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Do 🚿 your ❤⭐✨

We did it.

My back was turned against the warmth that radiated as I stayed in his arms. I was awake as the events from yesterday night flooded my thoughts. Looking down, I find his arms interlocked with mine, our fingertips touching each others. Low snores could be heard, he was asleep.

I squirm and turn around, lying straight on my back. As I stared at the ceiling, I feel his warm breath fanning the back of my ear. His fingers moved and intertwined with mine. He shifted closer, his lips nibbling on my ear. I suck in a breath harshly as his hands down to my waist and pull me closer to him. My eyes close as he travelled downwards, down to the length of my neck and up till my jaw.

He placed a long kiss on my cheek just as I open my eyes and look at him. He stared down with a graceful smile on his face.

"Morning." I whisper as my palms rest on his cheek. He engulfed my hands in his and leaned in towards my touch.

"Morning." His husky voice whispered back as he leaned in for a hug. I allow myself to cage in his embrace and tightened my arms on his back. I belately realise he wasn't wearing a shirt. And our skins were directly brushing against each other. His fingers leave their  feathery touch at the hem of my bra and down to my waist, tracing the ugly marks of the surgery. I close my eyes and sigh. He remembers. And yesterday did happen.

"Slept well?" I ask as I pull away and gaze up at him. He hummed and pushed the stubborn strands behind my ear. "You need a hangover soup too right?"

He shook his head in denial. Leaning down, he captured my lips with his and cupped my face with his palms. I gasp as his teeth grazed my lower lip harshly, allowing his tongue to explore mine. His hands moved down, brushing against the hem of my panties and grabbing my behind. My fingers intertwined with his locks and tug on them as he flushed our bodies closer.

Pulling back, he sighed against my lips. "I don't need any hangover soup now."

I look down as blood rushed up to my cheeks. What's so cute in this even.

His chest rumbled as he laughed and pulled back. I immediately miss his warmth as he sat up and the cold air seeped in.

"I woke up an hour ago. Got your pills." He informed as he pulled down his polo, covering his ripped back muscles from the view.

"That's good. Ya looked totally wasted yesterday."

I stretch and lazily turn my head to my night stand. The robe laid loose at the corner, I remember keeping it there before I fell asleep. Willing myself up, I stretch and yawn as I tie the robe around my waist.

He ruffled around with the sheets, tidying up the bed as I saunter my way towards the bathroom. I couldn't just mouthwash everyday, I had to brush. And it was extremely unhygienic to roam around with a brush in your mouth. But the humongous mirror only sent cold tingles down my spine as I remember those eyes which stared at me. Those words which were scribbled and then vanished.

With shaky hands, I took the electric brush that was still wrapped in its new cover. It will done soon, I murmur to myself and open the packaging. Turning my back to the mirror, I switch it on to check its functioning, but fate. Oh so cruel it is.

"It won't turn on." I flinch as Jungkook commented, leaning against the door with his arms crossed. "It's defective, the reason why it was never opened nor used."

I chant a string of curses wanting to be uttered out but kept in with a deep breath.

"You can use the one which is kept to your right." I turn and find a normal toothbrush unopened. Pursing my lips I stare at it. Even he was here. Maybe I could just use the mouthwash today. My nerves were on the move, I didn't want to remember that incident. But my mind couldn't help it.

I was traumatized and I didn't know how long would it last. I could never hold my gaze in the mirror without those electric blue eyes flashing at the back of my mind. I was lost in my thoughts when Jungkook appeared in front of me. He looked down at me and held me by my arms.

"Ivy." My name rolled off his tongue, stringing a harmony through my body. I stare up at him as he studied me. "What's scaring you?" He frowned as he stroked my cheek. I blink away from him, and pull myself out of his grasp.

"No..nothing. It's all okay." I turn around and accidentally look into the mirror. The bathroom was dimly lit, similar to that day. I was staring at the mirror again just like that day. I had a small bandage on my forehead, just like that day. Faint streaks of sunlight flushed in through the ventilators, just like that day.

