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Lakshmi POV

Why do I feel soo unwanted? I didn't ask him to give me my rights as a wife... All I wanted was to be treated as a human... I'm a girl for god's sake, can't he be a little generous with me...

All I got by staying with him are these bruises in discount 1+1 offer... I don't like this... I can't accept this.... I'm going mad! with all these thoughts that wouldn't even allowed me to sleep at night peacefully? How would you when you know that you are married to a devil...
A sacred bond with devil

" lakshmi! Breakfast is ready " bhaiya yelled and I came come down...

" how is it? " he asked like a child with starry eyes...

I sat down and munched on the puri chole he made... Woow this is damn tasty!
" it's okay okay, keep on trying " I said acting as if it was just okay....
I want him to keep on trying and cook me yummy food 😋... I'm too lazy...

" why do I feel like you have been playing with me since past 5 days with the same dialogue " he asked sitting beside me on the table in garden....

" ur sister is innocent " I said battling my eyelashes innocently...

" stop it, it looks weird " he said scrunching up his nose and I hit him with the spoon...

I came with Rahul bhaiya here 5 days back and he took care of me as I was already a mashed up potato... First 2 days he fed me even though I said 'no' but he was adamant on taking care of me like a toddler... Later on I became too lazy that I made him even cut my toe nails but you already know that I was hurt in stomach right.... 😂...

We are staying in this mansion... It's pretty beautiful and serene here with the nature around the house.... It's like a town with distantly placed houses but later I came to know that rich ppl who are fed up of city life have their houses here too so that they can spend quality time...
Soo much money waste.... But I really love it....

" dude , how about a movie? " he asked sitting on the sofa in hall....

I put the plates on the sink and sat beside him
" yep bro " I said ,plopping on pillow
" then go get something to eat " he said checking the Netflix...

I went to kitchen bought chips along with previous night's reheated pasta.

I set them on the table and looked at telivision playing Rom-com movie...
We kept on eating and watching... Rahul has more weirder tastes than mine.... He dipped salt chips in tomato sauce and put 🍅 piece from pasta on top of the chip and ate....
.RIP his future wife.

The movie had us laughing until our stomachs ached but still we kept on laughing.... To be frank, it's not the movie that made us laugh but us itself.... He laughs then I laugh and if I laugh then he will and more we laugh looking at each others faces... Surely we would look like girly teens on a movie night....or high on weed...

I felt like something or someone was there so I turned my head behind.

It was none other than my husband who is having a glorily pissed of face... Maybe I should do bhangra and celebrate that he has atleast shown one expression on his face...

" let's go " he said, as if he is my elder brother sent by my parents to get me back home from a high-school party...

I turned back and continued watching movie... Go to hell...
I will do whatever I want....
Rahul sat still beside me and the movie isn't funny anymore beacuse of an unwanted presence behind us...

He suddebly caught hold of my arm and pulled me off the sofa... I tried to pry off his hands but he increased his grip more...
" you will cut off my blood supply " I said but he gave a deaf ear...

He pulled me all along and I kept on looking at rahul for help but he was just watching us as if a live opera is going on !

" rahul! What the duck are watching! Come and help me! " I yelled being dragged half way through the hall..

" lakshmi, I can't interfere in wife and husband relationship " he said coming to me...

" what the.... What if he beats me again! You will be responsible for that! " I said screaming and shivering remembering how he punched me in stomach...

" he wouldn't " rahul bhaiya said and touched my head... We got out of the house and I got rid of my husband and started running away in the garden.... My bare legs ain't helping... Small small branches are pricking while I'm running... I looked back to see my husband running like an angry hulk... I turned front and started running more faster... Damn I'm short of breath... Just a little more lakshmi, just a little more, and then hide in the forest....

I was running and I heard sounds behind me... I turned back to take a look and that was my biggest mistake because I twisted on my own leg and fell down... One side of my face was adorned with mud... Very tasty ( note the sarcasm)...

I felt hands on my back and under my knees... In a second I was held up in the air... I looked at my husband who was carrying me back to the house...
Waste of my energy by trying to runaway from him... How can a tortoise escape Godzilla....

He was wearing a white shirt so I rubbed my muddy cheek on his shirt, making sure that it spreads well... I smiled at my artwork... It feels good to spoil...especially when that belongs to him....

" I'll make you wash this shirt until I see it like it was before " he said and his chest vibrated with words coming out.... That's manly....

