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Do 🚿 your ❤⭐✨


it's the murphy's law. if something can happen, it will.

It's been a while.

The eerie silence of the narrow corridor sent waves of paranoia down my spine. I kept my senses extremely alert, expecting anything and everything at the moment. The gizmo quivered as I tighten my hold on it. The blueprint asserted that this pathway was indeed long and twisted around.

I feel my steps falter as the adrenaline gradually washed down making me aware of the scorching ache that erupted from every joint of my body. I sigh wearily as I halt and lean against the solid wall beside me. A wave of exhaustion galloped my mind. I close my eyes and hold the flat gizmo against my chest. My lips parted as I control my breath to wear off this enervation.


I frown and flutter my eyes open. It was his voice. I instantly press my index finger against the object in my ear and adjust it better.

"Jungkook. You-"

"Good you hear me." He cut me off. I hear him huff a breath and groan lowly. I push myself up and scan my surroundings. There was no one. Only the blank mother gray ceramic tiles of the floor and the smooth black coloured wall faced me.

"Where are you?" He breathed. I bit my lower lip as I gaze down at the blueprint for any specific name for the place I had escaped out of. But I couldn't decipher the language it was written in.

"Um, it's just a long, twisted corridor." I vaguely answer to which he exhaled loud. He clearly wasn't expecting a vague answer. As much as I could comprehend, he was not in the right state of mind; he was pissed. My heart raced at the thought that he was atleast nearby. He didn't sound as hurt as I had seen him; maybe he had found a way out of their grasp.

"Jungkook I-"

"Did you encounter any guards? You must have stolen the blueprint then." I scrunch my brows at his tendency of interrupting me everytime I spoke. I chose to ignore the heavy stone placed on my chest at his unbothered attitude of my presence near him. He didn't sound pleased by it.

"I have it." I clutch the gizmo and press the rim against my chest.

"Fair. Turn it over and take out the back cover. You'll find a portable card. Break it through the crack and insert it into two separate compartments on the right end. Do it now." I follow his instructions word by word.


"Yeah, now the screen will have two dots. One is yours and one is mine." He explained. I see his dot pacing back and forth in the same position. We were diametrically opposite to each other; close enough to meet at a common point.

"How about we meet-"

"You're near to it." I bit my inner cheek at his interference. "Walk straight for about two more minutes. You'll find the dot glowing. Click on it and get out of here-"

"That's the exit you're talking about." I was estimating his directions. There was only one doorway nearby that was labelled in bold white letters 'EXIT'. "I have been observing you. You've been trying to shut me out all this while."

"That's exactly what I want. And you will do as I say-"

"No way in fucking hell am I gonna leave."

"-You will stay outside. It's not far from the main setup and you'll keep telling me what to do and what not to do. I think I can follow that much. I have explored the place enough in the few two days; I will find a way to detain Alexander or Jinae will help me in it, but you will stay out of this. Okay?"

I clench my jaw at his words. I didn't know if I was hurt that he wasn't acknowledging the fact that I needed emotional support at the moment and he was the only one who could give it rather than pushing me out. Or if I was furious that he was underestimating my capabilities of getting my way through this hole. I felt insulted as a person that he didn't trust me enough to be strong to end it. And it pained more to know that he was the one to be so.

"Ivy, speak! We don't have time to waste now that we're close to it."

"Looks like you've been trying your best to get me out of here. Was that why you allowed them to imprison me? So you could be the knight in a shining armour for your damsel in distress?" I bitterly spat as I clench my fists around the gadget.

"That's not it. I don't want you to be on the receiving end of this shit. I thought I would be able to end it before they become aware while you're busy in the prison, but well, here you're now. It's time for plan B." He briskly answered as if it wasn't piercing through every shred of skin and stabbing hard at my chest.

"You don't trust me."

"Ivy, please. It's for you-" I throw gizmo down on the floor and place my feet on it, crushing it with all my bodyweight. I didn't need the gadget anymore; he had said the set up was near to the exit. I think I could find my way around.

"Did you just-"

"Yes." I kick the broken device away and tighten the fabric against my palm.