There was something blue around me. The same electric blue I had seen staring at me. There must be. My lips quivered, my shoulders trembled as I shift my weight from one leg to the other unsteadily.

It's here somewhere. It is.

I turn around, just as a warm body caged me in its embrace. My hips hit the counter as he leaned in, his familiar scent calming my senses. I hadn't realised me screaming until I felt a strain on my throat. His arms tightened around me, rocking our bodies back and forth as he whispered for me to calm down.

"Calm. I'm here."

I take deep breath, syncing with his. My hands fisted on his polo as he stroked my hair, allowing me to snuggle into his torso. He's here. He's here for me.

He rocked us back and forth, my nerves calming down and relaxing back to normalcy. He pulled back when he sensed that I had really calmed down. I didn't look up at him, rather I stare at my fisted hand. His palm enveloped mine as he gripped on my chin and forced me to face him.

"Talk to me." He whispered, almost sounding as if he was begging. A glint of sadness shadowed his features when I kept mum, not knowing what to say and how to say. I avert my eyes elsewhere. His grip tightened, yet he didn't say a word.

He turned me around, my back pressed against his torso. He forced me to stare at the mirror. His chin rested on my shoulder and his arms snaked around my frame, holding me secured.

"Look there." He instructed. His warmth seeped in my skin. Our eyes met in the mirror. My heart raced as I look at him. He wordlessly studied my expression. Being a bundle of nerves, I avert my eyes from him and instead found my reflection to stare at. And it was the biggest mistake. For I was teleported back to that day again. My chest heaved again, again imagining those blue eyes to stare down at me. The arms around me which actually belonged to Jungkook now transformed to gruesome arms of the creature I was imagining. I squirm as its grip tightened around me, I barred my teeth to get rid of its grasp.

"It's just me. You're imagining it." A whisper trickled into my ear. But that didn't stop me from struggling my way out.

"N-no. It's here. I-It's here." I croak out. I didn't know my trauma was that severe. I didn't know that insignificant event could hamper my mind.

"No one's here." The voice sounded louder.

"Look at me." The gruesome arms faded to normal arms as I slowly follow the voice's lead.

"Look at me Ivy." I shifted my eyes to look at him. "I'm here."

"There's no one else, other than you and me." The blues I was seeing, faded away. Slowly and gradually, I was brought back to the present world.

"See me. You were illusioned. There's no one here." This time, Jungkook sounded so close. Close enough to raise goosebumps on my arms, close enough for him to brush our cheeks.

"It's just you and me." He mumbled as I felt his arms around me, not those of a gruesome monster. I gaze at his face, his eyes stared back at me. His brown orbs, not the electric blue ones. The mirror wasn't faded, it was clean and clear. The ceiling lights brightened my vision.

"There's no one." I whispered. Jungkook nodded and intertwined our fingers. "It's just us." I whisper again. Sweat beaded my forehead and the adrenaline rush now slowed down.

"Yes. Don't be scared. It's all in your head." I sighed and throw my head back on his shoulder. Staring at the ceiling, I breath in and exhale loudly.

"I'm so fucked up." I murmur. "Yet you find a way to cure it somehow. You always do." He does it now, he did it then too.

"Then will you cure all of me? So I can be perfect for you." I tilt my head to stare at him.

"You're perfect for me." He whispered rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. "We're both fucked up in our own place." He gave me a knowing look. He knew that I had found out about everything. And he wasn't really hiding it. Maybe he was waiting for me to bring it up.

It's unfair that he trusts me enough to unleash his insecurities. Though he is late, he did it. And here I was, finding ways of escaping from it. Hoping I could deal with it, when it's just fucking me up all over and again.



"I want you to cure me. I want to talk about everything, with you." And solve whatever is building this gap between us.