" u are rich! Stop fighting when you can buy 100 more of those ! " I said... I don't want to wash his shirt... Lemme use his ego on himself to save my self..

" but you have to " he said and seated me in his car... He sat down beside me and a servant placed my bags in the back seat...

I looked at rahul standing near the entrance of his home and I got angry..

I rolled down the glass of the car and almost bent out of it screaming on top of my lungs!
" ninnu vadhala raaaa!!!
Nannu... Ur innocent sister...
U sent me to Lions den!? I will come back and tukda-tukda chestha Ninnu!
Gurthu pettukoooooooo " I shouted like a mad lady from the car and half of my body was outside the car through the car window.... The car started moving and I sat down immediately and buckled up myself...

I snapped my head to my husband and then to the road in front and then to road my side.... I leaned onto the glass door and shut my eyes to control my anger....

We came back home and I jumped out before something happens between us..... I started running to my room and I felt hands on my waist... They grabbed me immediately and tightened around me, raising me into the air! I kicked my legs in the air and his arms and pinched them too...
This human dosen't have sensory receptors!!!!

He took me across the floor to his room ,kicking his room door opne on the way....
He threw me on the couch and I was about to make a run but
" take another step, I will break your legs " he said and I sat down on couch..

He went into washroom and came out within seconds without the muddy shirt... His torso! Is naked!... I immediately looked down... I don't want my innocent eyes to be contaminated....

I felt something hitting hard on my face and I grasped it immediately... It was a shirt and trouser... But why?
I looked down to see my shirt and pants are in good condition only...

Oh shit!

I'm wearing rahul bhaiya's tshirt... Ofc he didn't wear this... It's a brand new one... It looked good so I took
( stole 😜) it from him...

" this is my shirt only " I said getting up from the couch...

He came too near to my liking without getting me complete what I was about to say....
" that's a personalised brand that only he wears , no more questions, change it or else It wouldn't be good " he said like calm before storm... His patience was hanging on a thin line and I know how it would be when it breaks..

I went inside his washroom with the clothes and changed into them...
I looked myself into the mirror and damn.... I look more horrible than a scare crow in this shirt and trouser...

I came out and he looked at me for a brief few seconds and went out of the room... should I follow him or not?
I went out of the room after a few seconds and he was coming up the stairs with a covered tray in his hand.

" let's go to your room " he said and went to my room without waiting for my reply.... Idiot... Why to ask then...
He ordered you baby.... Mocked my brain...

Arjun POV

It's been a day since she left.... The chefs from the quarters took care of food...
It feels...
Something I don't understand....
Till a day back, she was there with for me...looking after me.... Her food... It wasn't the best... But it had something in it which made it unique...

The way she scrunches her nose when I eat her food, they way she fights back and runs away fearing me...
All in all
Her presence was missing
It was as if I'm pulled back in between these unlively walls without sounds and emotions....

She was like a small rat hiding in this small....every small animal in this world...
What am I even thinking... She is a distraction.... That's it...

I couldn't bear it anymore...
I have waited for days patiently for her to realize that she has to comeback to me...but she hasn't still. How can she live with another male for these many days without even taking my permission... I will bring her back and lock her up in her room. Let her cry or fight but I don't care, I don't want to my presitage to be drained in gutter beacuse of her.

I came to know that rahul is in his country mansion, I took my keys and drove all by myself till there...

I went inside the house directly as we all three have keys to this mansion... It's our relax place...
As soon as I entered I heard the sounds of laughing... I looked at the couch , there my wife was laughing like its the last day of her survival on world... Her cheeks and neck were completely Red... They both were sitting too close to my liking...

Does she even know that she is married and has to maintain distance from other males? I highly doubt her innocent face and hidden motives behind her action....

I glared at her seeing her in Rahul's shirt... How dare she wear other male's shirts! Damn this is infuriating me to hell, how dare she!
Bitch acting like a slut openly by wearing other mens clothes ! I will surely teach her one or two...

As on a cue she turned around feeling my gaze and I pulled her to me and she ran away into the forest... I chased her.... Chasing is my favorite... especially victims....

I caught hold of her as she felt down tripping on her leg! I laughed internally at her state... How could she trip on her on leg!?
I felt something rubbing on my torso and looked at my wife who is rubbing her muddy cheek on my shirt with all the hidden motives of damaging my goods and gaining satisfaction from it... Not happening little wife....

