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Long chapter. Coz why not🙃

Do 🚿your ❤⭐✨

Back to Korea.

diary of rick sanders

I run my hand through the wornout book. It was those note books on which we used to write our notes in school. One side spiral where you could keep you pencil or pen.

I carefully flip it over, and start reading it.

(seven year meeeee)
Today we arrived in ̶s̶o̶t̶h South  ̶C̶h̶o Korea. Finally got the spelling right! Dadda and mamma said we are gonna stay here for a week. I am excited!!

Today, no one was there to play with me. Mamma was busy chatting with Mr. Morgen. And bro was lost as usual. Even during vacation, they were all busy :c Dadda came home late too. But, today I found a forest!! It was soooooo green. Green and it was dense! I remember miss Julie rant about its beauty for two whole days. Shush! I don't want anyone to know about it.

I turn the page around. An audible gasp escaped my mouth. The corners of the page were rusted to brown and tiny handprints of rusted blood traced on the page. And for the first time, he hadn't written a detailed description. And there was no evidence of his tears.

forest. dad left. no one cared. momma marry morgen. love?

That's all he wrote. I could just imagine what he was going through. I might have faced similar circumstances, but I was a teen and he was a fucking child of seven years. I hadn't realised my tears until one of them dropped right on the page, bloating with the rust.

He was more lonely than I had thought him to be.

bro came home the next day. with the same red liquid my hand was drenched in yesterday when i found dad...
dead..he pushed me away and said i was  ̶s̶i̶e̶k̶o psycho (google helped me this time).
But i think bro is hiding something. he won't say it tho.

never mind. he hates me anyway. dadda and momma must hate me too. because all i had ever done was annoy them for playing with me.
i get it now.

I felt like I was reading my own thoughts. I just couldn't imagine, him being not so different from me. I could relate to his loneliness, though his loneliness was far different from mine. He wanted someone, but there was no one for him. I had deliberately pushed them away and brought my own suffered upon myself.

He was strong enough to face it, and I am still running away.

I wiped my tears and flipped the page. The next pages never had any descriptives anymore. They were only one liners.

girl confess. i accept. love she said.

motherfucking brother. broke my jaw. gave him a swollen eye. mom and morgen silently stare.

butterflies. first kiss. like her.

failed maths exam. mom scolded. no shit given.

she left. told i was boring. i am eh?
thought i got a true one.

morgen scolded for my behavior. bullshit. alex is his pet dog. or maybe the other way round.

three confessions accepted. made out with four others. that asshole principal complained. got thrashed.

fist fight with the senior. named the hotshot. achievement eh? oh yeah, my grades dropped from c to d. morgen and alex had a great time cursing me.

cigarettes and sex. oh to be the jock of the school. great news, my grades raised from f to e. atleast i would graduate.

fuck every fucking thing.alex gets what he wants and i am stuck with the bullshitting company. fuck my life.

alex is not alex.

That was it. I scanned through the entire page, but there was nothing there. That was when I understood that this was the time when Alexander revealed his true self to him. Rick knew what was happening to him.

dark room. forest. dad. alex does something.

I read further and short instances of whatever his simulation was, was mentioned in the diary. All of it included his traumas. The ones he would never be able to get away from.

But a particular series of entries worsened the guilt.

(twenty six)
kim ivy.

she's got the most beautiful eyes. i could stare at them forever long and never get tired of those hypnotic eyes. hazel brown eyes, almond shape, sharpened and softened at the perfect places. she was more beautiful than any other model i had ever laid my eyes on. her curls and her tanned skin, just perfectly perfect. but she never smiles. i want her to smile. atleast once.

That was the most descriptive one he had written after the age of seven. It didn't need a genius to know that, I, somehow had an effect on him.

she smiled today. and everything around me brightened up. i couldn't think straight with her. but i wasn't in love with her. she was a good listener. maybe we are friends now. damn don't i sound like a child? i can't stop smiling.