Communication is what they say, the key to a healthy relationship. Be it between a parent and a child, be it between two siblings, be it between two friends, be it between two colleagues or be it between two lovers. For every successful relationship, it is necessary they talk. Only then can the hearts connect and intertwine in together, and only then will the real face of a person be out. You cannot expect to be real and authentic when you're hiding your own self behind your masquerade.

And the beautiful art of talking it out, brings out so many untold secrets and unravels mysteries and solves puzzles, gives solutions to problems which else would have escalated too bad.

The next two days, Jungkook stayed by my side. We made food for ourselves, joked among ourselves but most importantly, I poured all my hidden feelings out. Everything that was kept within, was unleashed to him. And I was proud. I felt lighter and better, and he was always there to hold me close.

He helped me with my trauma. I was getting better with it. I could look at myself in the mirror without imagining a monster lurking on my back. He understood the reason of my hatred with glasses and had us engaged for a whole day in cleaning every piece of glass to prove that I was just imagining.

But apart from this all, we were also focussed on our main goal. The FBI was still on the move. Jinae would hop as usual in the evening to inform about whatever she did. Of course Jungkook didn't take it well, but agreed on one condition that she would stay a feet out in his backyard and convey whatever she had to say. I didn't say much in anyone's favour, call me selfish but all I cared about was gaining the information.

Smith was out of the scene but Alexander was on the move. And this time, Rick, whose real names was actually Richard as Jinae revealed, was slowly getting involved. Jinae said she had a breeze about him coming to Korea, more like being kidnapped to Korea. She promised she would take care of it, but the doubt lingered at the back of my mind.

Being all riled up, I had again taken up with the canvas and pencil, but as always, it ended up worse. I doubted I had contracted some illness when Jungkook shut me up and informed that whatever I was doing was to stimulate the memory. He didn't know much about the reason of the carved picture on his bracelet and on his brother's, Kim Taehyung's as well. But his scientific knowledge urged him that it was the only possible reason as to why I felt the itch to draw and the flashes of images I had as I drew on.

Being a terrible artist, I had asked in Jungkook for helping me out. But the problem was, he didn't know what to draw. And adding to it, I didn't have a photographic memory of those images. I didn't even remember where it started. And being a dumbass with an extremely short temper, I had burnt off the previous drawings, and the ashes were now being used for gardening.

"Maybe the bracelet will give some hint?" I was exasperated at this point. My hairs were all over as I crouched down on the grass. I couldn't think of how it looked like. I didn't know why. It was always embedded in my mind whenever I start drawing it. But now, it's just blank. I don't see anything. I don't remember anything.

Jungkook pondered as he looked away. The afternoon sun burnt our skin, yet made him look incredibly beautiful. His tousled bangs with the tip now highlighted to blue (because he didn't vibe with the red ones), complimented his golden skin.

"But it's dangerous. The last time you held it, it was terrifying to see you like that." He mumbled as a white cheeked starling perched on the grass. It squeaked loudly, a permanent frown on its forehead. Jungkook extended his arms towards it. It stared at Jungkook before turning its back and hoping away for a while, before taking to its flight. Jungkook looked on towards it for a while.

"You know, I have heard legends say, that when the sight of a white-cheeked starling meant good luck." He turned to look down at his sleeve, slowly inching it upward. "And ridiculously I find it true." He slid the bracelet down and delicately held it in his hands. Tilting his head, he looked at me grimly. "Promise me you'll stop when it hurts." He begged as he turned his body towards me.

I held his eyes and nodded. He didn't have to know about intensity of the pain. For the sake of others, I will endure it. I know it won't kill me. It will just claw out my energy. And maybe I'll just drop down unconscious. It's gonna be worth it. Today's gonna be the D-day. Determination flowed through my veins as I envelope my palms over his.

"I'll do it. I just want you by my side."

And so started the journey. My palms were clammy as I prepare myself mentally to take whatever I was gonna have to face. It was just to trigger the simulation. It will be over in a breeze. I repeat this over and over in my mind. I am gonna have to face it. I will, for the sake of those bygone.