"Dammit, Ivy. Don't you understand I can't see you hurt? I cannot lose you."

The desperation in his voice dimmed the fire in my chest, but not completely. I knew he cared but I didn't need such a sentimental approach to my purpose. I remember the video repeatedly muttering how lethal it could be if not done right; and he may have seen it, but he hadn't heard it to be able to do it. I could never allow him to go anywhere near it.

"I can't stop and see you kill yourself for me. I don't want to see you hurt again; or blame yourself again for what goes wrong. Damn you, Jungkook. Be selfish for yourself, just this once!"

My voice cracked as I yell through the empty corridor. The silence engulfed us as my chest heaved. I didn't fight my way till here only to have him sacrifice for me. Or to quietly sit and watch things unfold as they might without trying to change it for the better.

"Ivy. ." He softly muttered as my lips quievered. I sniffle and rake my fingers through my locks. I tuck in the shirt better inside my bra and tighten the waistband with the blade poking at my lower back. My fingers had dried blood along the insides and I was positive the blood on the edge of the blade stuck on my skin. It didn't matter anyway. It's the murphy's law to the rescue.

"You know what, meet me in the set-up. Else fuck yourself." I make a run ahead and tune out whatever he might have had to say.

My thighs flex as I overexert my legs and pace myself faster. If anything, I knew Alexander wasn't taking a dip and relaxing. He could be secretly tracking me from behind or he could take Jungkook back in his hostage.

A shrill sound resounded as I neared a certain point. Stopping in my tracks, I scrunch my face and rub my ears to get rid of the sound. The high pitch sent a wave of uncontrollable ache to the back of my head as I close my eyes and hold my head in my hands. Adding to the torture, the similar pull at the side of my stomach caused me to crouch down as a shriek escaped my throat.

"It's the electro-magnetic hindrance you're facing. Take off this device." I could hardly hear Jungkook over the sound. I scream through my teeth, crumbling down on the floor while clutching my stomach.

"Take it off!" He bellowed through the device. I pull at my hair desperately wanting to do away with the intense headache. My fingers grope my pinna and claw out the miniscule device out of my earhole. The skin of my palms burn by the sparks that erupted through it. Through my squinted eyes, I see the object tremble as visible sparks sprout out. I lean forward and push it far away from me.

The flickering of the sparks dimmed down. The strindent sound cut off instantly and the device rolled over before breaking into two. The twinge in my head dampened gradually. I flexed the muscles of my skull and breathe out.

"Hah." I exhale as I massage the sides of my tummy. I have felt this pang at my peripherals before. Nausea hit me. My vision blurred for a second as I feel a lump form at the base of my throat. Hold it in.

I flinch when the camouflaged gate pulled up and opened a narrow pathway enough to allow me to slide in. I pull myself together and roll over my back. I narrowly miss the gate as it thudded close, just when I slid in and felt the warm air brush against my skin.

I clutch on my tummy as I try to stand up on my feet. My head spun, I couldn't get a clear vision of my surroundings. My senses were lost in a blur; so lost that I couldn't hear the sharpening of a knife behind me until a strong arm wrapped around my neck, cutting off my air supply. I gasp, trying to claw his hand away from me. The edge of the blade traced my neck causing me to still for a second.

"We meet, Choi Ivy." His forearm tapped on my chin and craned my neck up. Deep set sapphire eyes stared down with a dangerous glint that could send chills down your toes. My old paranoia of these electric blue eyes floated in the midst of my blurry senses.

"Ah, the beauty of fate. To have the sheep lured into my den." The sinister smirk pasted on his lips rose the urge to slap it out of his face. He leaned closer consequently pressurizing the point of the knife on my neck and choking me more as his torso pressed against my back. I wince as I close my eyes. I couldn't be swayed with my trauma.

It wasn't real. Jungkook had said, it wasn't real. He was here; but he couldn't do any harm to me. I was Ivy; I couldn't be swayed by the mere wift of the wind.

