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"Why did you do it?" A voice said from behind. The same voice I could recognize even in a crowd. His tone dripped with anger. I didn't need to look to know his jawline sharpened as he clenched them tighter, his cheek pulled inwards enhancing his cheekbones, his forehead creased bringing his brows together to meet at a place.

I didn't reply. Simply, taking out my clothes, I closed the closet. I turned around, making my way to the bathroom for changing. I had my face downcast, not wanting to meet his eyes.

I almost made my way past him. But he was faster. He caught me by my forearm and turned me to face him. In the process, my clothes fell down on the floor, while I was captured in his intense gaze.

"Don't ignore me." He growled at me. "Why did you do that?" He asked me again, through gritted teeth.

"Shouldn't you be happy?" I said in an unbothered tone, rolling my eyes. I found every single object in the room interesting except his eyes. His orbs contained only anger at this moment. What confused me was the fact that he was angry at me, when he himself wanted this to happen, right? He wanted his hyung to be away from me. And now he is. He should be satisfied.

"You cannot just hurt him and throw him away after everything he has done for you." I sighed.

Back when I started in US with Jimin, it was hard to cope. Not because we were lacking, infact we had the best team, but because of the fact that others weren't honest. And it was a well-known fact that every high-class autocrat had to be indulged in some or the other illegal work, be it gang or dealing in drugs, weapons or worse, girls as prostitutes.

So, it was obvious, that to be successful I had to bring them down. And that meant, destroying their side-businesses. To establish ourselves, I had to get into the personal lives of these so-called autocrats. So, I had to fool them enough to get the necessary information for taking the required actions, to stop these illegal affairs. But what the world saw was how the big companies went bankrupt while mine grew steadily, to become the largest in the world. And the 'poor' bankrupt men went around telling the media that I had 'seduced' them, and the 'naive' public believed them too. Yet that didn't stop me from being successful, so who would want to complain.

Even though I am being called a slut, sick woman, I know what the reality is and so do those men. It is my truth untold. Jimin never complained when I came home with drunk men. Because he knew I would never sleep with such filthy people. The world didn't know my side, but Jimin knew because he helped a lot in stopping these illegal things. He has been my right hand.

But, I wasn't wrong in what I did.

"But you wanted this right?" I finally faced him, voicing out my thoughts."You wanted your hyung safe from me. You said I used him. And you wanted him to trust what you said about me. I just followed your words. You should be satisfied now." I said in a quiet voice, forcing a smug smile to stretch on my lips.

Jungkook stared wordless for a few moments, searching my face for answers and then sighed in frustration. Then he held both of my shoulders, keeping me tight in my place. He considered a lot of things in his mind; but said nothing. I couldn't help myself being allured towards him over and over again.

"You're really sick you know. I can't imagine someone being as mean and selfish as you, Kim Ivy." He says, as he finally let go his tight grasp on my shoulders.

"No wonder you disgust me." With that, he turned his back to me and walked away. And he was out of the room, leaving me alone in my own thoughts.

"Only if you had known my viewpoint, Jeon Jungkook. Only if you knew." I whispered out, dropping myself on the bed. I was physically worn out. And mentally torn apart.

I laid down on the bed again, pulling the covers over my body. I hadn't realized myself shivering until I felt the warmth of the sheets.

I chuckled at my fate, and turned to face the window.

How I push away the ones who truly care for me. And then, run to the one who despises me the most, who is also the one I admire the most. I did the same in the past as well. And history seems to be repeating itself.

I whimpered, knowing no one out there cared even if I was shattered. They never did, my mind said. You neglected the ones who did, my heart said. I hadn't realized dozing off, too busy in the battle between my heart and mind, where both struggled to dominate the other.


Today is a big day. The whole office is in a turmoil. Everywhere you look, you would surely catch someone on an heated conversation on the phone, or someone carrying huge piles of files from one place to another, or someone bumping into another causing a short round of hurling curses or a few people taking their time to force a smile on their face, practising their lines for the presentation.

Down in the compound area, a few renowned channels had stationed with their reporters and cameramen ready to capture the president entering. Outside a very large pool of reporters and paparazzis were gathered to catch a glimpse of the most important man of the nation- Mr. Kim Namjoon.

Currently, I was supervising the outside modifications. The desks, sofas, security positioning, yoddah yoddah yoddah.

"Just let it remain as it is. Y'all remember to stay put in your place, and be alert. Don't you dare to sneak off your duties. I want an excellent impression to be made in the mind of Mr. Kim...I can always destroy your careers if I want, hmm?" They all silently nod, scared for their future. "Now go....get to work." I shooed them off. Hastily bowing they made their way to their given duties.

