9 - wedding pt 1

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"Move the cake here please!" Jeyda, one of the maids of honour shouts as she prepares the rest of the tables for the wedding. The other maid of honour, Alaina, walks up to her with a clipboard in her hand "Jeyda, look at this"

Jeyda stops what she is doing and goes over to her friend "What is it Alaina?" The other girl shows her the clipboard "We are expecting 20 guest favours and only 10 have arrived" Jeyda's eyes widen "What?!! I'll get those sorted right away"

She quickly walks out of the hall, with Alaina going to find Gru. As she goes down the corridor, she sees Maira, one of Vecna's bridesmaids. "Hey Maira, how's Vecna?" she asks. Maira sighs "He's stressing out, he wants the wedding to be perfect" Alaina laughs "So does Jeyda and she's not even getting married"

Maira laughs and goes back to Vecna's room, saying goodbye to her friend as she walks. When she gets into the room she sees El, Vecna's step-sister, standing with him, trying to fix his tie "El please i want this to be perfect" She finishes up the tie and pats down his suit "It'll be fine, and besides Jeyda is the one taking care of everything"

Vecna smiles a little "I guess so" Vecna noticed maira standing in the room "Maira! You look beautiful in that outfit!" He says. She thanks him and gives a compliment back. The three of them talk for a bit and put the final little touches to their outfits "Here" El says putting a flower into Vecna's suit pocket

"What's this?" He questions, El looks up at her step-brother "It's Gru's favourite flower, he'll love to see you wearing it" Vecna gives El a hug, Maira joining in as well. When they pull away, the door opened to reveal Jeyda and Alaina "Come on Vecna! The ceremony is about to start!" Jeyda says and ushers them out of the room to get to the venue on time

Switching to Gru, he is happily standing in front of his mirror shining up his bald head. "Gru you look very handsome" Alaina says smiling. Gru returns the smile "Thank you-" he is interrupted by the door opening "Gru?" the voice said

Gru knew exactly who this was "Lucy?" he replies. Alaina's eyes widen in shock. "I need to talk to you" The ginger woman says. Alaina gets up "I'll give you two some privacy" She walks out of the room leaving the two ex lovers alone

"Lucy, what are you doing here?" Gru says after a moment of silence. Lucy looks him dead in the eyes "I just wanted to say that i regret cheating on you and i want to have you back" Gru scoffs and turns away from her "I don't want you back, now leave i have a fiancé waiting for me" He goes to leave but Lucy pulls him back by the sleeve

"Gru just wait" Gru removes his arm from her grip "No Lucy, i don't want anything to do with you-" She cuts him off by kissing him on the lips. Gru's eyes widen and after a second he pushes her away "What the heck?!" Lucy smirks and walks out of the door

But before she leaves she turns back to Gru "Just think about it okay?" She says smugly. Lucy closes the door and Gru is left standing there, shocked on what had just happened

to be continued...


i bet none of you were expecting that

there are more twist coming in part 2 of the wedding so just wait a little longer

and as you can see we have cameos from byerlcver purplekichi CrackheadWithAFlute
i wrote this at like 1:30am so im sorry if there are loads of mistakes my brain wasn't working that well-

anyway have a great day/night <33

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