Jungkook readied himself as he sat on the stool and I sat beside him on the adjacent chair. He stole glances at me and every time I gave him an assuring smile. It will be alright.

He sighed and started with his work. And as the first thing took shape, the throbbing at the back of my head began. He skillfully duplicated whatever he could perceive from the small carving. The waves overlapped. I heard the gurgling sound somewhere in my mind. It was working. Jungkook stole a glance at me but I shook my head, asking him to continue. He hesitated but nonetheless continued.

An oval shape peeked through the waves. And I could see myself being blinded by the bright light. The throbbing intensified. I held it in. His fingers rubbed over the waves, shading and tinting when necessary. Blues blinded my vision, I felt my throat constrict. The pain was becoming unbearable now. I lower my head to gulp in the ache. And maybe that gave away the discomfort.

"Ivy!" He exclaimed immediately scouting towards me. I gasp as he left the pencil. No, it would break the connection. I shake my head in denial as his hands clasped over mine.

"Don't stop. Please." I croak out. My nails dig onto his skin, forcing him to move away from me and back to what he was doing.

"You're hurt—you promised—"

"Don't fucking stop." I growl as I push him away. His eyes widened, he parted his lips to oppose but gulped when I glared at him.

Hesitantly he picked up the charcoal pencil and continued duplicating, though his glances repeatedly landed on me. My fingers were wrapped tightly around his other arm. The one that held the bracelet  and he must have felt the pain I was enduring as my grip tightened. His other hand shook but I forced him to go on. I didn't care what happened to me. Maybe my head would blast into two, maybe there would an explosion. But I was getting somewhere. Actually I was getting the picture.

Bubbles of water escaped my mouth as I found myself drowning. I tried to push upwards, but the waves hit harder pulling me down. Gasping for breath, my limbs flailed and thrashed around, looking for an anchor or a way out. But it was pitch dark, dark as if the light was deliberately blocked.

Just as I had lost my hope, the bracelet was seen floating in front of me. I swivelled myself towards it. This time I could catch it. I grasped it in my palms and steadied myself, allowing multiple bubbles to blow out my mouth.

This scene felt familiar. I had experienced it somewhere. I knew I had. I could hear the gurgling of the waves, the blues blinding my eyes. As if I was underwater. I was deep inside. My body was floating with my arms alongside. The ache in my muscles proved how hard I was moving my muscles.

I was vaguely aware of me hyperventilating. Nor was I aware of Jungkook shouting for my name. Nor was I aware of my limp body, my eyes rolling back as I trickled out of consciousness. I was greeted with the blanket of darkness embracing me.

My limbs felt weightless. I was lost in the void of time and space.

"Get the IV tube connected." The gruff voice of an elderly man resounded. I was pinsized to that of a small baby. My small arms felt fragile to me. With wide eyes, I looked around, my small legs flailing as I take in my surroundings.

My hand was held by the strong arms of a woman. Her touch was rough, but loving. I knew she wasn't my mother. I just knew. A loud wail escaped my throat as the syringe was inserted in my hand. The woman tried calming me down, but that didn't stop me.

"Oh no! You're fucking hurting her." Another strange voice, which sounded younger, boomed as he neared. I had a feeling, that person was my dad.

"It will tone down. Let the anaesthesia kick in." The previous voice of the elderly man assured. He didn't sound worried. Many voices around me cooed me to stop crying, and that they're here. And being an infant, that only scared me and made me cry more.

"Stop it!" The younger man begged. "Can't you see she's hurting?!"

"I said it will be fine! If I stop, it'll be worse." The elderly voice lashed out at him. I could hear loud taps of the keyboard ring through my ears.

But slowly everything faded away. And I found myself in a simulation. And it seemed similar where I lost grip of someone and drowned. With a splash I was thrown in the deep blues. And like an invisible force pulling me in, I was sinking in. My limbs flailed around, trying to pull myself up. Through the darkness, a shallow streak of light poured in and there was the bracelet.