Alex warned me to beware of her. that she would bring downfall. i waved him off. he didn't take it right. at midnight he again plugged those wires into my head. but nothing mattered. i kissed her today.

ivy said that our secret family business was the part of the dark world. she was pissed off today. we didn't talk like we used to. did i go somewhere wrong in my friendship?

she hates me. she keeps saying something about our family business. what's the dark thing she keeps saying about?

alex is hell bent in destroying her. he keeps warning me. as much as i have ignored him, i know something will go wrong. after all, all good things are meant to fly.

(twenty first august.)
i'm sorry ivy.
i lost my hope today.
i tried my best to keep him away from you. but maybe that angered him more. it's okay, i'll handle it all. i hope you get away.
thank you for coming into my life.

love you x

It wasn't a romantic love. It was the feeling of being cared, being listened to, given importance to, that he loved.

I didn't know I had that effect on you Rick.

I am sorry for not realising how similar we are. I am sorry I didn't realise who was the real culprit.

I am sorry.

I jolted up with a start. Rick's diary was still crystal clear in my mind. I wouldn't be able to take it off my mind any sooner. Another jolt passed through my head, making me aware of the excruciating pain in my head. An unknown vibration escaped my lips, as I found myself pushed out of the previous dimension. My skin wrinkled as my fingers twitched against the rough blanket.

I attempt to open my eyes but the sudden dash of light forced me to close it back. I blinked inwardly and tried to open up my eyes again. Through the tiny slits, I made out a white ceiling, the smell of phenyl and medicines hit my nose. I groaned as I try to open my eyes further. But the ache in my head was intense. It was unbearable. I twitch my fingers, clutching onto the blanket.

Pushing myself up with my legs, I try to sit. Another wave of pain striked my brain, causing me to groan.

"Ms. Kim?" A feminine voice asked. It was the same faint voice I heard just before fainting. Squinting my eyes, I look at her. Due to my unclear vision, it took sometime before realising who she was.

"Lily?" I whispered out. Her hairs were tied up in a messy bun. Her attire was disheveled. Black patches could be seen under her eyes, making her brown eyes stand out. She seemed relieved as I recognised her right.

I try sitting up, but the pain was too much. My hand curled up to soothe the pain. But instead of touching my skin, I found a gauze-like cloth wrapped around my head. I frown at it. As I try harder to sit up, Lily rushed to my side and helped me up.

I let out a sigh as I rested my back on the cushiony bed. I look up to see Lily eyeing the bandage.

"Oh God! It's bleeding again." She seemed to panic as she looked around for the phone. Not finding any, she rushed towards the door, before I could call out for her.

I groaned as the pain remained unbearable. Flashes of that incident crossed my mind. The loud crash, people lying dead on the ground, blood all around, smoke engulfing everything and the fearsome words scribbled. It didn't take a genius to guess who was behind this. Only one person can write this. Alexander Sanders.

He fucking knew what I had intended to do. And he was all ready for this. He had to know every move of mine. After all, he was seeking revenge from me. He wanted vengeance. Because I took down the very place he could kill for, in front of his eyes. And he couldn't do anything.

Ivy must pay. Ivy will pay.

A shudder passed my spine. I couldn't shove it away as an obnoxious or trivial threat. As much as I wanted to, it wasn't one. Rick's diary proved it. He could go to any extent to get what he wants. Getting a few hundreds killed wasn't something he really cared of.

He would never care of it.

Instead he would twist it so to make it get back at me. He will.

"How are you feeling, Ms. Kim?" A jovial female doctor took a quick glance all over my injuries. That's when I saw a few cuts and bruises on my hands too. No wonder I would have. I broke through the glass after all.

I stare blankly at her, not having the will to say anything. She awkwardly smiled and glanced back at Lily who now pushed the door close behind her. She had a worried expression on her face.

"Her wound is bleeding again. And she was panting a few moments ago." Lily explained as she walked closer. The doctor nodded in understanding and plucked her stethoscope onto her ears. I felt her press it against my chest as she furrowed her eyebrows. She hummed in reply and called for her nurse through the button.

"Does the wound hurt too much? I can prescribe you some painkillers for it, though it might make you drowsy." She chuckled, stuffing her hands into the pockets of her coat.

"How long till I am released?" I ask instead of answering her question. I had suffered worse. Painkillers can't kill the emotional stigmas now, can they?

