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The video.

"I thought we were supposed to meet the groups, like personally? And not a common meeting of every group together." I cross my arms across my chest as I lean against the desk. Jungkook stood with his back facing me, his hands stuffed inside his pockets. He turned his head to the side on realising my presence.

I was made to wait down at the hallway for a good five minutes until his voice boomed through the speakers of an assembly of all the groups together for a final look through their recorded albums within the next twenty minutes or so. I wasn't embarrassed of being stood up; I was pissed that things didn't go my way.

"Well, it didn't seem necessary. After all, the deadline's nearing. It would be a waste of time." He shrugged it off as he strode his way towards the desk.

"I believe it was you who was arguing about quality." I point out as I stare at his profile.

He shortly glanced at me before stroking vague lines on the surface of the desk. "Well, I believe you were the one talking about giving everyone a chance. And what more can be better than having them all sit together and bond with each other hm."

I stare at him wordlessly before raising my brow. Stepping forth, I lean closer and grip his chin, coercing him to gaze at me. I feel his muscles tighten under my touch as I sneakily trace the outline of his jaw.

"I don't know if it's me or are you not comfortable around me? Do I  possibly make you nervous, babyboy?" I rasp out, not wavering my gaze from his chocolate brown orbs. The intensity he shared as he stared on, while contemplating something in his mind, was enough to set a harmony of beats pacing faster as the proximity started to affect me in ways I hadn't known.

"There's everything to be uncomfortable around you." He muttered as he flicked my wrist away. A pang juddered against my chest as he himself leaned in closer; close enough for me to distinguish the faint blemishes on his skin.

"Advantageous woman, are to be bewared of. I'm just following this wisdom." He slowly pulled back as my eyes hardened. Disappointment flowed through me as he nonchalantly pushed his hair back and distanced himself from me.

I hear the sound of people entering through the door with heavy loads of casettes and other equipments. Jungkook pasted a smile on his face as he greeted them in. I narrow my eyes as I clench my jaw.

I didn't know why was I overreacting to this. I shouldn't be, I didn't want to let anyone, or anything affect me. I was used to people saying this every moment. But he affected me in ways incomprehensible.

He was pulling the persona I had hidden within. He was bringing out the urge to lash out at him; and tell that this isn't how I am. I saw the mere reflection of warmth in his eyes on that day in the hospital. But as a humane person, it's really easy to overlook and go on with the presumptuous facts. Where jokes are taken seriously enough to make distance between two people.

"Ms. Kim?" I was pulled out of my trance as the assembled members looked expectantly at me. I rolled my tongue in and breathed out sharp before nodding. Jungkook sat with his back resting against the swivel chair not sparing a glance at me. I bit my inner cheek and seat myself on the chair directly opposite to him.

"Han-chul. Show your album." Jungkook smiled and politely ordered the guy sitting right beside me. He replied with a "sure sir" and put his CD in the drive. After sometime, the lights automatically dimmed while walls drew over the window. Thus, the music video started.

It had a dark theme, the music and the concept went well with each other. Maybe, at some places, they went a bit off, but overall it was satisfactory. As the video stopped, he looked at both of us expectantly.

"You've improved a lot bro." Jungkook grinned at him, and sneakily winked at him. Han-chul sheepishly smiled and bowed in gratitude. I compliment him with a nod, enough for him to know I was impressed.

By now, one by one, every member, a total of nine group leaders had shown their concept videos. All were good, with a perfect mix of dark and light themes. They had put in a lot of creativity in it, their efforts were evident. Last one left, until we finish it off.

"Eunhee. You're up next." Jungkook striked her name off his notepad.

Eunhee nervously walked up to the dias. She was obviously scared of my reaction to her video since this was her last chance to prove herself.

I see her rubbing her sweaty palms against her clothes, stealthily glancing while biting her lip nervously. The woman had potential, she was always perfect in what she did. I really wanted her to do what she was great at. She knew how to tell stories through music; and she wore confidence as her suit.

I bring my fingers and spread them wide under my lips. She was stunned by the sudden motivation but quickly smiled wide, as she turned on her presentation.

There stood a girl clad in a white flowing gown. Her brown wavy hairs blew along with the wind. The waves overlap over each other unknowingly creating a picturesque view. The girl turned her head to her side. Her lips were curled up. But her eyes were blinded with a white lace blindfold.

Suddenly a huge wave came crashing on her. She was helplessly engulfed in those monstrous ripples. Her arms flayed trying to escape them, but she was pulled down, down to the depths of the sea. Her eyes still blindfolded, but her lips no longer curved. Instead, a tiny scar was left on her forehead, her soul.

Out of nowhere, she saw a ray. A ray of light. She turned towards that ray, that hope which glimmered down on her scar. She was pulled towards it unknowingly. Finally she was out of the waters, with the helping hand with a bracelet stretched out to her. She was pulled into the warmth of that being, who was clad in white. She enjoyed the feeling, the loving warm feeling. Her eyes still sightless. Her scar of her soul, slowly fading, but still evident. Her lips turned up into a complete crescent. Her white gown had turned into a greyish hue, but it was slowly getting back its innocent white shade.

But that didn't last long. The blue sky no longer remained calm. Black clouds swooned over the once serene sky.

A bright streak of lightening cut through the earth. The girl was confused of the change. She clunged hard onto the warmth, but she didn't feel the same comfort. Instead, it was cold  indifference radiating. The being once clad in white soon grew put black wings. It was now clothed in full black. It flew up high in the sky, leaving the girl alone in the hell. The ocean once again rose in anger. This time there was no way out.

The being now swooned low around her, a black beam emitting out of the bracelet. Finally her blindfold was removed. She saw the devastation around her. Many black creatures flew around her. She tried escaping, hoping for a ray of light. But nothing came. She surrendered herself to the dark. The creatures clawed her everywhere. Their tenebrosity stole her innocence. She no longer shone in her purity. She was destroyed. Everything turned black.

Brown eyes woke open. But they were lifeless. The girl came into complete view. She was scarred everywhere. Her soul pitch black. Her body clad in a black gown. She lay on her back, facing the world with her stoic face. No longer did she smile. And no longer was she blind. She was thrown splashes of insults, but she remained unaffected. She was bruised badly, to react. She also received a few light rays, but they were hidden from her sight.

But she started being affected by an insult. A particularly light tint splashed upon affected her. It was slowly colouring her black soul. She ran towards the tint, loving its company even though it hurt. But she was happy. And that's all mattered.

In the end, the tint's homely feeling though filled with insults embraced her, but she stopped short at the sight of an entity that she had had seen before.

She knew who it was. For her, everything was enlightened.

The video ended abruptly as the lights filmed over the dimmed room. Compliments were showered on her, I could see her beaming at the response. But I felt sobered and suffocated. I don't know how it affected me, why it affected me, and why did I see myself in there.

"It was beautiful." I found my lips whispering out. I didn't know if anyone heard it, I didn't realise the eerie silence, I didn't realise a pair of eyes follow me as I pushed my chair and stormed out of the room.

The empty hallway heard my foot padding against the floor as I ran towards the washroom. The quiet cubicle I locked myself in could hear my overwhelmed breath. My emotions flooded all at once as my body felt heavy.

I didn't realise when my limp body thudded onto the floor.



try to understand her emotions psychologically. she was clearly overwhelmed and felt an emotional overload.

A sincere thanks to all the readers of this shit-ass book. 💜💜
Stay happy. Keep smiling :))

And please do vote!😅💜

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