Closing my eyes, I count to ten as I blinded my outside vision and focussed more on getting a grasp on myself. I was in a technically advanced region where I could expect a high and efficient electromagnetic field surrounding me and everyone inside. And to be here; there had to be a heavily designed insulated suit.

I move my fingers on his arm and feel the rough material he had adorned. I just had to get it out of him.

"As much as you think highly of yourself; I wouldn't applaud you for cornering an unarmed person and forcing something out." I feel a sting at the side of my neck as I push my back closer towards him; till I feel the fabric of the coat.

The more I shift closer, the lesser did I feel the pang at my tummy and the more could I perceive my surroundings better. I could just assume that it had always been his gadgets' presence near me; maybe because I had an operated wound there. It wasn't shocking to realise he had been stalking me. A coward like him enjoyed playing a fox.

"For a big mouth as yours, I would be careful. Your sugar daddy's not pretty well out there." I snap my head to the side to see Jungkook taking down about fifteen black geared and fully equipped guards on his own.

"He's gonna have it worse; in a snap I can have him on the ground, tortured and killed just like those pathetic Kims. And just like that naive girl named Winter; his identity could be wiped out of human existence. Jeon Jungkook will be forgotten just like those killed in the press." He whispered in my ears, as those pictures and threats rolled down in my mind. Guilt and reverence flooded through me.

"You can save him. Just utter those figures and let me complete what my great ancestors envisioned. You have my word; he'll live with you and no one will step into your relationship ever again. Just save the trouble, Ivy." His voice hovered over the guilt. I could feel his darkened eyes staring at me, his lips curving up to a vile grin.

As if he had me convinced.

Even as I shudder, I stare on at Jungkook who was thronged by guards at quite a distance from us. He kicked and swerved punches; narrowly missing blades and blows that came on his way. But he wasn't giving up. And he wouldn't. If he came till here; no way was he dying here without tasting victory. And nor will I.

"He looks sexy, doesn't he?" I muse under my breath as the corner of my lips curl up into a smug smile.

I let my hands leave his arm and quietly slither them to my back. In a fraction of a second, I twist the blade out of my waistband, let it slide gently through the front of his suit while I turn around and interlock our legs; causing the both of us to stumble down on the floor.

He had a hard impact. But before he could act; I cut through the entire length of his suit and tear it off his body. He growled and managed to cut through my arm. I wince and bite my lip to keep it in. I kick at his groin causing him to double over. Taking it my cue, I forced his hands out and successfully took out the suit.

Springing on my feet, I adorn the suit; it landed a little below my behind. The buttons were tore down so I just let it hang casually. My nerves calmed as I pause and stand for a second. The hindrance I had felt toned down to normalcy, with no discomfort, except the cut I just got.

I tilt my head down to look at him get on his feet with his knife in his hand. But before he could attack, another blade shoved it away from his hands.

"Sanders." My heart skipped a beat when Jungkook appeared in front of me with a pair of handcuffs dangling in his hands. He wore a white shirt that now drenched in sweat stuck to his body, revealing a body suit he had had adorned. Blood had splattered here and there; a few cuts on his arms which didn't seem very severe. I hold in a gasp when I see the deep cuts on his neck which had drawn blood enough to infuriate me.

Alexander kicked Jungkook in the shin as he got up but Jungkook pulled his hands behind his back and cuffed it tight. Alexander struggled to get out while cursing at Jungkook. He slammed Alexander against the wall.

"You said you wouldn't touch her if I'd give myself in-"

"You lied-"

"Just as you deserved it." Jungkook pushed him down and stood tall with his arms crossed. His jaw clenched as he glared at Alexander. The way he stood and spoke manifested the dangerous glint of his side. The one which he had it in himself but hid it with fake smiles. He crouched down and grabbed Alex's jaw.

"You remember what you said when you tied me up, hm? You'd make me, or us, watch how you do what you do? Well then, now you'll see." Jungkook dragged him up by his collar. I had never seen him so pissed; he was truly done with everything.

"Ivy, you, can take the controls." He uttered hesitantly without bothering to give a glance in my direction. The heaviness on my chest hardened as his back turned towards me. Maybe I shouldn't be overthinking this. It isn't the time for us to talk things out after all. It was time for action.