"You woke after two whole days and the only thing you can ask is this?" Lily gave a perplexed look to me, as if I had said a stupid sentence. I gave her a blunt look, which she clearly understood and braced herself inwards, while mumbling an apology. I raise my brow at the doctor for an answer to my question. She pursed her lips as she looked at my state.

"You might take a week. The wound seems stubborn." She reasoned. The door pushed open with the juggling noise of the contents of the table that the nurse brought in.

"Two days." I simply state looking straight into her eyes. The look said that there was no room for arguments for her, but as dumb as she is, she didn't get the signal and parted her lips to protest.

"Two days or the hospital closes down, now." The threat had a profound effect on her as she quickly complied and nodded her head.

I leaned back and saw her preparing the first aid kit. The nurse pulled up a hairband I didn't know was rested on my neck, up till my forehead carefully securing the stray strands behind. With great care and utmost patience, the doctor removed the bandage, trying her best to not hurt me in the process. I caught the glimpse of Lily closing her eyes and walk a little away from the sight. I winced when the cold antiseptic came in contact with my skin. She blew out a little on it for relief, reminding me of the exact thing he had done too. I close my eyes as my chest constricted a little at the bittersweet memory.

"All done." She announced as she discarded the used bandages and the blood soaked gauzes. I pulled out the cloth hairband from my head and handed it over to the nurse. Even though it was now dressed and freshly bandaged, the pain still remained.

"Painkiller" As if reading my mind, she handed me a tablet with a glass of water. I nod and gulp it down mumbling a 'thank you'. She passed me a polite smile and walked out of the room with her nurse alongside, leaving me and Lily alone in the room.

Lily fiddled with her fingers with her eyes cast down as she sat on the chair, right beside my bed. She awkwardly shifted in her seat, not knowing what to say. Her dark circles were evident and her drowsy state confirmed that she hadn't been sleeping.

"When was the last time you slept?" I ask her. She looked up startled at me, not exactly expecting this question.

"Uh, I, I sleep normal." She fumbled as she replied trying her best to smile wide to showcase her truth.

"Your eyes beg to differ." I slip down on my back, as the painkillers kicked into effect, making me feel drowsy as the doc had said. Seeing my trouble she helped me out and laid me down flat on the bed. I stare up at her blankly to which she gave an awkward tight-lipped smile.

I bring my hand and rest it above hers, giving it a light squeeze. Meeting her eyes, I tried my best to smile at her.

"Thank you."

For taking care of me. For not many, readily do that for me.

-: ✧ :-゜・.

"I think it's better you leave." Michelle said as soon as she entered. I frown at her sudden statement. Sitting up on my bed, I look at her questioningly.

"The attack was just a warning for you. The person clearly didn't mean harm to you because the explosive was dropped a good distance away from you. It was just meant as a warning. And I'm afraid you might have a far more dangerous attack." She said it all in a breath as keeping an eye around. It was night time. And tomorrow I would be released from this sterile environment. This was the perfect time for her because Lily wasn't here at the moment. Michelle had good five minutes.


"Yes. You have to leave America. It ain't safe for you anymore. We have found microscopic viruses in your company's system. Every move of yours is tracked. It's, it's highly advisable that you leave. For Korea. That's the only safe place I see right now, because for other countries we don't know how strong is the attackers control. But in Korea, we know you have a hold there. It would be better if you leave as soon as possible." Michelle glanced at the door. Michael quietly whistled indicating time was up for her to leave.

"We are tracing the area over and over again for evidence. Though, we both know who might have done this. The timing and the extent of attack clearly shows it." She reached for the door where Michael signalled for her to leave.

"There, there's no trace? N-nowhere?" I frown. It should be there. It must be there. I had seen it as clear as crystal. It was my only hope to trap him, somehow. Atleast a lead.

"No. There was nothing." Michelle confirmed. I felt my shoulders slouch. I purse my lips, my little ray of hope extinguished into flames.

"We still have that file right?" I look at her, indicating at the very file which was meant to finish it all. Michelle averted her eyes on the floor.

"Nothing remained with you. Everything was either burnt down or swept clean. And there wasn't any file found while cleaning." She tucked a strand behind her ear, glancing at me.