I played with her about making her wash my shirt to which she was protesting that I was rich enough to get 100's of them... So what... I will make her wash it... It's too little for a punishment....

We went back home and I dared her to change into my clothes to which she denied straight on my face .
An angry gaze and 2 threatening sentences were enough to get her to change...

Story POV

As soon as lakshmi stepped out of the washroom, arjun couldn't get to move his eyes out of the sight in front of him.... She looked funny yet sexy in his clothes... He couldn't get enough of her in his clothes... It created a small havoc in his dead heart...

Here Lakshmi was sweating profusely when he said that he will tag along with her to her room... She was followed by him to her room... She was dreading at the thoughts of getting punched by her husband...

As soon as she entered her room, arjun sat on the couch and she stood a meter away from him...
" sit " he said and she sat a meter away from him....

He put the tray on table and looked around the room...
He was mesmerized by the small room which looked like a tiny world with its own aura... The jasmine scent was soothing... He looked at his wife who was squirming uncomfortably at the corner of the couch like a cocoon..

" put on a movie " he taking a drink and chips while lakshmi was drilling her brain hard to understand her husband's action... But at last she gave up thinking that he is an idiot....

She played a movie ' Train to Busan' as she thought it was having a unique story line....arjun moved beside her, very near.... He opened a packet and gave it to her... She contemplated whether to take it or not but she finally said no as her health ain't good and she sipped on the juice bottle....

They both were engrossed and lakshmi took chips from his packet which didn't go unnoticed by arjun... He was smiling seeing his wife's antics... Soon the movie came to an end with her crying like a child in the last 10 mins of the movie as the father of the child in the movie died....

Arjun was quite amused with his wife's reaction, crying to such an extent that her nose and cheeks turned red... Tears were flooding as if a dam was opened....

After a few minutes, she collected her self and looked at arjun who was looking at her as if a movie was playing on her forehead...

She stood up but the world had other plans for the poor girl....
His pant which she was wearing came down sliding on her soft legs... Arjun was shocked as well as felt boner at the scene infront of him. All he could think was his wife who is looking as cute as a deer caught in lights with that small little plump lips open and eyes like saucers, with messy bun and his white loose shirt, pants which fell off....

He had a fair share of women in bed but this girl infront of him had arosen something that was unfelt and untouched in his desires....
Dark Desires....
different desire that was waking up another side of him.... The dangerous side of him.... A side which is worst than the present him... A side which is possessive and lethal...

She immediately pulled up pants and tried to get out of the room out of embarrassment but as soon as she took a step, he pulled her to him and raised her up in the air and pushed her on the bed.... He removed his shirt and lakshmi screamed out her guts getting scared by seeing his darkened eyes.... Not waiting for another second, she tried to get off the bed only to be pulled back by him.

In the process his elbow touched her bruise on the stomach which was still healing and she let out a painful scream.... He halted for second looking at her tear filled eyes.... He saw her clutching her stomach and understood that it was the bruise that he gave her.....
He felt a pang of guilt surging in his heart.... It wasn't her fault.... But he can't do anything....

He looked around the room and bought the ointment... He rolled her shirt up even though she protested and later applied ointment in a circular motion....

On one side arjun was feeling unknown pain on seeing the bruise on her but lakshmi on the other hand was controlling herself and when she couldn't stop her self anymore, she burst out laughing.... She has tickles on her stomach and she was laughing to which arjun was shocked.... He glared at her and she tried controlling her self by biting her lips...

This made arjun get another boner...
He looked at his hand on her stomach, ' such a small waist that it's only size of my ✋ hand..... ' he thought applying the ointment...
When it was done, he went to her washroom and laughed at the funny quotation frames she hanged on the walls....

He came back and she was on her bed with her eyes closed.
He slept beside her....
On the other hand lakshmi pretended to be sleeping so that he can leave her but what she didn't expect was that he would sleep on her bed that too, too close to her.... He brain stopped functioning....

He put his hand around her lower waist making sure that he wouldn't touch the bruise and then pulled her back into his bare torso... On the other side lakshmi was shivering with all the possibilities of doing something something....

" sleep little wife, I'm not interested in post box body " he said and snuggled into her neck inhaling the jasmine scent which relaxed his muscles....

' who is interested in you 'Mr.Arjun the hulk husband' , surely ppl will think that I'm your daughter if we stand side by side....... ' lakshmi said to herself... Unknow to the fact she is not being spared by him but being taken advantage......

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