I set my mind into reminiscing the words of that video. It had had been engraved in my mind since the day I had seen it. I had been reciting out the exact words of Ivy, trying to imagine exactly how it must look. But now that I stood, I could tell how different and more advanced Alexander was.

The apparatus he had developed was gigantic to say the least. I didn't have knowledge about computers and other equipments; but I could say he was miles ahead of what the world presently knew.

The screens were huge as they flickered between the data fed on them. I make my way towards the centre of the podium and found several vials and test tubes containing liquids ranging of different colours. There was a particular compartment kept separately, having my name engraved in bold letters. The glimpse of the blood red colour made me sick to my bones. I waved it away and turn my attention to the screens in front of me.

Chills ran down my spine when I see what the screens demonstrated. One had my backyard in focus; I could make out by the flower arrangement. Another had Jungkook's store room to be precise. Another had no one but the portrait of Rick hung on the wall. All this while we had people staring at our backs, and we remained totally unaware.

I clenched my fists and avert my eyes down on the controls that looked completely bogus to me on first sight. I close my eyes and calm myself down. I needed to focus.

Reaching at the closest, I found a keyboard-like control centre. I look up at the screens and back down. A particular button at the top right corner had the letters 'Eliminar' engraved in bold. I click on it and immediately the screens changed. The similar dots and lines that were encoded in almost all the machineries. Morse code.

I rake my fingers through my hair in frustration suppressing the urge to scream. The video didn't show any possibility of this to happen. But Alexander was smart; he knew if he hadn't had it encoded, life would have been a ton lot easier. I bite my lip and cluelessly stare at the controls.

According to the video, I should first get a pop-up box. But maybe this was configured a little different in that way as well.

"I will do this, Ivy needs your help." I glance behind and find Jinae armed in a body suit which hugged every curve of her figure. Her hips had a gun and a nunchaku on either sides; her waist pocketed blades ranging from small to large. Her thighs were gashed at the side as the fabric wrapped around it soaked the blood. She looked like a fighter there. Her eyes met mine for a split second, enough for me to notice the smile that embraced her lips before she leaned down and turned to Sanders.

Jungkook nodded and finally gazed in my eyes. That was enough for my heart to escalate, as he neared and stood beside me.

"Everything's in morse here." He had his eyes strained on the screen as he spoke. I part my lips to say something else to him, but ended up blinking away from him.

"Yes. He has configured it differently, not like the one it had been before." I answer as I fiddle with the nearest of the buttons. He had written them down in spanish. Atleast I could perceive what controls to use.

"It says if you want to continue the program further." He translated out for me. "If yes, you've to use alt+shift+enter. That's how it's encoded." I nod in understanding and follow his instructions. The three large screens shifted to another website or maybe just a pop-up, again in morse.

As Jungkook kept translating, I gradually became acquainted and connected to what Ivy had explained about. I could not imagine what could've happened if Jungkook hadn't known morse. I couldn't imagine being this close and ending up with nothing.

Maybe in a way, it was good that we were here. Together. But even as we were here together, we felt far apart. Maybe it was our adamant mindsets and the constant fear of losing the other, of fighting against our fate that ends us up in a frenzy, the stubbornness of doing it ourselves and take the blame on ourselves, to keep the others safe. And in this pathetic conquest we were severing our own bonds.

We want to overturn fate, but end up sundering our relationship all the more.

We forget that time doesn't stop for us nor can we fight against it. But we had the power in us to make the most of what we had. Instead of our rapacity, we had to relish the tiniest of our time together.

I purse my lips and sneak a glance at Jungkook. He was engrossed in deciphering the long script that now appeared on the screen. I shift my gaze around my surroundings; it had to be here. My fingers move down along the side of the keyboard. The rough surface of the desk grazed my fingers as I finally stumble upon it.

"-this should be clipped onto another socket from where it can get its power. If you find the socket around, plug it in; though I might say the hindrance of the region is large enough to inhibit the existence of such a socket." As had she forecasted, there was no socket around. Everything was powered on batteries, or something that didn't resist the strong field around.

