways. I'm getting ahead of myself here. It was during my junior year of high school that I finally figured out that he liked me. It was only because he had finally got the courage to ask me out. He was just so persistent and pitiful that I just had to say yes. But it also happened to be the same year that I met him.

You know the type. The popular guy. The one who never goes to class. The one who's constantly wearing leather jackets, even in 100 degree weather. The one who only rides his motorcycle everywhere and has to make a show out of it. The one that every girl swoons and drools over. The one who pretends not to notice the girls gawking at his good looks as he walks down the hall, but smirks when he knows no one can see him. The dark and mysterious one. The bad boy. Now, dare I say, my very own bad boy.


So here it is! The prologue of My Very Own Badboy(MVOB)! Let me know what you think in the comments and I'll try to update very soon. The updates might not be very fast or consistent at first, but please, try to bare with me.
Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!

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