I stretched a bit, rolling my neck and clicking it in either sides. I heard my phone ding. Unlocking it, I saw Sohyee had texted. I never give my number away but yeah, I was sorta tricked into this. She had saved her contact by the name So❤(the heart was a special input by her).

Heya Buddy :))

Did you something wrong?

Nooooooo :((
Just wanted to catch with you😃

Ok. Thank goodness.

Noo waiitttt!!

So you actually made a mistake?

Why don't chu trust me😳😭

What's your purpose?

Nothing much.
Just that I loooovveee youuu🐣

You don't have to.
If you text again, I swear I'll block you.

I'm hurt.
And that's not good for my beautiful face.
Not to forget my skin😓

Fuck off.


You are blocked for sure.

Geez okay.

Shaking my head at her childish attitude, I locked my phone.

My body was paining like hell. I was standing at the corridor. Since the building was wrapped with ceramics, I could easily see the crowd gathered down. Leaning my hips against the railing, I massaged my forehead to ease the throbbing sensation, common to me whenever I am anxious.

Yesterday was an emotional ride. I had spent the entire day laying on the bed, listening to music, composing some songs and basically doing everything while locking myself inside my room. I didn't have the courage to face Jimin after yesterday's event and Jungkook's presence in the house the entire day to console Jimin wasn't really welcoming my existence in the house. So, the best decision was to lock myself in my room, allowing the occasional entry to the servants for cleaning and serving food.

"Stressed?" I heared someone say from beside me. Looking up to the person, I saw Yoongi looking straight at the crowd below. I simply shrugged and hummed in reply to his question. This wasn't the first time we had interacted, but surely he wasn't a chit-chatter. Infact, he was a very blunt person, hardwork and music being his best buddies. I admired his life ideals. I found that we had many things in common.

"Everyone will do good." He said still not looking at me. I pursed my lips and nodded at his reply. "Hope so." Though I'm confident yet a shadow of doubt always lingers in my mind.

"Let me take a look over there" He looked the other way, seeing a ruckus between two people, as he muttered, "those bastards." Excusing himself, he took off the other way, leaving me in solitude until she came.

"Oh Good morning, Ivy—"

"Ms. Kim for you." I quickly cut her off. Her lips parted to say something but she knew better to not say a word.

"Uh, yes Ms. Kim." She straightened herself and tucked a stray lock behind her ear. Her blouse was tucked in her skirt while her height seemed to be taller than before because of those heels she wore.

"Uhm, Mr. Jeon wanted to have a last look through the entire thing, so, you could join in now.."

"We'll be there." Yoongi's gruff voice interrupted our conversation, to which I was glad about. He stood beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. In a swift move, he had us turned around walking away in a different direction.

I frown at his hand and back at him. Instantly, I push him off and straighten my dress, for my skirt could've risen up.

"The fuck?" He shrugged and ticked off in the direction. "You don't seem a fan of her company. Thought could help you out." I raise a brow at his observation.

"That's thoughtful but, you must remember I am Kim Ivy and this kinda behavior can—"

"No one cares babe." He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "You shoulda know, I don't really care about anything other than sleep."

"With woman." I punch in. He smirked.

"Oh they love me. Something about the mysterious vibes I give off."

"When in reality, you're just a noob." Immediately, retorting back I pass him a fake smile.

"They keep moaning when my d—"

"No details thank you." I cut him off before he could give an erotic description of his sexual life. He chuckled lowly and walked straight with his standard blank expression.

Soon, we met Hoseok and Jin who were laughing their asses off while waiting for the lift. I had heard Jin say, "Justice is a dish best served cold, if it were served warm it would be justwater." And Hoseok roared with laughter.

I bit my lip to stop my laugh, while Yoongi took the privilege of cursing him for his joke. Though I personally liked this one, better than his other ones. No offence.

"It'll hurt my pride to say this but...Ivy looks, different today doesn't she? As in, a beautiful different?" Jin scrutinised me carefully and commented as if it was a serious review.

"She is beautiful. You just noticed today." Hoseok rolled his eyes and smiled widely at me. I couldn't help but reciprocate it back, though I might have looked more constipated than thankful.

"Still no one can defeat my beauty. 'Worldwide Handsome' right here, ehh?" Jin flipped his hair, blowing a flying kiss at a passing female employee, who turned beet-red at the gesture. Yoongi rolled his eyes while Hoseok had a good laugh at the girl's red face. I stifled a giggle with my hand, enjoying the joyful atmosphere.

Yeah. It was joyful. I was smiling.

But I didn't know there was a pair of eyes, smitten by my rarely smiling face.



Special thanks to Roopsa264 for spamming!😂
Love yaa bishh💜💜

Okay, I got one question!!

How do you make holy water??
You boil the hell out of it XD.

Lol, I'm sorry for the lame joke😂

Vote and comment pleaasee :)))

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