"And if you don't find, you clip it on your finger. Our body can conduct it well. Don't worry, it won't kill you, instantly." The way she had uttered it still terrified me. But there was no other way now was there? I didn't have an alternative.

I flinch when Jungkook engulfed the back of my hand with his. "You'll always be the queen in my eyes. I was just pissed that I couldn't save you the trouble."

I bite my lower lip and secretly pinched the plug onto my little finger. It twitched as the shock tremors flowed through my body. I look up at him, as her words ring in my mind.

"Maybe we had both been trying to fight the wrong thing; maybe we shouldn't have been fearing of what could happen in future that we overlook what's been happening around us." I shrug. "It's all the murphy's law."

"I love you." He scrunched his brow and squeezed my hand. I look down as I feel my heart escalate. Looking back at him, I curve my lips up.

"I love you too. I really do." I shook off my hand from his and squeezed it, just as he had done mine.

Looking away, I stare back at the screen. His eyes strained on me for a few moments, before he averted them back and continued translating what the screen showed. We pull our hands away, going back to work. My arms felt jittery as I click on the algorithmic functions. It meant we were near to the end. The excess of the power was flowing through my body in significantly small amounts; but a continuous flow.

"It's done." He announced. I click on the enter key and stare up. One of the screens blanked out, followed by the constant flickering of the other two screens.

"No!" We turned around as Alexander screamed loud. My elbow twitched slightly, a wave of weakness washed through me. He was off his cuffs and stood a fair distance from us. His wrists bled while Jinae laid on the floor hurt with a pair of broken cuffs.

He was completely still for a second gazing into the void before I catch a faint twitch in his fingers and toes. He finally blinked his eyes, fluttering them violently as he crumbled down in fear.

He was having unusual seizures. I caught on the sweat that formed along his forehead. His lips quivering in fear. He didn't look sane; it was as if he was seeing or experiencing something that I couldn't see.

"N-no. He will kill me." He stammered out while shaking his hand in denial. His fingers pulled on his hair; He seemed traumatised. I see Jinae come up to him and hold on his arm; muttering something under her breath. But he didn't take it well as he pushed her away.

"Can't y-you see? He won't l-leave me." He pointed at an arbitrary direction. There was no one around except us. "He's coming. He-, he will kill me."

"Alex stop." She quietly begged. But he just shook his head maniacally. My hips pressed against the table behind; as my consciousness wavered for a second. Alexander's eyes roamed around the place until his vacant sapphire eyes caught mine.

"You." He pointed his finger at me.

"You are the reason of this. You failed everything. Just when I had the chance of getting rid of these screams, these voices, of him, you. You stepped in and destroyed that. You destroyed my chance of having a small ray of light in my viewpoint; you killed everything that was meant for me." He accused as he neared us. Jungkook shadowed over me; trying to hide me while I saw a blur in my vision.

"With this chance, I, I could've destroyed my evils. I could've been the perfect, and made everything perfect. You see; you have shattered it. I, I will kill you, I-" His voice drained over the loud beep that reverberated throughout the podium.

A gasp escaped my throat when a sharp tinge pulled at my little finger attached to the plug. I wince when I try to move it on my own accord. I felt paralyzed for a second before the screen glitched and the lights flickered on and off.

Our mission is accomplished. It's all ruined.

My digits twitched violently, causing spasms up my arm. I feel a pull stringing right at my forehead. Jungkook seemed to have got the hint when I feel the plug being pulled away from my finger. His arms wrapped around my frame, craddling me close to his warmth as I try to stop the spasms. With partly closed eyes, I manage to crane my neck and look up at him.

"Why did you plug that in your hand?! Don't you know you it is lethal?" He furiously screamed. But he sounded distant. I could see the pain reflecting on his face. Fear and anxiety contorted his salient entrancing features; making me want to smoothen them down.

My chest tightened as I part my lips. "It was, the only w-way." My voice strained. "She said, I won't die, i-instantly." I curve my lips up hoping he would do so; instead he bit his lower lip and murmured under his breath.