And again, I was pushing myself towards it. I was very close, inching by every second that passed. And finally, in account of my struggles, it finally came into my grasp. There was nothing special about it. It looked expensive but there was nothing special about it. That's what I thought until it glowed. A bright white light illuminated everything around me, blinding my vision. I scrunched and squinted my eyes, gripping it tight in my hand so that it didn't float away. My eyes burnt as the water entered my eyes. But what intrigued me was the weird looking letters that came up boldened.







And I knew that was the password.

On close inspection, putting the weird characters together, I could decipher it.


That must be a clue. The password must be the characters and like every coin, having two faces, this password will also reveal two things.

One that makes it, one that breaks it.

Jungkook's secret hacking system would be the only safe area where everything can be stored and kept safe and sound. Maybe because it was Jungkook's ancestors who made it, they knew what kind of advancement they had to feed in.

A whish of wind blows past me as the light dimmed down and I was back into the void. This time, I remembered what I had gone through.

And this time, I came back with what I had been targeted for. And I was glad that I got it before Alexander could fish it out of me.


My eyes squint open at the sound of my name being called out. A throbbing sensation passed by the back of my mind. I bring my fingers to touch it, when I find no bandage around my head. Jungkook sat beside me with a bottle of water and a pill in his hand. I look up at him questioningly.

"You fell unconscious. I thought you would need this." He extended it to me. "And you were holding your head, so I thought the bandage must've been bothering you. Anyway, it seems to have dried up." He spoke it all in one breath. I knew he was jittery and overwhelmed. He would start rapping whenever that happened.

I pull myself up, tryna ignore the ache that pulled at the back of my head and coil my arms around his neck. Taking him offguard, I peck his lips and bop my nose with his.

"I'm fine. And thank you, I did it. Actually, we did it." I smile down at him. A sigh of relief escapes his lips as he wound his arms around my waist and pulls me into his embrace. I snuggle closer to him as his breath fanned at the side of my neck.

"You fucking scared me. Didn't I tell you to stop when it hurt?" He whispered against my hair, softly stroking my back. I chuckle and ruffle his hair. "It didn't hurt because you were there for me." We stay in each other's embrace. A wave of relief and satisfaction flowed in through our veins. We did it.

"But we have to—"

"Um, Am I interrupting something?" Our heads whished to see Jinae awkwardly standing at the entrance, though a smile stretching on her face as she saw me safe and sound.

"It's all good. Actually I—"

"You brought the tea?" Jungkook interrupted as he got up. I frown at him to which he signalled me to stay shut about everything. I nod though questioning his decision.

"Yeah, it's brewing."

"The fuck you're doing up here then?" Jungkook grumbled. She fiddled with her arms and pursed her lips, stealing a glance at me.

"Just get it." I urge Jungkook, who gave me a worried glance. I nod and raise up my thumb for reassurance. He gave her a look before dashing out of the room. Jinae closed the door behind him and took calculated steps towards me.

"Speak up."

"Uh, Rick's kidnapped and being experimented." She lowly mumbled. I feel a pang on my chest, knowing that he was suffering. I part my lips to reassure her that it would all be fine, before deciding against it. If I reveal it to her, I don't know how Alexander can mindfuck her. I didn't yet wanna attract attention towards this information I got. Not until I find out about its counterpart.

"Oh." I purse my lips.

"And, uhm, five down. Zero to go." Just as she finished speaking, the door pushed open revealing Jungkook coming in with a tray having a sizzling bowl of tea with appetizers, chicken lollipops. A smile crept on my face. He knows me so well.

Jinae jumped up on her feet and freelanced around with her hands. "So, uh, now that she's fine. I'mma go.." She skipped her way for the door and as she turned to stare at me, I didn't miss the look in her eyes. She was concerned, that I hadn't found out. We didn't speak a word until we hear the front door close.