"And, and we are sorry we couldn't hack out the pictures again." I parted my lips to give an earful of her accountability, but she quickly shut me off. "We are trying but I, cannot guarantee you. We might take time and we don't know how long. And I'm afraid, till then it might be too late. That's why, it's wise, it's wise for you to leave as soon as possible. You're in more danger here than you would be in Korea."

Another ray of hope toned down into nothing. Nothing remained. No fucking thing remained. He made sure to take it all out. He made sure to leave me helpless.

Before leaving, she turned around and gave me a meaningful look.

"Beware of Alexander."

Those were the last words before she turned her back and left the room leaving me with my thoughts.

I stared into the void, her words reverberating through my mind.

Ivy must pay. Ivy will pay.
part 1

Beware of Alexander.

My head ached more as everything flashed in front of my eyes. I groaned in pain when the door clicked open and Lily came in.

"Are you okay?" She quickly rushed to my side. I motion her to stop wherever she was and move away the sheets. I slipped onto the floor and stumbled my way to the bathroom. I didn't care about switching on the lights, the moonlight was enough for me.

Reaching the sink, I fumbled with the tap. Managing to turn it enough, I take a handful of the flowing water and splash it on my face. I fell forward as my feet gave away. Heavy pants escaped my lips, breathing was a struggle. I parted my lips and slowly looked up at the mirror. Only to find something scribbled on it. With the same handwriting as that on the glass wall. The moon shone upon enough to make out the bloody red ink.

One wrong move, one warning down.

I lower my head to somehow escape this. The same warning. Alex was warning me. He knew everything about me. He could do anything. He will do anything. It was his ego, his passion that I hurt. He will make sure to hit me right at my weak points.

He will.

"You can't escape what you started."

A deep raspy whisper could heard in the silent atmosphere. A shiver ran down my nerves. Shaky breaths escaped my lips. Beads of sweat traced along my hairline. I was overly aware of my surroundings. I felt an unusual heat creep upto my neck. Tingles pricked my spine, thinking about the possibilities.

Fear crept in my mind as I raise my head slowly. Every thing was unclear or was it my fuzzy brain? I don't know. Blurry image of deep set blue eyes stared at me through the mirror. The blood and the intensity of the blue eyes sent another wave of shivers and trembles. My throat felt dry. I couldn't speak. My eyes were wide as I stared at the image I saw on the mirror. A creepy grin crept on the face of that person, his pearly white teeth dazzling under the moonlight.

It was scary.

Everything was scary. Bile rose up my throat, lumping itself as I looked ahead. My fingers hurt as they digged into the marble sink. My chest heaved up and down, but nothing could restore the lack of breath I felt in my lungs.

Suddenly a loud scream was heard, causing me to turn around and hit my head again on the mirror. I close my eyes at the impact. It wasn't as hard as the previous impact, but it hit right on the unhealed wound, a series of pain passing through my mind.

"No.." A whisper escaped my lips, as soon as the lights shot up and the door flew open.

"Miss Kim? Are, are you fine?" Lily and the familiar voice of the doctor called out for me. A hand rested on my shoulder wanting to soothe me. Immediately I swat it away and opened my eyes. The doctor and Lily looked worriedly at me. I looked around the place.

There was no one.

Hesitantly, I turned my head to look at the mirror. But, there wasn't anything there. There was nothing written on it. There was nothing there. There was no one there. Shaky fingers found its way to the mirror, tracing it. But all I felt was the smooth surface of the mirror.

"No.." Another whisper escaped my lips.

There was no blood. There was no one.

"Ms. Kim?" I shake my head. There was someone. But no one is here.

"Ms. Kim!" The doctor whirled me around and shook me by my shoulders. I breathed heavily as I stare wide eyed at her. Her eyes softened at my sight. She gently rested her hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards her. I didn't object.

I wasn't functioning well to object anything.

I just couldn't wipe this off my head.

I was losing my sanity here.

I had to get out of here.



We are gonna go back to Korea :))

Anyway, what I wanted to say was that there won't be any update for the next week (or two) because my exams are knocking at my head and my extra subjects are begging for my attention. I hope you get me🗿

But I promise y'all extremely regular updates as soon as it gets over (maybe expect a spam from me😚)
Till then,


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