Loud alarms blared from all the directions. The ceiling lights flickered in red and blue while a robotical voice boomed screaming for 'emergency'. I felt Jungkook's heart racing against my back. My vision was a blur; everything looked miniscule and hazy. I squint my eyes and make out red glowing lights flickering.

"We've to get out of here." I perceive his words before he slid his arm under my thighs and picked me up in his arms. He helped me anchor my arms around his neck and carried me in the forward direction.

I could feel my brain shutting down. Hardly could I comprehend my surroundings, hardly could I make out the shouts and blares of the machines or people. If anything, I could just hold onto Jungkook. For he was my anchor.

My body felt weak as my chest tightened. Breathing was difficult as I gasped out. He turned to look at me.

"Stay awake. Don't close your eyes!" He yelled over the faint ringing sound that buzzed in my mind. My fingers had stopped twitching; but my palms felt cold. His heart thudded against my palms causing me to smile at how much he cared for me. He slowed down at a certain point and looked around.

I slowly bring my fingers up to his face. My cold skin brushed lightly against his warm flushed skin. Even in the blur I could see his face as clear as the sun. His bambi eyes that rounded like a child, whenever flustered or confused. His brows scrunched cutely whenever annoyed or irritated. His face scrunched whenever he smiled, or laughed, or teased someone.

Sadly, I could no longer touch or feel those.

I see his plump lips move in continuous motion while he took my hand and rubbed it against my warm ones.

"Why are you looking like that?" He franctically screamed. I looked on, as his face replaced with the guy in a black hoodie; who had held me tight, on whom I had anchored the first time and already decided that I would never let go. The guy who spoke less but enough to calm me, to enthrall me, to anger me or even to hurt me. He had always known me inside out. He knew me better than I ever could've known myself.

"I should never have met you again." He broke down as a tear escaped from his eye. He craddled me closer to his warmth, holding my waist tight as if I would vanish if he didn't. "It's always me. I, I shouldn't have.." He buried his face into my chest. My heart felt heavy seeing him cry like this.

With shaky hands, I bring my hand on the top of his head. He flinched and instantly looked up at me. His tear stained cheeks welled up tears in my eyes, even as I pasted a smile on my lips.

"You think I shouldn't have met you ever?" I couldn't recognise my voice as I rasp. "If I, I hadn't, who would've given two shits about a loner like me? Who would've thought I was pretty? Who would have, have made me those delicious c-chicken dishes? Huh?" I force out a chuckle as he suppress a smile.

My arm felt heavy as I bring it up to his face. I place my chilled palms on either sides of his cheeks. I study his features; wanting to remember every bit, every blemish that he adorned. For he was always a masterpiece in my eyes, the most beautiful creation of nature.

"It was you who gave me the strength to overcome my trauma. It was y-you who held me when I hadn't wanted anyone. It was you who made me realise what love is. It is you, w-who makes me be proud of myself." I whisper to him as I slowly feel my energy drain.

"We wouldn't have done this, without you. Aren't you proud? Of me? Of us?"

He vigorously nodded. "Of course I am. I am proud of you."

"I am proud of us. Give yourself some credit, Jungkook. Be selfish for yourself than for me." I whisper as I pull him down. "In you do I reside, like the tender twindles of Ivy wrapping around her anchor."

My heart slowed bit by bit. Even he appeared as a hazy blur in my eyes. I take a deep breath and crane my neck up with difficulty. Puckering my lips, I place a gentle kiss on his rosy, luscious lips. A gasp for a breath as I tilt my head to the side and tugged gently on his lower lip.

I exhaled as I pull back and flutter my eyes up to his eyes. He was obscure to my vision. But he would always be a masterpiece, a work of art in my heart. He would always set a symphony through my nerves, and be the cause of my euphoria.

Even if I could never touch him, be with him anymore; I would never leave his side. Our souls were intertwined forever, and like the lost pieces of a jigsaw, we completed each other's utopia.

My chest rose as I inhale deep.