"Eat this up. And I want every piece licked out." Jungkook grumbled as he placed at the tray on the night stand. Separating the plate of lollipops and the tea, he arranged the disposable table on my lap and served the items. He served himself on another dish with a noodles and pork strips.

Settling himself beside me, we begin eating.

"Um..now that I have the thing with me, we have to go to the office." I say as I take a bite of one of the lollipops.

"Why the office?" He slurped in as he shifted his attention towards me. I sigh and take a deep breath, and start filling him with all I had seen. He was genuinely amazed at the intelligence of the elders to keep it safe locked in a child's mind and not in some easily hackable place. I describe him how the password looked like and he looked really shocked at the correlation. I filled him in with my assumptions which he agreed with as well. I inform him about Rick too and wait for him to sink in the information.

"So, we've go to the office. And.." I remember Jinae's countdown, that mathematically tomorrow was the very last day, the last moment. "..preferably now."

"It's eleven in the night."

"But you've the key right?"

"Yeah, but there's no one to help you right now. The best one of my team comes after around eight or nine in the morning and departs by the evening."

"But, you can't do? You hacked that, that file didn't you?" He pursed his lips and kept his cutlery, as he wiped his mouth with the napkin.

"It was framed. And it was all intentional. Sanders wanted it to happen, to induce misunderstandings....between us." He waved his hand to avoid further discussions. Nor did I want to talk about it.

He moved out of the bed and took away the dishes.

I sit in silence, many thoughts occupying my mind. Rick was kidnapped and, the deadline which Jinae kept ticking about was to end tomorrow. Jungkook didn't understand it as well, nor did I try to make him. So we chose to ignore it. Though I knew that it was wrong. But, if it keeps us happy even till the limited time we have, it's all fine right?

Jungkook walked in, switched off the lights and pushed open the curtains. The starry night gazed back at us. He climbed up on the bed and slide under the blanket beside me. I snuggle close to him, resting my head against his torso and hold onto his arms which wound around me. He didn't complain and let the silence befall upon us.

We stare at the studded gems of the night sky. They twinkled and wrinkled, smiling and shying at the same time. They looked so innocent. And so tiny, so powerless.

Yet they held the power of our fate. Their alignment determined most of our daily activities. Look at how the time passed. Twelve years ago, I fell for a man. And the beauty of fate, the man wasn't one. I fell for one, but he assumed it to be the other and the other took it all in his advantage and everything fucked up at the end.

But again, we met. This time with a different face and a different name, but love never dies does it? I fell for the same man all over again and he fell for me, all over again.



"Why, why didn't you fight for me, back then?" I hesitantly ask fiddling with his fingers. His stance stiffened but he knew I would ask it anyway. "Was I not worth enough?"

"You were far more worth. I was just an inconsiderable choice anyway." He mumbled. I feel his heart race abruptly against my back. I smile knowing that I wasn't the only one whose heart rate skyrocketed.

"But you know right, that, that it was always you?" I stare up at the sky again, laughing at the cruel fate we had.

"It's always you, for me too." He whispered as his fingers traced down to my waist. Tears welled up in my eyes as I curse time. I curse every entity for not giving us enough of us. I cursed the universe for not putting us together when we needed it.

"If only, we could rewrite the stars..." I croak out as I avert my gaze to him.

His fingers traced my cheek, wiping off the lone tear that escaped from my eyes. I close my eyes at his touch, wanting more of it, more of it till I can. He pushed himself up, and hovered over me. I look up at him as he stared down on me.

“Fuck the stars. Let's write our own fate.”

And that night was ours.

For that night, we became one.

He completed me, just as I completed him. Like the broken pieces of jigsaw, two tarnished souls swallowed the gap of hurt and created a paradise meant only for us to reside in.


This author is too pure and inexperienced to write any more mature content. The only information y'all might need is that ivy was tied up and jungkook was spanked.

thank you🙂❤

Questions? Ask away——>

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