"Ivy?" Jungkook intertwined our hands and rubbed the back of my hand. But I didn't have enough energy left in me. After all, this was the law of nature. Once my purpose was complete, I would be called back to where I had come from.

"Jungkook." I held onto the little warmth that his palms radiated. My breath hitched as I choke out my last words.

"Live one life for the two of us."


What once started had to end someday. The cruel games of fate. When we live, we don't want it anymore and when we die, we don't want that either. Goodbyes hurt, greetings are awkward. Nothing makes you satisfied, until you feel it drift away from you.

I had my own life. My own viewpoint to view things. I negated many, who turned out to be my well wishers.

As a child, I yearned to be loved, even after being pampered to the most.

As a teenager, I realised the value of appreciating what I had. I realised that not everyone was meant to be with you; I matured to not whim for anything and everything I set my eyes on. As a teen, I realised that not everyone will like me for who I am, for not everyone in this society is inclusive.

As an adult, I understood the meaning of life. I gathered my broken pieces each time and stood strong on my feet. I realised that everyone had their own untold viewpoints. That everyone was wounded in someway or the other. That I shouldn't be adamant on my viewpoint.

Some saw the world as a flat planet while some agree that the earth is a celestial sphere. Some believe the sun moves around the earth while some believe the earth moves around the sun.

But at the end, we don't realise that we are both right. The earth is not a sphere, it is flattened at the poles. Nor does the sun or earth individually revolve around one; but they both revolve along the tunes of the melody the universe has created.

Some go with their viewpoints untold, some speak too loud of their own that the others remain covered, some get misunderstood for what they do while some get ignored and lost in their melancholy.

How cruel could fate be? Or is it just fate and not ourselves? Maybe it's us who are selfish for the wrong reasons, or it could be our stars shining against us.

I sigh as the white garment that hugged my figure flew by the soft gush of wind. The lush green forests cooled the atmosphere while the butterflies dance through the quiet jingles of the leaves. Rare, scarlet flowers bloomed as the sun kissed their petals. I chuckle as their stems bent down blushing, an everyday tale of their love.

"Noona!" The calls of a young boy reverberated through the silence of the nature. I keep the basket hanging on my wrist as I turn around to look at the person calling. The little boy adorned in a cute little sweater with brown trousers came running down the hills.

His bambi eyes brightened as his bunny teeth displayed in full view. He halted in front of me and tiptoed to put on a flower that he had plucked, on my braided locks. His face radiated with joy as he jumped and hollered about how beautiful I looked.

"Mark, I have told you not to pluck so many flowers in a day." I scold him as my long braided locks alternated in an alluring arrangement of blue and white flowers, curved down my shoulders. He pouted at my words causing me to lean down and poke his nose. He scrunched his eyes as I ruffle his hair and walk forth.

"Ivy dear." The woman whom I had been calling mom my entire life, stood in front of me with dad following behind. I smiled and rushed towards them; engulfing the three of us in a hug. No matter what, they would always hold the position of being my parents first. I didn't hold any grudges against anyone; I just set my priorities straight. They chuckled and hugged me back, enjoying the nostalgic family warmth.

Mark jumped in uninvited, causing all of us to fall on our behinds, on the soft green grass. Shamelessly we continued laughing, enjoying every moment we spent together as a redemption of what we had missed.

I laid down on my back and closed my eyes with a smile entrancing my features.

I had a short life.

And this, was my, teensy weensy, dimunitive viewpoint.

My viewpoint.



First of all, thank you for sticking around till this chapter. I am really glad of your existence and I can really shower you with loads of loves and kisses coz y'all are so precious-

This really isn't the best of the stories and I may have not reached your expectations, but I learnt a lot in this journey and I am deeply honored to have you all as a part of it.

This was the best "happy-ending" I could think of by giving justice to all the characters. Thinking of how much she might have to endure was more painful to me than her freedom and letting things go as they are.

And yeah, the paras with middle alignment are the ones of afterlife. She is living as a queen she is. And will go on to be so.

Epilogue : Jungkook's Viewpoint
(In his POV)

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